Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

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Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by murf » Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:02 am

Does anyone know why the Griffiths Valuation records for the Parish of Inishcaltra on are allocated to County Galway rather than County Clare?

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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by Sduddy » Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:31 am

Hi Murf

The boundary between County Galway and County Clare was changed in 1898. This article on Clare, in Wikipedia, says “Under the Local Government (Ireland) Act 1898, part of the judicial county of Galway (Drummaan, Inishcaltra North and Mountshannon electoral divisions) was transferred to county Clare. This area contains the village of Mountshannon on the north-western shore of Lough Derg": (Scroll down to the end of the paragraph on English Colonization). I don't know why the change was made.


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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by murf » Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:50 am

Thanks Sheila, that explains it.
Re the reason for the change I found this at
The purpose of the legislation was to reform and consolidate several mutually independent local government authorities into one
centralized county administration, the County Council, for each county in Ireland.
It would be helpful if there was a note to this effect on the Library's Inishcaltra Parish page. There is a note on the Clonrush page that Clonrush was part of Galway in 1842, but I think it needs a specific note on both pages that both parishes were part of Galway in Griffits Valuation.

I happened upon this anomaly when looking for info regarding the Bugler and Bulger family names. I had previously thought that Bulger was merely a mis-spelling of the Bugler name(and in some cases this is true). But upon further investigation it seems that they are indeed separate names with separate roots.
The 1901 census featured 105 Buglers in all of Ireland with around 83 of them in a cluster of four parishes in northeast Clare(Clonrush, Inishcaltra,Moynoe, and Tomgraney).
There were 127 Bulgers in Ireland in 1901(none in Clare) with most being located in the eastern counties of Dublin, Kildare, Kilkenny and Wexford.

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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by Sduddy » Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:41 am

Hi Murf

Thanks for that extra information. I wonder if there was much consternation among those Galway people in 1898 – not alone were they now Clare people, but they were also now in the province of Munster. These days, if there’s a mention of Co. Limerick getting part of Clare, the first thing that people think of (with shock and horror) is that Clare hurlers will be playing for Limerick.

As I’m sure you have noticed, Murf, you need go no further than the GenMap at the top of the Genealogy page to see the more compact outline of the old Clare, before the “armrest” (as I think of it) was added on. In his book, Sliabh Aughty Ramble, Gerard Madden mentions the old boundary as having followed the course of the Bow river (for the most part): he says, “Bow river, abhann na booagh – the river of the secret – rises in the Pollagoona mountains and enters Lough Derg in Scarriff Bay. For centuries it was a natural boundary between Clare and Galway” (p 94). The river, as the boundary line, is also mentioned in the Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland 1845: “and the Bow river rises in the interior at an altitude of upwards of 668 feet above sea-level, and trots and tumbles partly in the interior, but chiefly along the eastern boundary, down to Scariff bay.” (see the information on Moynoe parish: ... moynoe.htm). In all the maps the river is hidden in the boundary line, but I found this one: Gerard Madden says that one of the traditions associated with the river has been preserved in a piece written for the Folklore in Schools Scheme of 1938. According to the storyteller, if you washed your hands in the river on Easter Sunday morning, they would be able to open any knot.

Murf, you say that you are researching the Bugler family who are chiefly in that part of the county. There was also a Dr. Bugler in Ennis in the early 20th century, and there was a Bugler’s Medical Hall in Abbey Street in Ennis that many people will remember. I don’t intend to interfere with your research, Murf, but I will just avail of this opportunity to post an obit that might be of interest to somebody else who is researching Buglers – it is an obit for Daniel McNamara, Catholic Curate, who died in 1937, and putting it here will make it searchable:

Late Rev. D. McNamara, P.P., Portroe – Clare Champion, Saturday, April 3rd, 1937.

