FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealand

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Paddy Casey
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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by Paddy Casey » Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:46 pm


You might like to speak to Matthew (Mattie) Corbett who lives on the Tulla Road in Crusheen. His mother was Kathleen Fitzgibbon (who married a Corbett). I'll send you his phone number by PM.


deirdre carroll
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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by deirdre carroll » Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:21 pm

Hello again Shannon.Looked through my old notes. My grandmother's boyfriend was in fact James Fitzgibbons who married her cousin Bridget (Delia) O'Connor on 28 November 1912. He was the son of Edmund Fitzgibbons and Mary Fitzpatrick of Stranagalloon. There is an Edmund there in 1911 Census but could be cousin, nephew? Bridget was the daughter of John O'Connor my Great Uncle. They married in Holyoke. Patrick Fitzgibbons also emigrated there and married Helen Donoghue, possibly also related to me. Both brothers lived alongside my Great Uncle Michael Manning (Mangan) also from Crusheen. They all worked in the Paper Mill. When people went out they usually stayed with the Mannings at first. My Grand Uncle Patrick O'Connor married Minnie Fitzgibbon there, also of the same family.

In 2004 I spoke to a member of the Fitzgibbon family in Crusheen. He said his Great Grandfather married twice. He said that the old gable wall of Ned Fitzgibbon's house was still there. He said they originally came from "Luckid"/ Tubber. This area is largely in Galway, in the parish of Rathwilladoon, where my Mangan/Donoghue forbear can be found in the 1901 Census. You could follow that lead up.

Deirdre Carroll

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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by shanndiego » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:58 pm

deirdre carroll wrote:Hello again Shannon.Looked through my old notes. My grandmother's boyfriend was in fact James Fitzgibbons who married her cousin Bridget (Delia) O'Connor on 28 November 1912. He was the son of Edmund Fitzgibbons and Mary Fitzpatrick of Stranagalloon. There is an Edmund there in 1911 Census but could be cousin, nephew? Bridget was the daughter of John O'Connor my Great Uncle. They married in Holyoke. Patrick Fitzgibbons also emigrated there and married Helen Donoghue, possibly also related to me. Both brothers lived alongside my Great Uncle Michael Manning (Mangan) also from Crusheen. They all worked in the Paper Mill. When people went out they usually stayed with the Mannings at first. My Grand Uncle Patrick O'Connor married Minnie Fitzgibbon there, also of the same family.

In 2004 I spoke to a member of the Fitzgibbon family in Crusheen. He said his Great Grandfather married twice. He said that the old gable wall of Ned Fitzgibbon's house was still there. He said they originally came from "Luckid"/ Tubber. This area is largely in Galway, in the parish of Rathwilladoon, where my Mangan/Donoghue forbear can be found in the 1901 Census. You could follow that lead up.

Deirdre Carroll
Thanks Deidre,

This unpacking helps a lot. When people can untangle the records and the family tree it really helps it fit together. I know the Edmond and Mary family and am starting to build it. Luchid Bridge is the old homeland in Clare where the Fitzgibbon's settled after coming from Coolham in Cork?/ and Tubber is right on the border outside Inchicronan. I think my ancestor Martin was born in Tubber and baptized in Crusheen in approx.1815.



deirdre carroll
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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by deirdre carroll » Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:19 pm

That's sounding good Shannon. I should have added that the Crusheen resident in 2004 said they originated in Limerick, he believed. I find in my own family, however, that it can be difficult being very precise about origins way back. Our Carroll DNA has been traced to the Ely O'Carroll clan of the Irish midlands. However the last known ancestor lived in Limerick. Regards,


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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by shanndiego » Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:25 pm


My reading on the Clan points to Limerick and Cork. Limerick had the highest numbers of Fitzgibbons also. My DNA points to Galway and surrounds, but the family name moved in with Sir Gilbert Fitzjohn. The White Knights lands and his road extended from Cork to Limerick.

I may never really know, but can take a wide look to paint a picture. The Fitzgibbons are absent on the. Clare Tithe Applotments, so coming from Galway makes sense, or even Limerick.

Paddy Casey
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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by Paddy Casey » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:14 pm

deirdre carroll wrote:... they originally came from "Luckid"/ Tubber. This area is largely in Galway, in the parish of Rathwilladoon...
Just to summarise the geography here: Tubber (An Tobar in Irish) is a large rural area and community without officially defined borders that one would find on a map, i.e. it is not a town or a townland or a borough. Very roughly, the townlands within a 3 mile radius of St Michael's church at Tubber Cross (GPS coordinates N52.99004 W008.89419; Irish OS map square R 93595/40001) make up Tubber. Part of Tubber is in County Clare and part in County Galway. The Tubber post office is in Galway. Part of Tubber is in the parish of Kilkeedy (Co. Clare) and part in the parish of Beagh (Co. Galway).

