Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:18 am

Hi Jimbo

Thank you for confirming that the father of John Halpin in Quingardens was Patrick (Maybe I should have included in my outline that I think James, who went to South Africa, was the James Halpin who married Mary Ellen Curtin of Miltown Malbay in 1900. She died in childbirth and James is living with his Curtin in-laws in 1901. But I didn't want to distract too much from the main topic.) And thank you, Jimbo, for taking so much trouble to answer my query re James Halpin MP, and for finding which family he belongs to: he was a son of William Halpin and Mary Keane, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Thanks also for explaining that James Halpin who married Anne McInerney was a brother of Catherine Halpin who married James Fitzgerald. So the children of James and Catherine Fitzgerald (in Feaghmore, Clooney) were first cousins of the children of James and Anne Halpin. Which would mean that Margaret Fitzgerald, who married Miles McNamara in 1868, was a first cousin of Anne Halpin who had married Matthew McNamara the previous year. I am beginning to understand now why you were reminding me that, according to the 1901 census, Anne was (temporarily) living in a house owned by Miles. What confused me was that Anne’s address upon her marriage in 1867 is Balouthera – but I see now James and Anne Halpin must have moved from Kiltannon to Baloughtera, and that is why he is in Ballyoughtra in Griffith’s Valuation and why his son William and wife (Margaret Russell) are living in Baloughtra (according to the Tulla parish baptisms 1862-1881). In the meantime James’s brother, William, remained in Kiltannon (or Cloonaleary, according to Griffith’s Valuation) and married Bridget Clune and one of their sons was Fr. James Halpin b. about 1849 (we have no record of his baptism). There is another James Halpin whose marriage record shows that he was a son of a William Halpin, but he must be a son of William Halpin and Margaret Russell: 28 Apr 1891: Marriage of James Halpin, Farmer, Tulla, son of William Halpin, Farmer, to Anne Kelly, Lisduff, daughter of Thomas Kelly, dead, Farmer, in Newmarket on Fergus chapel; witnesses: John Halpin, Mary Kelly; celebrant: J Loughnane: ... 888438.pdf. This James is in Knocksaggart (Urlan DED) in 1901, gives his place of birth as Tulla, Co. Clare, and is aged 39. He was baptised on 21 Oct 1861; parents: William Halpin and Margaret Russell. The 1911 census shows Margaret Halpin (née Russell) staying with her daughter Catherine Keegan, Ballysheen More; she is aged 71, married 50 years, and the 8 children born to her are all alive. One of the 8 must be James. He and Anne (Kelly) had just one child, Mary Etta, who is aged 8 in 1901. She was married in 1918 to Cornelius Begley and the celebrant was Fr. James Halpin, P.P. Tulla: 6 Nov 1918: Marriage of Cornelius Begley, aged 30, Draper, Sandymount, Dublin, son of Dan Begley, Chemist, to Mary Margaret Halpin, aged 26, Newmarket on Fergus, daughter of James Halpin, Farmer, in Ennis Cathedral; witnesses: John M. Mangan, Bridget Begley; celebrant: James Halpin, P.P. Tulla: ... 530827.pdf

Well, Jimbo, I think I am now fairly clear about those Halpins. And I can see now that the connection between Miles McNamara and Anne McNamara née Halpin might well be through the marriage of Catherine Halpin to James Fitzgerald rather than through any connection between Miles and Anne’s husband, Matthew McNamara.

Also, it is becoming clearer that Margaret Halpin must be a sister of Anne Halpin. When James Halpin married Anne (Nancy) McInerney in 1828, the witnesses were Michael McNamara, Tulla, and John McInerney, Lisofin. When Michael McNamara, Uggoon, married Margaret Halpin, Baluthera,in 1853, the witnesses were James McGrath, Lisofin, and Margaret McInerney, Lisofin. This Margaret McInerney, from Lisofin, must have been a cousin of Margaret Halpin.


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:14 am

Hi Sheila,

Yes, you are correct about the William Halpin married to Margaret Russell in 1861, being the son of James Halpin "of Kiltannon" and Anne McInerney. As I mentioned previously, I had done quite a bit of research on this family, but who the next generation married, such as the eight children of William Halpin and Margaret Russell in the 1890's and 20th century is all new information. It is interesting that the Rev. James Halpin officiated at so many of these marriages.

Regarding the three siblings described as being "from Kiltannon": William Halpin who married Bridget Clune; Catherine Halpin who married James Fitzgerald; James Halpin who married Anne McInerney. While these Halpins state they are from Kiltannon townland with their marriage and other records, they had actually lived at Cloonaleary townland. In the 1855 Griffith Valuation, a William Halpin has a house and land in Plot 3 (80 acres +, valuation £50) and Plot 4 (24 acres, valuation £15); lessor James Molony. Kiltannon townland shares a border with Plot 4 of Cloonaleary to the east, so only a short distance from Kiltannon House where James Molony lived. For the Halpins to state that they were from Kiltannon, the nearest large estate, is similar to McNamara families who lived in adjacent townlands to Kilgorey House and Ayle House we've previously come across.

The William Halpin at Cloonaleary in 1855 Griffith Valuation, must be the William who was married to Bridget Clune. The William Halpin headstone at Fenloe cemetery states that William Halpin had "departed this life on 23 December 1850 aged 52 years" is clearly incorrect. Not only did William Halpin and Bridget Clune go on to have a daughter Bridget (the future Sister Mary Catherine) in 1851 and John Halpin (whereabouts currently unknown) in 1856, but William Halpin was alive at the time of Griffith Valuation. If William Halpin had died in 1850 then the Bridget Halpin would have been reported as a widow; their eldest son William born in 1843 was too young. Not sure exactly what year he died, but will refer to the William Halpin married to Bridget Clune as "William Halpin (≈1806 - 1858)".

Their son William Halpin (1843 - 1914) would marry Mary Clune of Toonagh in 1871. They remained in Cloonaleary and in 1880 were the parents of four young children when, in the early morning hours on the 17th of July, they were the victims of an agrarian outrage:

Early on the morning of July 17th a shot was fired into the dwelling house of William Halpin, land bailiff to Major W. Mills Moloney, D.L., Kiltannon. It appears that the shot was fired through the bedroom window from a revolver, and struck the old-fashioned camp bedstead on which Halpin and his wife were sleeping. Another window at the back of the house was smashed as if by a stick. In the morning a threatening notice was found posted on Halpin's door, of which the following is a copy:—"Halpin, I am informed that you are going to buy the hay of Bonavaree, and you are aware of the fine powder and balls I have prepared for you? If you attempt to take one perch of that meadowing I will shoot you!" There was a drawing of a coffin, with the inscription, "This is ready for you if you like, proceed if you dare." The farm of Bonavaree was lately surrendered by Mr. J. Kelly, J.P., Port, with the view of getting an abatement of rent, and as no person would take the land Major Moloney intended selling the meadowing.

Mr. Jeremiah Tuohy, who for the last 35 years had been principal of the Killaloe Diocesan School, expired at his residence, Killaloe, on July 17th, after a short illness. [see link for rest of obituary] ... f=1&t=6916

Irish American, New York, 14 August 1880
"Bunavory" is a small townland, only two occupants in 1855, and is just south of the Halpin plots 3 and 4 at Cloonaleary townland. Both Kiltannon House and Bunavory House are on the Molony estate: ... sp?id=2034
On the 1855 GV map there was a direct road connecting the two houses that no longer exists. A gate lodge on the Kiltannon estate on this road is still there.

In 1880, William Halpin (1843 - 1914) was put in a difficult situation, since the Halpin family most likely had worked for the Moloney family of Kiltanon for generations. In the Tithe Applotment Books in 1827, a William Halpin was reported as an occupier at "Clonaleary" in Tulla Parish. Most likely this was the father of William Halpin (≈1806 - 1858), who named his first born son William Halpin (1843 - 1914), who named his first born son William Halpin in 1872.

I believe as a land bailiff for Major William Mills Moloney of Kiltannon, that William Halpin would have been responsible for collecting rent payments as well enforcing any evictions and repossessions, similar to an agent. With violence escalating with the Land War, being a land bailiff in Ireland would not have been the most popular of occupations. After the 1880 outrage, there is no mention of William Halpin as a bailiff or agent for Major W M Moloney. An agent for the Kiltannon estate by the name of Weldon C. Molony was shot at in 1893.

In late February early March 1882, evictions at the estate of Major W M Moloney were reported in many newspapers. Below is the account (already mentioned on page 10) in the Irish American Weekly of New York:
Evictions were carried out on March 1st and the day before at Glandree, a mountain district within three miles of Tulla. The eviction of some twenty seven families, about one hundred persons, took place on the estate of Major William Mills Moloney, Deputy Lieutenant, Kiltanon. It appeared that the tenants fell into arrears two years since. The eviction force consisted of forty men of the 31st Regiment, and a strong force under Clifford Lloyd. Lodgings were procured in the neighboring houses and in Tulla, and the members of the Ladies' Land League in Tulla were present, and administered whatever comfort lay in their power, and telegraphed to the Metropolitan League for wooden huts to shelter the homeless tenants. In the Tulla district beyond Feakle twenty five families were evicted , the greater number of whom sought shelter in the workhouse.
Irish American Weekly, New York, 25 March 1882
Per the Griffith Valuation, James Moloney was not the landlord at Glandree. At Ballyoughtra and Derryulk, and other nearby townlands, Moloney was the landlord, so the above newspaper may have simply used the largest townland in Tulla Parish for their reporting. At the School's Collection, there were several stories of these evictions, including Thomas Powell of Derrynacleha, Tulla who stated "All the people of Ballructara [Ballyoughtra] were evicted by Captain Moloney. Then the people had to go out and make timber houses and camps in the fields and on the side of the roads." Captain William Mills Moloney (1825 - 1891) was the second son, and heir, of James Moloney (1785 - 1874).

The Freeman's Journal of Dublin reported on evictions of thirteen families from the Kiltannon estate that took place on Tuesday, 28th of February, 1882; but more evictions could have taken place on later days. Note that these evictions were just a few days after the shooting of Michael Moroney of Leighort, Feakle on the 25th of February, 1882, who later died at Tulla Workhouse Hospital on Saturday, 4th March 1882.
EVICTIONS IN TULLA.—Evictions are being carried out on the estate of Mr. William Mills Moloney, of Kiltanon, Tulla. Thirteen families were evicted on Tuesday. The Tulla Ladies Land League was represented by Miss B. Widdy and Miss Guinlivan. Lodgings were procured for the evicted. County Inspector Smith and Sub-Inspector Creane, with a large force, were present.

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 2 March 1882.
These evictions appear to have been short lived, as the tenants with the support of the Poor Law Guardians of Tulla, most likely members of the Land League, were able to come up with the rent to pay Major W. M. Moloney. The slightly corrupt (but very funny) actions of the poor law guardians became a national example used by Irish landlords who did not support Home Rule and self-government.

We seem likely to hear a good deal of loose talking during the next few months, on the subject of Irish local government. . . Owners of property in Ireland of all shades of opinion look forward to the threatened changes with the gravest anxiety, and it must be owned that they have some reason for their fears. The evidence lately taken before the Select Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to consider the Poor Law Guardians (Ireland) Bill, may perhaps assist impartial persons to judge of the reasonableness of the Irish landlord's apprehensions, and to determine for themselves how far local government "in a complete sense and upon a large scale" is likely to enrich or pacify the sister kingdom. Here, at least, we have in many parts of the country an example of popular administration in full operation. . . .

