Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:32 pm

Hi Jim

Thanks for all that work you have done, presenting so much detail, untangling the evidence and making a clear timeline of events. I think you may be the first to draw attention to the part played by Constable Doyle, and to the part played by Michael Doolaghty, who was aged 17 at the time.
About Constable Doyle: I had it in my head that he had given testimony at some stage that he had gone from the scene of the crime to the home of Francis Hynes, and not finding him there, had proceeded to Barefield. But I have re-read everything and cannot now find that statement. I think I must have dreamt it!

No, Jim, there’s no letter from an anonymous source quoted in 'Outrage at Drumdoolaghty: The Francie Hynes Affair', by Philomena Butler.
The only letters quoted are the one by William O’Brien, on the conduct of the jury, published in the Freeman’s Journal, and another one written by Thomas Sexton M.P. to the Lord Lieutenant on the same subject. Butler mentions that this was the same Thomas Sexton who had spoken in Parliament about the ‘shoot to kill’ policy of Clare’s County Inspector regarding suspected attempts on Clifford Lloyd’s life. Here is the link to that debate (Tulla is mentioned at the very beginning): ... ircular-by


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:37 am

7 September 1882

Dear Sir,

By inserting the enclosed letter in your paper you will be serving the cause of Francis Hynes, and show the world he is innocent.

Editor "Freeman's Journal."

7 September 1882

There is an old saying that it is often a man was hanged wrongfully, and, alas, what a sorrowful proof have I of this saying. John Doloughty was shot on Sunday the 9th of July last while coming home from the Friary Mass, and Francey Hynes was taken on suspicion, and was sentenced to be hanged, and yet I am the man who shot him, and Francey Hynes hadn't hand, act, or part in it, or didn't know anything about it, no more than the judge or jury who tried him.

I will now tell you all about it, barring what would implicate myself; I would tell it before, only that I was afraid to take a letter to the post office lest I may be noticed and suspected in any way, and if searched the letter would be quite sufficient to get me hanged.

On the Saturday before I shot Doloughty I was in Ennis, and having some drink taken, was induced to take more drink home with me, and which I drank on the following morning till I was more than half drunk; I then set out for mass; unfortunately I saw Doloughty, and the thought struck me that it would be a good opportunity to give him a beating on his return home.

The devil tempted me not to go to mass at all that day, but to watch Doloughty on his way home, and if his wife was in company with him to attack them.

I then took the short cut home to prepare for the attack, as I knew I had not much time to lose, unless they stayed in Ennis for some time. On my way home from the first thought of attacking Doloughty, came the second of shooting him, and having the drink in me I determined on this. Having provided myself with a gun, a revolver, a piece of crape, and a woman's cloak, I proceeded toward Koslavan Cross, as it was there I first thought of doing for him, but seeing a few persons about the place I then went towards Gorris Cross, and seeing no one, I hid myself there for some time. It was then I remembered that Con M'Cormack was also at Ennis, and lest if he came that way before Doloughty that should he by any chance see me, I hastened as quick as I could towards Knockaneane School-house, and seeing no one about I came out on the roadside and thereabouts.

I then put the cloak on me, which up to that time was wrapped round the gun. I remained there something about 15 minutes, when as if Doloughty was to be shot I saw him coming on the road without his wife, and not a soul in view. In the meantime I walked on very slowly, till he was drawing near me, at the same time settling the crape over my face, and then I stooped down as if to tie my shoe, but instead, cocking the gun, and preparing to take deadly aim, Doloughty thinking all the time that I was a woman, and when he was within about six yards of me I turned round, took aim, and shot him right in the face. Before he had time to do anything but raise his hands, and say Oh , when he saw the gun, I had him shot dead as I thought, by a bullet, or I should also have discharged one of the chambers of revolver at him, all of which were loaded by myself; I will tell another time how the shot got into the gun instead of the bullet I will also mention that it was my intention to shoot the wife also if she recognised me, provided she happened to arrive at the scene of the attack or murder; I then ran off and hid my cloak, crape, gun and revolver, but spite of all my vigilance was seen; but a staunch patriot was never an informer, nor won't be one.

I now ask Francy Hynes and his family and friends to forgive me for being the cause of his death, which I am more sorry for than any of them may imagine, and if I cannot save his life by this confession I have at least shown to the world that he is innocent of the crime for which he is to suffer.

I remain &c.

(signed) The Man who shot John Doloughty.
Isn't the anonymous "Man who shot John Doloughty" incredibly convincing, especially his local knowledge of Con McCormack and the route from the Franciscan Friary Church to Knockanean? Except for one thing, there is no "Koslavan Cross", nor "Gorris Cross" near Ennis or anywhere else in Ireland. No local man would make these mistakes when writing a letter. These were misspellings of the actual locations "Roslevan Cross" and "Gaurus Cross" by a Dublin reporter for the Freeman's Journal in their 13 July article of the inquest testimony by Cornelius M'Cormack. A newspaper article that the anonymous letter writer had obviously read prior to composing his bogus confession:
Cornelius M'Cormack deposed - I met the deceased about two o'clock at Koslevan Cross, about a mile from home. He was well and in good health when I met him. I accompanied him to Gorris Cross.

The Coroner - How far is Gorris Cross to the schoolhouse? About half a mile. When I parted him at Gorris Cross he was alone.

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 13 July 1882
This letter would not be published by the Freeman's Journal; I was mistaken about this. It would only be forwarded on: "The enclosed has been addressed to the editor of the "Freeman's Journal," but as he does not think it expedient to publish it, he forwards it for the perusal of the Lord Lieutenant." signed by John Gillies, Manager,

This letter (No. 62) and other documents are sourced from "Papers Relating to the Case of the Queen v. Hynes" gathered by the Dublin Commission Court in November 1882. Most documents are sworn affidavits related to conduct of the jurors during the Friday evening after the first day of the trial; available here from that had been digitized by the University of Southampton Library :

Sheila, regarding the testimony of a constable going to the home of Francis Hynes who was not there - you did not dream this. But it was Head-Constable Stokes and not Constable Doyle. From The Freeman's Journal of 12 August 1882:
Head-Constable Stokes, in reply to the Attorney-General, deposed that he was present while Captain M'Ternan was interrogating the deceased, and heard what passed. Deceased spoke like a ventriloquist. What he said could not be heard very far off, but witness heard him distinctly.

Did he appear to you to understand the questions that were put to him?

The MacDermot objected. The witness was not an expert.

Mr. Justice Lawson - There is nothing as to an expert about it. The question may be answered.

Witness - He did, and on the strength of it I went to arrest "Francy" Hynes. I went direct to his house, but did not find him there.
And then what did Head-Constable Stokes do? It is never stated. The Head-Constable Stokes never gave any testimony about being at Barefield. Only the more junior Constable Doyle gave testimony of the events at Barefield (conversely, Doyle never gave any testimony about being at the crime scene on the day of the shooting). During the arrest of Francis Hynes at Barefield, Doyle refers to giving his gun to another constable, probably someone his junior. A defense witness testifies that it was Constable Doyle at Barefield, but does not mention the Head Constable.

Head-Constable Stokes appears to emphasize that it was only on the strength of the "Francy" declaration to Captain McTernan at the crime scene that the constables went to arrest Francis Hynes. A defense witness will reveal that Francis Hynes and his friends were at Hassett's Public House in Barefield and "about one the police came, and we all left." It is not very clear why they all scattered, were pubs in Ireland allowed to be open on a Sunday? So the constables knew that Francis Hynes was at Hassett's Public House at Barefield on the Sunday of the murder at 1 pm. When Dr. Dixon informed the constables at around 4:05 pm of the shooting at Knockanean, Michael Doloughty would have also told them that his father declared that the shooter was "Francy". After hearing this, knowing of Hynes' location in Barefield as of 1 pm, and knowing of his prior history of being bound over on a warrant for threatening John Doloughty, why wouldn't a few of the constables go directly from Ennis to Barefield? It makes absolutely no sense to only send constables to the crime scene at Knockanean. The trial testimony of Constable Doyle is a bit vague, but it appears that he and another constable did go directly to Barefield where they arrested Francis Hynes at 5:15 pm.

But why did the trial testimony of the authorities emphasize that it was solely the "Francy" declaration made to Captain McTernan that was the basis for the arrest? And when their testimony is not very clear as to their actions, why does the defense attorney, The MacDermott, never ask any follow-up questions? I have a theory as to why, and the defense testimony of day 1 and further testimony of day 2 of the trial of Francis Hynes might provide further clues.

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:36 pm

Hi Jim

Thanks for finding what it was that caused me to imagine that Constable Doyle had gone to Francie’s home. Yes, I must have confused Constable Doyle’s statement with Constable Stokes’s statement.
Thanks also for the link to the papers on the trial:

I’ve transcribed the signatures to the Petition from Clergy and Gentry in the County of Clare (pp 31-3), which is a kind of Who’s Who for those times, or, at least, a partial Who’s Who, given that there were probably many who did not sign. I think it will be of interest to researchers, so, just in case this forum will become searchable again sometime, I’ve added them here. And I’ve also attached the whole list.

Petition sent, August 1882, to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, from the Clergy and Gentry of Co. Clare, on behalf of Francis Hynes:

"To His Excellency the Right Honourable John Poyntz, Earl Spencer, Lord Lieutenant and General Governor of Ireland.