The death of Very Rev. D. McNamara, P.P., which was briefly reported in our last issue, caused feelings of regret in many parishes in the diocese of Killaloe, where the deceased had ministered for close on forty years. A son of the late Mr. Matthew McNamara of Lisofin, Tulla, deceased was born there 65 years ago. He had a distinguished collegiate course in St. Flannan’s Ennis, whence he graduated to Maynooth and was ordained there on 21st June, 1896. After his ordination he ministered in Larne, in the Diocese of Down and Connor, for five years. He was then called to his native diocese and ministered as Curate in Crusheen, Kilmaley, Kilkishen, Clarecastle, Coolmeen and Killaloe. It was while in Killaloe he was promoted Parish Priest and appointed four years ago to the pastoral charge of Portroe in succession to Very Rev. T. Meehan, who had been transferred to Crusheen. In every parish where he ministered, the late Father McNamara endeared himself to the people by his saintly character. During his short ministration in Portroe he carried out much-needed improvements to the church there and beautified the church grounds and its surroundings. To commemorate the Holy Year, Father McNamara had erected on Loughten Hill overlooking the Shannon, a forty-foot high flood-lit cross, which, when illuminated, can be viewed from the counties Clare, Limerick, Tipperary and Offaly. Though in indifferent health for some months, Father McNamara became seriously ill only a month before his death. He was conveyed to the Mater Hospital, Dublin, where his death took place. Deceased was a brother of the Rev. M. McNamara, C.C., Castleconnell, an uncle of Dr. H. Bugler, M.O., Ennis; of Sr. Mary Oliver, Convent of Mercy, Nenagh; and of Rev. Father Bugler, Goulburn, Australia, who recently paid him a visit.
The remains were removed by motor hearse from Dublin. When approaching Portroe, they were met by a very large cortege of priests and laity, who followed the remains to Portroe Church were they lay overnight. The clergy present on the arrival of the remains in the Church were the Venerable Archdeacon Slattery, P.P. V.G. Nenagh [a very long list of clergy here].
After High Mass the remains were removed for interment in the Church grounds, his lordship the Bishop and the other priests officiating.
The chief mourners were - Mr. Denis McNamara, Lisofin, Tulla (brother); Sr. M. Oliver, Convent, Nenagh; Miss Lily McNamara, Lisofin; Miss Mary McNamara, Tulla (nieces); Rev. M. Bugler, Australia; Dr. H. Bugler, Ennis, Mr. Dan Bugler, Redwood (nephews); Mr. T. Bugler (brother-in-law); Mr. Tom Byrnes, the Cunneen family, Kilmurry; Joe and Mrs. Doherty; Mrs Kiely, Bodyke (cousins); Miss Hastings, Thomas Neylan and family, Knockroe; Thomas Roche and family, Kells, Corofin; V. Rev. J. Roche, P.P., Kilmaley, etc.
Mass Cards, telegrams and letter of sympathy were received from – Miss Ryan, North Circular Road, Dublin; Rev. M. Ryan, U.C., Mullagh; Convents of Mercy Ennis, Birr and Killaloe; Miss Hastings, Mrs. M. Moynihan, Silvermines Road, and Mrs. Pearse, Bridgetown; Mr. P. Corbett, Killaloe; Roche family, Corofin; Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Frawley; Miss Neylon; Miss Brosnahan; Mary Boyle and Bridie Welsop; Dr. and Mrs. Murnane; Charles McGrath, Killaloe; John McGrath; Garry Kennedy; Joe and Mis Doherty; Mrs. Kiely; May and A. Cunneen, Kilmurry; May Crowley; Mrs. C. McGrath; Mrs. T. Ryan, Loughrea; Miss K. Roche, Loughrea.

Note about Mass Cards: in the 1930s Mass Cards were mentioned in obits as they were still something of a rarity (a couple I found from that time look more like certificates than cards) and were sent only by people who could afford them. The list of those who sent Mass cards sometimes shows someone who was not present at the funeral, so they can useful for researchers. I once found a family in the U.S., thanks to a list of Mass Cards.

Murf, I found the marriage that brought about that connection between the McNamaras and the Buglers (1898: John Bugler to Mary McNamara, Lissofin). The marriage took place in Limerick and I notice that quite a few Buglers choose to get married in Limerick around that time - it was the fashion. I notice that a Lizzie Bugler, who married James Madden in 1895, gives her address as Bow River, Co. Galway.