That of Tulla Union, in the county of Clare, is perhaps the most wonderful. It is thus described by the Poor Law Inspector of the district, Mr. Richard Bourke. In February 1883 [should be 1882], Major Molony, a resident landlord who owns the greater part of the electoral division of Kiltannon, evicted a large number of tenants. The guardians gave these tenants relief at the rate of £1 and 25s. a week, and continued it beyond the time limited by law. Their destitution was "not proved," and as they appear to have been put back into their holdings upon payment of the full rent, it is not uncharitable to assume that they were not without resources. The "great proportion" of the charge fell upon Major Molony. He did not approve of this specimen of self government. An objection was taken before the auditor. The auditor called for the books to ascertain who had authorized the relief. The books were produced, but with "all the leaves having reference to that subject cut out." Mr. Bourke was sent down to inquire into the facts, and he came to the conclusion that the leaves had been cut out by one of the guardians. Ultimately, the surcharge was paid by "some private arrangement" among the guardians themselves. This is of course an exceptional case, but witness after witness bears testimony to similar abuses. . . [examples from other parts of Ireland] . . .

The Times, London, 24 July 1885

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:21 pm

Hi Jimbo

Reading that posting, I was reminded of an interesting article, “William Mills and Marcus Molony, Sons of James Molony of Kiltannon”, by Jane Halloran Ryan, in last year’s issue of The Other Clare (Vol. 43, 2019). Jane Halloran Ryan explains that James Molony married twice and had 12 children of whom William Mills was the eldest and Marcus the youngest. William Mills inherited the main estate and Marcus was given the home farm. It seems that William Mills was more at home in his army career than as landlord in rural Co. Clare. Although harvests were poor in the late 1870s and many tenants found it difficult to pay rents, he persisted in raising rents in order to meet his expenses. In the article, Jane Halloran Ryan describes an incident which took place in June 1886, called The Affray at Kilduff, and she explains that at the root of the incident was a farm in Bonavory townland, which had been left idle and which began to be used by local farmers as grazing for their cattle. She has also written about the incident in her blog, but doesn't mention Bonavory: ... -conflict/. In the article in The Other Clare, she says that 9 of the men, who had taken part, were arrested, brought to court and fined. And she adds that during the proceedings, “it was noted that Major Molony had had so many difficulties with his tenants that he had left Kiltannon and was residing in England” (p 76).


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:22 am

Hi Sheila,

Thank you for the snippets of information from the article "William Mills and Marcus Molony, Sons of James Molony of Kiltannon” by Jane Halloran Ryan from The Other Clare (Vol. 43, 2019). The tombs of all three Molony men are at the Tulla Parish church as documented by "Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, Ireland; Journals 1888-1916" at the Clare Library here: ... /tulla.htm

Here are the three Molony memorials as documented by T. J. Westropp.

JAMES MOLONY, of Kiltanon, J.P., D.L., d. 7 July, 1874, aged 88, for 20 years in service of East India Company; and SELINA his sister d. 3 Jan. 1864, aged 82.

WILLIAM MILLS MOLONY, J.P., D.L., of Kiltanon, Major 22 Reg, d. at Bearsted, Kent, 7 Sept. 1891, aged 66,

North wall:—
MARCUS, youngest son of JAMES MOLONY, of Kiltanon, d. Sep. 15, 1886, aged 48. Put up by his widow, CHRISTINA EMMA MOLONY.

The father of the above James Molony who died in 1874 is buried at the Tulla church; another James Molony:

JAMES MOLONY, of Kiltanon, b. May, 1752, d. Oct. 1823, and SELINA his wife, dau. of REV. JOHN MILLS, Rector of Barford, Warwick, bap. 1753, d. Aug. 1825.

And then in the old Tulla Church is the father of the above James Molony, another James Molony:

MOLONY—N. wall, Tulla Church (Old), 1703. JAMES, of Kiltanon. Arms—1 and 4, a quiver of arrows and a bow in pale; 3 and 4, a sword supported by two lions counter rampant. Crest—A hand and arm holding a dagger. JAMES MOLONY, of Kiltannon, member of an ancient Dalcassian house in Clare.

The Molony family of Kiltannon had a very long line of sons and heirs named James Molony. Sheila, are you sure that you read The Other Clare article properly that the first born son of James Molony (1785 - 1874) was named William Mills Molony? Or perhaps William Mills was the eldest surviving son? Various family trees on the internet seem to think the eldest son was named James Molony, born 1822 who died 1834. Completely undocumented, of course, so not sure what to believe. Although wouldn't it be rather odd to name a first born son "William" after such a long line of first born sons named "James"?

James Molony (1785 - 1874) was Deputy Lieutenant and High Sheriff for County Clare. A bailiff in Ireland reports to the High Sheriff. We know that William Halpin was the bailiff for William Mills Molony according to the 1880 newspaper article from my last posting. Occupations in Ireland are often passed down in families. It would be very likely that William Halpin (≈1806 - 1858) was also a bailiff for James Molony (1785 - 1874). And perhaps even his father, most likely another William Halpin, was bailiff for an earlier James Molony.

And Sheila, I think you might be a bit harsh regarding the landlord capabilities of Major William Mills Molony. The Affray in Kilduff of 1886 was remarkably similar to another incident over 70 years earlier in 1815 involving either his father or grandfather. After reading the below account, I don't believe Major Williams Mills Molony was any less talented at being a landlord than his ancestors.
Ennis, Sept. 6.—Mr. Molony Kiltanon, having some time in the last month sent the man who receives his rent to the lands of Beagha, in Burren, to desire that his tenants on those lands would pay him half a year's rent out of five years due to him, and the man having driven a few head of cattle, they were rescued from him. Mr. Molony, in order to try whether his presence would produce the same treatment, went last Thursday, with five men armed, distrained about 160 sheep and some horned cattle, which was driven into a yard near the lodge. In some time he thought it prudent to send the stock to pound, and was proceeding with his men for that purpose, when they were attacked by above 300 persons, men and women, who set up a shout, and commenced to throw from slings and otherwise, stones of three or four pounds weight. Mr. Molony in vain remonstrated with them, and then in his own defence, was obliged to fire, making use of small shot in hopes to intimidate them, but it served only to redouble their fury. Mr. Molony, wishing to bring off his men, attempted to charge those on the road with his cavalry sword, but the showers of stones were so numerous and well directed, that his horse being often struck, and frightened at the shots of the assailants, became quite unmanageable, and Mr. M. was obliged to relinquish the stock, not, however, until he had collected his men, one of whom was tumbled into the beach of the sea, where he would have been murdered, were it not for Mr. M'Dermot, nephew of the Parish Priest, who laudably exerted himself for his protection. Mr. Molony was then obliged to retire to his lodge, and remained housed with his men a considerable time, while the cattle were driven off in different directions. Mr. Molony received a wound to his leg, and two blows of stones to his thighs, one of which, (but for the steel scabbard of his sword) would have been broken, and before he retreated, one of his men was so wounded in the groin and chest, as to be taken home in a state of uncertainty as to his recovery.

The Raleigh Minerva, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1 December 1815
Mr. Molony of Kiltanon in 1815 could either be James Molony (1785 - 1874) or perhaps his father, James Molony (1752 - 1823). "The man who receives his rent", who initially went to the Burren, sounds like his bailiff, possibly a William Halpin of Cloonaleary?

What I found interesting was that James Molony of Kiltannon would be in the Burren, about 25 miles northwest of Kiltannon House. His "lands of Beagha" were Behagh townland in the Parish of Oughtmama, not too far from the border with Galway. In the 1855 Griffith Valuation, the entire townland of 14 plots was owned by James Molony. Seemed odd that James Molony of Kiltannon would own this one random townland in Oughtmama, but then I also recognized other landlords in the same parish such as Henry Spaight.

In the above account, Mr. Molony retreats to "the lodge". On the 1855 Griffith Valuation map there are numerous lodges on the Burren coastline north of Behagh townland such as "Mount Vernon Lodge", "Seaview Lodge", "Marine Lodge", and "Harbourhill Lodge". I cannot be sure, but I reckon that James Molony of Kiltannon House stayed at Mount Vernon Lodge built in 1788. ... nty-clare/

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:34 am

Hi Jimbo

Yes, I was careless when I described William Mills as the eldest son. In her article, Jane Halloran Ryan describes him as “the only child of James Molony and his first wife, Harriet Harding Molony, to reach adulthood.” James’s eldest son, James, and eldest daughter, Harriet, had died in childhood. Apologies for my mistake.

I don’t think Mount Vernon Lodge belonged to the Molonys. Here is entry in the Landed Estates site: ... sp?id=1616. It is situated by The Flaggy Shore (I mentioned it in my posting on March 14, “Did the O’Gorman Mahon walk the Flaggy Shore?”: ... f=1&t=7107)


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:36 pm

Hi Jimbo, again

I have found that there is one Halpin baptism in the Tulla baptisms that concerns the Quingarden Halpins, i.e. the baptism on 27 Dec 1861 of a James Halpin of James Halpin and Margaret Walsh; sponsors: Michael McNamara and Bridget Quin (see the very last page of the 1846-1862 register, just before index made by the priest). That is the original entry, but at some stage it was crossed out and the mother’s name amended to Mrs. Halpin and I think this may be because “Margaret Walsh” should be “Johanna Walsh”. I have come to the conclusion that James Halpin (the father of the baptised child) is very likely a brother of John Halpin in Quingardens. Here is what started me on the road to that conclusion: on I found three applications for passports made by James Wiliam Halpin, New York City:
(1) one made in 1919:, which gives his place of birth as Tulla, date of birth as 25 Dec 1865 and immigration year as 1878. One of the witnesses to the applcation is James’s cousin, Andrew Halpin, but it seems the passport authorities did not accept cousins as witnesses, so other witnesses had to testify for him. Three letters follow, the last being from James himself in which he says that his father had died in the US nine years previously and his mother had died the previous year. He says that his sister, Lizzie Gunning, residing in Clare, needs help with settlement of her estate – this is his reason for travelling.
(2) one in 1922: (which shows him looking quite dapper and wearing a boater hat). In this application he says that his father was born in Quin, Clare Co.. He gives his immigration years as 1879.
(3) one in 1923:, in which he gives his date of birth as Dec 25 1869. The authorities require him to explain this change of birth year and he writes a letter accordingly (which he hopes will satisfy them, I suppose): Dear Sir, I was over in Ireland in 1922 and my uncle saw my passport in my absence. He said he was my godfather and took me in the church in Tulla and showed me the mistake in my age. [The] first boy died and I came four years after and when I went there they gave me my age as the first boy’s. That is how the mistake came. My uncle accordingly changed my passport. James W. Halpin.

The 1910 US census shows that James was born in Ireland and that his (first) wife was called Harriet. His occupation is Groceryman:
The 1900 US census gives James W Halpin’s birth place Scotland, but this must have been a mistake, surely:

James was married (secondly) to Ida Mae Blum on 3 Oct 1927: ... cc=1618491.
That record gives his parents as James W. Halpin and Johanna Welch.

The 1940 census shows James and Ida had moved to Ohio (Center township, Carroll County) – with James now stating that he was born in England!. James died there on 17 Jan 1943, aged 81; date of birth: 25 Dec 1861. Spouse: Ida Halpin; occupation: Farmer. Parents: James Halpin, born in Scotland; Johanna Welch, born in Ireland: So it seems that James had decided that the 1861 baptism in Tulla was indeed his baptism.