The Humble Prayer of your Petitioners showeth,
1. That on the 12th day of August 1882, a young man, Francis Hynes, was in the Commission Court, Green-street, sentenced to be hanged on the 11th September next.
2. Without raising any of the legal questios connected with the case, which questions we feel assured will receive the full attention of your Excellency, we do respectfully submit that the execution of the said Francis Hynes would give a rude shock to a community settling down after a period of much excitement. We may add, that this execution would inflict deep pain upon an unusually large circle of respectable relatives in the county of Clare and elsewhere.
3. Apart from the guilt or innocence of the condemned man, there are circumstances in his life calculated to excite much compassion; when a child he lost his mother; somewhat later on he was deserted by his father, who was then, and has been since, in a condition of partial insanity.
4. And we, the undersigned clergy and gentry of the county Clare, respectfully represent to your Excellency that, in our opinion, the extension of Her Majesty’s prerogative of pardon in this case would greatly tend to restore tranquility in our country.
And your Petitioners will ever pray."

Bartholomew Scanlan, P.P., Doora.
Patrick Hogan, C.C., Doora.
Daniel Fogarty, Adm., Ennis.
Michael Carey, C.C., Ennis.
John Egan, Diocesan College, Ennis.
James Loughnane, C.C., Clare Castle.
Timothy Hogan, P.P., Crusheen.
John Francis McGuire, C.C., Crusheen.
James Walsh, Adm., Newmarket-on-Fergus.
James Halpin, C.C., Newmarket-on-Fergus.
John Hayes, P.P., V.F., Tulla.
Michael O’Donovan, C.C., Tulla.
Peter Quinn, C.C., Tulla.
Mortimer Hartney, P.P., Clare Castle.
Michael Culligan, Diocesan College, Ennis.
John J. Tuohy, C.C., Mullagh.
Antony Clancy, Diocesan College, Ennis.
D.P. Kelly, Diocesan College, Ennis.
Edward Power, P.P., V.G., Lisdoonvarna.
M. Parsons, Chairman, Ennis Town Commissioners.
Patrick MacDonnell, M.D.
William MacDonnell, M.D., Broadford.
Thos. O’Meehan, Q.C., P.L.G.
A. Greene, Surgeon, Ennis.
J. McLoughlin, Ennis.
Aug. Butler, J.P., D.L.
Aug. Fitzgerald, J.P., D.L.
R. W. Nesbett, Rector, Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Robert B. Walton, J.P., Ballysheen House.
James Molony, F.R.C.S.I., President, Irish Medical Association.
Daniel O’Connell, J.P., Kilgorey.
John Nihill, Physician and Surgeon, Tulla.
C.W. Studdert, Cragmoher.
W. Macnamara, Surgeon, Corrofin.
Geo. U. Macnamara, L.R.C.S.I., &C..
Valentine J. Skerrett, J.P.
M. Killeen, P.P., Kilshanny, Clare.
Thomas Burke, C.C., Ennistymon.
James A. White, I.S.F., Superior.
Francis McLoughlin, O.S.F.
Michael A. Magrath, O.S.F.
Michael Foley, C.C., Corofin.
Michael Hayes, C.C., Corofin.
Patrick Keran, P.P., Carron, Kilfinora.
Michael Crowe, P.P., Kilfinora.
M. Dinan, O.F.A.G., Kilrush.
Daniel Corbett, P.P., Quin.
B. H. Skerrett, C.C., Tinavara.
P. Shannon, P.P.
John Garry, C.C., Kilnamana, Ennis.
Michael Tully, P.P., Liscannor.
D. O’Brien, M.D., Clare.
P. St. L. O’Dea, L.R.C.P., and Medical Officer, Ennistymon
T. T. McRedmond, D.D., P.P., Killaloe.
W. H. O’Shea, J.P., M.P., County Clare.
The O’Gorman Mahon, J.P., D.L., M.P.
Mat. Purcell, Bauroe House, Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Scariff Union.
John Gallagher, V.C.
Denis Costelloe, Ballycorban.
Philip Reade, J.P., Woodpark, County Galway.
James Boland.
Joseph Meade, J.P., Feakle.
C. Stuart, C.C., Miltownmalbay.
Joseph Parker, Clerk of Scariff Union.
Damer Doyle, Manager, National Bank, Scariff.
Peter Murphy, C.C., Bodyke.
Francis C. Sampson, Medical Officer, Scariff Union.
Geo. C. Sterling.
James J. Daly, C.C., Scariff.
J. Hickie, Scarriff.
Michael Hogan, P.L.G. and V.C., Corofin Union.
William Hogan, P.L.G., Corofin.
John Crow, P.L.G., Ruan.
James Cahill, P.L.G.
D. Sullivan, Corofin.
James Caffey.
Peter Mungovan, P.L.G., Ennis.
W. Cotter, P.L.G., Darragh.
John F. Harvey, P.L.G.
John Quinn, P.L.G., Knock.
James Halpin, P.L.G., Newmarket-on-Fergus.
L. Nono, Clare
Freeman, Ennis.
Patrick Hegarty, P.L.G., Ballyashea.
Prody Murphy, P.L.G.
Michael Cahill, P.L.G., Deerpark.
Geo. Cahir, T.C., Ennis.
John Calmody, Ennis.
Laurence Gilligan, C.C.
S. E. Prosser, Ennis.
C. P. Bolton, Ennis.
William Stamer, M.D., Ennis.
William H. Frost, Solicitor, Ennis.
Laurence J. Browne, P.P., Kilkeedy.
Bartholomew Kennedy, T.C., Ennis.
William Hoare.
John A. Murdock, Queen’s Hotel, Ennis.
Matthew J. Kenny, Crayleigh, Ennis.
Michael Collins, T.C., Ennis.
Cornelius Sullivan, T.C., Ennis.
Francis O’Connor, C.E., Ennis.
P. W. Dillon, M.D., Ennis.
J. W. P. Greene, M.P.
Michael Macnamara, Solicitor, Ennis.
John Scanlan, C.C., Ennis.
William Carroll, junr., C.E., Ennis.
Pat Sexton, Architect, West View, Ennis.
Thos. Molony, late Chaplain to Her Majesty’s Forces.
James Kinnane, T.C., Ennis.
Thomas Jourdan, C.E., Doonaghboy, Kilkee.
John Shaw, T.C., Ennis.
William O’Connor, P.L.G., Ballyguery.
Edmond Power, P.L.G.
Daniel Molony, P.L.G., Bay View.
Maurice Walsh, P.L.G., Kildysart.
Michael Dea, P.L.G., Kildysart.
Mat. Kelly, P.L.G.
Hugh Hennessy, P.L.G.
Thomas Keane, P.L.G.
James Breen, P.L.G.
John Hennessy, P.L.G.
John J. Blackall, M.D., Killadysart Union.

A copy of the same petition was signed by the following:
James O’Neill, C.C., Kilrush, County Clare.
Michael Glynn, J.P., Kilrush.
Richard Foley, merchant, Kilrush,
Michael McInerny, Commissioner in Chancery.
D. Hatherton, Manager, National Bank, Kilrush.
William Foley, M.D., &c., Kilrush.
Godfrey Taylor, Builder, Kilrush.
Thomas Gibson, General Commission Agent, Kilrush.
M. Hynes, Grocer.
Edward Walsh, Merchant, Kilrush.
William Peacock & Sons, Kilrush.
Daniel Skeen, General Merchant, &c.
Michael Murphy, I, Market-square, Woollen Draper.
A. Carroll, “Clare Advertiser”, Kilrush.
Luke O’Brien, Shopkeeper, Kilrush.
Thomas Fitzgerald, Shopkeeper, Kilrush.
James Lorigan, Shopkeeper, Kilrush.
D. Wilson, Huberfield, Dublin and Cork.
John Taylor, Merchant, Kilrush.
John McKenna, C.C., Kilrush.
Thomas S. Brew, J.P., Kilrush.
James Doherty, Tea and Merchant, Kilrush, County Clare.
M. O’Gorman, J.P.
P.J. Boyle, “Kilrush Herald.”
Henry Taylor, Draper, Kilrush.
John Clancy, Grocer.
Thomas McInerny, Merchant, Kilrush.
John J. Keating, Merchant, Kilrush.
Michael Hastings, Grocer, Kilrush.
Richard Brew, Flour Merchant, Kilrush.
James Allen, Coach Builder.
Charles Coote, Medical Practitioner, Kilrush.
Patrick Considine, C.E., Kilrush.
John Egan, jun., General Merchant, Kilrush.
Robert Hewitt, J.P., Granahan Castle, County Clare.
Denis Cleary, P.P., O’Callaghan’s Mills.
Denis O’Brien, C.C., O’Callaghan’s Mills.
W. J. Going, J.P., Violet Hill.
R. S. Going, J.P., Violet Hill.
W. Bentley, J.P., Hurdlestown (for a commutation of sentence).
Thomas McMahon Cregan, J.P., Arderegan, Sixmilebridge, County Clare.
O’Donnellan Blake Forster, J.P., Ballykeal House, Kilfinora.
John Brady, J.P., Crescent, Limerick.
James O’Brien, J.P., D.L., Ballynalacka, Lisdoonvarna (commutation of sentence).
J. P. McNamara, J.P., Rocklodge, Liscannor (commutation of sentence).
J. B. Knox & Sons, “Clare Journal.”
John Rynne, M.D., Brookville, Ennis.
Thomas O’Gorman, J.P., Bunaggy.
Robert H. Crowe, J.P., Larah Hill.
John Lopdell, Civil Engineer, Ennis.
Thomas William Rosengrave, B.E.Q.U.I.
John Thomas Lingard, J.P., Cooga.
Timothy Bunton, Solicitor, Ennis.
John G. McKenna, C.C., Kilmurry, Limerick.
William Lenane, C.C., Bodyke.
William McMahon, J.P., Kilmorry.
John Hill, Surgeon and Physician, Belmont, Miltown Malbay.
Michael Flynn, Licentiate Apothecary, &c.
E. MacMahon, J.P., Carahan House, ex-County Inspector Police.
James Dillon, Church-street, Ennis.
Thomas Glynn, P.L.G., Castleclare.
Patrick Garvey, T.C., Ennis.
Patrick Considine, T.C., Ennis.
Patrick Ryan, P.L.G., Ballymacahill.
Thomas de C. O’Grady, J.P., Kilballyowen, County Limerick.
Michl. S. Minny, Treagh Castle, Miltown Malbay, Solicitor.
M. J. Kenny, P.P., Scariff.
George Walton, Solicitor, Ennis, County Clare.
Thomas Maguire, Proprietor “Clare Examiner,” Ennis.
William Molony, Merchant, Ennis, and Ashline Park, County Clare.
P. J. Dillon, Merchant, Cappahare and Ennis.
Edmond Frost, M.D., Newmarket-on-Fergus.
Solomon Frost, P.L.G., Feenagh.
Samuel Burke, P.L.G., Chairman, Thomastown, Kilrush.
Charles Martin, P.L.G., Carnanes, Kilrush.
Michael Behen, P.L.G., Tarnon Knock.
Thomas Lillis, P.L.G., Churchtown, Cooraclare.
Patrick McInerny, Morun, Carrigaholt.
Daniel Grogan, P.L.G., Derha, Kilrush.
James Reidy, P.L.G., Keelunhill.
Pat Liddane, P.L.G., Querin, Kilkee.
Thomas Gibson, P.L.G., Cappa, Kilrush.
Michael Bugler, P.L.G., Birr.
Matthew Clune, Chairman, Tulla Town Commissioners.
John Boland, Callaghan’s Mills, P.L.G.
Patrick Hennessy, Toonagh, P.L.G.
Michael Power, P.L.G., Brook Lodge.
Michael Quigley, P.L.G., Knockjames.
Patrick J. Frost, Chairman, Tulla Board of Guardians.
Joseph Enright, M.D., Rosebank, Ennis.
John Scanlan, C.C., Ennis, County Clare.
D. Smyth, P.P., Cloughjordan.
P Nagle, P.P., Kilmona House.
Thomas McMahon, P.P.
M. Quinlan, P.P., Kilkee.
Robert Fitzgerald, P.P., Tudre and Dysart.
John McInerny, C.C., Roscrea.
Thomas Vaughan, Clk., Killaloe.
James Costigan, C.C., Ballynacally.
Patrick Glynn, C.C., Templederry.
M. B. Corry, C.C., Quin.
P. White, P.P., Miltown Malbay.
J. F. Maguire, C.C. Crusheen.
Patrick O’Meara, C.C., Castleconnell.
John Glynn, C.C., Carrigaholt.
John Donellan, C.C., Ballynacally.
John Wall, P.P., Kilmurry, McMahon, County Clare.
Laurence J. Browne, P.P., Kilkeedy, County Clare.
John McMahon, C.C., Nenagh, County Tipperary.
P. M. O’Kelly, C.C., Castleconnell.
Michael O’Sullivan, C.C., Newmarket.
John McNamara, C.C., Kilmaley.
D. Hayes, Clk., Doonbeg.
Charles Stuart, C.C., Feakle.
John Hamon, C.C., Newmarket.
Thomas Ryan, C.C., Ruan.
Peter Meade, P.P., Ballynacally.

