Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

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Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:13 am

Can anyone help me find the date for this newpaper page, please:

I am trying to find out about a Considine family who lived in Kilmorane, in the parish of Killone, and who seem to have disappeared about the time of Griffith’s Valuation (1856). I googled “Considine Kilmorane” and found the above list of deaths. It includes “At Kilmorane, county Clare, suddenly, Mr. Michael Considine”

According to James Frost, in his notes on Killone parish, a Daniel Considine was a tenant in Kilmorane in 1659.
(Note 94 in The notes on the Book of Forfeitures and Distributions for the Barony of Islands: Part A, in The History and Topography of the County of Clare by James Frost, Part II: "In 1659, the tenants in occupation of some of the townlands of this parish were the subjoined: Drummeen, Owen MacConsidine; Drumadrehid, Daniel and Murtagh Oge MacConsidine; Kilmoraun, Daniel Considine; and Teermaclane, Stephen Wolfe").

The Tithe Applotment books for Killone (1828) show a John Considine in Kilmorrane: http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarc ... _00452.pdf

In 1832, Mich. Considine, Kilmorane, is applying to Registry of Freeholders, Borough of Ennis, in order to be allowed to vote. He is applying on the grounds that he is freeholder of houses in High Street worth £20. He gives his occupation as “Gent.”. I don’t know if he succeeded in his claim: ... s_1832.htm

The Killone baptisms 1834 – 1853 show that there were two families of Considines living in Kilmorane:
(1) Patrick Considine and Peg Kenny* had three children baptised:
Michael in 1843 (sponsors: John Kenny, Kate Kenny),
John in 1845 (sponsors: Michael Guinea, Nelly Guinea)
James in 1848 (sponsor: Ellen Kenny).
*At the baptism of John, the mother is Peg Guinea. I'm assuming that "Guinea" is a form of “Kenny”.

(2) Henry Considine and Bridget Daly had two children baptised:
Fanny in 1844 (sponsors: George Considine, Francisca Daly)
Michael in 1845 (sponsors: Henry Greene, Fanny Daly).
Henry and Bridget emigrated, bringing Fanny and Michael with them. More children were born to them. It seems they first went to Canada, then to Pennsylvania and then to Ohio. I found some records on, one of which (1900 US census) shows them living in Ohio (Henry aged 73, Bridget aged 75, with their son John (born in Canada) aged 43, daughter Josephine (born Pa), aged 36, and daughter Elizabeth (born Ohio), aged 30 (some death records found on familysearch below).

Familysearch shows that the 1844 Field Books (part of the assessment needed to determine liability for rates) for the townland of Kilmorane lists the houses of Henry Considine (valued at £5) and William Daxon (£8 15s). However, Griffith’s Valuation shows no Considines in Kilmorane.

Familysearch (Ohio deaths, 1908-1953) shows the death of John H. Considine on 17 Apr. 1923; date of birth: 23 Feb. 1858; single; parents: Henry Considine and Bridget Daily. John’s occupation is given as Rubber Worker; the informant is Elizabeth Considine.

Death of Michael D. Considine on 15 Sept. 1930, aged 81, in Springfield, Clark, Ohio; widower of Ellen; born in Ireland; father: not known; mother: Daley; informant: Miss Fannie Considine.

Death of Henry Considine on 23 Apr. 1951, aged 86, in Akron, Summit, Ohio, Apr. 23, 1951; birthplace: Conneaut Center, Pa.; Born Mar. 9, 1865; parents: Henry Considine, Bridett Dailey. Burial place: St. Vincent’s Cemetery, Akron, Ohio.

I have found no records to show what happened to the family of Patrick Considine and Peg Kenny. Maybe Michael, whose sudden death was reported in a Limerick newspaper, was their son.


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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by smcarberry » Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:59 pm

Sheila, I have two remarks to make at this point:

1. The quickest way to pin down the date of the newspaper page in question is to call the Limerick Archives and ask their online collections specialist to confirm that the date is indeed 31 Dec 1836 as indicated in the page's online pathway header. I am sure you were hoping that one of us here on the Forum had a longer obituary that matches this ultra brief death mention.