I looked for the person James had stated was his sister, i.e. Lizzie Gunning, and saw that she was living in Clogher (Ballinahinch DED) in 1901, aged 44. I found that she was Elizabeth Harrison who had married Michael Gunning on 6 Feb 1883: Marriage of Michael Gunning, Killeagy, Farmer, son of Thomas Gunning, Farmer, to Eliza Harrison, Ballinahinch, daughter of John Harrison, Farmer, in Bodyke chapel; witnesses: Michael Ryan, Eliza McNamara: ... 992923.pdf. Bodyke is the usual name for Kilnoe parish, and the townland of Clogher is in Kilnoe parish, so I looked at the Kilnoe parish baptism register and there I found the baptism of Eliza Harrison on 2 Mar 1854, [daughter of] John Harrison and Joanna Walsh, Ballinahinch; sponsors: Pat and Maria Walsh. The baptisms of a couple of other children of this couple were also recorded. But John Harrison must have died and Joanna married again: the marriage register shows the marriage in March 1859 of Johanna Harrison, Cur(?)* to James Halpin, Quin Gardens; witnesses: John Cullinan, Ellen Halpin, Newmarket and Tulla. So I think James is very likely a son of Patrick Halpin in Quingardens and a brother of John (who married Eliza Maley in 1862). The Kilnoe baptism register shows the baptism on 19 Dec 1859 of James Halpin [son of] James Halpin and Judith Walsh, Curmay(?)*; sponsors: William Walsh, Mary Gooney. I think this child must have died, hence the baptism of a James Halpin in Tulla parish on 27 Dec 1861.
* Cur(?), I’ve discovered, is Corramery, which must be an old name for part of the townland of Clogher. It is not in the Tithe Applotment Books, but I found it in the 1842 Ordnance map and in the later 25” map, marked as Corramery Hill, which is in the northwest part of the townland. The death records for Michael Gunning (1918) and Elizabeth Gunning (1926) give their address as Coromora. Another address often given for people living in the townland of Clogher is Derrymore - Derrymore estate occupied a large part of the townland of Clogher – Derrymore House, once owned by the Gore family, is beside Lough Bridget at the east end of the townland.

I wondered how James came to be baptised in Tulla, rather than in Kilnoe, but when I looked at the townland of Clogher I saw that it is very close to the border with Tulla, and the part of it called Corramery Hill is right on the border between the two parishes. I think the Michael McNamara who is sponsor at the baptism is the Michael McNamara who is living in Clogher in 1901, aged 48. In 1911 he gives his age as 64, which, if correct, would make him aged 14 in 1861. However, I can’t figure out how Michael could be called James’s uncle. This family of McNamaras are not in Clogher at the time of Griffith’s Valuation, but must have come there soon afterwards as the Kilnoe baptisms show the baptism of Kate of Michael McNamara and Bridget McNamara, Derrymore, on 13 Sep 1857; sponsors: Mary Harrison, William Walsh.

I see on that there’s an obituary for James W Halpin (20 Jan 1943, Canton, Ohio) available on GenealogyBank:, but I’m no longer a subscriber to genealogybank. If you are a subscriber, Jimbo, I would be grateful if you would look it up for me, please.


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:35 am

Hi Sheila,

Thanks for sharing your research on James W. Halpin baptized on 27 December 1861 in Tulla Parish. I had also been researching this same James Halpin; his three passport applications with a link to Tulla kept popping up when researching the Halpin family. The Michael McNamara who was his baptism sponsor in 1861 and later defaces his nephew's passport when James visited in Ireland in 1922 was very funny, and I was naturally curious how he might be related to the other McNamara's of Tulla Parish. What I did completely miss was the third letter in the 1919 passport application written by James Halpin which provided details on his sister Lizzie Gunning as well as the death of his parents. But even if I had found the letter, I doubt I would have succeeded in tracing the Halpin family back to Kilnoe / Tuamgraney Parish. Sheila, you did a very good job in researching this and finding Michael McNamara in the 1901 census.

James W. Halpin's responses in the 1900 census were a bit suspicious. Obviously, he was not born in December 1865, but December 1861. The immigration year of 1877 (and in a later passport application it was 1878) would indicate that when he arrived his age was about 15 or 16 years old. Most Tulla immigrants we've come across during this era (the 1870's and later) left Ireland when they were at least 18 or 19 years old. Plus, not only stating that he was born in Scotland, but also that his father was born in Scotland is a bit suspect. So age, immigration year, and country of origin were all suspicious. I reckon James Halpin may have either gotten into trouble during the Land War period or avoided trouble by coming to America. By stating he arrived in America in 1877 he avoids any discussion of possible involvement in any Land War violence. I can find no immigration record for a James Halpin arriving in 1877/1878. And where was James Halpin in the 1880 census? Yet there are several possibilities in the passenger listings for James Halpin to arrive in New York between 1881 and 1883.

In the 1900 census, taken on the 9th of June, James Halpin and his Irish born wife Harriet were living on Rutland Road in Brooklyn. The builders must have just been putting the finishing touches on the construction of his house and grocery store:
S E CORNER NEW YORK AVE and Rutland road, two story brick two family dwelling, 20x48, tin roof; owner, James W. Halpin; architect, Benjamin Driesler; cost, $3,000.

Brooklyn Times Union, New York, 22 June 1900
The small grocery store is still there on the southeast corner of Rutland Road and New York Avenue, now known as Mama Louisa's Hero Shoppe:
SE Corner of Rutland and New York Avenue, Brooklyn (google street view).jpg
SE Corner of Rutland and New York Avenue, Brooklyn (google street view).jpg (139.13 KiB) Viewed 15812 times

James W. Halpin did not always get along with his customers at the grocery, especially his fellow Irishmen:

Michael Cullen, 50 years old, a plasterer, of 631 New York avenue, was arraigned before Magistrate Steers, in the Flatbush Court, on Tuesday, on a charge of calling James W. Halpin, who keeps a grocery and general store at 402 Rutland road, bad names, and otherwise acting in a disorderly manner. Halpin declared that Cullen had abused him [for being "Scottish"??], and made things generally unpleasant in his store, and the defendant was ordered to furnish a bond to keep the peace for six months.

The Flatbush Weekly News and Kings County Record, Brooklyn, 2 April 1904.
In the 1910 census, James Halpin, a proprietor of a grocery store, states that he was born in Ireland. Immigration year still 1877. His nemesis, Michael Cullen, of 631 New York Avenue, died on 11 November 1910, at the age of 53 years old, born in County Sligo. Harriet Halpin, died on 22 February 1917 at the age of 35 years. James Halpin completed the death record giving her birth in Ireland as 22 February 1866, and father as John Bateley, and mother as Anna.

When James W. Halpin completed the 1919 passport application he stated he became a U.S. citizen in Danbury, Connecticut. When his cousin Andrew Halpin was his initial witness, Andrew stated that his occupation was a "hatter" — before crossing out this information since a cousin, apparently, could not be an application witness. Danbury was known as the "Hat City of the World" back in the day when men wore hats. Andrew Halpin's address was also crossed out on the application, but appears to have been the same as reported on his 1932 obituary:
ANDREW H. HALPIN of 211 Carlton ave., died Tuesday. He leaves his wife, Catherine Crow Halpin; a brother, John E. Halpin of Bethel, Conn., and a sister, Mrs. Edward Keating of Norwalk, Conn. The funeral will be from the late home at 9:30 A.M. Saturday, thence to St. Peter's R.C. Church, Danbury, Conn., where a requiem mass will be offered. Interment will be in St. Peter's Cemetery, Danbury, Conn., under the direction of George T. McHugh.

Brooklyn Times Union, Brooklyn, New York, 4 February 1932
His Irish born father was Michael Halpin (born in 1820 in 1870; in 1830 in 1880), occupation "hatter", living at Bethel, Fairfield County, Connecticut, he died prior to 1900. His wife Johannah (born between 1830 and 1835) was a widow in 1900, living with her son Andrew (born in Conn. in 1872). They named their first born son William J. Halpin. I'll update the other Michael Halpin family members another day.

If James W. Halpin of Brooklyn and Andrew Halpin born in Connecticut were truly first cousins, then Michael Halpin of Conn. and James Halpin of Quin, were brothers and both sons of Patrick Halpin of Quin Gardens. Relationships aren't provided in the 1870 census, but in addition to a Connecticut born 12 year old Wm J. Halpin (a presumed eldest son), there was an Irish born 21 year old William Halpin.

Shiela, with regards to the 1919 passport application, I had previously read the letter from a witness Thomas E. Ryan that stated "it was necessary for him [James Halpin] to go to Ireland to settle the estate of his sister who died two years ago". But not the letter from James Halpin which contradicts this by saying that he had to settle the "said estates" referring to the "considerable property" held by both parents; his mother who died about a year ago, and his father who died in America about nine years ago. It is not really clear where his mother died, in Ireland or the USA? Is there any record of this substantial property in Ireland? It would be good to verify where Johanna Halpin was in the 1901 and 1911 census if in Ireland, or else any record of both parents in America. Why would his parents have gone to America if they had substantial property in Ireland? It is all a bit suspect. Wasn't the Irish War of Independence going on in 1919 — perhaps the true reason why James W. Halpin returned to Ireland?

The third passport application in 1923 is very funny. Since James Halpin had his expired 1922 passport, he wasn't required to have a witness to vouch for his identity to get a new passport. But there was a problem with the old passport, because when James returned to Ireland in 1922, his uncle and godfather picked up his passport and read the birth year of 1865 and corrected it to 1861. At which point I assume an argument ensued and Michael McNamara took James Halpin to the Tulla parish priest and they confirmed that he was indeed born in 1861. The parish priest of Tulla at this time might have been the Rev. James Halpin since his 1925 obituary stated that he had been at Tulla for the last six years. The explanation of James Halpin is nonsensical why his uncle would change the birth year to 1869. It was changed to 1861, and with a simple modification James changed it to be 1869. According to his application, he was going to Germany and his purpose was "matrimony". This purpose might also have something to do with wanting to appear eight years younger.

When James William Halpin married Ida Mae Blum in Danville, New York on 3 October 1927, he was a "widower (one dead wife)". Ida Mae Blum was born in Pennsylvania, her ancestry was half German, half Irish. Many Irishmen in New York and Pennsylvania appeared to have preferred German wives. Was it their cooking skills?

Not sure where James Halpin was living in 1930. Ida Mae Halpin was living with her widowed mother, Ida Mae Blum, in Dansville, New York. James and Ida Mae were together in Ohio in 1940. Here is the obituary for James Halpin :
James W. Halpin
CARROLLTON — Services for James W Halpin, 82, who died Sunday in his residence, following an illness of seven weeks, were to be held today at 9 a.m. in Our Lady of Mercy Catholic church with Rev. Fr. Brunner in charge. Burial was to be in West View cemetery.

Born in Ireland, he lived in Carrolton for 12 years. Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Ida M. Halpin.

Repository, Canton, Ohio, 20 January 1943

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Sat Aug 15, 2020 6:12 pm

Hi Jimbo

Thank you very much for taking all that trouble over my query and for the obituary – it tells us very little, but I am glad to have it – I wondered if James had any children by his first wife, Harriet, but it seems he had not, or none that survived him, at least. Thank you for all the records you found including the report of his cousin Andrew’s death in 1932. Yes, Andrew’s father, Michael, must be a brother of James (father of James W.) and very likely both are brothers of John in Quingardens. And thank you for the photo of the grocery shop – I was surprised to see that it is still there.

I agree with you that it would be a mistake to take the letters James wrote to the passport authorities too seriously as they were probably written just to satisfy those officials and allow him get on with his travel plans. I was a bit surprised that they took issue with his date of birth – as Murf once explained on this forum, crossing the Atlantic ocean had the effect of reducing ages by at least three years, generally speaking – how can the authorities not have known that? :). The reason for travelling in 1921 may have been invented too – maybe James was advised that Looking after one’s Estate would sound respectable and plausible and even urgent.
You mention that the letter from a witness, Thomas E Ryan, had stated that “it was necessary for him [James Halpin] to go to Ireland to settle the estate of his sister who died two years ago”, but, if the sister he is referring to is Lizzie Gunning, it wasn’t she who had died - it was her husband Michael (in 1918) and I imagine that the farm transferred to her and then to her son John (who was the informant at her death in 1926) and I don’t see that there could have been any issue with any of that.