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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by murf » Mon Jun 08, 2020 5:07 am

Thanks Sheila for that very informative post.
My connection to the Buglers is with Patrick Bugler(1892-1964) who married Teresia McInerney, a first
cousin of my father.
Patrick was a son of Patrick Bugler and Margaret Crotty of Kilrateera Lower. In the 1901 census all the
family except Margaret gave their birthplace as Galway, In the 1911 census, because of the border change,
the whole family gave their birthplace as Clare. Patrick established a successful farming operation at Plassy,
Co Limerick and became one of the leading exporters of cattle in the South of Ireland.

Patrick was likely a cousin of Fr M(atthew) Bugler mentioned in the obit of Rev Fr McNamara. Matthew
was son of John Bugler and Mary Mack of Kilrateera Upper. Prior to March 1935, Fr Matthew was the
parish Priest at Burrowa NSW. (Interestingly that is the birthplace of my grandfather)
He must have made quite an impression at Burrowa, judging by the farewell given to him by his

Father Matthew's father John died in 1952.
DEATH: The death took place last week-end of Mr . John Bugler, Lordspark, Rathcabbin. He was father of
Sister Mary Oliver, Convent of Mercy; Rev. Fr. M. Bugler, Australia; Dr. H. Bugler, Ennis, and Mr. D. Bugler,
Nenagh Guardian 1838-current, Saturday, July 05, 1952; Page: 8
In Australia solemn requiem mass for the repose of his soul was held at West Wyalong, NSW where Fr
Matthew was stationed at that time.

Rev Matthew Bugler died at Cootamundra, NSW in 1957, aged 56.

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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by Sduddy » Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:57 am

Hi Murf

Fr Matthew Bugler got great praise indeed. I’d noticed him in the 1901 census, aged 4 months, living in Kibreteera [Kilreteera] Upper, Iniscaltra. As you say, he is probably a cousin of the Patrick from Kilreteera Lower, who married Teresa McInerney.

Murf, in your second posting you say that of the 105 Buglers in Ireland in 1901, 83 were from four parishes northeast Clare. I notice that there are 7 more (of the 105) who give birthplace as either Galway or Clare (4 in Dublin, 1 in Tipperary and 2 in Limerick). The remaining 15 are from Limerick. So the name is very contained indeed. When I looked at Griffith’s Valuation the first impression was that there were a whole lot of Buglers in Inishcaltra, but when I looked more closely I saw that there are only 5 houses that the Buglers were living in – 3 in Kilrateera Lower, and 2 in Kilreteera Upper (plus 2 houses for labourers). There’s a house leased by James Bugler in Magherareagh, but it’s for a labourer, and there’s a house leased by James Bugler in Middleline North, but that’s also for a labourer. So, really, it boils down to Thomas Bugler, John Bugler Sen. and John Bugler Jun., each in his own house, in Kilrateera Lower. And Henry and Denis Bugler each in their own house in Kilrateera Upper (Denis’s house is valued at £8 18s. so must have been a substantial house).

Looking at Buglers in Tithes: http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarc ... rch=Search I notice that the name of the county is Cork when it should be Clare, but that must be just a typo.

Murf, at first I thought how delightful it must be to be looking at an unusual name all confined to one place, but the old question of who is related to who is still the problem, I suppose.

I notice that there were some obits and marriage notices for Buglers published in the Clare Champion.


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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by murf » Tue Jun 09, 2020 6:08 am

Hi Sheila

Yes, with such a compact group there comes a temptation to try and put them all in their proper place. But I will resist the urge to stray off the beaten track and content myself with just Patrick's immediate family(all 14 of them!).