The "Luckid" referred to is almost certainly Lughid bridge (described as "Lawhid bridge" on the Henry Pelham map of Clare (1787) on the website and since spelled a dozen other different ways). Lughid bridge is on the opposite side of Tubber Cross from Rathwilladoon. It can be found on the Irish OS map under the erroneous name of Inghid Bridge (Irish map square R, northings 91557, eastings 39994; GPS format hddd.ddddd°, N 52.97172, W 008.89392).

Lughid bridge, which is on the Tubber-Crusheen road, crosses the Carheeny river (which later becomes the Moyrhee river). The bridge is noted in history as being the place where the Dalcassians were checked in their incursions into Connacht 17 centuries ago (see Frank Brew's book "The Parish of Kilkeedy - a Local Hisotry, p.18).

Now, if you drive southwards down the road from Tubber Cross to Crusheen the road suddenly dips down to the river and makes a sharp left turn as it passes over Lughid bridge. If, immediately after crossing the bridge, you look directly left you will see a little house on the banks of the river about 50 feet from the bridge (as you look directly left you will also crash into an oncoming car because the road is very narrow at this point, visibility round the sharp bend is very limited, and the other driver will be on his/her phone and in a hurry and will be consulting a file on the passenger seat). This house belonged to John Joe Fitzgibbon who died recently (10-15 years ago ?) and it passed to J-J's nephew Seán Corbett. Seán died and the house passed to his brother Mattie Corbett. It was sold (5-10 years ago ?) to another family.

Just before you cross the bridge, and on the right side when driving south, you will see a farmyard. This was the site of Loughwood House, which was demolished recently.

Loughwood is described as a townland in the Kilkeedy tithes of 1824 but this townland name is no longer to be found on modern maps.

In 1824 the tithes list:
Occupiers of land in the Parish of Kilkeedy on 17th Jan 1824
Blake Mary Loughwood Kilkeedy
Murray John Loughwood Kilkeedy
Fitzgerald Lord Loughwood Kilkeedy Landlord
Murray Henry Loughwood Kilkeedy
Mullowny Mich'l Loughwood Kilkeedy
O'Neil Mich'l Loughwood Kilkeedy
McInerheny John Loughwood Kilkeedy
Kean Patrick Loughwood Kilkeedy
O'Neil Patrick Loughwood Kilkeedy
Ryan Charles Loughwood Kilkeedy
Morrisy Richard Loughwood Kilkeedy

Last edited by Paddy Casey on Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by shanndiego » Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:10 am

and "Fitzgerald Lord Loughwood Kilkeedy Landlord" is the descendant of the Fitzgibbon from Coolham Castle who broke off and later became a Fitzgerald from the chapter of the book on Inchicronan you shared.

There is one Fitzgibbon on the Galway Tithe list also.
Fitzgibbon John, Reinskeigh, Clonrush, Galway 1830

Diedre mentioned a Fitzgibbon from Crusheen said that they originally came from Limerick when she met them in 2004 family history. Makes sense, as there are so few in Clare and they seem to have just appeared around the Griffith Valuation times in the area, but none or little before that time.

Thanks for the input Paddy.

Paddy Casey
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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by Paddy Casey » Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:57 am

The attached article from the Other Clare journal on the Vesey-Fitzgerald family ("The family records are traced
back to the Fitzgibbon family...") was sent to me some years back by Sheila Duddy (I was interested in the Vesey-Fitzgeralds because they were my paternal ancestors' landlords in Tubber). You're familiar with much of the content, of course, but I'm just sending it in case there a some fragments of interest.

Vesey-Fitzgerald article OtherClare Mar 1990.pdf
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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by shanndiego » Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:48 pm

I did see the Vesey Fitzgerald as the landlord on the lands in the area of your focus. I read that book from the clipping you sent last time, so got a good picture of the Fitzgeralds in the area and how they got there. Austin Butler from memory was a big landlord in Inchicronan.

One thing I read in the book which was interesting was how when the Butlers and some of the newer families arrived (after Cromwell and his removal policies perhaps) was how they got a hard time from the local Irish for a while but were eventually accepted. One family even hid in a castle.

As for the Fitzgibbons, there is little word of them in the area around the Tithe times, and I got an anecdotal account from Deidre that they came from Limerick originally which makes perfect sense having the highest number of Fitzgibbons and all. I wonder why they moved? I wonder if the Fitzgibbon that moved from Coolcam contributed to any who came to live in the area, of they became Fitzgerald's (also they were noble or landed at least).

Thanks for the input Paddy, any fragments will always be greatly appreciated.

deirdre carroll
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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by deirdre carroll » Thu Feb 15, 2018 2:42 pm

Hi Folks again,

An interesting twist is that Lahardan House later became the home of the Griffey family. One of this family Anna was my grandmother's best friend and she often spoke about her. I understand that there is a lake called after her in the area. Anna lived to over 100 years, dying in Gort I believe some time in the 1980s.