As you say, it seems strange that James Halpin (senior) and Johanna Walsh would have left Bodyke, if they had property there. And, anyway, most farmers did not have property – they were tenants who had no entitlements once they left the place. Griffith’s Valuation shows a John Harrison leasing Lot 3 in Clogher, but maybe it transferred to a son rather than to Johanna (I’m assuming that the John Harrison in Griffith’s is the John Harrison who married Johanna Walsh in 1853 and that the son (John) baptised on 6 Aug 1856 is his son). Another possibility is that Johanna and her second husband, James Halpin, did not emigrate until after the marriage of Lizzie to Michael Gunning in 1883, and then decided to go to Bethel, Fairfield, Connecticut, where James’s brother Michael was working as a Hatter, but I can see no record of their stay there, and indeed I wonder if they went at all. But James William did go to Bethel, though maybe a bit later than 1878 (as you also suggest). On the first page of his 1921 application he gives a breakdown of his 42 years in the U.S. He says he arrived in the U.S. I Dec 1879, and spent 4 years in Bethel, 4 years in Philadelphia, 11 years in Asunys(?) N. J., 20 years in Brooklyn N.Y. and 2 years in Larchmont. He says he spent 4 months outside of the U.S., from Dec 10, 1919 to April 10, 1920, which is why he is not in the 1920 census. I notice that the application he made in 1919 was not signed off on until November of that year and a couple of weeks later he went to Ireland.

Thank you again, Jimbo, for your help with James William Halpin (1861-1843). I am happy now with what I have about him, and there’s no need to look for any more information on his uncle Micheal, or cousin Andrew – at least not for my sake. My only excuse for introducing him in this thread was his Tulla baptism.


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:30 am

Well, Jimbo, I can't resist adding this:
I found the death of John Harrison in the Calendar of Wills: “The Will with one Codicil in the County of Clare, Farmer, deceased who died 21 April 1858 at Curramurra aforesaid was proved at Limerick by the oath of the Reverend Patrick Quaide of Mountallen in the said County of Clare one of the Executors”: http://www.willcalendars.nationalarchiv ... _00064.pdf
A transcription of wills was made by Jessica Roode and donated to clarelibrary: ... l_book.htm
and gives the names of all the people listed in John Harrison’s will: ... 8_1870.htm:
Rev Patrick Quaide, executor, of O'Callaghans Mills, Clonlea, Killuran and Mountallen, PP
Maurice O'Connell Esq, of Kilgorey
Michael Boland, second son of Mathew Boland, of Claremount
Mathew Boland, father of Michael Boland
Johanna Harrison, wife
Mary Balton (nee Harrison), sister
Rev John Gleeson, of Coobeady, Kilnoe and Tomgreany, PP
Eliza (Elizabeth) Harrison, daughter, 5yrs old (1858)
Catherine Harrison, daughter, 4yrs old (1858)
Michael Balton, nephew & son of Mary Balton (nee Harrison)
Patt Balton, nephew & son of Mary Balton (nee Harrison)
Patt Harrison, executor, of Kilnoe, farmer
John Grady, executor, of Annagh, farmer
John Harrison, son, 2yrs old (1858)

The full Will made in 1856, together with codicil made in 1858, is here - I must say it is the most complicated Will I've ever read: ... /REG/10186

The baptisms of the 3 children of John Harrison and Johanna Walsh are recorded in the Kilnoe baptisms: Eliza (Lizzie) on 2 Mar 1854; Catherine on 27 Feb 1855 and John on 6 Aug 1856.
Catherine emigrated to America. I found a record of her death (in New York City) on Catherine Harrison: birth 1857, Ireland; death: 27 January 1931, The Bronx, New York City; parents: John Harrison and Johanna Walsh: It seems Catherine had remained unmarried. Her residence is 2029 Valentine Ave., and that is the address that two of Lizzie's children, Thomas and Annie Gunning, went to on 17 Apr. 1907 (according to Tom McDowell's list of emigrants for Kilnoe): ... grants.htm. I noticed that another emigrant from Kilnoe, Thomas Tuohy, had gone to a cousin, Thomas Nash, at that address (Valentine Ave.) in 1905. I found a Thomas Nash in the 1920 census who fits the bill, but I don't see Catherine Harrison among the household:


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:27 am

Hi Sheila,

Thanks! The 1856 will of John Harrison was not only long and complicated but rather creepy. He wanted to completely control his wife Johanna Walsh after his death. She had to reside in the same dwelling house with his beloved sister Mary Balton, and "in case they cannot agree or be peaceable amongst themselves my said wife shall be at liberty to apportion the part thereof..." And should Johanna Harrison decide to remarry, she would be paid only £60, plus receive an IOU from her own mother for £20, and "at once be removed from possession of said dwelling house but allowed to take away her bed, and be separated from my children who are under such hereinbefore mentioned circumstances to continue to reside under the guidance and management of my executors until they shall attain their respective ages of 21 years with my said sister, the said Mary Balton, in my dwelling house..." On another page, he seems to provide an incentive of land ownership if "my said daughters should get married to one of my said nephews, the aforesaid Patt or Michael Balton".

Since Johanna Walsh Harrison did get remarried, to James Halpin in 1858, I can see why their son James Halpin, born in 1861, might have legal issues with the will and want to return to Ireland in 1920. If the will instructions were followed, James Halpin would not have grown up in the same house as his three Harrison half-siblings: Eliza (1854), Catherine (1855), John (1856). I suspect that when James Halpin had left for America, whether in 1877 or the early 1880's, he had never read the will.

Per the will, the title to the burial vault [to be?] erected in the chapel yard of Tulla was given to his son John Harrison, age 2. I don't suspect that Johanna Walsh Harrison Halpin would be buried there. It is rather odd that, other than the passport application of James Halpin (born 1861), no record has been found for his father James Halpin or mother Johanna Walsh as far as where they were living or respective death records.

Sheila, I have increasing doubts about our conclusions regarding the relationship of Andrew Halpin born in Connecticut and James Halpin, son of James Halpin and Johanna Walsh — but will leave that for another day.

With regards to your comments: "Catherine had remained unmarried. Her residence is 2029 Valentine Ave., and that is the address that two of Lizzie's children, Thomas and Annie Gunning, went to on 17 Apr. 1907 (according to Tom McDowell's list of emigrants for Kilnoe)." The actual passenger listing is available on Family Search, and provides greater information:

Annie Gunning (age 17) and Thomas Gunning (age 23) originally had as a contact person, their Aunt Catherine Harrison, of what appears to be Milton Park, NYC. This was partially crossed out and replaced with "Mina Nash" and the address "2029 Valentine Ave, Bronx, NY". The next passenger listed was Cora Whelan (age 17), who was going to her "Aunt Mrs. M. Nash" at "229 Valentine Ave, Bronx, NY". All three are from Bodyke, Co Clare.

Cora Whelan would return to Ireland and on a return trip to New York in 1924 state that her brother was Thomas Whelan, of Ballinahinch, Feakle. They were the children of James Whelan and Sarah Callaghan of Ballinahinch. Marion "Mina" Nash, who lived at 2029 Valentine Ave, died on 9 February 1941, the death record stated: born 10 August 1862, father Michael Callaghan, mother Mary Callaghan; spouse of Thomas Nash (who was deceased). In the Kilnoe Parish records, Sarah Callaghan, baptized 21 May 1851; and Marianne Callaghan, baptized 11 August 1862, were the children of Michael Callaghan and Mary Callaghan of Ballinahinch.

This explains how Mrs. Nash was the aunt of Cora Whelan, but not why, when Catherine Harrison died on 27 January 1931, her address was 2029 Valentine Ave in the Bronx. How was Catherine related to Thomas Nash and Marion Callaghan Nash of 2029 Valentine Ave? When Thomas Nash died in 1929, his parents were reported as Michael Nash and Catherine Cody. They were the parents of 11 children, including Thomas Nash baptized 12 June 1863, in Coolrea, Kilnoe Parish. Which still leads to no family connection to Catherine Harrison, but perhaps they were just good friends from the old neighborhood?

In my last posting, I stated that it was a bit suspicious that James Halpin, the son of James Halpin and Johanna Walsh, reported in the 1900 census that, along with being born in Scotland, he had arrived in America in 1877. Which, since he was born in December 1861, would mean he was only 15 or 16 years old when he arrived. I then stated that nearly every single immigrant from Tulla and surroundings had been at least 19 or 20 years old starting in the 1870's or so.

Cora Whelan who arrived in America in 1907 was only 17 years old. This would appear to refute my observation, however, it was the tragic circumstances of the Whelan family of Ballinahinch which led Cora Whelan to leave at such a young age. Circumstances that would not be the norm. Her parents James Whelan and Sarah Callaghan had at least 11 children born between 1872 and 1895. James Whelan of Ballinahinch died at the age of 54 on 22 March 1897; Sara Whelan, of Ballinahinch, a widow of a land steward, died at the age of 48 on 26 October 1899. Several of the older children had already left for America, leaving Thomas Whelan, born in 1878, as the eldest surviving child in Ireland. He was with his youngest sibling, Patrick Whelan, age 6, along with an aunt living in Ballynahinch in the 1901 census. The four youngest daughters were sent to St. John's Industrial School for Girls in Birr, King's County: Minnie Whelan, age 15; Lizzie Whelan, age 12; Theresa Whelan, age 9; Josephine Whelan, age 6 . There were about 100 girls at the industrial school; the four Whelan sisters were the only ones from County Clare: ... d/1462318/

In the Irish civil records, Theresa Whelan was born on 27 January 1891. Mary Josephine Whelan was born on 17 May 1893; she was back in Ballynahinch in 1911 with her brothers and was reported as age 18. Both sisters would join their older sister Margaret in New York. On the passenger listings, Ballinahinch was described as being in Kilnoe, Tulla, and Feakle; and the records can be found accordingly to Tom McDowell's transcriptions. In the Irish civil records, could not find "Minnie" or "Lizzie"; possibly "Whelan" has been transcribed in an unusual manner. From a process of elimination, and her age, I believe "Lizzie" was Elizabeth Cora Whelan, the Cora Whelan who arrived in New York in 1907 with Thomas and Annie Gunning.

In 1916, Cora Whelan graduated from the School of Nursing at the Holy Name Hospital in Brooklyn. I suspect that many women from County Clare would have also worked at the same hospital.

Two Classes Graduated by Holy Family Hospital

With friends and faculty of the Holy Name Family Hospital, Dean street near Hoyt street, looking on fifteen young nurses took the Hippocratic oath and received their diplomas, last night, at St. Paul's Hall on Warren street.

The classes of 1915 and 1916 participated in the commencement exercises. The graduates were Misses Mary B. Greve, Rose Mallory, Cora Whelan, Kathryn Sanchez, Mary Conroy, Emma Redmond, Laura Burns, Kathryn Cooper, Frances Brennan, Agnes Carton, Ellen Bloom, Julia Howe, Kathryn Garvey and Rita Fealy.

Doctor Victor L. Zimmerman, President of the faculty, addressed the graduates saying in part:

"Your work is only beginning. You will meet with many difficulties and may become discouraged through the long vigils that lay before you at the bedsides of the sick, but my advice to you is that in your hours of trial you will realize the importance of the part you take in the scheme of life."

Two prizes were presented by the faculty for general efficiency. A nurse's traveling bag, fully equipped, was won by Miss Laura Burns, and a case of instruments by Miss Cora Whelan.

Dr. Zimmerman then administered the "Hippocratic" oath, which is the same that is imposed on physicians, pledging them to secrecy regarding all that transpire in the households of their patients.

Miss Mary B. Greve was the valedictorian.

