Tubridy Family Kilrush

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Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:49 am

I would really welcome help in finding who was the father of my great grandfather, Mortimer Tubridy, who died in 1886, aged 32. He was married to Kate McGrath on Feb 15, 1881. His widow Catherine Tubridy, Henry St., Kilrush is on 1901 and 1911 census as 'shopkeeper.' She died in 1919.
Mortimer's father on the marriage cert is transcribed as Connor Tubridy but I'm not convinced that is correct. His occupation is farmer. Thus far, I can find no trace of any details re Mortimer's birth or baptism, nor of a C* Tubridy with a son Mortimer.
Any clues welcome, and as an aside I'm also stuck with Catherine Tubridy (nee McGrath) parents!
Thanks Folks.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by Sduddy » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:13 pm

Hi Jean
I’m sure you have a good reason for doubting that Connor Tubridy is the father of Mortimer. But Griffith’s Valuation 1856 shows a Cornelius (same name as Connor) Tubridy in the townland of Drumellihy (Westby) in the parish of Kilmacduane. He is leasing a house from a James Tubridy who has 92 acres (plot 19) and who may be a relative. See www.askaboutireland.ie
The original register of Kilmacduane baptisms is lost. A transcription (https://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls ... 1/mode/1up) was made by a priest at some point, but, because the original is lost, we can’t check the accuracy of his transcription. I see that there’s a Margaret Tubridy daughter of Cornelius Tubridy and Anne McGrath who was baptised in August 1857. Now “Margaret” could be a mistranscription of Mortimer, but we have no way of telling. The priest admits that he has had a lot of difficulty with the task of transcribing. On page 34 of his transcription he says, “The year 1859 seems to have been the first that a regular record of Baptisms and Marriages was made. Earlier entries have, I believe, been compiled either from fragmentary information supplied by the people to Rev. M. Quinlivan, P.P., who it appears succeeded the pastoral charge of Rev. William Moloney in Nov. 1858”.
So it’s very possible that Cornelius and Anne had more children whose baptisms were not recorded.
I notice that Murty (Mortimer) Tubridy’s address is Kilrush in the record of his marriage. But this does not mean that he was originally from Kilrush – it’s his address at the time of the marriage.

I notice also that neither of his two sons is called Connor (or Cornelius or Corney) - I wonder is this your reason for doubting that his father is Connor?


miriam scahill
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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by miriam scahill » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:08 pm

Hi Jean and Sheila - I agree with your research, Sheila - I checked - but got distracted by the great Clare win in Ennis. !! - I looked at your Baptism transcriptions for Kilrush - no Tubridy fits the info. - only marriage of Mortimer and Kate. - Great work, Sheila. - - I always heard my father say The Vet Tubridy - Patrick F. Tubridy - and his cousin was Engineer Tubridy -i.e. Patrick - who was born in Ballykett - they were first cousins. - see census of 1911 - Ballykett - DED of Clooncoorha - this is less than 2 miles from Kilrush - - Patrick and Jane Tubridy - married 23 years. - so c. 1888 - Patrick is brother to Mortimer - so it is possible to check Marriage Cert. - will show name of Patrick's father. - Tubridy family were not in Ballykett on Griffith Vals. of 1855. - I think an estate was divided in that area. now - to finish - Patrick Tubridy, Civil Engineer, married Delia McGrath (niece of Mrs. Mortimer Tubridy) - see grave in New Shanakyle cemetery. - so Delia - who was a first cousin to Patrick F. (The Vet) married his cousin - Patrick from Ballykett. !! - I know this Mrs. Tubridy was from Moyasta. - Jane - if 'Vet Tubridy' is your ancestor - I remember his daughter - Mrs. Mary Kirk. - his son was Capt. Michael Tubridy (R.I.P.) - Michael's wife - Dorothy - died a few weeks ago.R.I.P. lovely obit. in Sunday Independent. Also - there is a Mortimer Tubbriddy in Coore in parish of Kilmurry/Ibricken on Griffith Vals. of 1855 - - next parish to Kilmacduane. I hope this is clear. !! Miriam - originally from Kilrush !! - Jean - you still have cousins - but I would have to send you a p.m.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:45 am

Hi Sheila and Miriam
Thanks very much for your prompt replies.
Yes, I am the grand-daughter of ' Vet' Tubridy. My father was Francis, the eldest of the boys in the family.
I will certainly be checking out the 'Margaret', lest she gives a clue.
I hadn't realised the connection to Delia, though knew it was close.
Thanks again to you both and I will be digging away as I very much want to make some progress on tracing Mortimer's parents.
PS. My Clare blood was cheering the hurlers of the Banner as always!
Thanks again,

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by murf » Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:44 am

Hi Jean, Sheila and Miriam,
Miriam wrote:
Patrick and Jane Tubridy - married 23 years. - so c. 1888 - Patrick is brother to Mortimer - so it is possible to check Marriage Cert. - will show name of Patrick's father
Unfortunately the marriage registration in 1888 for Patrick Tubridy and Jane Kelly does not show Patrick's father as both fathers are already deceased.
However there are two Cornelius Tubridys in the civil death records prior to 1888:
1879 - Cornelius Tubridy age 73, of Dromelihy. Margaret Browne present at death.
1885 - Cornelius Tubridy age 78, of Ballykett. Pat Tubridy present at death.
So it would seem from this that the latter Cornelius is the father of brothers Patrick and Mortimer.
I have an interest in this investigation because Thomas Joseph Tubridy of Ballykett married Mary (Ciss) Murphy of Danganelly, daughter of my granduncle Edmond Murphy.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:17 am