Reply to the petition from the Assistant Under Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant to Rev. Bartholomew Scanlan, P.P.:

Dublin Castle, 1 September 1882:
“With reference to the Memorial
Petition re Francis Hynes, Aug. 1882.doc
(66 KiB) Downloaded 890 times
signed by you and other gentlemen on behalf of Francis Hynes, a prisoner under judgement of death in Limerick Male Prison, I am directed by the Lord Lieutenant to aquaint you, for the information of the Memorialists, that his Excellency, after a careful consideration of all the circumstances of the case, has felt it to be his painful duty to decide that the law must take it’s course. I am, &c. W. S. B. Kaye.”


Posts: 1845
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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:41 am

Two corrections to the above list of petitioners:
Mr. Kaye, Assistant Under Secretary, did not write “aquaint” – that’s my mistake – he wrote “acquaint”, of course.
I omitted Thomas Newell, P.P., Liscannor, from the list. I’ve amended the attachment to include him.

Petition re Francis Hynes, Aug. 1882.doc
(56 KiB) Downloaded 835 times

Posts: 1845
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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:37 am

And Mr Kaye wrote “the law must take its course” – not the “the law must take it’s course”. Sorry about that typo.

When I was searching online for information on the Maamtrasna trial and on the Phoenix Park trial, I was surprised to find that compensation was paid to independent witnesses for the crown, i.e. witnesses who were not approvers. It may be that this was regular practice at the time and not a feature of the new 1882 Crimes Act – I don’t know. When researching for his book, Éagóir, in 2016, Seán Ó Cuirreáin, discovered that some of those who testified as eyewitnesses at the Maamtrasna trial were paid 1,250 pounds sterling in compensation (which he reckons is the equivalent of about €157,000 today). I think that must have been the total amount paid to the eyewitnesses, and not the amount paid to each individual, surely. Some eyewitnesses who testified at the Phoenix Park trials were also awarded compensation: according to Sean Molony, author of The Phoenix Park Murders: Conspiracy, Betrayal & Retribution, (2006), “ little Alice Carroll was paid a princely £500. Huxley, the garrulous gardener, got £100”.

I haven’t read either of those books, so I don’t know what sources of information are used. And I don’t know what the compensation was for, but I suspect that it was paid to crown witnesses only, and not to defence witnesses. Maybe it was meant to compensate them for any bad feeling towards them after the trial. Anyway, it wasn’t levied on the ratepayers, or we would know all about it from Fr. John Ryan, P.P., whose letter on the subject of “Blood Money Tax” Jimbo posted on page 22. I imagine this compensation money came from the same purse as all the other expenses incurred by the Crown during those two trials.


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:23 am

Hi Sheila,

Thank you for transcribing the long list of County Clare men who signed the petition on behalf of Francis Hynes. The top name on your list resolved a small loose end on my timeline for 9th of July 1882. The Reverend Bartholomew Scanlan, the Parish Priest of Doora, was the first signatory and also the one to receive the negative reply from Dublin Castle "that the law must take its course". When Mrs. Doloughty requested a priest for her husband, I was curious where Dr. Dixon traveled to. According to Dr. Dixon's testimony at the inquest, he "drove to Father Scanlan's house as fast as he could. He met Father Loughnane and brought him back. He got some whiskey at Father Scanlan's house..." This Father Scanlan must be the Rev. Bartholomew Scanlan of Doora Parish. Dixon appears to have traveled by horse & car to St. Brecan's Church in Doora, (or to Father Scanlan's house nearby), a distance of 3.3 kilometers. Traveling today by bicycle, which I reckon would approximate a horse more or less, would take 11 minutes. See below google map. Dr. Dixon testified at the inquest that "twenty minutes elapsed between the time I left for the priest and my return" which would be the approximate round trip between Knockanean School and St. Brecan's Church in Doora. Dr. Dixon from his precise testimony appears to have owned a watch.

Knockanean School to St Brecan's Church, Doora.jpg
Knockanean School to St Brecan's Church, Doora.jpg (115.4 KiB) Viewed 32906 times

The sixth priest to sign the August 1882 petition was Father James Loughnane, and he is listed as the curate from Clare Castle, and not Doora where he was on Sunday, the 9th of July 1882. Recall when Miss Anna Parnell of the Ladies Land League visited Tulla in June 1881 and gave a speech (see page 17), the Very Rev. John Hayes, P.P. of Tulla was the "chair" and reported among those present was "Rev J Loughnane, C C, Doora". Perhaps after giving testimony at the Hynes trial in Dublin, Father Loughnane was moved from Doora to Clare Castle?

On the day of Anna Parnell's speech in Tulla, "large contingents came from Bodyke, Ballinahinch, Scariff, Doora, and Ennis, with bands and banners, the latter bearing inscriptions, such as "Remember Davitt", "Welcome Miss Parnell", &c". I reckon there was a good chance that Francis Hynes was in Tulla on that 6th of June 1881.

Sheila, the Rev. Bartholomew Scanlan of Doora would move by 1886 to Kilmacduane Parish; your baptism and marriage transcriptions provide a listing of their parish priests including "1886, Rev. Bartholomew Scanlan, a Native of Kilrush. Died P.P. Castleconnel." The "William Foley, M.D., &c., Kilrush", who also signed the Francis Hynes petition, was the brother-in-law of the Rev. Bartholomew Scanlan. When Dr. William Foley died in January 1886, "the Rev. Bartholomew Scanlan, P.P., of Doora, but now residing at Cooraclare" was reported as one of the executors for his will. Cooraclare is a village in Kilmacduane parish. Bartholomew Scanlan, Parish Priest, age 68, is reported in the 1901 Irish Census in House 49 in Castleconnell Town, County Limerick. He is reported as born in Limerick, but he is living with a widowed younger sister who was born in Kilrush. The Rev. Bartholomew Scanlan died on 17 May 1903 in Castleconnell at the age of 70.

Father Bartholomew Scanlan, I believe, would have been known as a "patriotic priest". In May 1887, a convention was organized in Kilrush to address a new Coercion Bill with many priests as well as delegates from all branches of the National League in West Clare in attendance. At this meeting, Father Scanlan gave a stirring speech and his comment that "there was no cause won without its martyrs" may very well relate to Francis Hynes:
(Telegram From Our Correspondent.)
Kilrush, Thursday

Pursuant to a resolution adopted at the last conference of the priests of the Deanery of Kilrush, a convention was held there to-day to direct the action of the people in the face of the Jubilee Coercion Bill now before Parliament, and the wholesale impending evictions that are now to take place on the Vandeleur, Carton, Conyngham, and other estates in West Clare promoted by the Clare Landlords' Union.