Advice to seek the counsel of God in hours of trial was given by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Francis O'Hara, rector of St. John's Pro-Cathedral.

Each of the fifteen young women was given a gold class pin by the Holy Family Hospital. Each received numbers of bouquets of flowers and beautiful gifts from friends.

Dancing followed the exercises and a collation was served by the undergraduates of the school.

Brooklyn Times Union, Brooklyn, New York, 1 June 1916
When Cora Whelan returned to Ireland to visit her brother Thomas Whelan of Ballinahinch, her occupation was nurse. She was living in Brooklyn in 1930, age 40, occupation "nurse". She appears to have retired to Connecticut. In 1940, Cora Whelan, age 50, single, born in Ireland, was living in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut. Cora Whelan died on 3 August 1954, age 65 years, never married, at Shelton, Fairfield County; residence Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Fairfield County is where the family of Michael Halpin lived, who were hatters in Danbury, Connecticut. Andrew Halpin, the son of Michael Halpin, was reported as a "cousin" in the passport application of James Halpin, born 1861, the son of James Halpin and Johanna Walsh. James Halpin was a half-brother to Eliza Harrison, born 1854, who was the mother of Annie and Thomas Gunning, who in 1907 were traveling with Cora Whelan to New York. I believe the paternal grandparents of Cora Whelan were James Whelan and Margaret Walsh of Newgrove, Tulla Parish.

Edit: fix Josephine Whelan's age in 1901: age 6, not 11.
Last edited by Jimbo on Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:36 am

Hi Jimbo

Thank you for reading the Will. I think it just shows how worried John Harrison was that the farm would pass to some other family. I think Johanna was probably still very young at the time and almost certain to get married again and this was preying on his mind. The Codicil shows how much his mindset changed once a son was born to him. But I don’t see how such a Will could mean very much really – at least as far as the house and farm are concerned. The lease that John Harrison had from Maurice O’Connell was a good lease; it wasn’t “year-to-year” as most leases were; it was for 21 years or for the duration of the life of Michael Boland, whichever was the longest, but after the 21 years was up, and after Michael Boland had died, the lease would have lapsed and it would have been for Maurice O’Connell (or his Rep.) to decide who would be the next tenant, and I’m sure O’Connell would have been satisfied with the tenancy of Michael Gunning and happy for it to continue. And, if my understanding of the Land Acts of 1903 and 1909 is correct, the sitting tenant was the person who got ownership then – I might be wrong. The money that John Harrison left is another matter; I think that was to be shared among his children and I imagine the executors probably saw to that. So I really don’t think there was anything for James Halpin to settle when he came in 1919.
I suspect that John Harrison’s sister, Mary Balton, and her sons Patrick and Michael (his nephews), who were mentioned in the Will, did not stay in his house very long, if at all. I think they lived in Tulla. And in case anyone is interested in this family of Balton/Bolton, here is what I found:
In his Will (1858), John Harrison (first husband if Johanna Walsh) mentions his sister, Mary Balton, and two of his nephews, Mary’s sons, Patrick and Michael Balton. Mary Balton must be the Mary Harrison, of Kilgory, who married Michael Balton, Liscullane, on 9 Feb 1834; witnesses: John Harrison, Kilgory, James Gannon, Cragg (Tulla marriages 1819-1846). The Tithe Applotment books show a Mich’l Balton occupying land in Knockduhuna, which, at that time, was a subdivision of the townland of Lisscullane in Tulla parish: http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarc ... _00592.pdf.
Tulla parish baptism register (1819-1846) shows the baptism of just one of their children: ?? Oct 1843: Patt Baltin of Michael Baltin and Mary Harrisson (no address); witnesses: Patt McNamara, M Lillis. Of this Patt born 1843, more later.
I found no record of the baptism of Michael Balton, but I found that he emigrated to the U.S. (Chicago). I found his death on 17 Sep 1934: Death of Michael H. Bolton, in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, aged 76, Birth date: Feb. 1858; Clare, Ireland; Father’s name: Bolton, Mother’s name: Mary Harrison; occupation: Steam Fitter; spouse: Nellie Mahony, Burial place: All Saints cemetery: Maine township, Cook, Illinois: This birth year of 1858 cannot be right, as Michael was mentioned by John Harrison in 1856, but I see that in the 1900 census Michael gives his birthyear as 1852. Michael’s nephew, Joseph Bolton (Patrick’s son), who emigrated to Chicago sometime between 1901 and 1910, is included in the household of Michael in the 1910 census (occupation: Fireman): Joseph died aged only 39 and the record of his death gives his parents as Patrick Bolton and Anne Lynch:
This Joseph was still at home in 1901, living with his parents, Patrick and Anne Bolton, in Tulla (Tulla DED). Patrick had married Anne Lynch in Tulla on 6 Feb 1886: Marriage of Pat Balton, Tulla, Car Driver, son of Michael Balton, Farmer, to Anne Lynch, daughter of Matthew Lynch, in Tulla chapel; witnesses: Patrick Brennan(?), Kate Boland: ... 950367.pdf. Patrick and Anne lived in Tulla and had 8 children altogether, two of whom died in infancy.

Good work, Jimbo, taking a look at the immigration record for Thomas and Annie Gunning and noting that the original is crossed out and replaced with “Aunt Mina Nash”. I agree that Thomas and Mina Nash were probably as much good neighbours as they were relatives, and that that was how Catherine Harrison came to be staying with Mina Nash at the time of her death in 1931, but I will also give some thought to the Walsh connection you mentioned. I think Thomas and Mina were the “go to” people for their relatives: two of Thomas’s siblings went to him at 2029 Valentine Ave.: Margaret Nash aged 28 and Patrick Nash aged 19 emigrated on 24 Sep 1898 aboard the Lucania, going to brother, Thomas Nash, 2029 Valentine Ave, Fremont, N.Y. Patrick states that he was in the U.S. before – in Chicago: Patrick did not remain in New York – he returned to Chicago. His application for naturalization in 1904 in Chicago gives his date of birth as 13 Mar 1879 (Patrick was baptised on 14 Mar 1879). His address is 41 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago: It was Patrick who erected the headstone for his brother John in Bodyke Graveyard: ... veyard.htm
Two more siblings also emigrated. They were James born 1859 and Elizabeth born 1865. The record of the death of James in 1928 (in Illinois) gives his parents as Michael Nash and Catherine Cody, and the record of the marriage of Elizabeth in 1889 (to Cornelius Britt, Detroit, Wayne, Michigan) gives her parents as Michael Nash and Catherine Cody.

The work you have done on the Whelan family is interesting, and you explain how Cora Whelan was niece of Marion (Mina) Nash. I think that Cora Whelan going to New York in the company of Thomas and Annie Gunning in 1907 indicates a relationship. You believe that the paternal grandparents of Cora Whelan were James Whelan and Margaret Walsh of Newgrove, Tulla. I will look to see if I can find a connection between Margaret Walsh and Johanna Walsh, but doubt if I will find anything very firm.
Yes, it is strange that Johanna and her second husband James Halpin are not to be found in the records. Can Johanna have married a third time?

I found that one of Lizzie Gunning’s sons became a priest: Michael is a boarder at St. Flannan’s College in 1911. He was ordained in 1922. He was parish priest of Ruan parish from 1947 until his death in 1967. He is buried in the church yard in Ruan.
Lizzie Gunning (Mrs. E. Gunning) died in 1926 and an obit was published in the Clare Champion of 6 Feb 1926. I hope to get to see it in the Local Studies Centre sometime – I am curious as to whether her half-brother, James Halpin, is mentioned, but obits in Ireland usually only mentioned relatives who attended the funeral, so he probably is not mentioned.


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:27 am

Quaide v. Halpin.—This was an action of ejectment on the title to recover certain premises in the county of Clare, to which there were the statutable defence and a defence on equitable grounds. By arrangement a special case was settled in which a question was submitted for the decision of the court on the construction of a passage in the will of John Harrison, deceased. After the case had been partly argued it was allowed to stand over for the purpose of considering the propriety of amending the special case.

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 26 May 1860
(Before the full Court.)

Quaid v. Halpin.—This was a special case for the decision of the court as to the true construction of the will of John Harrison, deceased. It was set forth in the special case that John Harrison, being seised of a house and land in the county of Clare, by will dated May, 1856, devised the premises to the Rev. Mr. Quaid and others, the plaintiffs, in trust, as his executors, for his wife and his sister Johanna Harrison [Mary Bolton], free from rent, for their joint benefit and that of his children. The will provided, amongst other matters, that if the testator's wife, Johanna, should marry again, she was to get £60 out of the assets, and an I.O.U. for £20 passed by her mother to the testator, and that in this event the house and premises were to be held in trust for the benefit of the testator's wife, Mary Bolton, and his children. The widow of the testator married John Halpin [James Halpin], one of the defendants, and the question for the decision of the court, which arose out of an ejectment on the title brought by the plaintiffs, was whether, by reason of the second marriage of the testator's wife, her interest in the premises was diverted.

The arguments of counsel, which occupied portions of several days, having concluded, the court reserved judgment.

Mr. Charles Barry, Q.C., and Mr. J. Murphy, appeared for the executors Mr. J. Clarke, Q.C., and Mr. P. Keogh for Mrs. Halpin.

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 9 November 1860
Quaid v. Halpin—Judgment was given in this case. The action was one of ejectment on the title for an undivided moiety of land, consisting of about seven acres in the county Clare, and it came before the court on a special case agreed to by the parties. The question for the decision of the court arose on the construction of the will of one John Harrison—as to whether a particular divise in the will had been revoked by a codicil, the substantial plaintiff in the case being Mary Bolton, the sister of the testator, and the substantial defendant being his wife. The Chief Justice delivered the judgments of himself, of Mr. Justice Ball and Mr. Justice Keogh, which was, accordingly, the decision of the court. That judgment was in favour of the plaintiff.

Mr. Justice Christian dissented from the judgments of their lordships.

Judgment was accordingly entered in accordance with the opinion of the majority of the members of the court.

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 29 January 1861
Hi Sheila, was very surprised that a controversy over the Will of John Harrison would make it into the Freeman's Journal. You had suspected "that John Harrison’s sister, Mary Balton, and her sons Patrick and Michael (his nephews), who were mentioned in the Will, did not stay in his house very long, if at all. I think they lived in Tulla". With the discovery of the above court proceedings, it was Johanna Walsh Harrison Halpin that got the boot. This explains why the 19 December 1859 baptism of James Halpin (who died young) was in Kilnoe Parish; and the 27 December 1861 baptism of James Halpin was in Tulla Parish. I wonder if Johanna was able to raise her three children she had with John Harrison after moving to Tulla, or, as the will stipulated, they remained with Mary Bolton at the same dwelling. And are there any other Irish records of their son, John Harrison, born in 1856? Surely, the courts wouldn't have taken a five year old away from his mother?

Sheila, I agree with you that Johanna Walsh Harrison was still young when the 1856 Will was written. We know that her mother was still living, since Johanna was given a £20 I.O.U. due to John Harrison from her mother — I thought that was pretty cheeky to put that in the Will. John Harrison in the Will provided an incentive if one of his daughters married one of his nephews, Michael or Patrick Bolton, which was very odd. For that reason, if I had to guess who the parents of Johanna Walsh were, I'd first look in Tulla Parish since that is where Johanna and James Halpin went to after losing the court proceedings. In the Tulla baptism register (1819-1846), there is a Michael Walsh and Bridget Harrison who had at least four children in Glandree: (1) Mary in 1819; (2) Bridget in 1821; (3) Jane in 1829; (4) John?? in 1831. My guess is that Johanna is either Jane born in 1829 or the unclear "John" could be Johanna born in 1831. So, when John Harrison gave his mother-in-law £20, and received an I.O.U, it could have been to Bridget Harrison, who was not just his mother-in-law, but also a relative, say a cousin. Complete speculation, of course.

