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Counting Down by Gerard Stembridge - April 2009

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:47 am
by Clare Bookclub Mod
Following the death of a close family member, and becoming obsessed with the powers of his recently purchased “magical” clock, we get to know the main character, Joe Power.

Joe is approaching forty and counting down… The spectre of the clock and the recurring counting of numbers throughout the book are effective as Joe Power believes his remaining time is becoming shorter and shorter. There is a strong sense of the passing minutes, days and weeks. The author captures the sense of detachment from life and living that occurs as themes of loss, mental breakdown, desperation, and family rifts emerge. Set mainly in contemporary Dublin, the story is at times shocking, violent and disturbing, with some moments of black humour.

Briskly paced, a definite page-turner, you could easily read this book in a couple of sittings.