2. I don't have an obituary right for that Michael, but I have extensive information on the Henry Considine/Bridget Daley family of Canada and Ohio. Their early years were in Lincoln County, Ontario Province, where there was also a Dr. John W. Considine and indications of yet another Considine family, in which the mother was named Ellen. It was her son George (then residing Jamestown NY) who in 1861 advertised for his brother Michael Considine b.c. 1835 who was last known to be in Dubuque, Iowa in 1857. While I have records on two Michaels in that era in Dubuque, the birth years shown are far off 1835. Instead, my closest Michael of the right birth year and living in the MidWest as of the mid 1850s is this well-known merchant of Chicago:

History of Chicago by Alfred Theodore Andreas – see also Chicago Irish Families at
Michael Considine was born in County Clare, Ireland, on December 23, 1834, and is the son of Michael and Susan (O'Gorman) Considine. He attended the common schools of his native country until he arrived at the age of sixteen, when he left school, to work on a farm. He soon after sailed for America, and landed at New York on May 14, 1853; thence he went to Princeton, N. J., and worked for a farmer a short time. He came to Chicago during the same year...

Thanks so much for posting on Henry Considine, so that I now have his Clare townland, which is otherwise missing from his U.S. records. Just FYI, in case the badly-mangled surname caused his 1870 census record to go missing in the usual databases, here is the Heritage Quest listing of his entire family 1870, with a few of my notations since this is listed from my Considine file where it has sat for years because I haven't had a reason to use it:

1870 OH Summit Co. Akron 1-WD
Canerdine [on HQ]
Henry 46 Ire day lab'r
Bridget 46 Ire
Fanny 23 Ire at home
Maggie 22 Ire “ [should be Michael]
George 19 Ire at home [b. Can]
Henriette 17 Can. “ d. 24 Dec 1935 Akron sp: Chas. J. Darrah burial Holy Cross
John 15 Can. chain maker
Mary 13 Can. attending school
Josphine 10 Can.
Clara 8 Can.
Frank 7 PA
Lizie 4 PA

By the way, the other Lincoln Co. ONT family, Dr. John, also had a daughter Henrietta who was born in the U.S. in 1860. There is a U.S. census listing that year for the doctor, who otherwise spent all his time in ONT.

Sharon Carberry

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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:55 am

Hi Sharon

Thank you for so quickly finding the date (31 Dec. 1836). I still don’t understand how you did it, but that doesn’t matter.

And thank you for dipping into your great store of information and Hey Presto producing Henry and Bridget and the rest of the family. What disappears in Ireland reappears on the other side of the water. It’s a kind of magic.

The date (31 Dec. 1836) is about 30 years earlier than I’d imagined. So the Michael who died was not a son of Patrick Considine and Peg Kenny. He must be the man who applied for the vote in 1832.

No, I did not hope for an obituary: I suspect that Michael barely made it into that list of upper class and upper middle class persons. He is related in some way to Patrick, who married Peg Kenny, and to Henry and Bridget, who went to Canada, but I doubt I will ever find how they were related. I haven’t found a headstone – I imagine there’s one somewhere, but with names now worn away.

It seems that things went downhill for the Considines sometime in those years between the valuation of their land and house in 1844 and the publication of Griffith’s Valuation in 1856. Kilmorane is spelled “Kilmoraun” in Griffith’s Valuation. The houses considered of most value in the townland at that time were (1) Kilmoraun House itself, which Mr. George Davoran was leasing from William Daxon Bush, and which was valued at £5, and (2) another house in Lot 2, which was valued at £2. Lot 2 (107 acres) was being leased from William Daxon Bush by Henry Kane, and Henry Kane was subletting the house to a Bridget Nehill. I figure these are the two houses that correspond to the two houses listed in the Field books of 1844. Clearly, the value given to the houses at that time had been revised down in a later assessment. Anyway, I think that if Henry and Bridget Considine were still living in Kilmoraun in 1856, they would have been living in Lot 2. The house has disappeared but the outline of the field around it seems very much the same. I think a house valued at £2 would have been a one storey building with a thatched roof, but superior on the inside to other thatched cottages, and would have been very comfortable.

