Culloo/Cullow and McDermotts Clare, Derby (UK) then Chicago

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Culloo/Cullow and McDermotts Clare, Derby (UK) then Chicago

Post by Julie1966 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:04 pm

Hello, I am an Irish American living in Chicago, Illinois. My great-great grandfather, Michael McDermott, left Ireland due to the famine we believe in the late 1840s or early 1850s. He went to Derby, England. This much I know as we have the marriage record for he and his wife, Margaret Collue (spelling is an issue with this name as neither Michael or Margaret could read or write, I have seen Killoo, Killue, Collow, Cullew, and many other variations) at St Mary's Church in Derbyshire in 1855. Evidently, they did not fare much better in England and came to Illinois. Possibly because Margaret's siblings (Collue's) were already here. Michael and Maggie (as I like to think they called her) stayed in Peru, La Salle, Illinois and Michael joined the 104th Infantry in the American Civil war. He worked in the coal mines in Peru and later LaSalle. Maggie's brother Patrick (Killoo/Killue) and other Collue siblings were in Chicago and Patrick was a private in the 23rd Calvary (Mulligan's Irish Brigade!) Company E/F During the American Civil War. We lose track of Patrick after the war except that he pops up again in the US National Homes For Disabled Vets in Dayton, Ohio for a bit. We cannot find record that he ever married or had a family.
My dilemma is this: We want to find where Michael and Margaret came from. On one of Margaret's daughter's death cert. it says her father was from Co. Clare and her mother Co. Cork. But they were paupers, likely no record exists of family there. We have determined that the descendant who listed Cork and Clare may have mixed up the two counties as we find NO Collues (or any variation of the name) in County Cork, but we do find several McDermotts in County Cork. We have found some possibilities in county Clare for the Collues. Using the spelling Cullow and Culloo there are several in Feakle and Tulla. We do not know how to find out if these are our clansmen. Also, there is only one McDermott family in Clare, but again, several in Cork. I have already been through the Griffiths Valuations and such on this web site, I am now looking for others who may recognize the names, places and people in our family story.
My mother is now in the early stages of Alzheimer's and we are losing the information from her FAST! She is a proud Irish woman and has only been able to go there once in her lifetime. We would like to try to take her one more time, but we are running out of time to find the families. Since she has taken ill, it has become important to us that we go back and let our Irish families know that their loved ones survived! We want my mother to see the place from which we come, and perhaps even get dual citizenship for her. Ireland and her Irish heritage have always been so important to her! I have attached in detail what we know of the Collues. I hope someone can help, in some small way.
Collue history in America.docx
Detailed information on Collue/Culloo/Cullow in America
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Re: Culloo/Cullow and McDermotts Clare, Derby (UK) then Chic

Post by smcarberry » Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:54 pm


It's really nice to hear of another researcher involved with LaSalle County IL, where members of my Carberry family lived as of the 1860s before moving to Chicago as of 1880. I know you are likely hoping that someone in Clare sees something in your posting that will directly lead to Clare records to confirm where your ancestors lived before emigration. So at this time you can be aware that I am happy to discuss aspects of researching Clare people in Illinois. It is highly probable that there is a record or published article that has a geographical reference for your families more specific than just Co. Clare, but your family history synopsis (in the file you attached to your posting) has an overview, while very readable, needs further reference to dates and record resources so that I can see which additional resources can be consulted.

In the meantime, though, I can encourage your looking to Clare for both your Culloo and McDermott ancestry. I show below some of the records showing Ennis and West Clare locations for the McDermott surname, and there are also more on the Clare County website.

On the other hand, if I understand your chronology, your mother's great grandparents were not born in Ireland. Even if they had been, there is a restriction on obtaining Irish citizenship based on their births, as stated by the involved Irish governmental authority:
A person whose great-grandfather or great-grandmother was born in Ireland may register for Irish citizenship provided that their parents had registered in the Foreign Births Register at the time of the person’s birth.

Sharon Carberry

Evictions database
McDermott Connor 1833 landlord: Crofton M. Vandeleur, Esq. Not decreed Kilmichael, Clonderalaw
McDermott Margaret 1830 landlord: Robert Mahon Decreed Dromcliffe, Islands ... rnames.htm

Missing Friends ad
Thomas McDermott, stonecutter, sought by brother John, residing SC 1855
parish of Drumcliff
arrived NYC Jul 1852 on the New World out of Liverpool

Ennis RC records
Marriages mid-1800s
McDermott John to Brid Barry 21/06/1855
McDermott Pat to Mary Hynchy 20/11/1848

1901 census: includes Pat McDermot of Drumcliff

Minnie McDermott, 1921 burial, Drumcliff Cemetery ... rname3.htm

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Re: Culloo/Cullow and McDermotts Clare, Derby (UK) then Chic

Post by Julie1966 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:33 am

Thank your for your reply! On the contrary, I am open to help from anyone - no matter where they are. I just started here because I have corresponded some with a local research specialist and he recommended I post here. Interesting that you mention your family left LaSalle for Chicago, mine also went to Chicago. Some Collues went straight to Chicago, others stayed in LaSalle. My great-grandfather moved his family to Chicago, then left for Michigan in 1907. I personally have never met a relative with the last name of Collue as I was born and raised in Michigan. I'm hoping to meet some in the future! In 2008 I married a man who lived in Libertyville, Illinois and moved there. We moved down to Chicago last summer.