You should be aware that the NAI's indexing of the Tithes cannot be trusted. Ages ago I came across numerous examples of Clare parishes being slotted into the wrong place. A few examples are Kilnamona, Clare to be found in Kilnamona, Cork; Kilseiley, Clare to be found in Kilscoran, Wexford; and
Killuran, Clare to be found in Killummod, Roscommon. I really don't know how extensive this problem is for I didn't check all of Clare, or any other counties. It was back in 2012 when I advised NAI of this but I see nothing has been done to fix it.

Cheers, murf

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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by Sduddy » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:17 am

Hi Murf

Well, with 14 in Patrick’s immediate family you have enough to be getting on with alright.
The Buglers certainly gave their share of sons to the Church. The Calendar of Wills lists a Very Reverend Michael Bugler who died in Birr, Co. Offaly, in Nov 1893: http://www.willcalendars.nationalarchiv ... _00048.pdf . His death does not seem to have been registered. I feel sure that he was from Galway/Clare. Birr is in the diocese of Killaloe, which shows how far the diocese stretched.

Yesterday afternoon, I looked again at a lovely book, Lough Derg and its Islands, by Gerard Madden and Shane Creamer. It’s folio sized (I don’t know the proper term) and to say that it is lavishly illustrated would be an understatement. It must have cost a fortune to produce. There are interesting notes on all the islands in Lough Derg, plus on the townlands that border on the Lake. Killreteera Lower and Killreteera Upper are inland, so there’s nothing on these, but I’m mentioning the book here because it's full of interesting pieces of history and mentions of people who belong to this “new” part of Clare. The most easterly point of Clare is an island, Illaunmore (or Islandmore). Go to the information on Clonrush parish (often called Whitegate): ... parish.htm, and click on the map of the townlands and then on No. 28 (Illaunmore) and then the Bing satellite view, and you will see that it is a really big island - it contains 200 acres – it's a bit closer to Tipperary than to Clare, and the terrain (from above) looks more like Tipperary terrain, but it belongs to Co. Clare. Gerard Madden says that ancient graveslabs belonging to the Islandmore abbey are now preserved in the County Museum in Ennis.


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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by Sduddy » Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:48 am

I found that Illaunmore (Islandmore) did belong Co. Tipperary at one time. Although Illaunmore was in the Barony of Leitrim, Co. Galway, Griffith’s Valuation (for that Barony) shows that Illaunmore belonged to the civil parish of Kilbarron, which is in Co. Tipperary. But the people of Islandmore must have identified with the Catholic parish of Clonrush (rather than the Co. Tipperary parish of Terryglass and Kilbarron): I found the birth, on 16 Nov 1864, of a Joseph Meara, registered in Mountshannon (Scarriff Union); address: Islandmore; parents: Patrick Meara, Margaret Fahy. I expected to find his baptism in the Terryglass-Kilbarron parish register, but it was not there. Then I looked at the Clonrush baptisms, and did not see it there either, but saw some earlier baptisms of children of Patrick and Margaret: Michael Mara 1848, John Mara 1850, Patrick Mara 1852, Gullelmus O’Meara 1855, Bridgida Meara 1858. Where the rest of the children, who were born after 1858, were baptised, I don’t know, but they are not in the Terryglass-Kilbarron register.

The Francis O Meara living in Illaunmore (Drummaan DED) in 1901 (aged 37) must have been another child of Patrick and Margaret. According to the record of his marriage to Ellen Hogan in 1890, his father’s name was Patrick Mara. Strangely, the 1911 census shows Frank OMeara (and family) living in Illaunhobart, a nearby island of only 5 acres, and doesn’t show Illaunmore at all, but I think this must be a mistake, because the 1926 Rate Book for Drummaan shows Francis O’Meara in Illaunmore.

Gerard Madden says that another family came to live in Islandmore in 1881; these were the Tiernans – James Tiernan had married a girl from Garrykennedy and they settled on the island. Madden says that all ten of their children were baptised in Whitegate (Clonrush).