The convention was held in the commodious rooms of the Christian Brothers Schools in Toler street, and was largely and influentially attended by all the leading inhabitants as well as the delegates sent in by all the branches of the National League in West Clare. The proceedings commenced at two o'clock, when on the motion of Mr. D R Hillard, seconded by Fr John M'Kenna, C C, the Very Rev Dr Dinan, P P, V G, Kilrush, was moved to the chair amid applause. The other clergymen present were -

The Rev Bartholomew Scanlan, P P, Cooraclare; the Rev Daniel Hayes, C C, do; . . .[long lists of priests]. . .[long list of delegates representing the branches of the National League]. . .[speeches by the Rev Dinan of Kilrush, Rev Patrick White of Miltownmalbay]. . .

The Rev Bartholomew Scanlan, P P - For his part and the other priests, the plank bed would have no terror. The Coercion Bill would only make them more determined in their resistance to injustice and cruelty, and the priests of Clare would forever stand by their religion and country as their fathers did of old (great cheering). They would not be deterred in this resolve by another Cromwell's legion of swords. They had no fear; they would stand united together and win. There was no cause won without its martyrs, and he with the priests of Clare would not dread the Coercion or the jails, and Clare would be as true as it was in '28.

Father John Garry also addressed. . .

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin 20 May 1887
The Irish National League, whose West Clare members the Rev. Bartholomew Scanlan gave the above speech to in 1887, and the Irish National League of America had differing views on the violence of the Land War years, and in particular the Phoenix Park murders. The Parnell Commission of 1888 and 1889, would highlight that Irish MP's and other Parnell associates were in attendance at Irish National League of America conventions where the support of violence, including assassination, as a means to achieve Irish nationalist goals was espoused. During the opening speech of the Parnell Commission by the Attorney General, a speech that lasted five days, Francis Hynes was also mentioned:
Royal Courts of Justice, Oct. 25 [1888]

The Special Commission held their fourth sitting to-day at half-past 10 o'clock in No. 1 Probate Court in the Royal Court of Justice. . .

The ATTORNEY GENERAL [Sir R. Webster, Q.C.] rose to continue his speech, and said,- I shall resume, my lords, where I broke off last evening, and shall proceed to show the connexion between the persons whose names are mentioned in the particulars and the American organization or conspiracy. . . Our allegation is that the Land League organization, of which Parnell was president, was in fact originated in America. We allege that it was a conspiracy that was hatched, plotted, and carried out with American money. We allege that among those who were members of this conspiracy in America were persons who were dynamitards, who advocated the use of dynamite, who advocated assassination, and who referred to crimes of the worst description as being mere incidents in carrying out the war. . .

. . . [hours later, the Attorney General quoted a speech made at the Boston Convention of the Irish National League of America in August 1884]. . .

"The memorable Philadelphia Convention [June 1883] organized the Irish National League of America. It is the auxiliary of the Irish National League of Ireland. . . . The Irish National League, whose distinct and avowed purpose is the establishment of the sovereignty of the Irish people in Ireland, is the embodiment of that spirit of liberty. . . . The National League aims not merely at a reduction of rents, not merely at a change from idle proprietors to working proprietors, but at the creation of complete national life and the development of all diversified industries which render a people self-sustaining and prosperous."

That statement, my Lords, as to the Irish National League of America being auxiliary to the Irish National League was made in the presence of Mr. Thomas Sexton, Mr. William Redmond, and Mr. Patrick Egan [not the Pat Egan from Tullamore on page 21]. Mr. Gannon, after referring to the war of American Independence, said:-

"And those who say to us Irish that we must be eternally attempting some crime in Ireland, and talk particularly when an exasperated Irishman lifts his weapon against a landlord who has ruined him, know too that on these historic fields Americans were fighting against this same enemy of Ireland, with liberty on their lips but bullets in their muskets. (Loud cheers and applause.) While we should support ardently, loyally, the constitutional policy laid down by our glorious leader, Mr. Parnell (cheers), yet at the same time we shall not go round with any lying lips, apologizing for any patriot Irishman's crime. (Hear, hear.) When they give back Francis Hynes and place him in the flesh, when they restore in life the murdered Irishmen of this past decade, then, perhaps, we may pass by on the other side and pretend there is a tear in our eye; but until then it is our time for crying. (Loud cheering.)."

I think, my Lords, it may prove that Francis Hynes had been tried and convicted of murder, if I remember right, before Mr. Justice Lawson; but this was the way in which at this convention, in the presence of these gentlemen, the fate of a man who has been tried and convicted of murder has been spoken of, and other "patriot Irishmen's crimes" are not to be apologized for.

. . . [speech continues for several more hours]. . .

The Times, London, 26 October 1888
Sheila, the Attorney General's opening speech at the Parnell Commission stating that members of the Irish National League of America "referred to crimes of the worst description as being mere incidents", reminded me of the title of the Heritage Week presentation on 20th August at the Clare Library, "A Clare Land War Incident": ... r-incident

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:05 pm

I made a mistake. Upon further review of the evidence, the route taken on the 9th of July 1882 by Dr. Dixon (also spelt Daxon) to the house of Father Scanlan, the parish priest of Doora, could not possibly have been as shown on the map in my last posting. Nearly always in America the parish priest lives in a rectory built adjacent to the parish church. I mistakenly made the assumption that this would be the same case in Ireland for Doora parish.

Father Jeremiah Vaughan was the parish priest of Doora just prior to Father Scanlan — he is discussed extensively in the Michael Considine thread: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6831. When he died in November 1879, his funeral report stated that the "remains of the revered and deeply lamented Father Jeremiah Vaughan were removed from his late residence, Moyrisk [Moyriesk] Villa, to the parish church, Doora, . . . . The funeral cortege testified to the respect and admiration with which the good priest was regarded by all classes and creeds. A large number of clergymen wearing scarfs walked in the procession. The coffin was carried shoulder high the entire distance—two miles." I believe Father Scanlan in 1882 would also have been living somewhere in the direction of Moyriesk. This return journey from Knockanean School to Moyriesk by horse & buggy would have still taken about 20 minutes as deposed by Dr. Daxon.

Further evidence is the testimony at the special commission by Michael Considine, the young victualler from Church Street in Ennis who was one of the first to arrive on the crime scene near Knockanean School. "Mr Considine in reply to the question that he went part of the way with Dr Daxon who went for the priest, and witness to Ennis. Mr Hamilton — “I understand you took a roundabout route to Ennis. Can you give a reason for doing so?” Witness — “I did not like to pass where the blood was.” (Limerick Chronicle, 18 July 1882). So clearly, Dr. Daxon and Michael Considine could not have taken the route going west towards Ennis (thus passing the blood of the crime scene), and then south to Doora that I had assumed in my prior posting. More likely Michael Considine took the "roundabout route" as per the below map, splitting with Dr. Daxon when he went on toward Moyriesk :

Roundabout way back to Ennis.jpg
Roundabout way back to Ennis.jpg (141.29 KiB) Viewed 31107 times

Michael Considine at the inquest of 12th of July deposed that he had been at Cullane on Sunday returning to Ennis when he arrived at the crime scene. It is not stated in his deposition, but I suspect the victualler was returning from a delivery to Cullane House, the residence of Robert Wogan Studdert, Esq, J P. The Considine family had a butcher shop on Church Street (later Abbey Street) in Ennis, but surely for the nearby grand estates the various merchants would have made deliveries. From Ennis to Cullane House would have taken nearly one hour:
Ennis to Cullane House travelled by Michael Considine.jpg
Ennis to Cullane House travelled by Michael Considine.jpg (95.49 KiB) Viewed 31107 times

Robert Wogan Studdert (≈1816 - 1897) of Cullane House would have been about 66 years old in 1882. He appears to have lived his later retirement years at his "marine residence" at Spanish Point where he died in 1897. The below obituary highlights that Robert Wogan Studdert was the nephew of Tom Steele, the "Head Pacificator". At the base of the Daniel O'Connell monument in Ennis is a plaque that misspelled his name: "ON THIS SPOT IN THE YEAR 1828 DANIEL O'CONNELL WAS RETURNED MP, PROPOSED BY THE O'GORMAN MAHON, SECONDED BY TOM STEELL."

Our Miltonmalbay correspondent writes — It is with unalloyed regret I have to announce the demise, on the 28th ult, at his marine resident, Arranmore Lodge, Spanishpoint, in the 81st year of his age, of Robert Wogan Studdert, Esq., J P, of Cullane House, near Kilkishen, county Clare. In him another of the links which bound the present generation with that in which Catholic Emancipation was won, and in which his uncle, the late Tom Steele, so prominently figured, has been severed. For years past he has lived an unostentatious, private life at Spanishpoint, Miltonmalbay, where he was much esteemed by all with whom he came in contact. The funeral was representative of the local gentry and residents of Miltonmalbay. The mourners included - Robert O'Brien Studdert, J P, son; Rev Father Vaughn, C C, Miltonmalbay; Rev Dr Bonynge, Rector; Dr Hill, Messrs Thomas Browning, J P; H B White;, manager National Bank, Miltownmalbay; J M'Clancy, Thomas Burke, P M M'Mahon, Martin M'Donagh, John M'Mahon, James M'Mahon, G Comyn, Thady O'Neill, W Cunningham, M Molohan, James Molohan, John M'Clancy, E Moroney, Martin Honan, Wm Hynes, Andy Moloney, Patrick Clancy, Master Ennistymon Union; M Boland, Thomas Moloney, James Comyn, Wm Marrinan, Andy Clancy, Pat Burke, M Marrinan, James Kelly, Pat Guinan, Anthony O'Dwyer, Annagh; Stephen Cassidy, &c. Mrs E L Morony, Miltown House, sent her carriage.

