Clare tenants emigrating assisted, 1839, '40, '83

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Clare tenants emigrating assisted, 1839, '40, '83

Post by smcarberry » Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:51 pm

I ran across an 1839 letter describing the arrival of Wyndham tenants from Clare, with an exact Canadian destination given: Cobourg, Ontario Province, along Lake Ontario, across from the U.S. state of New York (see map below for surrounding ONT townships). This is the citation:
p. 30
Chambers's Edinburgh journal, Volume 9
by William Chambers, Robert Chambers

I have known of a Thomas Lucas b.c. 1825 Clare, who arrived in 1848 in Cobourg, subsequently in Rochester NY in time for the 1850 census. His apparent relatives included Joseph Lucas and family who are the 1840 arrivals in Canada on the "Leeson list' of Wyndham tenants, from the Munmore farm in Moymore, East Clare.

There is a website providing the results of research done for a book on the greater assisted emigration scheme of Clare's Wyndham's father, an Englishman who resided on his English estate and provided for his voyaging ex-tenants much better than the Irish landlords. The activity of the father (Earl of Egremont) is called the Petworth emigration. After his father's death, Col. Wyndham in Clare started with his own version. The authors state that the British Parliamentary Papers were their source for a listing of Clare tenants, in which the country of destination is given for those who seem to be the same people as on the "Leeson list" (which I cannot check directly because some one else found that list in a publication to which I don't have access). Here is the link to that webpage: ... ndham.html

Here are the "Munmore" (Munmore farm, Moymore) tenants of Wyndham and the years of departure from Clare on an assisted voyage to North America:

Collins Michael 1839
Collins Michael 1840
Corbett Bridget 1840
Corbett Bridget 1840
Cunningham Michael 1846
Cunningham Thomas 1839
Cunningham Thomas 1840
Cusack Michael 1840
Cusack Pat 1839
Cusack William 1839
Flanigan James 1846
Flanigan James 1839
Hartney Murt 1840
Hassett Michael 1840
Hickey Daniel 1846
Keeliher William 1840
Lucas James 1840
Lucas John/Jos. 1840
McNamara, John 1840
Meehan, Pat 1840
Morony Patrick 1840
Morony Michael 1840
Mulqueeny Michael 1839
Mulqueeny Thomas 1846
Murphy John 1846
O'Donnell Michael 1840
O'Donnell Pat 1840
Rochford Thomas 1840
White, Nicholas 1840
White Pat 1846

"The Petworth committee played a smaller part in sending emigrants after 1837. George Wyndham inherited the Petworth estates on the death of his father, the Earl of Egremont, in November 1837. Wyndham was a different sponsor from his father. He chose to follow norms adopted by other landlords, and he was unwilling to pay for the extras that had distinguished the Petworth emigrations organized by Thomas Sockett for the Earl. Thus, these emigrants sailed singly or in small groups rather than as passengers on ships chartered by the Petworth committee. They were sent without the superintendent or the additional assistance in Canada which characterized the emigrations described in Assisting Emigration." ... t1837.html

The Petworth emigration authors refer to an entity called the Clare Emigration Committee, as though that is what the Parliamentary Papers discuss. However, using Google Books to search the online Parliamentary Papers (which are very extensive), there are no results for an entity of that name. There was an Emigration Committee for the British government as a whole. Here is one such reference:

pp 120-21
Emigration Committee's discussion on sending Clare people out rather than spend money on providing employment in their own counties
The Monthly review, Volume 3, 1836

Via that search, I found the material on assisted emigration funded through the Arrears Act of 1882, which sent Irish emigrants to North America and Queensland, Australia (see the screenshots below in this posting and a "reply" one). The preserved detail is wonderful, right down to the discounted fares obtained on specific railways taking groups of emigrants to ports. There may completed forms for these emigrants preserved in some archives or office; those would provide excellent biographical information. Here is the cite:

Parliamentary papers, Volume 38
by Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons
starts p. 43
p. 62 image of the form completed for each state-aided emigrant
p. 65 ships named; lines used were Allen, American, and Anchor.
p. 44 Exact names given for shipping lines used for NY arrivals, 1883
p. 66 One family,from Ardfert, left via the Waterford and Limerick RR to Waterford, then to Plymouth for July 18th boarding the of the ship Nowshea to Queensland

Wyndham tenants to Ontario is a topic on which I have more material, on the later years of the involved emigrants, particularly those named Lucas, White, and Meehan. I will continue to add material as I find it, so contact me if you believe the Leeson list has one of your ancestors (but no wild guessing or fishing, please).