You may or may not have seen a photograph which includes two Fitzgibbons on page 153 of the Coffey book.


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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by shanndiego » Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:54 pm

Thanks Deidre,

I have the Coffey book. I only saw a young girl in a sports photos, but I'll look again.

Paddy, amazing that Vesey wanted to reactivate the White Knight title! That reading had the reasons for the relocation to Inchicronan and fully explained why someone would marry the daughter of a Cromwellian soldier (which puzzled me) and their relationship with Catholicism. Thier lives were very interesting much like the Earls of Clare. Great stuff.

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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by shanndiego » Sat Oct 20, 2018 1:15 am

Paddy Casey wrote:
shanndiego wrote:Dropping the letter in the mailbox is so surreal.
Hi Shannon,

I was wrong about that printout being dropped in the mailbox. I should have washed my ears out. The truth is even better. It was handed personally to one of the Shranagalloon Fitzgibbons so the chain of communication is complete, i.e. the Fitzgibbons know who delivered the printout so if they are not sure how to reply to your forum contact they can contact her for guidance.


Just checking in, I didn't call the number you left but wonder if anything came of the contact you made with the Fitzgibbon's. The Slattery connection in Mitchelstown has been interesting also, and some great connections being made on that side of the family.

Hope your well.



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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by Elizabeth » Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:01 pm

I am not even sure how I stumbled upon this page but I guess that's what happens once you begin researching genealogy! I wanted to respond to the post about some of the Fitzgibbon boys emigrating to Holyoke, MA. Patrick Fitzgibbons was my grandfather and he and his brother James emigrated. I have recently found out about their sister Minnie, who lived in South Hadley for a time with her husband Patrick O'Connor, but I didn't hear about them growing up so maybe they left the area. My grandfatehr dies when I was a year old and the family lore was that he was a man of very few words, so maybe he just didn't talk about them. Patrick and Helen Donoughue went on to have five children: Patrick, Helen, William, Raymond, and Edward. James and his wife Delia had four children: Helen, Robert, Margaret, and Christine. The only surviving of my Dad's siblings is Helen, who is turning 95 this year. And I beleive James' children are all deceased.
I had the great good fortune to take my parents to Ireland in 1989 and actually walk the land where Patrick was born. the house of Ned was gne, but the foundation was still there. We had a wonderful visit with my Dad's cousin, Jimmy Fitzgibbob (not sure who his father was...?) and his wife Peg. I had difficulty understanding, but my Dad had grown up with the accent so it wasn't any trouble for him.

Wonderful to be here and learn more about my Fitzgibbon ancestors. All the best in the new year to you all!
Beth Fitzgibbons Fleming
Worcester, MA USA

deirdre carroll
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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by deirdre carroll » Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:46 am

Hello Beth,
Deirdre Carroll here - you will have seen my earlier messages about my family's connection with your Fitzgibbon family. Another connecting family were the Mannings (written in earlier times in Crusheen as Manion, later Mangan) who lived on the same street as your family and also came from Crusheen. Bridget Mangan - who married James O'Connor of Crusheen - was my great grandmother. Her brother Michael Manning emigrated to Holyoke. Rosemary Manning/Graniewski, his grandaughter, is still living.

Bridget Mangan's mother was Bridget Donoghue and I believe she may have been related to your grandmother Helen Donoghue, but I have been unable to find out how. Do you have any information on Helen's origins?


Deirdre Carroll

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Re: FITZGIBBON (Crusheen/Sranagalloon) to LOBURN, New Zealan

Post by Elizabeth » Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:19 am

Hello Dierdre!
How wonderful! Yes, I remember growing up next door to Christy and Kitty Manning so well and their (grown) daughter Rosemary. Christy must have been Michael's son. He became fire chief in Holyoke, which was quite a feat in a booming city! I mostly remember him as a very kind retired gentleman, very quiet, who treated our family like his grandchildren. Christy had a brother, Walter, who lived a few houses up the street from us. He and his wife Marian had one adopted son, Michael. Rosemary, Christy's daughter, had three daughters, about my age and we had great fun when they came to visit from Virginia in the summer! Their names were Teresa and Cecelia (twins) and Laura Graniewski.
As far as my grandmother, Helen, I have a little on her but not much. I believe her father's name was Michael, born in Ireland, and her mother Johanna Cronin, also born in Ireland. She had one sister, Katharine (sp?) who was about 7 years older than she. Helen, Nellie, was born in 1888 and died in 1962 before I was born. Her mother died when she was quite young, 11 or younger.
Thank you for making the connections for me, Deirdre. So wonderful for me to explore my ancestors this way and perhaps connect with new distant cousins.
All the best,

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