P. S. At some point in my searching, I came upon this short article: “Was Brian Boru buried on Islandmore?”, by Gerard Madden. ... dmore.html

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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by murf » Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:19 am

I have to report that I was following a false trail with Patrick Bugler of Kilrateera Lower.
What set me off on that false trail was his civil marriage registration which clearly declared his father's name to be Patrick. ... 303589.pdf

So after spending hours building info on that Kilrateera family of fourteen, half of whom migrated to the USA, niggling doubts started to creep in. A closer examination of the relatives in his obituary revealed that at least four of his siblings had a father named Henry. The final nail in the coffin (if you will excuse the pun) was a search for Buglers in Mount St Lawrence Cemetery. Here in the Bugler family plot was Patrick and his wife Theresa, Patrick's parents Henry and Bridget, plus other relatives.

I have no idea why the wrong father was noted on his marriage certificate.
Another thing that compounded the deception was that Patrick's birth registration and those of three of his sisters, between 1894 and 1900, are missing from the index.

I guess the consolation is that I got an education about Clare/Galway border changes and gained some appreciation of the dimensions of the Bugler clan.

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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by Sduddy » Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:18 am

Hi Murf

That certainly has shaken my faith in the civil records. So Patrick’s father was Henry Bugler who is living in Rivers (Ballyvarra DED) in Co. Limrick, aged 44, in 1911. Henry gives his birthplace as Co. Limerick, but, as I’m sure you have noticed, the record of his marriage in 1890 says he is from Whitegate [Clonrush], son of John Bugler. That must be the John Bugler, who is still living in Kilrateera Upper in 1901 (aged 70) with his wife Margaret, aged 66. They are living with their son John, aged 30, daughter-in-law, Mary [McNamara], and grandson Matthew aged 4 months. So you were right when you said that Patrick was a cousin of Fr. Matthew Bugler - they were first cousins.
Patrick’s father, Henry, was quite young when he married in 1890. He was born on 28 Jun 1867 to John Bugler and Margaret Hallinan, Kilrateera, so he was only 22 when he married Bridget Ryan from Annacotty [Co. Limerick], daughter of John Ryan, on 02 Feb 1890 (witnesses: Henry Bugler, Kate Ryan).
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the Clonrush baptisms don’t show the baptism of Henry in 1867, but the baptisms of two of his siblings are shown: Bridget was baptised in Jun 1865 and John was baptised on 27 Jan 1871. John remained in the homeplace in Kilrateera Upper, and married Mary McNamara in 1898, and Bridget married Patrick Scanlan, from Gurthmagee [Gortmagy], Killaloe, in 1891. I noticed that Bridget was married in Cappaghduff chapel. It was the first time I heard of Cappaghduff chapel. I looked at it on google maps and see it’s called St Caimin’s church – a place Gerard Madden refers to often.

Anyway, Murf, you are now on the right track, in spite of bad records. I notice that you now have 11 siblings to deal with, rather than 14. There are 3 boys and 7 girls in 1911. Murf, I will interested to know if any of the girls entered an order nuns. I’ve found that nuns are the most difficult to trace. There is no public record, good or bad, that says so-and-so became a nun on such-and-such a day.


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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by Sduddy » Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:19 am

Well Murf, I got my answer very soon afterwards in the form of the obituary for Henry Bugler’s widow, Bridget, who died in 1950 (Limerick Leader, 25 Feb 1950). And what an informative obituary it is – I saw that three of her daughters had entered three different orders, the Sisters of Mercy, the Presenation Sisters and the Sister of the Good Shepherd: ... 0morey.pdf
Have you figured out which daughter entered which order?


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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by murf » Sat Jun 13, 2020 12:28 am

Hi Sheila
I was feeling guilty that we had diverged from the original subject matter so I started a new thread for Patrick Bugler.

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Re: Inishcaltra Parish in Griffiths Valuation

Post by pwaldron » Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:37 pm

Hi Sheila and Kevin

The mislabelling of the Tithe Applotment Books was the subject of a blog post from John Grenham a few years ago: ... -any-more/

I think that John may have done more work since then on sorting out the mess, but I will leave ye to check his magnificent website to see how much progress he has made.

I stumbled on this thread only because I was researching Buglers, but I will add my contribution on that topic to your new thread at ... f=1&t=7123

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