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 1 June 1897
The fact that Mrs Morony of Miltown House only sent her carriage is further evidence that women did not attend funerals during the 19th century.

In the 1901 census, the son, Robert O'Brien Studdert, is living at Cullane House with his wife, two young daughters, a governess and three domestic servants (including Ellen MacNamara, born county Clare, age 26): ... e/1086802/

The website Abandoned Ireland has some great photos of Cullane House taken by Tarquin Blake. These include several photos (on page two) of the downstairs kitchen where Ellen MacNamara would have worked in 1901 and Michael Considine would have made his delivery in 1882. Beautiful views from Cullane House of Lough Cullaunyheeda — it is surprising that the house is still abandoned:

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:07 am

The route taken by Michael Considine, the victualler from Church street, from Ennis to Cullane on the 12th of July 1882 would not have been heavily travelled. The road going northeast from Ennis to Spancilhill as well as the road going southeast from Ennis to Quin would have both been far busier. I did question my theory that Michael Considine was making a delivery to Cullane House. Why would the Studderts of Cullane House utilize a butcher in Ennis when the town of Tulla would have been about half the distance? The town of Tulla had their own butchers. During the search for the missing Thomas McNamara of Glandree we've already come across the two brothers John McNamara and Frank McNamara, sons of John McNamara and Bridget McMahon of Rossneylon, O'Callaghan Mills, who moved to Tulla and by occupation were butchers (see page 21). So why in July 1882 would Cullane House be receiving a delivery from a butcher based out of Ennis? The below article in The Freeman's Journal from July 1881 might provide a few clues:

On Sunday a special meeting was held at Cullane, which is nearly equidistant from Quin, Tulla, and Kilkishen, for the purpose of inaugurating a dispossessed tenant in a house erected for him by the Land League, and denouncing the action of the landlord, R W Studdart [Robert Wogan Studdert] at whose suit the eviction took place. The meeting was announced at 5 30 p m. About four the people began to assemble. It was past six before Miss Cregan, who, during the earlier part of the day, addressed a large meeting in Tulla, arrived. During the delay the crowd had considerably augmented, and ultimately numbered about some three thousand persons. No notices had been issued, and it was not expected that the demonstration would assume such proportions. Contingents came from Tulla, Feakle, Bodyke, Kilkishen, Quin &c. Two bands put in an appearance — Tulla and Kilkishen. The particulars of the case are shortly these. Pat Nash, the evicted tenant, was served on February last with an ejectment process for the rent and for possession. The county chairman, Mr. Kelly, dismissed it, and the landlord lodged an appeal to the assizes. Judge Lawson, without hearing the tenant's side of the case at all, reversed the chairman's decision, and gave a decree of eviction against the tenant, which was executed on Thursday last, the 14th of July. This farm has been in possession of Nash's family for generations, and when his mother died in 1876, the landlord sent for the tenant Nash, who was then very young, and told him he would be his friend, but let no one know their private arrangements. The tenant, after some preliminaries, gave up possession, and was admitted again ; but to his amazement the receipt on the next gale day showed him he was no longer tenant, as he expected, but caretaker. It was this that influenced the Chairman in his decision, but Judge Lawson would not hear the defence at all. Two of the best acres were taken from the tenant 14 years ago and the rent left as it was. That was a great increase on a poor tenant already paying double the valuation. Mr Richard Creagh Dougan [Creagh of Dangan?] very kindly gave the place for a house on his property, and the people built a commodious dwelling quite convenient to his former residence. Rev. M Carey, C.C., Quin; Rev. Mr. Linnane, C.C., Bodyke; Miss Cregan, Miss Guirk [Quirk], Mr. M'Donagh, &c, were on the platform which was got up before the new building.

The Rev. Mr. Carey said — I thank you very cordially, people of Quin, and good people of Tulla and surrounding districts, for the great numbers in which you have here this evening. I am also very grateful to those ladies who have come, some of them, from very long distances, to grace by their presence the inauguration of this old Land League shanty, which the people erected in a single day. And I think it would be ungrateful of us if we did not extend a most heartfelt welcome to this good lady (loud cheers, and cries of "welcome") who came to learn the particulars of the eviction that has taken place near Cullane, in order that she might carry them to our brothers beyond the Channel, and thereby evoke their sympathy on behalf of the poor evicted tenants who have been sent from their home upon the world's highway. We would request of them that they had manfully conducted themselves up to the present, that as they had disputed foot to foot the man who had done this, so to conduct themselves in the future that there would be no record of disgrace against them in that parish. They were too quick-witted a people not to know that any irrational acts would recoil on themselves. He knew that they would conduct themselves in the future as they had done in the past. There were many means used to try if they would sustain their escutcheon. In conclusion, he would ask them to accord to their distinguished visitor that cordiality and respectful esteem which Irishmen always accord to those who espouse their cause. The rev. gentleman retired amidst great applause.

Miss [Jessie] Cregan, on rising to address the audience, was enthusiastically received. She said — My dear friends, I wish you to understand that I have come to you on behalf of England — on behalf of that England which you have never known; for there are two Englands. There is one England of landowners and griping capitalists, and there is another England of the working classes, and the latter is entirely distinct from the former. It is on behalf of that second England — it is on behalf of the working classes that I am here. I am myself a working woman — I am representative of the Trades Union Congress from London. That society has delegated eight more. The Miners' Society of the North has also sent a delegation of three men, who are also in the country. We are going through the country to see what is the state of things. We have some power now. We were slaves practically in England till the year 1868. In that year household suffrage was granted, but we are still in a minority, and we mean to have the agricultural labourers to help us, for that which we ask of ourselves we desire you to gain, and we mean to help you to get it. Every woman ought to have a voice through the vote in the spending of money. If we work for the money ought we not have a voice in the spending of it? (Applause). Last election we worked very hard. We had a Tory Government for six years and we hated that Government. We worked very hard to get a Liberal Government into power. Mr. Gladstone was standing for Leeds as a reserve seat while he canvassed Midlothian. We forwarded £100 towards Mr. Gladstones's election expenses, and we did not receive a post card from that gentleman in reply. We did not mind that. We did our best, and we did it for what we thought was our country's good. There was none of the great boroughs that were not pledged to support a good Land Bill for Ireland. She next referred to the Compensation for Disturbances Bill, and compared the Irish with the England courts, to the entire disparagement of the former. Continuing, she said — Mr. Gladstone told us in a speech that every eviction meant a sentence of death. The discussion of the Land Bill is a thing that cannot be done instantly; we want to do justice to landlord as well as to tenant. We know very well that the Land Bill could not be passed in a hurry. But we though Mr. Gladstone would call another session of the House of Commons on the Compensation of Disturbances Bill. We thought the members could forego a week's shooting, and we would allow them a week's rest. Mr. Gladstone, on the refusal of the Lords to pass the Compensation for Disturbances Bill, could have sent it back and told them that they should pass it, and if they would not pass it, then he might have created new peers, or he might have dissolved Parliament, and gone before the country. In any case he could have made the Lords give way. The House of Commons is the sovereign legislature; therefore Mr. Gladstone could have done this, yet he refused to do it. You may be sure that this caused us great disappointment. Then we read in the papers of evictions and riots. You know the English Press is very much gagged. I do not know that there were riots, but at any rate we read of them, and we read that these riots were caused by eviction, and we remembered that Mr. Gladstone had said evictions meant death sentences. Then we regretted that he had betrayed our trust in him. She next referred to the passing of the Coercion Act and tenant rights. She must say that under the shadow of law the poor tenants were robbed of the fruits of their labour. Most of the Liberals at first thought coercion was necessary, because they did not know the nature of it; but when they learned that seven hundred evictions, or death sentences, had taken place, they could not understand it, and that was how she came to be there. They had determined to see for themselves. She had been all over the country asking all sorts of impertinent questions of the peasantry, going into their cabins and turning over their bedclothes. In one case she had caught typhoid fever. When they would go back to England they would tell them that they had been betrayed, that Ireland had been oppressed and that England had been deceived. She would be afraid to give free expression to her thoughts, not for herself, but for them. If she were to say all that she felt, her indignation might kindle theirs, and she greatly feared the consequences. The Radical representatives in Parliament were too weak to cope with their opponents. So were the Irish representatives. Both parties desired justice to be done to them. She was deputed to say that they required union with the Irish for mutual protection. She would condemn resistance by any force but that of truth. They wanted a just bill for Ireland. They wanted measures for England too. She would most strongly recommend a passive resistance. No law could compel them to pay £20 when £10 could only justly be exacted from them. They were nearing a great agitation, and it was well that they would understand that the work should be done peaceably, within the limits of the law. The law, to be sure, was in some parts defective, but they meant to change it by legal means, where it was unjust. She would condemn the separation of Ireland from England. It would be a stab to the pride of the latter. She would urge the agitation against oppression, but not the disintegration of the Empire.

Mr. MacDonagh next addressed the people. He said — We cannot but feel proud of the English lady who has come here amongst us, but I for one cannot agree with some of her remarks. We will never be right until we have our own Parliament. Will they ever give us back our factories again? He would ask them to stand to the agitation.

Rev. Mr. Carey came forward again, and asked the people to return thanks to Miss Cregan and Miss Quirke. He would ask them to give three cheers for Mr. Creagh, of Dangan, and for his illustrious sisters.

The tenant was finally marched into the house, and the people quietly dispersed.