I’ve been looking at the Considines who appear in later records for Killone parish, but can’t find anyone that I reckon might be descendants of the Kilmorane family. I don’t know in what way Henry was related to Patrick. They are both having children baptised in the 1840s, and they are both living in Kilmorane, so they may be brothers.
I am wondering about Patrick and Peg and their children. They seem to have left the locality too, but there’s no trace of them.

Thank you again, Sharon, for your help.


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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:29 am

There’s a possibility that Patrick and Peg Considine, of Kilmorane, went to live in Turnpike, Ennis. I looked at the Ennis parish genealogy site ( and found that a Patrick Considine and Margaret Kenny had a son, Michael, baptised 24 July 1852. Then I looked at the original entry and saw that the address is Turnpike. The sponsor is Mary Molony: ... 4/mode/1up
If this Turnpike couple is the same as the Kilmoraun couple, then the first Michael, born 1843, must have died.
I looked at the Turnpike in Griffith’s Valuation (where there are 156 tenancies listed!) and found a Patrick Considine there. I’m not at all sure, of course, that this is the same Patrick.

There is a family of Considines living in the Turnpike in the late 19th century and early 20th century. This is Patrick Considine and Mary Ellen Levy and their children. Some of the sons were famous hurlers: ... others.htm. According to the marriage record for Patrick and Mary Ellen (11 Feb. 1882), Patrick was an Attorney’s Clerk, and a son of Patrick Considine, who was also a clerk, (dead). I suspect that Patrick’s father is the Patrick Considine who was applying to the Register of Electors for the Borough of Ennis in 1832, whose occupation at that time was Treasurer’s Clerk and whose address was The Causeway: ... s_1832.htm
Patrick Considine (who was married to Mary Ellen Levy) died 20 Feb. 1929, aged 81. A very glowing obituary was published in the Clare Champion on 23 Feb. 1929, but it is a very frustrating obituary because the mourners listed are members of the immediate family and there are no clues as to Patrick’s own siblings:
After Mass the funeral took place to Drumcliffe Cemetery, the cortege being one of the largest seen in Ennis for many years past and representative of all sections and classes in the community.
The chief mourners were – Mrs. Mary Ellen Considine (widow); Patrick, Sylvester, William, Joseph, Dermot, Brendan and Turlough Considine (sons); Mrs. M. E. O’Reilly, Annie Josephine, Grace and Eva Considine (daughters); William, Nancy, Evan, Margaret and Mary Considine, Seamus and Maureen O’Reilly (grandchildren); Mrs. Tull Considine and Mrs. Brendan Considine (daughters-in law); Mrs. Halpin, Ballyneety, Limerick and Thomas Halpin, do.
Anyway I don’t think this Patrick, born about 1848, is one of the Kilmoraun Considines. I believe his father was the Patrick Considine who once lived in the Causeway.


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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:15 pm