An 80 year old Bridget Walsh died in 1877 in the Tulla civil records, but is not yet available online.

Here is a Catherine Harrison in the 1910 census, born in Ireland, age 50, arrived in USA in 1890, one of four servants for the Dr. Joseph A Blake family of 601 Madison Avenue in Manhattan. Catherine Harrison was listed as a contact person initially by her nephew and niece when they arrived in 1907. Catherine Harrison is not that common of an Irish name, and most of them in New York were married. Catherine of Madison Avenue was the only real possibility to be Catherine Harrison, daughter of John Harrison and Johanna Walsh:

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:07 pm

Hi Jimbo

Well, I did not expect that! There goes my hope that all lived happily ever after.
So, Jimbo, I feel sure that you are right when you say that the baptism of James William Halpin (1861-1943) in Tulla indicates that his parents, James and Johanna, were living in that parish at the time of his birth. Which would explain why James William always gives Tulla as his birthplace in his passport applications. If he was just baptised in Tulla but normally lived in Kilnoe, he would have given Bodyke as his birthplace. You think that Bridget Walsh née Harrison in Glendree may be Johanna’s mother, but I am doubtful about that. The marriage of Johanna Walsh to John Harrison is recorded in the Kilnoe register and that’s an indication that Johanna was from Kilnoe (as you know, marriages usually took place in the parish of the bride) and the witnesses were Pat and Mrs. Walsh, Ballinahinch. About the I.O.U. for £20: I think that it was given to John Harrison by Johanna’s mother in lieu of a dowry, so by returning it, John Harrison was returning her dowry to her. If I am right about that, it would appear that Johanna’s mother was a widow at the time of Johanna’s marriage in 1853. So I think the witnesses at Johanna’s marriage were her brother Pat Walsh and her mother Mrs. Walsh. Well, Pat may or may not be Johanna’s brother, but I think he is the Pat Walsh who is married to Johanna McMahon and living in Ballinahinch, according to the Kilnoe baptisms. I looked at the baptisms of the children of Pat and Johanna McMahon, and saw that, among the sponsors, are (1) William Walsh and Mrs Harrison on 20 Feb 1859 – can this Mrs. Harrison be Johanna very shortly before her marriage to James Halpin?; (2) Ned Walsh and old Mrs. Walsh on 17 Feb 1873; (3) William Walsh and Lizzie Harrison on 14 Mar 1871. I think there may be some connection between Johanna and the William Walsh who was sponsor at the baptism of the child born in Dec. 1859 (the child who died). I think this William is the William [son of] Michael Walsh and Catherine McNamara, Ballinahinch, who was baptised on 4 Jan 1839. And I think he may be the William Walsh, aged 55, who is living in Ballinahinch (Ballinahinch DED) in 1901. This William (aged 55 in 1901) married Mary Minogue in 1876 and the marriage record shows that his father was Michael Walsh (deceased); the witnesses are Matthew McNamara and Mary Tuohy: ... 089052.pdf. I suspect that Matthew McNamara is William’s cousin, but who is Matthew!

Anyway, it’s now appears quite likely that James Willam Halpin was raised in Tulla parish, and that it was from Tulla that he and his parents emigrated (maybe not all at once) sometime around 1880.
And I must now think again about Michael McNamara, one of the sponsors at James William’s baptism in Dec. 1861. I looked again at the baptism record and see that “Tulla” is written after Michael’s name. Whether that address applies to the couple, or just to Michael, I can’t say for sure, but I suspect it is the couple’s address. The other sponsor is Bridget Quinn.

What about the cost of that court action, over which 3 judges, no less, deliberated. (When I saw “Justice Keogh” I wondered if he was the Judge Keogh who was so often burnt as an effigy). Did James and Johanna have to pay the costs, I wonder. But, if so, it seems they were not cleaned out entirely and had some property somewhere - James William, in his 1919 passport application, says “James Halpin, my father died in the United States about nine years ago leaving considerable property in Ireland which was accounted for regularly to my mother, Johanna Halpin. My mother died about a year ago leaving property in Ireland which had formerly belonged to my father, besides property of her own.”

I agree, Jimbo, that the Catherine Harrison who is servant at Blakes in 1910, aged 50, is the most likely candidate for the Catherine Harrison who died in 1931, aged 74.
I’ve failed to find any record for her brother, John Harrison, who was born in 1856. I think he must have died in early childhood as I’ve found no record of his death (or marriage).

Well, Jimbo, those newspaper reports you found explain a lot. Thank you for all that work. I’ve given up looking for the deaths of James and Johanna. James William’s occupation in Ohio at the time of his death in 1943 was Farmer - maybe that helped to heal the wounds.

By the way, in the course of my searching, I noticed a Mary Bolton leasing a small house in Kilgory at the time of Griffith’s Valuation (Lot 3c). It’s right beside the houses of Patrick and Stephen McNamara – is this the Stephen of the Three Marriages, mentioned in your posting of 29 June (page 25)?


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:00 am

Hi Sheila,

According to the 1856 will of John Harrison, if Johanna Walsh Harrison was to remarry, a £20 I.O.U. along with £60 would be provided to Johanna. I agree that this £20 I.O.U. appears to have been a dowry provided by Johanna's mother to John Harrison upon their marriage in 1853. So in 1853 the mother of Johanna Walsh appears to have been a widow.

Rather grim evidence, but I believe the following newspaper articles provide the tragic circumstance on how Mrs. Walsh of Ballynahinch, the mother of Johanna Walsh, became a widow in 1847.
The Limerick Chronicle states it has received the following from a county Clare magistrate:—

"SCARIFF, SATURDAY.—Another of those horrible murders which disgrace our unfortunate country has just been committed on the public high road, leading from Killaloe and Scariff, to Tulla and Ennis in this county. The unfortunate victim was Michael Walsh, steward and care taker to Charles G. O'Callaghan, Esq., of Ballinahinch. This respectable man, when on his way to Ennis this morning, at the hour of eight o'clock, on the public high road, near Fort Anne, was fired at from behind a wall, and shot dead. One ball entered his mouth, and took with it the roof of his skull. The second entered his head. Both shots were heard distinctly by persons immediately near, but no clue has been obtained of the perpetrators.

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 2 November 1847

The Gazette of last night contains offers of £100 reward to the person or persons who shall give such information as will lead to the arrest of the parties engaged in the murder of Major Mahon (*), of Michael Walsh, and of the Widow Darmody; and another £100 to those who shall give evidence to prosecute and convict in the two former cases.

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 5 November 1847

* "The Killing of Major Denis Mahon, A Mystery of Old Ireland", by Peter Duffy (2007, Harper Collins). I bought this book years ago but never got around to reading it. The first sentence of the prologue: "In the early evening of November 2, 1847, an Anglo-Irish landlord from County Roscommon was driving a horse-drawn carriage through his property when a single gunshot was fired from a ditch on the right side of the road."
In London, at the House of Commons, Sir George Grey gave a very long speech on "Crime and Outrage in Ireland" on 29 November 1847. He provided lot of statistics and the growth in crime, broken down by several categories. It is a very long speech. In a nutshell, while the three counties of Clare, Limerick, and Tipperary made up less than 13 percent of the population of Ireland, they made up 71 percent of the crime (139 out of 175 criminal acts) during the month of October 1847. He stated that the crimes "are directed, not against one class, that is, not against the landlord class, speaking of the class as it is customary to speak of it in this house, as composed of gentlemen of property with a large body of tenantry, but are directed also against the class of landowners, either from motives of revenge, owing to the person having taken land of which others had been dispossessed, or from a determination to intimidate the collector of rent, and to prevent the landlord's rights from being enforced by the terror of death." He continues to describe several cases, including the murder of Michael Walsh, with more detailed information than the initial reporting of the event:


. . . The next case is the murder of Michael Walsh, in the county of Clare. The report states:—"I have to report that, on this morning (Oct. 30), about half-past seven o'clock, or near it, Michael Walsh, of Ballynatwich [Ballynahinch], steward to Charles O'Callaghan, Esq, (Dragoon Guards), and of Ballynabuck [?], was proceeding to Ennis to pay money to Mr. O'Callaghan's agent, he was fired at from one of the Maryfort plantations, on the roadside, and shot through the head with a ball, and instantly killed; two shots were heard by several persons in the neighbourhood, but the persons who committed the murder were not seen by the persons who came up almost immediately; the second shot wounded him in the hand. He was riding at the time, and had a sum of money on his person, which was taken by the murderer—the amount of which cannot as yet be ascertained, but it was over £17. Michael Walsh was acting as steward and driver on the estate at the time the late Mr. Carrig was shot, and shortly after gave up the collection of the rent, but retained his situation as steward, and in charge of the domain. He occupied some lands from which some tenants were dispossessed by ejectment about three years since; his arms were taken from his house, as reported on the 15th of June, 1845, and for some months after Mr. Carrig's murder we gave him police protection by patrol, &c., as I then considered his life in danger." The next case . . .

The Morning Chronicle, London, 30 November 1847
Initially, I thought that the murdered Michael Walsh might have been a Michael Walsh, either Sr. or Jr., who was reported as living in Glandree in the 1827 Tithe Applotments. No Walsh families were still in Glandree by the 1855 Griffiths Valuation, so did Michael Walsh move to Ballynahinch to become a steward for Captain O'Callaghan? There were no Walsh families in Ballynahinch townland in 1827; further support that the Walsh family had moved from Glandree? I was doubling down on my theory that Johanna Walsh Harrison Halpin was the daughter of Michael Walsh and Bridget Harrison, baptized in Tulla Parish in November 1829 as "Jane". And upon further examination of the actual baptism record for "John(?)" in 1833, he appears to be an "Edmond", and I reckon Johanna Walsh of Ballynahinch did indeed have a brother named "Edmond". But this theory is incorrect as there is a far more logical explanation.

The Michael Walsh shot in 1847, as well as his descendants, while they stated that they are from Ballynahinch townland, were actually from adjacent Kilnoe townland, a very short distance from Ballynahinch House. Unfortunately, recorded in the 1827 Tithe Applotments of Kilnoe Townland in Kilnoe Parish there is only one entry for "Cornelius O'Callaghan, Esq", and the note states "And Tenants". Michael Walsh and Kate McNamara had only one son recorded in the Kilnoe Parish records (1832—1881), William Walsh baptized on 4 January 1839; sponsors William Walsh and Mary Gleeson. William was their youngest child, a bit of a straggler, as their other children were born prior to the 1832 start of the Kilnoe baptism register. Catherine [McNamara] Walsh was reported in Plot 12, 21 acres, Land only, in the 1855 Griffith Valuation for Kilnoe Townland. She appears to have been a widow, likely living with her eldest son, Edmund Walsh, in Plot 11abcd, "House, office, and land, cottier's houses & gardens" in Kilnoe Townland.