Please excuse my inexperience, I have only really been researching for a year or two, it is my sister Patty who has been working since the late 1980s on this. You may have to specify what information you want. Would it be easier to upload a gedcom file? The only problem with that is that it currently has more than 1600 individuals on it from both my parents' families. The fact that my sister has been doing most of the research impacts my specifics - she has all of the details, I am only beginning to collect them. We have not been in the same place with her files for me to just copy them from her, and she works with hard-copies, not an online tree. She lives in Utah, near Salt Lake City so she has access to most everything the US has to offer.

As to gaining dual citizenship for my mother, that was only a pipe dream. It is not the purpose of locating our ancestors hometown. Now, for the chronology, perhaps I was unclear: Margaret Collue and Michael McDermott were my mother's great grand parents, they were my great-great grandparents and both were born and raised in Ireland. They left as young adults sometime before 1850. Let me know how you want details presented, and I will attach them.

Thank you again for your willingness to help!

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Re: Culloo/Cullow and McDermotts Clare, Derby (UK) then Chic

Post by smcarberry » Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:17 pm


Good to get your response and see that you are ready to roll up your sleeves and dig into the records. Let's continue the discussion via private messages, which can be done in a section of this Forum (use the members area). To start, I will find you in the members list and send a direct message.

Sharon C.

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Re: Culloo/Cullow and McDermotts Clare, Derby (UK) then Chic

Post by mcdermott » Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:02 pm

Last edited by mcdermott on Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Culloo/Cullow and McDermotts Clare, Derby (UK) then Chic

Post by Julie1966 » Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:29 pm

This IS very exciting! It is my sister, Patty, who has done all of the legwork. And I do mean LEGwork. She has been researching the old fashioned way! I am the one who uses technology to further our efforts. She has been at this since the 1980's! We were quite sure we may never find our ancestors! I would like to put you in touch with my sister (she isn't on this, but she has email) as she has more comprehensive information.

What can I tell you that you don't already know from my post? We have much information about our Michael McDermott once he arrived in the United States. We know that he served in the military while he was in Derby, then when he arrived in the United States, he volunteered for the civil war.

If you are willing, I would love to have you contact me via email. I believe we might have a connection here. Michael was born in the early 1800's He lists 1822 and 1827 in different documents. They could neither read, nor write, so we cannot be sure of his birthdate until we find his birth record, which, we have not found yet! If our Michael were a member of the clan in Kilrush, What Parish might I find his birth record in? We are relying on Church records for birth, marriage and death. Currently I am pouring over the Tulla Parish microfilm at the local Family Search Center. My sister lives in Salt Lake City, Utah so she has unlimited access to all of their records.

Best regards,
Julie (McDermott) Phillips-Minor

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Re: Culloo/Cullow and McDermotts Clare, Derby (UK) then Chic

Post by Julie1966 » Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:06 pm

I am attaching this to my initial thread, as I have finally secured the elusive paper trail to my family's origins in County Clare and I wanted to share it where it all began for me, right here 6 years ago. I need to thank a stranger who may not know my story, but she provided the key, the RC Baptism Records for Caher Feakle Parish, so a special thank-you to Sheila Duddy.

Here is the updated information to my initial query:
When we I initially posted in 2013, Patty (my sister) and I were convinced that all of our Culloo's as detiled in previous posts were siblings from one family; however, when we located the 1851 Census for Derby, Derbyshire England we learned that Thomas, Michael, Dennis and Bridget were siblings, and there were two others by the same surname, Margaret (16 years old) and Patrick (14 years old) who were listed as "lodgers" in the home of Thomas and his wife Mary Hynes. All of the Culloo's from the 1851 Census we have been able to locate in La Salle, Illinois, USA, including some in the household who were not Culloo's such as the Kildea/Kilday's and Hallorans, and we've traced their families in America. Sadly, our Culloo line has disappeared, at least the male line that carries the name (since my family carries the DNA, but not the name). We saw prolific cancer in the children of the immigrants, and they often died young from that, or accidents or illness. In La Salle, many of the Culloo men were Coal miners.

We also located the Culloo's in the 1827 Tithe Applotment (likely the previous generation of those found in Derby in 1851, as Thomas would have been approximately 8 in 1827). This family matches hand-in-glove to the snippets of information given to me by an Irish historian from his notes on the region. I was sure that these must be the same people as in the 1851 Census, but had no paper trail linking them. But I did have a snippet from the Limerick Chronicle’s coverage (I March 1848) of the Ennis Spring Assizes that happens to match the names on the 1827 Tithe Applotment for Lower Corbehagh, Feakle. This source also included the Kildea family. In February of this year, the Baptism Records for Caher Feakle (Killanena) Parish 1842-1881 was transcribe by Sheila Duddy, and in them where I located two Baptismal registries for the children of Thomas Culloo and his wife, Mary Hynes. These finds tied the group in Derby to both Corbehagh and La Salle. I cannot thank the Library or volunteers enough for this find!!!

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Re: Culloo/Cullow and McDermotts Clare, Derby (UK) then Chic

Post by Sduddy » Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:21 pm

Hi Julie

I’m delighted you found Thomas Culloo and Mary Hynes. Thank you for your kind words. It was “Murf”, of this Forum, who organized the transcription project – I would never have got started without his call for transcribers.


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