THOMAS SLATTERY, Quin, county Clare

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 20 July 1881
"P Nash" of Cullane Farm, four in family, landlord R. Studdert, was evicted in 1881, and is the fourth on the list of "Tenants evicted in East Clare from 1st January, 1878 to 1st January, 1903", at the Clare Library: ... sgiven.htm

The Freeman's Journal stated that "when his mother died in 1876", Patrick Nash had entered into a "private arrangement" for the Nash lands of Cullane, held by the Nash family for generations, with his landlord Robert Wogan Studdert. In 1877, a "Bridget Nashe" died in Tulla registration district at the age of 69; but this death record is not yet available online to confirm that this record is indeed for the mother of Patrick Nash.

Patt Nash, of Cullane, son of John Nash (deceased, per civil marriage record) and Bridget Meany (per Patt's 1852 baptism record), married Mary Molony, of Dangan, daughter of Patt Molony (deceased, per civil marriage record) and Anne Meany (per Mary's 1855 baptism record; has James Molony as father in error) at the RC chapel at Quin on 3 February 1877, witnesses John Collins and Kate Collins. According to the Catholic marriage records for Quin, Patt Nash and Mary Molony were second cousins. I reckon their mothers, both with the maiden name Meany, and both from Dangan, were first cousins. These two Meany first cousins from Dangan were likely closely related to the "P Meany" who was also evicted and appears directly below "P Nash" in the "Tenants evicted in East Clare" listing; however, this eviction states "Have got no particulars" other than being in the Quin Land League district. There is a possibility that "P. Meany" might even be the fourth member of the "P Nash" household evicted in 1881.

The Irish Land League in July 1881 built the Patrick Nash family a "commodious dwelling", most likely a shack, on the property of Mr. Richard Creagh of Dangan. No doubt much appreciated, but surely not a home to raise a family or a means to provide for one. When evicted, Patrick Nash and Mary Molony of Cullane were the parents of one son, John Nash, born on 18 November 1877. After looking for the Nash family unsuccessfully in the Irish census, it was very easy to trace this family to the USA. In the 1900 USA census, all three Irish born family members are living in Rochester, New York. According to the census, the Nash family had immigrated to the USA in 1883. Two additional children, Thomas H Nash (age 16) and Patrick Nash (age 14) were born in New York.

1900 NY Census:

Patrick Nash was working for the Central Railroad in 1896 according to a newspaper report of an accident, and living at No. 128 Ontario Street in Rochester. A home they owned and did not lease according to census reports. The same home where Patrick Nash died in 1912 and Mary Molony Nash died in 1929:
NASH — Saturday, November 23, 1912, at the family residence, No. 128 Ontario street, Patrick Nash. He leaves his wife, three sons, John A., Thomas H., and Patrick F.; one grandchild and one sister Mrs Patrick Garvey.

Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 25 November 1912
NASH — Mrs. Mary E. Nash, widow, of Patrick Nash of No. 128 Ontario Street, died on Thursday evening, Mary 2, 1929. She leaves three sons, John A., Thomas H., and Patrick Nash, all of this city. Two granddaughters, Marion E. and Dorothy M. Nash. Mrs. Nash was a member of the Rosary Society of Corpus Christi Church. Member of the L.C.B.A. and a member of the Ladies' Maccabees No. 30, Active Maria.

Funeral from the home, No. 128 Ontario Street on Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock from Corpus Christi Church. Burial at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery.

Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 5 May 1929
While it was simple to trace the Nash family forward from County Clare to Rochester, New York, it would be very challenging for the descendants of son Thomas H. Nash and his wife Matilda Katsky of Rochester, to trace their ancestors back to Ireland. Especially since their Irish-German-American descendants have the mistaken belief that Patrick Nash and Mary Molony are from County Cork.

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:15 am

At the June 1881 Land League meeting at Cullane, the Reverend Michael Carey, curate of Quin, who spoke to the crowd was most likely ordained in Killaloe in December 1870:
ORDINATION IN KILLALOE — On Sunday, 18th instant, at the pro-cathedral, Killaloe, his Lordship the Most Rev. Dr. Power conferred the Order of Priesthood on the Rev. Charles Stewart, Rev. Michael Carey, and Rev. Daniel Courtney. The ceremony took place at the eight o'clock Mass, and was witnessed by a large and respectable congregation, who seemed to be greatly interested by the solemn and touching ceremonies. His lordship was attended on the occasion by his chaplain, Rev. Denis Cleary, who officiated as archdeacon, and also by the Rev. J. Menton, Rev. Thomas Collier, and Rev. J. Sullivan. The newly ordained will be immediately appointed by his lordship to their respective missions in the diocese of Killaoe.

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 20 December 1870.
The Rev. Michael Carey is likely the 54 year old Catholic priest living in Cappahard, Ennis, House 2, with his three siblings. So born about 1847, he would be the appropriate age to be ordained in 1870. A Michael Carey is listed as an administrator for Ennis parish from 1888 to 1894 on the parish website.

The Rev. Charles Stewart (Stuart) who was ordained with the Rev. Michael Carey is most likely the Charles Stuart, son of Dominic Stuart and Anne Scanlon, of Ballybrohan at Ogonnelloe Parish baptized on 11 February 1844 (see page 21). He would also have been an appropriate age to be ordained in 1870. This was the Rev. Charles Stuart of Milton Malbay who was transferred to Roscrea in 1882 and reported in the 1901 census (age 50) and 1911 census (age 67) living in Roscrea, Tipperary.

The Rev. Charles Stuart, the Feakle curate who testified at the Parnell Commission in 1889 (see testimony on page 21), I believe he would have been too young to have been ordained in 1870. In 1882 he was transferred to Milton Malbay, replacing the other Rev. Charles Stuart who went to Roscrea. He must be the 46 year clergyman reported as an administrator living at Gaol Road, House #1, in Ennis Urban in the 1901 census. Born about 1855, this would be too young to get ordained in 1870. At the Ennis parish website, Charles Stuart is reported as an administrator from 1900 to 1906.

The 34 year old Rev. Michael Carey appealed to the crowd at Cullane "to conduct themselves in the future that there would be no record of disgrace against them in that parish. They were too quick-witted a people not to know that any irrational acts would recoil on themselves. He knew that they would conduct themselves in the future as they had done in the past". However, in an effort to enforce the "boycott" against Robert Wogan Studdert of Cullane, the future would bring escalating violence.
Mr. Studdart, of Cullane, county Clare, who recently evicted a tenant [Patrick Nash], has been Boycotted, and forced to apply to the Orange Emergency Committee, who have sent him five larbourers under police protection to cut his hay.

The Observer, London, 31 July 1881
As a man named John Coffee, servant to Mr. Robert Wogan Studdart, J.P., Cullane, was driving a horse and cart from Ballycar Station this morning, after delivering some butter there for transit by the 8:30 train to Limerick, he was met on the road near Granahan, within a short distance of the station, by two men, who were armed with revolvers and had their faces blackened. They shot the horse dead, and warned Coffee, if he valued his life, to cut his connection with Cullane. The shooting of the horse, they said, was only a foretaste of what they intended for his master, owing to the late eviction [of Patrick Nash] on the estate. Mr. Studdart has been banned by the Land League, and obliged to ask for police protection and the aid of Emergency labourers to cut and save his meadowing.

Daily News, London, 11 August 1881
John Coffey, of Cullane, married, age 90 years, died on 7 November 1890; informant his nephew James Coffey of Cullane (Galway registration). James Coffey, the nephew, was the son of James Coffey of Cullane and Mary Willis of Hazelwood who married in 1859. Four children were born to this couple: Margaret (1860), Thomas (1861), John (1864), and James (1867). John Coffey, the servant to R W Studdert of Cullane in 1881, could either be about 81 years old or else his young nephew age 17 years old. Difficult to say who was more likely to be a servant at Cullane. And to muddle the picture further, the horse that was shot, according to later newspaper reporting was a donkey.

The journey from Cullane House to Ballycar Railway station is about 6 miles and would have taken John Coffey about 30 minutes or so depending on if he had a horse or a donkey. The return journey would have taken much longer.
Journey from Cullane House to Ballycar Station via Granaghan.jpg
Journey from Cullane House to Ballycar Station via Granaghan.jpg (90.33 KiB) Viewed 30570 times
John Coffee would have left the butter with a railway porter for transit by the 8:30 train to Limerick which may or may not have arrived on time. Often it appears that the shootings during this period are carried out against victims who are on a set schedule: going to or returning from Mass on Sunday; or as in this case, dropping off some produce for a morning train which could have been a regular routine.

The Ballycar Railway Station was "opened in 1859 by the Limerick and Ennis Railway, later part of the Great Southern & Western Railway, this station closed in 1963" according to the description of the below photo taken by Nigel Thompson in December 2019. The website includes photographs of other railway stations along the same railway line also taken by Mr. Thompson - see "related images" on the right.
geograph-6348150-by-Nigel-Thompson.jpg (109.94 KiB) Viewed 30570 times
The Ballycar Railway Station is now a private dwelling. It had recently been renovated and was up for sale in 2018 for Euro 225,000. The below real estate website has 20 nice images of the home. Although surprised that there were no photos of the railway track just beyond the backyard fence, similar to the one taken by Nigel Thompson. This would have been a great selling point - for a train spotter, anyway. ... re/4108465

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:37 am

On the 12th of July 1882, Michael Considine, the young victualler from Church street, would certainly need to show caution when traveling from Ennis to make a delivery at Cullane House. Only nine months prior, in October 1881, there was a further escalation of violence:
Two daring outrages are reported at Ennis. On Friday night [7 October 1881], between 8 and 9 o'clock, the house of Mr. Robert Spaight, J.P., was attacked by an armed party, who fired shots into it. Mr. Spaight was entering his bed room at the moment, when a bullet, which had struck the window passed close to him and lodged in the wall behind. Several other shots were afterwards fired at the house, and a second bullet was found next morning embedded three inches in the mortar of the front wall. Mr. Spaight found a Snider cartridge about 50 yards from the house. After leaving his house the party proceeded to the house of the steward, a farmer named Halloran, and fired several shots, none of which, however, entered the house. Surprise is expressed that Mr. Spaight, who is a most inoffensive young gentleman, and hitherto supposed to be popular in the district, has been made the object of such an attack, and the only cause that can be conjectured for it is that he had continued to deal with a butcher at Tulla named Halloran, a brother of his steward, who was "boycotted" for supplying meat to Mr. Robert W. Studdert, J.P.