Murf, many thanks for this information on the two Corneliuus Tubridys. The key in it for me is having learned that Patrick and Mortimer are brothers as I had glimpsed at the two possible Corneliuses before and dismissed them without enough research.
All the very best for now and thanks again,

miriam scahill
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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by miriam scahill » Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:34 pm

Hello Jean, Sheila and Murf - after a bit of research I have found the grave/vault of the Tubridy family -it is in cemetery at Dromelihy - called Killaknick - near Cooraclare village - Inscription reads : Kelly Tubridy Neenan - Plaque above slate entrance : Pray for repose of soul of Conor Tubridy and his wife, Bridget, who both died in 1887 - their son Patrick, Ballykett, who erected this vault died in 1918 - his wife Jane died 1912. - also some chidren who died young - - also info re Kelly (brother-in-law) and Sinon Neenan died in 1979 aged 99 (he might have been a cousin - lived in Dromelihy) - - plus Mortimer (Murty) Tubridy 1989 - - I know his grave is in New Shanakyle, Kilrush - along with his brother - Patrick, C.E. - and another brother - Michael. (he retired from farming in Ballykett and came to live in Kilrush town.
Dromelihy had 4 Landlords - and so it is in 4 divisions on the Census. - Our Lady's Shrine (Blessed well) is in Dromelihy - great devotion on 15th August. - to see inscription go to http://www.clarelibrary.ie - Genealogy page - Donated Material - Graveyard Inscriptions - - I search by date of uploading - - Killaknick (Dromelihy) - and New Shanakyle, Kilrush. - so Jean - a trip to Kilrush and Cooraclare is on the cards.!! - I am sure you are also related to Tubridy's Bar, Restaurant and B.& B. in Cooraclare - - I might found out next week.
Miriam. - p.s. Jean - if you would like to know a few more cousins send me a p.m. - also p.s. to Murf - Murphy/Tubridy grave is also in Killaknick cemetery.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:30 pm

WOW Miriam, I am bowled over with all this info. Thanks so much.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by murf » Thu Jun 21, 2018 2:44 am

Thanks for that info Miriam,
but I'd be a little wary of those inscriptions on the Tubridy vault.
According to the civil death records, Conor died in 1885. His widow Ann(not Bridget) died in 1888 aged 72 in Ballykett.
Also I notice that Bridget and Mary, both children of Michael Tubridy, died within 9 days of each other in 1887, from the effects of scarlatina.

Now I would like to test your local knowledge on a slightly different tack;
In 1886 my g. grandfather Michael Murphy of Ballicorick took over the lease of Lot 9 (some 341 acres) in Dangananella East. The Danganelly Tavern now stands on the western extremity of this allotment. The tenancy reverted to his son Edmond when he married in 1891, and then to his daughter Mary and her husband Thomas Tubridy after Edmond died in 1928.
Now I have no knowledge on the history of the Danganelly Tavern, and whether the Murphy/Tubridy families had any involvement in it, so I would be keenly interested in anything you may be able to turn up.
Cheers, murf

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:02 am

Just wondering, Murf and Miriam, if there's any way of reconciling the vault inscriptions and the civil records or is it the practice to place greater trust in the civil records? Also, does this bring us to the end of the road re Cornelius and wife or are there any ways of finding out about their parents? I have a lot to learn re family history research!

miriam scahill
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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by miriam scahill » Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:42 pm

Well - Jean and Murf - I must have pressed 'Cancel' !! - I had a lot written - - was at a funeral - so late in replying - Now - re Graveyard Inscriptions - they were done way back in 1987/8 - by local group - F A S - under guidance of George Harret - sadly George died - but he had done lots of projects - the records were transcribed by Senan Scanlan in 2010. I had seen lots of loose pages - as George had helped me find a grave. - I think it was in 2006. I have seen a few mistakes - e.g. 0 for 6 and v.v. - also spellings. - but I couldn;t get through to e mail address shown.
I will ask a friend with Cooraclare connections to check the inscription - I have never been in that cemetery. Area of Dromelihy had four Landlords - and so four divisions - for rate purposes. - to see lots more info on the area go to www.clarelibrary.ie - genealogy page - Civil Parish Index - and select Kilmacduane - click on first line - map showing townlands in the parish - and select the area you want.
Jean - I will get back to you tomorrow - and Murf I will try to find out about Danganella - shown as Dangananella on Census. !!
Slan, Miriam.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:34 pm

Miriam, thanks for writing. Very much appreciated.
Take care,

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by pwaldron » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:17 am

WorldConnect has more information on the Tubridy family.

Given all the question marks about the transcription from the Tubridy vault, it would be nice to see a photograph.

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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by JeanTubridy » Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:13 pm

Many thanks for the info re WorldConnect and the insights there into the Tubridys.

Yes a photo of the inscription would be nice to see.

miriam scahill
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Re: Tubridy Family Kilrush

Post by miriam scahill » Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:04 pm

Thanks to Dr. Paddy Waldron for info re 'WorldConnect' - this shows the same wording on the Tubridy vault as per Graveyard Inscriptions on Clare Library. - - maybe Murf would show the Civil Record. - also Murf - I haven't got to meet up with my Cooraclare friend yet. - I am familiar with Kilrush parish - Kilmacduane is the next parish.
Also it was said that T.V. host - Ryan Tubridy - was a nephew to Mrs. Dorothy Tubridy - but on the info on WorldConnect you would have to go back almost 200 yrs. to get the connection. - Mrs. Tubridy's father-in-law was Patrick F.Tubridy, Vet. Surg - (Henry St. Kilrush on Census of 1911) and son of Mortimer from Ballykett - - Ryan's Great Grandfather - Patrick Tubridy - was a teacher in Galway - as per Census of 1901. - his family were from area nearer to Creegh - at top of the parish.

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