Michael Walsh
(died in 1847) and Catherine McNamara (still living in 1853 at marriage of daughter; and also reported in 1855 Griffith Valuation) were the parents of at least four children:

1.0 Edmond "Ned" Walsh (born: ≈1820 per 1900 death record; ≈1828 per 2nd marriage) and Anne Harrison (≈1835 per 1871 death record) of Ballinahinch / Kilnoe in Kilnoe Parish were the parents of eight children between 1853 and 1868. Could not locate their Catholic marriage record, nor the baptism record for their daughter Catherine born about 1860. In the 1855 Griffith Valuation, for Kilnoe Townland, Edmund Walsh holds Plots 11abcd, "house, office, and land, cottier's houses & garden", about 26 acres, valuation £37. The Scariff civil death record index states that an Anne Walsh died in 1871 at the age of 36; online record not yet available. On 1 August 1873, Edmond Walsh, age 45, a widower, farmer, of Kilnoe, son of Michael Walsh (deceased), married Kate Collins, age 33, spinster, of Kilnoe, daughter of the farmer John Collins (deceased) at the RC chapel at Bodyke; witnesses Michael Doherty and Bridget Conway. Edmond Walsh, widower, age 80 years, farmer, died at Kilnoe on 5 October 1900; informant son Edmond Walsh (Scariff registration).
............ 1.1 Pat Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized on 4 October 1853; sponsors John and Bridget Harrison.
............ 1.2 Michael Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized on 25 May 1855; sponsors John Harrison, Bridget Liddy. Immigrated to New Zealand.
............ 1.3 Edmond Walsh, of Kilnoe, baptized on 7 September 1857; sponsors John and Maria Walsh. Edmond Walsh, of Kilnoe, son of Edmond Walsh, married Ellen McKenna, of Bealkelly, daughter of Michael McKenna, on 23 February 1884 at St Mary's O'Gonnelloe Parish (Scariff rego). For the 1911 census, "Eadhmonn de Breathneach" completed the form in Irish. <Kilnoe, Boherglass, House 1, House 3>
......................... 1.3.1 Michael Walsh (age 15 in 1901)
......................... 1.3.2 Edmond Walsh (age 13 in 1901)
......................... 1.3.3 Mary Walsh (age 12 in 1901)
......................... 1.3.4 Patrick Walsh (age 10 in 1901)
......................... 1.3.5 Annie Walsh (age 8 in 1901)
......................... 1.3.6 Thomas Walsh (age 7 in 1901)
......................... 1.3.7 Bridget "Delia" Walsh (age 5 in 1901)
......................... 1.3.8 Eileen "Lena" Walsh (age 3 in 1901)

............ 1.4 Catherine Walsh, born in 1860, per McMahon of NZ family tree (no baptism record). Immigrated to New Zealand. Married Matthew McMahon.
............ 1.5 John Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized on 10 February 1862; sponsors Pat and Mary Harrison.
............ 1.6 Bridget Walsh, of Kilnoe, baptized on 3 February 1864; sponsor Michael Conway. To New Zealand. Married John Berggren.
............ 1.7 Anne Walsh, of Kilnoe, baptized on 5 April 1866; sponsors Thomas Hussie, Kate Balton. To New Zealand. Married Samuel McMahon.
............ 1.8 Mary Walsh, of Kilnoe, baptized on 13 April 1868; sponsors Thomas Harrison, Bridget Liddy.

According to a McMahon family tree on ancestry, four of the eight children of Edmond Walsh and Anne Harrison would move to New Zealand. Two Walsh daughters would marry McMahon's. The NZ family is the focus of the family tree (no information on Edward Walsh, Sr. or Jr., in Ireland etc). Michael Walsh, born in 1855, died in Auckland in 1943 at the age of 91. His headstone states "Michael Harrison Walsh" which is strong evidence that Michael and his sisters in NZ were indeed the children of Edmond Walsh and Anne Harrison of Ballynahinch: ... ison-walsh

2.0 Johanna Walsh was likely born prior to the start of the Kilnoe parish baptism register in 1832. Johanna Walsh of Ballinahinch and John Harrison of "Curamera" (Corramery Hill in Clogher townland) were married on 6 May 1853 in Kilnoe Parish; witnesses Pat and Mrs. Walsh of Ballinahinch.

............ 2.1 Eliza Harrison, of Ballynahinch, baptized on 2 March 1854; sponsors Pat and Maria Walsh. Eliza Harrison, of Ballinahinch, daughter of farmer John Harrison, married Michael Gunning, of Kileagy, farmer, son of Thomas Gunning, on 6 February 1883 at Bodyke chapel; witnesses: Michael Ryan, Eliza McNamara. <Clogher, Ballinahinch, House 3, House 4>
......................... 2.1.1 Thomas Gunning (age 17 in 1901)
......................... 2.1.2 John Gunning (age 13 in 1901)
......................... 2.1.3 Annie Kate Gunning (age 11 in 1901)
......................... 2.1.4 Christie Gunning (age 9 in 1901)
......................... 2.1.5 Willie Gunning (age 7 in 1901)
......................... 2.1.6 Michael Gunning (age 5 in 1901)

............ 2.2 Catherine Harrison, of "Clonmoher" (Corramery Hill in Clogher townland), baptized on 27 February 1855; sponsors John and Mary Harrison. Catherine was working as a live-in domestic servant in the 1910 USA census on Madison Avenue in Manhanttan; immigration year reported as 1890. Catherine Harrison died on 27 January 1931 in the Bronx at 2029 Valentine Avenue, the home of Thomas Nash and Marion Callaghan Nash.
............ 2.3 John Harrison, of "Cudmurra" (Corramery), baptized on 6 August 1856; sponsors John Walsh, Mary Harrison. Possibly died young, prior to start of civil death records in 1864?

John Harrison left a last Will dated 1856 and he appears to have died soon after. Johanna (Walsh) Harrison of "Cur?" (Corramery) married James Halpin of Quin Gardens in March 1859 at Kilnoe Parish; witnesses John Cullinan, Ellen Halpin, Newmarket & Tulla.

............ 2.4 James Halpin, of "Curmary" (Corramery), baptized on 19 December 1859; sponsors William Walsh and Mary Gooney (Kilnoe Parish). Died prior to birth of James William Halpin in 1861.

............ 2.5 James William Halpin, of Tulla, baptized on 27 December 1861; sponsors Michael McNamara and Bridget Quin (Tulla Parish). In passport applications and census reports, James Halpin stated that he had arrived in the United States in 1877 or 1878. In both the 1900 and 1910 census reports, James Halpin was a grocer with a shop in Brooklyn at the corner of Rutland Road and New York Avenue. His Irish born wife, Harriet, died on 25 February 1917, and her parents were reported as John and Anne Bateley. James Halpin took several trips back to Ireland in the 1920's. He married Ida Mae Blum in Danville, Livingston County, NY on 3 October 1927. James Halpin died on 17 January 1943 in Carrolton, Ohio at the reported age of 82 years.

3.0 Patrick Walsh
was likely born prior to the start of the Kilnoe parish baptism register in 1832. Pat Walsh and Johanna McMahon of Ballinahinch/Kilnoe in Kilnoe Parish were the parents of nine children between 1859 and 1873. Unknown marriage record. Patrick Walsh died prior to the marriage of his son Pat in 1892. Johanna Walsh, of Ballinahinch, widow of a farmer, 80 years, died on 21 April 1905; informant daughter-in-law Anne Walsh (Galway registration). <Ballinahinch, Ballinahinch, House 2, x>
............ 3.1 Michael Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized 20 February 1859; sponsors William Walsh, Mrs. Harrison (the widow Johanna Walsh Harrison, soon to marry James Halpin).
............ 3.2 Maria Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized 16 May 1860; sponsors Margaret McMahon, Mrs. McMahon.

............ 3.3 Catherine Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized 27 December 1861; sponsors Mat McMahon, Mary Crowe. Kate Walsh, of Ballinahinch, daughter of farmer Pat Walsh (deceased), married Michael Brazeil [or Brazil, Brassil, Brassel], of Tulla, blacksmith, son of Dan Brazil, blacksmith, on 4 November 1893, at the RC chapel at Bodyke; witnesses P.F.Halloran and E Brady. <Tulla, Tulla, House 3, House 109>
......................... 3.3.1 Daniel Brassil (age 17 in 1911)
......................... 3.3.2 Eliza Brassil (age 16 in 1911). Elizabeth Brazil was working at the Continental Hotel in Atlantic City owned by her aunt Margaret Walsh Duncan in the 1920 census; also included in her will.
......................... 3.3.3 Michael Brassil (age 14 in 1911)
......................... 3.3.4 Patrick Brassil (age 5 in 1911)

............ 3.4 John Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized 5 June 1863; sponsors Thomas Whalon, Maria Walsh.

............ 3.5 Pat Walsh, of Kilnoe, baptized 26 June 1865; sponsors Pat Crow, Bridget Brohan. Patt Walsh, of Ballinahinch, farmer, son of Patt Walsh (deceased), married Anne Tuohy, of Coolagoree, daughter of farmer Thomas Tuohy, on 16 February 1892, at the RC chapel at Scariff; witnesses John McMahon, Bridget Molony. <Ballinahinch, Ballinahinch, House 2, House 16>
......................... 3.5.1 Josephine Walsh (born about 1893, unknown civil baptism record). Not sure where living in 1901 census. Was working at the Continental Hotel in Atlantic City owned by her aunt Margaret Walsh Duncan in both the 1910 and 1920 census; also included in her will. Married Timothy Tracy in Limerick City on 12 February 1924.
......................... 3.5.2 Mary Anne Walsh (age 17 in 1911). Was working at the Continental Hotel in Atlantic City owned by her aunt Margaret Walsh Duncan in the 1920 census and was included in her will.
......................... 3.5.3 Patrick Walsh died 3 May 1900, age 4½ years, at Ballinahinch; informant mother Anne Walsh.
......................... 3.5.4 Catherine Walsh died 23 April 1900, age 2½ years, at Ballinahinch; informant mother Anne Walsh.
......................... 3.5.5 Michael Walsh (age 10 in 1911). On the SS Celtic arriving in New York in October 1924, his contact was Aunt Margaret Duncan of the Continental Hotel in Atlantic City; also named in her will.
......................... 3.5.6 Margaret Walsh (age 8 in 1911). Named in the will of aunt Margaret Walsh Duncan of Atlantic City.
......................... 3.5.7 Patrick Walsh (age 6 in 1911)
......................... 3.5.8 Kathleen Walsh (age 4 in 1911)
......................... 3.5.9 Thomas Walsh (infant in 1911)

............ 3.6 Margaret Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized 11 April 1867; sponsors Mat and Mary McMahon. Proprietor of the Brevoort Hotel in Atlantic City. Owner and proprietor of the Continental Hotel of Atlantic City. Married Thomas Parks Duncan of New Castle, Delaware in Atlantic City in October 1907. Died in Atlantic City on 1 October 1928 leaving a large estate to seven nieces and nephews.

............ 3.7 Tom Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized 24 March 1869; sponsors Tom McMahon, Mary Crotty. Immigrated to USA in 1890 according to 1910 census. Had a 37 year career with the U.S. Army from 1898 to 1935 (see detail on page 28). Married Mary T. Cummins, who was born in County Mayo and worked at the Continental Hotel in Atlantic City, on 15 August 1909 in Polk County, Iowa. Mary Walsh died in October 1938; Thomas J. Walsh died in El Reno, Oklahoma on 24 January 1939.
......................... 3.7.1 Mary J. Walsh born 15 August 1909 in Des Moines, Iowa.
......................... 3.7.2 Margaret G. Walsh born 22 January 1911, in Jolu Island, Philippines.
......................... 3.7.3 Thomas J. Walsh born 11 June 1913, in Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas.
......................... 3.7.4 John F. "Jack" Walsh born Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas (age 4 in 1920)
......................... 3.7.5 Elizabeth "Betty" Walsh born in Texas (age 9 in 1930)

............ 3.8 Hanna Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized 14 March 1871; sponsors William Walsh, Lizzie Harrison. Johanna Walsh, of Kilnoe, age 19, daughter of farmer Patrick Walsh, married Henry Brady, of Scariff, widower, shopkeeper, son of Michael Brady, on 8 November 1891 at the RC chapel at Bodyke; witnesses John Fitzgerald and Mary Lynch. <Scariff Town, Scariff, House 105, House 81> Four other children from Herny Brady's first marriage were recorded in the 1901 census.
......................... 3.8.1 Mary Kate Brady (age 8 in 1901). Was working at the Continental Hotel in Atlantic City owned by her aunt Margaret Walsh Duncan in both the 1910 and 1920 census; also included in her will.
......................... 3.8.2 Josephine Brady (age 17 in 1911)
......................... 3.8.3 Michael Brady (age 16 in 1911)
......................... 3.8.4 Patrick Brady (age 14 in 1911)
......................... 3.8.5 Ellen Brady died 20 June 1899, age 12 months, shopkeeper's daughter, at Scariff; informant mother Johanna Brady.
......................... 3.8.6 William Hugh Brady (age 12 in 1911)
......................... 3.8.7 Cecilia Brady (age 11 in 1911)
......................... 3.8.8 James Joseph Brady died 9 May 1905, age 3½ years, at Scariff; informant father Henry Brady.
......................... 3.8.9 Thomas Edward Brady (age 6 in 1911)

............ 3.9 Edmond Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized 17 February 1873; sponsors Ned and old Mrs. Walsh. Immigrated to USA in 1893 according to 1910 census. Married Margaret M. Murphy (born in PA) on 14 April 1904 in Philadelphia. Edward Joseph Walsh died in Philadelphia on 18 June 1913; death certificate states father as Patrick Walsh, mother as Josephine McMahon, both of Ireland. Margaret M. Walsh died in Philadelphia on 10 January 1949, father James B Murphy, mother Mary A. Brennan.
......................... 3.9.1 Margaret M. Walsh born 27 January 1905; died 28 February 1906, in Philadelphia.
......................... 3.9.2 Edward J. Walsh born 5 June 1907; died 15 November 1907, in Philadelphia.