Another most daring outrage . . .

The Times, London, Tuesday, 11 October 1881
Halloran is a common name in Tulla Parish, and neither the steward at Affock Lodge or the victualler who was boycotted at Tulla are identified in any newspaper reporting. From the Michael G Considine thread on this forum, there was plenty of evidence of the victualler trade being passed down between generations. So I reviewed the 1901 census for any Halloran connected with the victualler trade living in the town of Tulla. In House 64, was 70 year old Anne O'Halloran reported as a mother-in-law in the household of James O'Donoghue, age 49, occupation "Victualor and Farmer". Michael Halloran and Anne Cusack had eight children recorded in Tulla Parish, including Margaret Halloran who married James O'Donoghue in 1896. Searching for civil marriage records for the five sons of Michael Halloran and Anne Cusack, I identified Michael Halloran, who when married in 1875 was reported as a steward at Affock, son of Michael Halloran. Who was steward Michael Halloran's brother in Tulla that was boycotted for selling meat to Cullane House? There is no clear evidence which of his four brothers was the butcher. Francis is more likely than Dan who has no record of his existence past his 1848 baptism. Denis is more likely than John, I reckon, since John was only 20 years old in 1881.

The following week, John McNamara and Francis McNamara, coercion suspects #222 and #223, respectively, were arrested for the shooting. They were the sons of John McNamara and Bridget McMahon of Rossneylon in O'Callaghan Mills (see discussion of this family on page 21)
John and Francis McNamara, two brothers, butchers, of Tulla, were arrested under the Coercion Act this morning, and brought into Ennis, whence they were dispatched by the noon train to Galway gaol. The warrants under which they were arrested contain two distinct charges, the first of firing into the house of Mr. Robert Spaight, J.P., Affock, on the night of the 7th inst., and the second of inciting others to send threatening letters to the gentry of the surrounding districts, warning them to cease dealing with a rival butcher named Halloran, who was boycotted, it is said, by the Macnamara's influence, so as to divert the trade to themselves.
Daily News, London, 14 October 1881.
Michael Halloran and Anne "Nancy" Cusack of Tulla were married at Tulla Parish on 16 February 1847; witnesses were James Cusack, Michael Kerwick. Michael Halloran died prior to the 1875 marriage of his son Michael; death records in Tulla district for this period are not yet available. Most likely Anne Cusack Halloran died between 1901 and 1911. <Tulla Town, Tulla, House 64; x >

1.0 Dan Halloran baptized 9 February 1848, in Tulla, sponsors Dan Cusack, Mary McNamara.

2.0 Francis Halloran baptized 27 November 1850, no location, sponsors John Culloe, Honora Quinlivan. A Francis Halloran, age 39, bachelor, farmer's son, four years paralysis, died at Scariff Workhouse on 11 December 1890.

3.0 Michael Halloran baptized 19 August 1852, in Rhyne, sponsors John Daly, Maria Halvey. Michael Halloran, steward, from Affock, son of Michael Halloran (deceased) married Margaret Hogan, of Kilduff (church record states Derryulk), daughter of Thomas Hogan, farmer, at Tulla Chapel on 1 July 1875; witnesses William Hogan and Margaret Halloran. Their house at Affock was fired into during a moonlighting attack in October 1881.

4.0 Denis Halloran baptized 21 September 1854, no location, sponsors James Cusack, Bridget Hogan. Denis Halloran, farmer. of Tulla, son of Michael Halloran (deceased farmer), married Bridget Lawler, of Dangan, Quin, daughter of Francis Lawler, farmer, at Ennis Chapel on 18 April 1883; witnesses Pat Hogan and Bridget Lawler. <Tulla Town, Tulla, House 78; House 21>
............ 4.1 Annie K. O'Halloran (age 17 in 1901)
............ 4.2 Mary Margaret "Gretta" O'Halloran (age 14 in 1901)
............ 4.3 Susan Halloran (age 13 in 1901, living with Lawlor grandparents in Dangan, House 9)
............ 4.4 Teresa O'Halloran (age 11 in 1901); also reported as age 15 and living with aunt Margaret O'Donoghue in House 64.
............ 4.5 Bridget "Dilly" O'Halloran (age 8 in 1901)
............ 4.6 Charlotte O'Halloran (age 6 in 1901)
............ 4.7 Josephine O'Halloran (age 5 in 1901)
............ 4.8 John J O'Halloran (age 3 in 1901)
............ 4.9 Eileen F O'Halloran (age 1 in 1901)

5.0 Margaret Halloran baptized 28 September 1856, in Rhine, sponsors Thomas Daly, Mary Molony. Margaret O'Halloran, of Tulla, daughter of Michael O'Halloran, married James O'Donoghue, of Doonane, son of Michael O'Donoghue (and Bridget Nixon per 1850 baptism), at Tulla RC Chapel on 18 February 1896. James O'Donoghue, age 49, was reported as a victualler and farmer in 1901; and a butcher, age 61, in 1911. <Tulla Town, Tulla, House 64; House 30>

6.0 Mary Halloran baptized 7 August 1858, in Rhine, sponsors Dennis Hogan, Margaret Nailan.

7.0 John Halloran baptized 14 January 1861, in Knock(?), sponsors Michael Hogan, Margaret Kelly.

8.0 Anne Halloran baptized 29 February 1864, in Rhine, sponsors Daniel Hogan, Mary Byrne. Anne Halloran and brother Denis were witnesses at the marriage of neighbor John Hogan of Rhyne in 1879.

Not sure what happened to steward Michael Halloran of Affock Lodge after the 1881 shooting. He and his wife Margaret Hogan, married in 1875, had no children recorded in the Tulla baptism records. Nor could I find them in the 1901 Irish census. Perhaps they immigrated to America or Australia?

The children of Michael Halloran and Anne Cusack have a residence of "Rhine" in their baptism records starting in 1852. Rine townland in Tulla Parish is very small and located just to the west of Tulla townland (another Rine townland is in Quin Parish). There are only two farms in the 1855 Griffiths Valuation, both with the lessor James Molony: (1) Michael Hogan; house, office, land; valuation £17. (2): Henry Spaight; herd's house, office, land; valuation £20. Henry Spaight was a landlord and father of James Spaight. So it appears that Michael Halloran, Sr. was a herdsman for Henry Spaight; and Michael Halloran, Jr., was a herdsman/steward for his son James Spaight. The Spaights had a relationship with the Hallorans of Rhine townland over at least two generations. So in 1881, James Spaight was unlikely to participate in a boycott of a Halloran family member who he would have known his entire life — especially if the boycott was orchestrated by rival butchers in Tulla trying to increase their market share.

Prior to Rhine townland, Michael Halloran and Anne Cusack were living in Tulla townland upon their marriage in 1847 and at the birth of their first child in February 1848. Only five months later, in July 1848, it appears that their house was burned down, in a tragic event that shows the absolute desperation of those starving during the Great Famine:
Ennis, Monday, 5th March 1849


Bridget O'Dea was charged with burning the house of Michael Halloran of Tulla, on the 13th of July, 1848.

The prisoner had made a voluntary confession to Mr. O'Brien, the resident magistrate, upon proof of which she was convicted. It appeared that the prisoner in this case, as in many other cases of the same nature at these assizes, was stimulated entirely by a wish to be transported as a means of avoiding starvation.

John Meany was indicted for perjury. . .

The Freeman's Journal, Dublin, 8 March 1849

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by smcarberry » Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:24 pm

Not sure what happened to steward Michael Halloran of Affock Lodge after the 1881 shooting. He and his wife Margaret Hogan, married in 1875, had no children recorded in the Tulla baptism records. Nor could I find them in the 1901 Irish census. Perhaps they immigrated to America or Australia?

I have a candidate for that Michael Halloran, if he had gone to America and tried to keep a low profile. From old notes recently revisited when DNA results now show that I am related to a Donlon family of Sixmilebridge, I am showing below the Halloran family of rural eastern Dutchess County NY, who welcomed into their house and likely also into their family by marriage later, a Thomas Donlon, whose brother Ed later arrived and settled in the Hartford CT area, producing there a descendant who sent in a DNA kit and matched me. Their father Edward died in 1907 back in Clare. I have been puzzling over on how inconsistent the details are in the census records for this Halloran family, from census to census. The wife Margaret Halloran keeps indicating a marriage in the mid 1870s yet her children were born starting in 1885. Their first son is called Alfred, at least for public purposes like a written record. I have had no reason to further follow this family, so this is as far as I got with them several years ago.

Sharon C.

