Sceim na Scol/ Schools' collection on line

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Sceim na Scol/ Schools' collection on line

Post by matthewmacnamara » Sat Oct 19, 2019 10:13 am
have put on line the local lore and traditions material collected
in rural primary schools in 1938

Paddy Casey
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Re: Sceim na Scol/ Schools' collection on line

Post by Paddy Casey » Mon Oct 21, 2019 7:57 pm

Thanks very much for flagging this cornucopia, Matthew. It's jam-pack-full of local history in narrative form. Why have people been keeping this from me ?
The website is very easy to navigate and the original texts are easy to read. Next to each page of original text is, in many cases, a transcription which - being digital - makes that page searchable online, e.g. to find names of people and places. If a page of original text has not yet been transcribed there is a window next to it where the reader can simply type in his/her own transcription without having to log in or otherwise jump through hoops. That transcription is then vetted by Duchas and, if OK, becomes available online to the rest of the world.
Within 20 minutes easy reading I had found five interesting references to families or persons in "my" Clare locality. Fascinating !

Posts: 148
Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:38 pm

Re: Sceim na Scol/ Schools' collection on line

Post by matthewmacnamara » Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:56 pm

Thank you Paddy.
The Meelick half parish material from the schoolchildren in the boys'
school was supplemented by the teacher Eoghan O Neill interviewing
an older woman, a Collins from Woodcock Hill, to get all she had to say.
Children from Coonagh were substantial cosntributors to the
Meelick collection.

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