According to the 1636-1703 Books of Survey and Distribution for Killone Parish, the proprietors of the townland of Drummeen were Donogh and Loghlen MacConsidine and Dermot O’Brien. This townland was given (“disposed of”) to Earl of Inchquin: ... parish.htm. Earl of Inchiquin allowed some Considines to remain on their lands, but as tenants, not as proprietors.
Note 94 gives a link to Frost’s notes on the 1659 tenants of Drumeen - Owen MacConsidine, Drumadrehid - Daniel and Murtagh Oge MacConsidine and Kilmoraun -Daniel Considine – see also the 1659 census of Kiloone: ... lloone.htm
There were a great many other tenants of course, but these few were considered the more important ones, and were most likely subletting to tenants. I don’t think we will ever know if they had enough land to sublet, because, by 1828, when the Tithe Applotment Books for Killone were drawn up, there was only one Considine in Killone (who was deemed liable for Tithes), and that was John Considine of Kilmoraun. A few years later in 1832, a Michael Considine, Kilmorane, applied to be allowed to vote on the grounds of freehold property in High Street, Ennis (the Registry of Freeholders, Borough of Ennis): ... s_1832.htm
But not all of the other Considines had gone away. The Considines in the adjoining townland of Drumadrehid are forebears of the Heffernan Considines of Derk, Co. Limerick, as I found when I read an article by Brian Ó Dálaigh, "Notice of marriage banns of Owen McConsidin and Una Clanchie Ennis 1658", in The Other Clare Vol. 18 (1994). Ó Dálaigh says:
“Remarkably, a certificate of marriage banns, issued to a young couple in Ennis in 1658, still survives in the possession of their familial descendants (note 3: National Library of Ireland, Ms. 17720. Xerox copies of items relating to the Considine Family of Drumadrehid, County Clare, lodged in the N.L.I. by Peter Considine, Derk, Pallas Green, County Limerick, 9 October 1948). The text of the document is as follows: “I do hereby certify (pursuant to the late act of parliament concerning marriages, births and burials) I have published the marriage banns of Owen McConsidin son to Daniel McConsidin of Dromghadrehid in the parish of Kilone and barony of Islands, gentleman, aged nineteen years and Una Clanchie daughter to Daniel Clanchie of Ibrican barony, gentlewoman, aged 20 years, three market days at Innish ending this present day and have entered the same in the registry book of Islands’ Barony, whereof I desire all persons to be any way concerned to take due notice. Innish 19th October 1658, Luke Murrey, Registrar Islands’ Barony”.” Ó Dálaigh explains that normally banns were announced in Church, but, where the bulk of the population were not members of the established church, banns were published on market day.
Ó Dálaigh found further mentions of Owen Considine, one in James Frost’s history of Clare, which shows that in 1690 he was one of ‘the chief gentlemen and ablest persons of county Clare’ who were summoned to provide their best horses for the army of King James II, and another which shows that he was among those who swore allegiance after the Treaty of Limerick (and the defeat of King James II) and thus avoided the confiscation of his property.

I think the fact that the marriage banns document was in the possession of Peter Considine of Derk in Pallas Green, in Co. Limerick, means that the Heffernan Considines of Derk were descendants of Owen Considine. The landed estates site ( has some information on the Considines of Derk, but doesn’t go back to Owen Considine; it starts with a William Considine who married a Mary Heffernan of Derk, Co. Limerick: ... sp?id=2153

The Heffernan Considines are considered to be Catholic Landowners by Ciaran O’Neill in his book, Catholics of Consequence: Transnational Education, Social Mobility, and the Irish Catholic Elite 1850-1900. O'Neill says that the fact that they were Catholics did not save the Heffernan Considines from attack during the Land War – see p. 134: ... &q&f=false

However, I think the Heffernan Considines must have decided, at some stage, that they were Protestant, and probably owe their survival as landlords to that decision: Sharon Carberry, in her 2008 posting entitled, “Protestant converts to RC, 1800s, Clare-related”: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=426, refers to “Converts to Rome, a biographical list of the more notable converts to the Catholic Church in the United Kingdom during the last sixty years”; author: Gordon-Gorman, William James,( and goes on to quote this piece regarding Considine, Heffernan (1816-1895):
p. 85 Considine, Heffernan (1816-1895), B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge; D.L., J.P.; of Derk. co. Limerick, Ireland; oldest son of Heffernan Considine by Elizabeth Patten; he married Miss McMahon of Firgrove, co. Clare; father of Sir Heffernan J.F. Consdine, C.B., M.V.O., D.L., Deputy-Inspector-General of the Royal Irish Constabulary; and of the Rev. Daniel Considine, Priest of the Society of Jesus and Rector of Wimbledon College, London, S.W.; father-in-law of the late Lieutenant-Colonel William McCarthy-O'Leary, South Lancashire Regiment, of Coomlagane, co. Cork, who was killed in the last South African War; and to whom a statue has been erected in Warrington, Lancashire; grandfather of Captain John McCarthy-O'Leary, South Lancashire Regiment and of Lieutenant Henry William Denis McCarthy-O'Leary, of the Royal Irish Fusiliers. (1855)

p. 85 Considine, Count James (1824-1907), educated in France and at the University of Heidelberg; of the British Consular Service; youngest brother of Heffernan Considine (1816-1895), J.P., D.L., of Derk, co. Limerick, Ireland; his title was a Roman one. (1882)
I think the Heffernan Considines must be related, however distantly, to Henry Considine and Bridget Daly who went to Canada and Pennsylvania and Ohio, and who were probably glad to be alive and to have survived the great famine. And related too to Patrick Considine and Margaret Kenny, whether they lived in the Turnpike, or went abroad, or survived at all.