Ellis Island database
Donlon Edward age 19 b. 1888 Sixmilebridge single arrived Nov 23, 1907 Baltic Queenstown
residing Sixmilebridge; mother, Margaret Donlon, Sixmilebridge, Clare
going to brother, Thomas Donlon, Bangall, Dutchess County, New York

1900 NY Dutchess Co. Stanford
Donlon, Thomas 22 Ire b. 1878 pars: Ire img'd 1900, alien farm laborer, single, boarding with
John 44 Ire Jul 1855 img'd 1883, alien farm lab'r
Margaret 37 Ire July 1862 mar'd 23 yrs, 8 ch b/8 liv
Mariah 15 NY Apr 1885 [later mar'd Thos. Donlon ?] actually b. Ire ?
Maggie 13 “
Alfred 11 Oct 1888
John Jr. 8 Oct 1891
James 7 Aug 1892
Annie 5
Helen 3
Frances b. May 1900 female

1910 NY Dutchess Co., Amenia
Thomas 32 Ire foreman, farm img'd 1898, nat'd
Maria 23 “ mar'd 9 yrs, 5 ch b, img'd 1890 [nee O'Halloran ?]
Edward 7 NY
Mollie 6 “ [aka Anna]
Thomas 4 “
Margaret 4 “
Pidgeon 3 “

See Thomas's WWI army regis. card: b. 25 Dec 1878, wife Maria, farming in Millbrook

1910 Stanford
John 54 Ire dairy farmer img'd 1883?, nat'd
Margaret 44 “ mar'd 28 yrs, 11 ch b/11 liv img'd 1888 [likely error]
Alfred 21 NY farm lab'r
James 18 “
Anna 15
Helen 13
Frank 9
Josie 8
Morris 5
g'dau: Flannery, Mary 11 NY parents: NY

1920 Stanford
John 66 Ire dairy img'd 1888, nat'd 1895
Margaret 59 Ire 1889
Alfred 30 NY farmer, general
Joseph 19 farm lab'r
Frank 17 “
Morris 15
Donlin ? parents: NY
Anna 13 NY niece [actually g'dau]
Thomas 11 NY nephew [actually g'son]

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:21 am

Hi Sharon,

Thank you very much, especially for providing the information in such a clear format. Upon a second reading, I realized that Thomas Donlon was from Amenia, Dutchess County. The same location as Thomas Mack and the McEnroe family from County Meath that we discovered at the beginning of the search for the missing Thomas McNamara.

Patrick Nash, whose eviction at Cullane in 1881 was the catalyst for the later violence, was easy to track to Rochester, New York. This was primarily due to having a young son, John born in 1877. Not so many Irish children immigrated to the USA in the 1880's. Most Irish immigrants were about 20 years old and single, or perhaps newly married with no children. So the Nash family of Rochester in 1900 with an immigration year of 1883, and their son still living at home, was a good match.

Michael and Margaret Halloran, who married in 1875 and had no children through 1881, I agree would be a good fit for the "John" and Margaret Halloran of Dutchess County. Researching this family a bit further was definitely worth a quick look — and a healthy diversion from all the depressing coronavirus news, or so I thought.

For the Patrick Nash family of Rochester, their descendants thought the family was from County Cork, but they were aware that the mother was named Mary Molony — either through NY records or oral family history. So the best test to verify that "John" Halloran was "Michael" Halloran of Rine townland would be to identify the maiden name of Mrs Margaret Halloran of Dutchess County as Margaret Hogan.

John and Margaret Halloran never left Dutchess County, and their handsome headstone at St. Joseph's Cemetery in Millbrook, Dutchess County has engraved that she was "Margaret T O'Connell", 1863 to 1945. Their marriage, if in Ireland, should be recorded in the civil records. I had only a quick look, unsuccessfully, and wonder, especially with Margaret's varying birth years, if they could have been married in New York. ... o_halloran

In 1920, John and Margaret Halloran had two Donlon grandchildren living with them. This situation can now be explained since their daughter Maria O'Halloran Donlon was commemorated on the same headstone as her parents. She died in 1919 of the Spanish Flu. Sadly, 101 years ago only a small private funeral could be held due to the high risk of contagion:
DONLON – Died at Millbrook, Feb 1, 1919, Maria, wife of Thomas Donlon age 34 years.

Funeral services for Mrs. Thomas Donlon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Halloran of Bangall who died on Saturday, were held from St. Joseph's Church Millbrook on Tuesday at 10 a.m. The funeral was private because of the serious illness of her husband and their three children, who are in Vassar Hospital. She leaves her husband, three daughters, five sons, four sisters and six brothers. Mrs Agnes Flannery, Mrs. Margaret Strunkel, Mrs. Henry Yerry, Mrs. Eugene McShane are her sisters and her brothers are Alfred, John, James, Frank, Joseph and Maurice O'Halloran.

Millbrook Round Table, 7 Feb 1919

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:40 am

Hi Jimbo

Guy’s Directory 1893, for Tulla town, lists Jn O’Halloran, as Victualler: ... chants.htm
Civil Registration (Galway): 07 May 1893: Death of John O’Halloran from Tulla, aged 36, Bachelor; occupation: Butcher.
Does this John fit with any of the above?


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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Jimbo » Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:52 am

Hi Sheila,

Thank you very much for the civil death record for John O'Halloran from 1893. The deceased butcher is definitely the son of Michael Halloran and Anne Cusack, although his age is off by 4 years. John O'Halloran would have been 32 years old (born in 1861) and not 36 years old as reported on the death record. I had thought that John Halloran, the youngest brother of steward Michael Halloran, was not so likely to be the victualler from Tulla who had been boycotted in 1881. But at the age of 20 years old, John Halloran would have been the same age as Michael Considine, the young victualler from Church Street, Ennis.

And thanks for providing the link to Guy's Directory for 1893 which included Tulla town. I had checked the earlier directories online at Clare Library, but 1893 appears to be the first that Tulla town was included. The other butcher listed in the 1893 directory for Tulla Town, "McNamara, F R S", must be Francis McNamara, coercion suspect #223, that was arrested in October 1881 for the shooting into the house of Robert Spaight and posting threatening letters. Francis McNamara, a victualler, had died on 14 April 1897; age reported as 36 years. This age was understated by 3 years — deaths reported by a workhouse warden don't appear to be the most precise.

The cause of death for Francis McNamara in 1897 was "fracture of skull caused by a fall from a horse." When I first discovered this death record back in July 2019 (see page 21), I didn't think twice about its accuracy. But after recently reading about a Land War attack reported in graphic detail in the newspapers, and then the corresponding death record cover-up, I have become somewhat skeptical about the causes of death reported in death records, especially for young men who died in the 1880's and 1890's.

But then I recalled another death involving a horse and a McNamara from 1904 (see page 5), and was less skeptical. Accidents involving horses were common back in the day:
CLARE: Mr. McNamara, of Glandree, on Aug. 18 went to see a horse he had on graze, and which he was in the habit of hand feeding. After he had seen the animal, he left to go home. While speaking to a man on the road, the horse jumped through a gap and ran along the road. McNamara stood with the intention of stopping the horse. The horse struck him and knocked him. The other man seeing McNamara unconscious, had the priest and doctor sent for, but nothing could be done for him. He died two days after the occurrence.

Irish World, New York, 10 September 1904
Sheila, we thought this "Mr. McNamara" was possibly Andrew Sheedy McNamara of Glandree. He was reported with his wife Margaret McEvoy in the 1901 census at House 35 in Glandree; but his wife was a widow in the 1911 census in House 25. We could never find a death record for this Andrew.

However, the Mr. McNamara who was killed by his own horse in 1904 was most certainly Tim "Thady" McNamara, son of John McNamara and Ellen McNamara, of Curraghnatoo Townland, later known as Kilmore, Glandree. Thady McNamara died on 13 August 1904, at Kilmore, at the age of 75 years old, married. The cause of death was reported as "concussion of the brain, three days certified" which corresponds to the Irish World newspaper article that "he died two days after the occurrence."

Just to possibly confuse, a Timothy McNamara, also age 75 years old, died at Tulla workhouse, on 2 September 1904. He died a bachelor and in a workhouse. Although there are a few options for him in the 1901 census, the Tulla reporting district is quite large and this Timothy McNamara is difficult to identify.

When the Kilmore McNamara family tree on page 18 was completed in April 2019, the 1865 marriage of Thady McNamara (killed by his horse in 1904) to Bridget Brody was not available on-line. I checked today and it was there. The main bit of new information was that at the date of their marriage, 27 February 1865, Thady's father John McNamara was deceased. Bridget Brody was from Killanena, the daughter of Patrick Brody, farmer. The witnesses were James Brody and Michael Brody.

The fact that John McNamara of Kilmore had died by 1865 means that he is not the John McNamara reported to have died in 1866 (age 65), 1868 (age 67), 1869 (age 69), or 1870 (age 92) — these death records in the Tulla registration district are not yet available. I reckon one of these John McNamara's has a good chance to be the father of the missing Civil War soldier Thomas McNamara of Glandree.

This still leaves the death record and year of death for Andrew Sheedy McNamara, the son of Andrew McNamara and Margaret Clanchy, as unknown (see family tree on page 13). However, eventually, as my grandmother would say, it will all come out in the warsh.

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Re: Information is wanted of Thomas McNamara, of Glandree,

Post by Sduddy » Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:00 am

Hi Jimbo

Yes, I think you are right: it was Tim (Thady) McNamara who was killed by the horse, and not Andrew McNamara. I have alluded so often to Andrew McNamara as the man who was kicked by the horse it’s going to be impossible to rectify that mistake.
It’s great that the marriage records are available now and you’ve found that Thady’s father was John McNamara. Griffith’s shows a John McNamara in the townland of Kilmore, who is leasing Lot 4 a from Major E.F.H. Poclington, but the lot is just “Office and land” so his house is not there. Maybe he was a son of Patrick McNamara, who was leasing Lots 1 & 2 jointly with Patrick Gorman, and maybe John was still living with his father at the time.
I remember we discussed this John somewhere along the thread. If I remember rightly, I thought he might be the same John as the one in Baloughtra, but you had a different theory. I can’t remember any more about it. Yes, your grandmother is right. When the deaths become available all will become clear. But what might become clear is that we are as far away as ever from finding a home for Thomas, Mary and Elizabeth.


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