Griffy Family of Oxmount and or Shandrum

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Griffy Family of Oxmount and or Shandrum

Post by nelsonl » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:22 am

I am looking for descendants of the Griffy family of Oxmount and Shandrum. Specifically descendants and or ancestors of a Michael and Bridget (Murrihy) Griffy married in 1841. Michael is my great, great grandfather. Their marriage was recorded at the catholic church in Mullagh. The births of their children are recorded their also. However, my great grandfather's birth was not recorded but we were able to connect him through cousin records. What happened to all the Griffys that were in the area at that time. One of my ancestors was Father Francis Griffin who became the Head of the holy ghost fathers for some time. I think in the twenties maybe? We would love to find family that may be left in Ireland or elsewhere. 1841 is the farthest back in time i have been able to trace family members.Please contact me if you have any idea of where all the Griffy's who were in the area from 1841-1900 might have gone or migrated to please email me at I am a 59yr old women researching my history. I live in Lake View Iowa, USA Any links might be helpful. Thanks, Lynn Griffin Nelson
Lynn Nelson

Paddy Casey
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Griffy/Griffey/Griffin in Shandrum

Post by Paddy Casey » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:52 pm


Just to get a basic idea of where you have already looked, have your searched the resources of the Clare County Library at ?

For example, I see that in the Clare tithe records of the parish of Kilmurry-Ibrickan of 1825 there is a Michael Griffy listed in the townland of Shandrum and Kilmurry.

When one searches for Griffy/Griffey/Griffin there are numerous hits in that area. For example, there are several Griffeys listed in Shandrum in the 1901 census (see ... Lizzie.htm ) and there are Griffeys listed in the Biographical Notices.


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Griffy's of Oxmount, Shandrum, Finnormore

Post by nelsonl » Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:09 pm

Thank you for your reply. I have a lot of information about the families in this area. Mainly it is the marriage and birth records from the Mullagh Catholic Church. I was hoping someone else might be researching one of these families and be able to show information that might help to connect the relationship between families if any. The oldest couple in our ancestry would be Michael Griffy and Bridget Murrihy who were married in 1841. Nothing has been found to identify their parents or siblings as of yet. I also can recognize some of the families that come from this union but only one or two for sure. I wonder where all the Griffy's from this area went. The ones who stayed must have relocated. One of our relatives would be Father Francis Griffin who was a member and leader in the Holy Ghost Fathers. However, I have not been able to find any information about him and his family Either. Thanks for your help. Lynn
Lynn Nelson

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Researching clergy of a known order

Post by smcarberry » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:49 am


Regarding your Father Griffin, I recommend locating the record custodian
of the Holy Ghost order. I don't know anything about that particular one,
but when I wanted to know more about a Rev. James Carbery noted as
a Clare property owner in 1866 (on a deed transfer), I found out that he
was a Dominican and then contacted that order's headquarters in Dublin.
Eventually I received a fine group of photocopies of his record, including
his image. I was then able to pass that on to the current-day descendants of
his Co. Westmeath/Co. Roscommon family. That particular clergyman was assigned to Canada, where he became a bishop, and then died in Limerick. This was a very complete answer to my initial wondering about him, well worth the effort.

Sharon Carberry

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Re: Griffy Family of Oxmount and or Shandrum

Post by pwaldron » Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:27 pm

I stumbled on this post after coming across other references to Fr. Francis Griffin C.S.Sp.: ... mbered.pdf
GRIFFIN, Fr Francis 1893-1983
Born 16 September 1893 in Kilmurry, Ibricken, Co. Clare, Frank came to Rockwell as a boarder in 1907 and later entered the Juniorate where he was a contemporary of Liam O'Flaherty, the well known writer. He entered the new novitiate opened in Kimmage in 1911 together with future archbishops Charles Heerey and James Leen. Professed in 1912 he studied Irish and French at UCD and prefected at Blackrock, 1913-16. During the Easter Rising 1916 he was confined to the infirmary with an attack of pleurisy. He was later sent to Switzerland to do his studies for the priesthood. Ordained in 1920 he obtained the STL at Fribourg university in 1921. Fr Frank's first appointment was to the Irish senior scholastic where he taught Moral Theology for a year before being transferred to Rockwell, then badly in need of new blood. He served for three years as Dean of discipline,. Because of his diminutive stature he was soon known to the students by the name 'Tiny' - a name by which he was to be widely known throughout the Congregation during all his long life. His life-long close friendship with Dr Dan Murphy, which began during their student days, was further cemented as they tried to revitalise Rockwell at this period. In 1925, however, Fr Griffin's services were required once again in the senior scholasticate, and in the following year the newly appointed Vicar apostolic of Kilimanjaro, Bishop Henry Gogarty, invited him to his mission in East Africa. He worked at Arusha for two years and at Kilema for five. He was superior of Kilema and Pro-Vicar Apostolic from 1931 to 1933. In June 1933 he was elected General Councillor and took up residence at the Mother House in Paris as from March 1934, having administered Kilimanjaro Vicariate between the time of the death of Bishop Henry Gogarty in 1931 and the arrival of Bishop Joseph Byrne two years later. Fr Griffin remained in Paris throughout the Second World War and was appointed Assistant General in January 1949. On 26 July 1950 he was elected Superior General, the first non-Frenchman to hold that post. Under his guidance the Congregation picked up the threads disconnected by the war, and the provinces of France, Germany, Belgium and Holland were rapidly built up. Contact was also reopened with the province of Poland after a personal visit there by Fr Griffin. One of his first official actions was to recall Dr Dan Murphy from East Africa and to appoint him Procurator General at Rome; he was the first non-Frenchman to occupy that sensitive post. New foundations were started in Spain and Canada. Colleges and seminaries were built. He helped missionaries to adapt to the changes prompted by decolonisation. In recognition of his services he was awarded degrees of Doctor of Laws by the University of Duquesne and by NUI. He was noted for the simplicity of his life-style as Superior General. He was a strict upholder of the rule as then approved and his rather prompt decisions delivered in a gruff voice made him seem insensitive to those who did not know his manner. He was also seen to be less easy of access than other Superior Generals in modern times. When his term of office ended in 1962 he stepped back into the ranks, joining once more the staff of Rockwell College where he taught French and other subjects. He continued his work almost up to his death. He was to become a well-known figure on the school grounds, much liked and respected by the students as well as the staff. He was an inveterate long walker which kept him remarkably fit, and he kept an open mind as he witnessed the changes happening all round him. In fact, like a good brand of the whiskey which he appreciated on social occasions, he was seen to improve with age. His confreres got to love him as a man of great simplicity and fraternal understanding. The final summons come rather suddenly. Fr Francis Griffin died 6 September 1983 when he was aged 89 years. He was buried in Rockwell And as he was always a keen supporter of 'an teanga dúchais' we conclude with: Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis. IPNl No 54, September 1983.

Fr. Griffin was the son of John Griffin and Margaret Corry or Curry.

According to their marriage certificate at ... 191843.pdf
John (who was 30 when married in 1869, 68 in 1901 and 81 in 1911) was the son of another John Griffin. He came from Tromra and married into the Corry/Curry place in Shandrum. Margaret's father Anthony Corry emigrated to New York leaving his daughter in Ireland.

I cannot see how they are related to Michael Griffy and Bridget Murrihy.

The Wikipedia article confirms that Fr Griffin was succeeded as head of the Holy Ghost (now Spiritan) order by the somewhat better known Archbishop Lefebvre.

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