Sharon Carberry
Wyndham tenants to Cobourg 1839, letter.jpg
Wyndham tenants to Cobourg 1839, letter.jpg (27.22 KiB) Viewed 20020 times
Ontario townships in Cobourg vicinity
tn.jpg (8 KiB) Viewed 20017 times
Brit-assisted emigrants, total number, 1883.jpg
Total number of emigrants sent out under Arrears Act of 1882 as reported in Vol. 38, Parl. Papers
Brit-assisted emigrants, total number, 1883.jpg (18.05 KiB) Viewed 20011 times

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Re: Clare tenants emigrating assisted, 1839, '40, '83

Post by smcarberry » Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:44 pm

Brit-supplied emigrant wardrobe 1883.jpg
Clothing and hard goods provided to each emigrant sent out under Arrears Act of 1882, purchased new
Brit-supplied emigrant wardrobe 1883.jpg (32.12 KiB) Viewed 20002 times
Brit. assisted emigrants 1883, to N.A.jpg
Voyages to North America, taking assisted Irish emigrants pursuant to the Arrears Act of 1882
Brit. assisted emigrants 1883, to N.A.jpg (45.37 KiB) Viewed 20005 times
Brit assisted emig's steamship lines 1883.jpg
Steamship lines used by assisted Irish emigrants 1883
Brit assisted emig's steamship lines 1883.jpg (26.47 KiB) Viewed 20004 times

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Re: Clare tenants emigrating assisted, 1839, '40, '83

Post by vanturnhoutj » Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:00 pm

Thank you for all your work. Do you have any further details on Michael Hassett, 1841. I believe I have traced him and his wife Mary Collins whilst they lived in Canada. My 3rd Great Grandfather was a tenant of Wyndham and Michael is one of his sons. The family story is that he went to Australia but I followed several paths and never found 'my Michael'. When I looked at these records I see they went to Perth ON Canada and wonder if 'Perth' led to the family story that he went to Australia. The Michael Hassett in Perth ON children's names are family names (e.g. his father, mother, brother but this could be just coincidence as they are common names). If you can advise where I can look further it would be most welcome. Warmest regards, Jillian

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Re: Clare tenants emigrating assisted, 1839, '40, '83

Post by smcarberry » Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:18 pm

vanturnhoutj wrote:...Do you have any further details on Michael Hassett, 1841...
Sorry to say that I have nothing more on Hassett or any family that has gone to Perth ONT. However, as many postings here show, never say "never" about finding something that opens up a whole new line of research on a family long gone from Clare.

Best wishes,
Sharon Carberry

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Re: Clare tenants emigrating assisted, 1839, '40, '83

Post by vanturnhoutj » Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:45 pm

smcarberry wrote:
vanturnhoutj wrote:...Do you have any further details on Michael Hassett, 1841...
Sorry to say that I have nothing more on Hassett or any family that has gone to Perth ONT. However, as many postings here show, never say "never" about finding something that opens up a whole new line of research on a family long gone from Clare.

Best wishes,
Sharon Carberry
Thanks you for coming back to me and thanks for your original post. Fascinating to read up more about assisted emigration for Co. Clare tenants.

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Re: Clare tenants emigrating assisted, 1839, '40, '83

Post by smcarberry » Tue Dec 10, 2019 2:21 pm

New material found at last. Two items that should be fairly accessible:

1. A communication from the Kilrush Board of Guardian in 1846 to a government official, in which the Guardians urged clearing out the workhouse by emigration, meaning ship passage paid: page one, Clare Journal 26 Nov 1846


2. This may well include Thomas Lucas described in my earlier posting, the one who settled first in Cobourg ONT and then went across the lake to Monroe County NY: an account of tenants sent from Wyndham's estate in Clare to Quebec on the ship Governor out of Limerick port in 1848. The citation is to a record set abbreviated as HC (Houses of Common ?), 1847-1848 (971), xlvii, pp 1-3, as listed in this book: The History of the Irish Famine, The Exodus: Emigration and the Great Irish Famine, edited by Gerard Moran (London: Routledge, 2018), available upon payment as ebook ISBN 9781315513492

I don't have contents for either item. If someone does gain acess, please provide me with the contents and I can develop for posting here a list of names for genealogy purposes.

Sharon Carberry

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