Tubridy Family Kilrush

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by murf » Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:18 am

Here are the civil records I referred to:
Tubridy_Deaths.png (228.31 KiB) Viewed 22784 times

miriam scahill
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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by miriam scahill » Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:51 pm

Hi Murf - thanks for posting the civil records -- I suppose in those days there were no newspapers or diaries - so it might have been hard to remember dates - I remember my mother trying to get details of her Grandparents deaths in order to put an inscription on their grave - but had to leave it blank. - I am surprised at the different name - but often there were double names - and the second name might have been used. - but it seems to be the right family - no other Tubridys in that area - not on Griffith Vals. of 1855. = I had a look at document - Tithes of 1825 - and the names Cornelius and Mortimer are plentiful - I see Marty but I would say it is Murty. - names in Kilmacduane and in the next parish - Kilmurry/Ibricken and further s.w. - down by river Shannon - parish of Kilmurry/Clonderlaw.
I will send you a p.m. about your relations in Danganella.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by murf » Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:19 pm

I don't wish to give the impression that I believe the civil records are necessarily more reliable than gravestone inscriptions.
For instance, you will notice on the bottom left-hand corner of the above record for Anne Tubridy, that the year has been changed on the following record from 1888 to 1887.
On this occasion, the original record showed the death on 15 Nov 1888 of an infant Margt. May Barry. The date of registration was 1st May 1888(seemingly six months before she died!!). Fortunately the slip of the pen was noticed, and on 4 Jul 1888 a revised and officially stamped correction was issued showing the right date and at the same time adjusting the child's name to Margt. Mary Barry. On my frequent sortees through the civil records I have noticed a number of such corrections, apparently made after new evidence comes to light. One is tempted to conclude that there are other mistakes that remain uncorrected.
So I guess the bottom line is that primary sources are not necessarily infallible, and where there is a conflict, one has to look for further evidence that may decide the issue.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:35 pm

Murf and Miriam,
I thought I had posted this a little while ago but I must have cancelled it.
Basically, what I wanted to say was that a family tree created by one of the Kikrush Tubridys who has now passed on which I have only recently got sight of has the same Cornelius and Anne that are in the civil records.
I suspect that a 5 and an 8 on an old stone could well be confused but it seems that the name Anne has come down through our family history at any rate.

miriam scahill
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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by miriam scahill » Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:42 pm

Hi Jean and Murf - football took over my computer !! - not by me !!
Jean - that is great that you have discovered the Tubridy family tree !! - and I hope you make contact with whichever cousin has it now.
Murf - I had a chat with my friend from Cooraclare - but he didn't know that much - he said that the Murphys owned that pub - and that the present owners were new people - I might get in touch with someone else - as I said to you - it is the next parish - Civil Parish of Kilmacduane - I am going to Kilrush for a few days - so might meet someone from there.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by murf » Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:56 pm

Thanks Miriam
I was aware that Edmond Murphy had a pub-cum-store somewhere thereabouts but I wasn't sure of the precise location. I would be happy to establish if it was the forerunner to the Danganelly Tavern. Edmond died in 1928 whence ownership passed to his daughter Mary and her husband Thomas Tubridy. I don't know how long they had it.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:25 am

Thanks Miriam,
Yes, I've gotten a copy of said Tubridy tree. It is very useful in terms of identifying who's who for a few generations but is limited in terms of dates and specifics. Almost like a clue provider for some of the family, especially, 'Vet' Tubridy's sisters, who remain a mystery to me in terms of what became of them. Also, it doesn't touch on the Brew side, which is a bit of a minefield as there seems to have been so many Brews in Co. Clare of both RC and Church of Ireland religions.
No doubt all/mostwill become clear eventually.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by murf » Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:21 am

Hi Jean & Miriam
Just came across this article on Tom Joe Tubridy's boxing career. Thought you may be interested.
Tom Joe's wife Mary (Cissie) Tubridy was my father's first cousin.
Cheers murf
TomJoeTubridy.png (437.15 KiB) Viewed 22634 times

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:08 am

Hi Murf,
Thanks a million.
I never knew about Tom Joe's boxing prowess but often wondered where my father got his interest in going to boxing at the National Stadium. (He brought me along on several occasions when I was a youngster. )
Many thanks for the probable answer.
Glad to know too about your connection via Cissie.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by murf » Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:28 am

Ah Jean, you have just reminded me that my own father also had a keen interest in boxing. When he was very young he was a child actor and singer on the Sydney stage. In those days some boxing events used to feature child performers in between bouts. I found a newspaper report of one such event which said in part; "...Master Roy Murphy, a mere lad, sang Mother Macree and They'll be There in first-rate style..."
Many years later, when my two brothers and myself were old enough, he would take us along to the travelling boxing troupe that accompanied the country agricultural show, - exciting times for wide-eyed kids.
Thank you for reviving those memories, and making those connections.

Now, on another track altogether, I notice that Mr P. F. Tubridy of Kilrush had a keen interest in coursing (dog racing).
https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/arti ... rchLimits=
Edmond Murphy of Danganelly(Tom Joe's father-in-law) was also heavily involved in coursing, and many events were held on his property at Danganelly for many years, apparently.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:13 pm

What a coincidence that you were introduced to boxing at a young age too.
Yes, greyhounds and coursing were a very big part of my grandfather's life and my father's youth.
I must say I'm not at all keen on it as a 'sport' but loved hearing stories about 'pet' greyhounds in Dad's growing up. He maintained a huge love for dogs all his life and passsed it down the generations.
Do you have a musical ear?

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by murf » Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:07 pm

Dunno about musical ear - in my case it may be like trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!!!

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by pwaldron » Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:56 pm


Am I correct in thinking that your aunt Catherine Tubridy married John F (Seán, Jack) McGrath with whom she ran a shop in Moore Street before they emigrated to Canada in 1955?

I spent a very interesting day in the National Folklore Collection in University College Dublin last Friday, reading the material which Seán McGrath collected around Kilrush during his six-month stint as a temporary full-time folklore collector, immediately before they emigrated.


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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by Sduddy » Fri Jul 01, 2022 9:36 am

This year’s The Other Clare (Vol. 46) has an article, “Folklore Collecting in Southwest Clare in the 1950s”, by Patricia Lysaght, giving us several examples of the material collected by Séan Mac Craith (Seán McGrath). All very interesting.


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