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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:56 am

Some inscriptions on tombs and walls of Ennis Abbey (Friary) are given here: ... mcliff.htm
And among them is this one for Eugenius Considin. Eugenius is the Latin version of Owen* (or Eoin/Eoghan), so maybe it is for Owen Considine who married Una Clanchie in 1658. I’m afraid I unable to translate it, but there’s something about Cromwell and King James II in it:
South wall:—

*Owen is a version of the name John. For instance St. John the Baptist is Naomh Eoin Baiste in Irish, and St. John the Apostle (the Beloved) is Naomh Eoin Easpal.


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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:00 am

No. Eugenius Considin, who died 1686, according to the memorial plaque in Ennis Abbey, cannot be Owen Considine who swore allegiance after the Treaty of Limerick 1691.


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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:41 pm

I see now that Bartholomew Considine of Drumadrehid (adjacent to Kilmoraun) converted to Protestantism in 1755. A Daniel Considine, Merchant (no address) converted in 1757: ... nverts.htm
Also a Wm. Considine (no address) in 1768.

Civil Registration (Ennis) shows the marriage on 25 Nov 1845 of Heffernan Considine, Esquire, Derk Co. Limerick, son of H. Considine, Esquire, to Mary MacMahon, Gentlewoman, (address faded), daughter of John MacMahon, Esquire, in Killnasoolagh Church, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the United Church of England and Ireland [Protestant]; witnesses: John MacMahon, (faded) Canny: ... 364165.pdf

Last edited by Sduddy on Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:19 am

The Newmarket-on-Fergus Catholic Parish register of marriages (1828 – 1865) shows the marriage of Heffernan Considine to Mary McMahon on the following day, 26 Nov 1845; witnesses: Denis and Miss(?) Canny (page 219): ... 9/mode/1up. Does this double marriage ceremony mean that one of the parties to the marriage was Catholic and the other Protestant?


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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:06 pm

Hi Sharon,

Thank you again for your helpful reply to my query about Michael Considine of Kilmorane. In that reply you mentioned a J. W. Considine:
I don't have an obituary right for that Michael, but I have extensive information on the Henry Considine/Bridget Daley family of Canada and Ohio. Their early years were in Lincoln County, Ontario Province, where there was also a Dr. John W. Considine and indications of yet another Considine family, in which the mother was named Ellen. It was her son George (then residing Jamestown NY) who in 1861 advertised for his brother Michael Considine b.c. 1835 who was last known to be in Dubuque, Iowa in 1857.
A notice in the Clare Journal of Mon 9 Sep 1844 shows that J. W. Considine was the son of Michael Considine, Kilmorane, but whether this was the Michael who died in 1835, or another Michael, I can’t say: Marriages: On the 3rd inst. In Kilkee, Mr. J. W. Considine, son of the late Mr. Michael Considine, of Kilmorane House, to Miss B. Keane, daughter of Mr. P. Keane, of Kilkee.
The Clare Journal of Thur 30 Sept 1847 published a long (2 columns) report of a Kilkee Petty Sessions case in which J. W., described as a surgeon, was accused of illegally practicing apothecary (not holding a qualification) in the town of Kilrush. J. W. had received the summons on the previous day and not had time to engage professional defence and, at one point, his brother-in-law, Mr. Keane, tried to speak, but was not allowed to continue. Luckily for J. W. (or was it arranged?), a Mr. Barry, a solicitor from Limerick, was present and allowed to speak, and he managed to convince the magistrates that they had no jurisdiction in such a case. Whether the matter went any further, I cannot say, but J. W. must have remained in Kilrush a few more years as a notice of a second marriage appeared in the Clare Journal of Thur 30 Aug 1849: Surgeon J W Considine, late of Kilkee, to Miss Kelly, of Kilrush. (I don’t see this marriage in the St Senan’s Catholic parish register).
John W. emigrated to Canada about 1850 (that is the immigration year given in the 1901 Canada census):
The Canada Census 1871 shows John living in Port Dalhousie, Louth, Lincoln, Ontario, Canada, aged 50, and gives his wife’s name as Margaret. His eldest daughter, Mary, born in Ireland, is aged 20, but Evelena, aged 17, was born in Ontario:
Margaret died of Typhoid Fever on 6 Jun 1872, aged 45; informant John W Considine, M.D., Port Dulhousie. The record gives her birthplace as Killbeggan, Co. Westmeath, Ireland: Margaret must have been the third wife of John W. as the record of the death of their daughter Catherine, on 12 Nov 1918, gives Catherine’s parents as John W. Considine and Margaret O’Rourk:

John (John Wyse Considine) died on 12 Nov 1907 – birth year 1819; occupation: Physician:
His daughter Mary died on 29 Jan 1916, aged 70; occupation: Lady. Her birth year is 1846; birthplace: Dublin; her mother’s name is M. Keenan (close enough to Keane):
Another daughter, Margaret, had married at age 21, on 20 Mar 1877, to John Read:

I’ve found that the Kilmorane/Kilmoraun Considines are related to John Considine who was a Tobacconist in High Street, Ennis (according to Slater’s Directory 1846: ... onists.htm).
The Clare Journal of Thur 9 Feb 1837 carried this notice:
To Be Set, for such a Term as may be agreed upon, from the first day of May next, the Cottage, with about 40 acres of part of the lands of Kilmorane, lately occupied by Mr. Michael Considine, situate within two English miles of the town, of Ennis, convenient to the Mail Line of road to Kilrush. The land is prime quality; well laid out, sheltered, and watered, and would make a desirable residence.There are Three Lives and Thirty-one years of said lands.
Application by proposal to be made to Mr. John Considine, senior, High-street, Ennis. The Herdsman on the land will show the premises.
But what the relationship was, exactly, I cannot say. I think John might have been a brother of Michael.


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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by Sduddy » Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:57 am

I’ve found that an avenue in Port Dalhousie, St. Catherines, Ontario, was named after John W. Considine. In the introduction to an article entitled “St Catherines Street Name Project" (https://stcatharinesheritage.files.word ... roject.pdf), the author, Maurice Gomme, describes the growth of St Catherines, a city in Ontario, Canada. He mentions that in 1851 the population of St Catherines was over 4,000 and it had officially become a town. He goes on to say that, in 1961, the amalgamation of St. Catherines with the Towns of Port Dalhousie and Merritton plus part of Grantham Township resulted in the need to change the names of one hundred streets in order to avoid duplications. One of these was 6th Ave. in Port Dalhousie; it was renamed Considine Avenue.
Considine Avenue runs north-westerly of Bayview Drive in Port Dalhousie. It is named after John Wyse Considine, a local Port Dalhousie doctor. He was County Coroner and also served as Village Clerk for many years. He was born in Ireland in 1819. He obtained a degree from Trinity College, Dublin, graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in England in 1846 and was among five graduates presented to Queen Victoria, presumably because of his academic prowess. He first practiced in Ireland where he played a prominent and distinguished role in fighting the typhus epidemic that killed thousands of people and which followed the Potato Rot. He practiced his profession for 60 years. A directory entry shows him as a chemist, bookseller and wallpaper dealer in addition to being a physician! In an interesting letter he sent to the Editor of the St. Catherines Standard in December of 1900 he states “I saw a statement in one of the city papers relative to my age. I am 80 years instead of 89. I would not call your attention to it, but a false report has been circulated for some time past that I have retired from practice which is not so. I am just as capable and willing to visit on all who favour me professionally. I feel grateful when I look back and feel thankful for this support you have all given me irrespective of class or creed. I feel proud of my success in my profession and never refuse anyone my services when called upon, be he ever so poor, and never lost anything by so doing.”
This street had been called Sixth Avenue but was changed to Considine Avenue when amalgamation took place in 1961.

deirdre carroll
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Re: Considine, Kilmorane, Killone: date of death needed

Post by deirdre carroll » Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:10 pm

Hello Sheila,
That's a lovely story. What an interesting man he must have been. Well done on finding him,

Deirdre Carroll

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