4.0 William Walsh, of Ballinahinch, was baptized 4 January 1839; sponsors William Walsh and Mary Gleeson. William was the only child of Michael Walsh and Catherine McNamara of Ballynahinch to be recorded in the Kilnoe baptism register as other children were born prior to 1832. William Walsh, farmer, of Ballinahinch, son of Michael Walsh (deceased), married Mary Minogue, of Clonusker, daughter of farmer John Minogue, on 23 February 1876 at the RC Chapel at Clonusker; witnesses Matthew McNamara and Mary Tuohy (registrar's district of Feakle, in the Union of Scariff; but where reflected in Catholic parish records?). <Ballinahinch, Ballinahinch, House 5, House 6> In 1901, William Walsh was reported as age 55; and in 1911 as age 65; and he died on 12 August 1923 at Ballinahinch at the age of 77 years, informant son Edmond Walsh. His age consistently reflected a birth year about 1846, about 7 years later than his presumed 1839 baptism.
............ 4.1 Michael Walsh, of Ballinahinch, baptized on 24 November 1876; sponsors Ned Walsh and Kate Harrison.
............ 4.2 William Walsh, no location reported, baptized on 1 October 1879; sponsors Ned Walsh and Margaret Walsh.
............ 4.3 Edmond Walsh (age 19 in 1901) <Ballinahinch, Ballinahinch, House 5, House 6>
............ 4.4 Mary Margaret Walsh (1885)
............ 4.5 Catherine Walsh (age 15 in 1901) <Ballinahinch, Ballinahinch, House 5, x>
............ 4.6 Thomas Walsh (age 11 in 1901) <Ballinahinch, Ballinahinch, House 5, House 6>
............ 4.7 Unknown Walsh (in 1911, reported 7 children, 6 living)

The above Walsh family tree structure with Michael Walsh and Catherine McNamara having four children (Edmond, Johanna, Patrick, William) is a theory. Further evidence would prove that they were indeed siblings. On there are several family trees which provide an alternative theory. That William Walsh, who married Mary Minogue in 1876, was indeed born in 1846 (baptism record gone missing?) and that he was the son of a Michael Walsh and Mary Minogue of Newtown, Ballinahinch. The assumption is that this William Walsh was the brother of Jeremiah "Darby" Walsh, baptized on 12 July 1855 in Newtown, Kilnoe Parish. This assumption would contradict my theory that Michael Walsh was murdered in 1847, since he had a child in 1855. When Jeremiah Walsh married Bridget Malone on 6 February 1878, his father was reported as "Michael Walsh" in the civil record. However, on the 12 July 1855 baptism record, Jeremiah's father was reported as "William Walsh", mother as "Mary Minogue". Jeremiah Walsh would be the informant on the death record for his mother Mary (Minogue) Walsh of Newtown in 1888 at the age of 74 years. This Mary Minogue Walsh, born about 1814, would have been too young to be the mother of Edmond Walsh of Ballynahinch, born between 1820 and 1828. No documentation was provided on the "father", Michael Walsh, other than the 1878 marriage of Jeremiah Walsh.

I reckon that William Walsh, baptized in 1839, son of Michael Walsh and Catherine McNamara of Ballynahinch, was the not so young man from Ballynahinch who married Mary Minogue in 1876. He (or his wife) consistently fudged his age by 7 years in the 1901 and 1911 census reports to make him closer in age to his spouse. At the baptisms for their first two children, the baptism sponsors were Ned Walsh, Kate Harrison, and Margaret Walsh — they were William's nephew and nieces who were old enough to be baptism sponsors. If Michael Walsh had been the father of both William and Jeremiah, there would be quite a large age gap between William Walsh (born 1839, or even if in 1846) and Jeremiah Walsh (born 1855) with no other siblings recorded in between. I believe that Jeremiah's parents were William Walsh and Mary Minogue as per his 1855 baptism record. And that perhaps this William Walsh of Newtown could be a first cousin to the above mentioned siblings Edmond, Johanna, Patrick, and William Walsh of Ballynahinch.

My theory that the parents of Edmond, Johanna, Patrick, and William Walsh were Michael Walsh and Catherine McNamara does have supporting evidence. The second born daughters of Patrick Walsh & Johanna McMahon; and William Walsh & Mary Minogue were both named "Catherine", after their mother Catherine McNamara Walsh? Johanna Walsh Harrison named her second daughter, Catherine Harrison, not her first daughter, which would have been following Irish tradition. Edmond Walsh & Anne Harrison named their first born daughter Catherine (born in 1860 according to NZ records, no baptism record).

When additional civil death records become available on-line, the records for Catherine Walsh will be interesting, including from Scariff district, CW died in 1871, at age 60. And from Galway district: CW died in (a) 1869, age 80, (b) 1873, age 74, (c) 1872, age 65, (d) 1875, age 65.

Further evidence of a McNamara connection is when James Halpin, son of James Halpin and Johanna Walsh, was baptized in 1861 at Tulla Parish, one of the baptism sponsors was Michael McNamara. In one of the USA passport applications for James Halpin, he stated that his godfather Michael McNamara was his uncle. Possibly a younger brother of Catherine McNamara Walsh? Or possibly a first cousin of Johanna Walsh; James Halpin could have called him "uncle" out of respect for an older relative. I believe these McNamara's were from Tulla Parish. This Michael McNamara had to be old enough to be a baptism sponsor in 1861, and still be living when James Halpin visited Ireland in 1922. When William Walsh of Ballynahinch married Mary Minogue in 1876, one witness was Matthew McNamara — perhaps a McNamara cousin as Sheila has speculated? Also, when Elizabeth Harrison married Michael Gunning in 1883, one witness was Eliza McNamara — another cousin? I must think about how or if Catherine McNamara Walsh, as well as Michael, Matthew, and Eliza McNamara, could be related to the other McNamara's we've come across during the ongoing search for the missing Civil War soldier Thomas McNamara of Glandree. But I'll think about it tomorrow.

Johanna Walsh certainly had a tough life. When her father Michael Walsh was murdered in 1847 while traveling from Ballynahinch to Ennis, she was only a teenager. Her 1853 marriage to John Harrison, brought them three children, but sadly her husband died about 1856. John Harrison left a Will which basically prohibited Johanna from remarriage if she wanted to stay in her home with her children. After Johanna Walsh was remarried to James Halpin in 1859, she was a defendant in a court action brought on by the executors of the will. After three hearings the courts finally ruled against her in January 1861. If she was not able to raise her own children, what was there to do? Oh, what was there that matters? Yet, Johanna had the gumption to survive. She decided to go to Tulla, the ancestral home of her mother, Catherine McNamara Walsh. Was this not from where the McNamara's got their strength, the green hills of Tulla? With the spirit of her people who would not know defeat, even when it stared them in the face, she raised her chin, "Tulla. Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get my children back. After all, tomorrow is another day!"
Last edited by Jimbo on Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:57 am

Hi Sheila,

I suspect that you caught the error in my last posting, but were too polite to say anything. The first sentence stated "if Johanna Walsh Harrison were to remarry." Johanna Walsh Harrison is third person singular. Thus, I need to go back and edit this sentence to read "if Johanna Walsh Harrison was to remarry." I can hear the whack of Sister Marie Cecilia's ruler at such an embarrassing grammar mistake. Anyways, it is surprising how many men named Michael McNamara were still living in County Clare in the 1911 census who would have been old enough to be a baptism sponsor for James W Halpin in 1861. I've made little progress on this research front, but discovered some interesting clues in the property records.

In Kilnoe townland in 1855 Griffith's Valuation, plot 12 (land only) was held by a Catherine Walsh. In the 1926 Rate Books for Scariff, Boherglass DED, plot 12 of Kilnoe townland was held by "Edmond Walshe". He must be the Edmond Walsh, son of Edmond Walsh and Anne Harrison, married to Ellen McKenna. And thus he appears to be the grandson of Michael and Catherine Walsh. The same Michael Walsh and Catherine McNamara who had a son William Walsh in 1839? Edmond Walsh also retained plot 11, which had been held by his father in 1855. ... s_ded1.htm

In Ballynahinch townland in 1855 Griffith's Valuation, a Margaret Walsh was leasing Plot 2a, "house, offices, land", about 21 acres, valuation £11, from Charles G.O. O'Callaghan. She appears to be sharing with a James Quinn who had a house on Plot 2b, valuation only 10 shillings. Margaret Walsh also leased Plot 3, land only, about 15 acres, valuation £9. Unfortunately, Ballynahinch townland is not included in the Scariff Rate book transcriptions, so unable to determine who was living on Plots 2 and 3 in 1921/1926. My assumption is that Plots 2 and 3 were passed down to Patrick Walsh, whose widow Johanna McMahon Walsh was living in House 2 in Ballinahinch with her son Patrick in the 1901 census.

So who was Margaret Walsh living at Plot 2 in the 1855 Griffith Valuation? Here is my theory. Catherine McNamara Walsh, the widow of Michael Walsh, had a son Edmond around 1828 (birth year according to Edmond's 2nd marriage in 1873). Catherine Walsh was likely born between 1800 and 1810. So in 1855, the widow Catherine Walsh was in middle age, about 50 years old. Her husband Michael, had he lived, would have been about the same age. Thus, entirely possible, and I believe likely, that the Margaret Walsh in 1855 GV was an elderly widow, the mother of Michael Walsh who was killed in 1847. And that the house and land of Margaret Walsh was passed down to her grandson, Patrick Walsh, who married Johanna McMahon.

There is strong evidence that Edmond Walsh (first married to Anne Harrison) and Patrick Walsh (married to Johanna McMahon) were brothers. Edmond stated that he was the son of deceased Michael Walsh when he remarried in 1873. Patrick Walsh named his first born son "Michael". However, I have some doubts that Edmond Walsh was necessarily older than Patrick Walsh as I have listed on the Walsh family tree. We know that Patrick Walsh died prior to 1892, as he was reported as deceased when his son Patrick married. When additional civil death records become available on-line, the records for Patrick Walsh might provide further evidence of which brother was older. Four men named Patrick Walsh died in the same year in Galway registration district: (a) 1875, age 42, (b) 1875, age 50, (c) 1875, age 42 (d) 1875, age 54.

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