Inchicronan Tithes - help needed with one word

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Inchicronan Tithes - help needed with one word

Post by Sduddy » Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:25 am

The statements made by the Tithes Commissioners in each parish are very similar, but each one (that I’ve read) has some facet, or detail peculiar to that parish. In the case of the parish of Inchicronan, it is the setting apart of the tithes for Kiltoola that is interesting. The Commissioners are Augustine Butler (Ballyline) and William Fitzgerald, and the tithes are due to Revd Frederick Blood, Rector and Vicar for Boston (in Kilkeedy parish). I can read the whole quite easily but for one word here: “…do hereby certify that the true and and just amount of composition for all Tithes whatever within the said Parish (excepting the two ???? of the Prebend of Tomgraney denominated Kiltoola) is One Hundred and Forty three pounds, twelve shillings and seven pence halfpenny…” : https://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalar ... _00244.pdf

I am asking for help with that word, and am interested also in why the Tithes for Kiltoola are due to the Prebend of Tomgraney. Kiltoola is “Kiltallagh” in the Pelham’s Grand Jury map. Killtallagh church is on the Inchicronan side of the river Fergus: ... 14!12!!562.
It is “Killoolaght” in the tithe applotment books: ... an_tab.htm, and James P. Crowe Esq. is the person named as liable for tithes.


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Re: Inchicronan Tithes - help needed with one word

Post by smcarberry » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:40 pm

If I perceive the right place that you need, indicated by your ??? as you transcribed the phrase, the word is "thirds" so that the the entire phrase is "excepting the two thirds of..." It's just that at that point in applying ink to paper, the writer was using pressure too light to adequately cross his "t" as also shown with his preceding words "the" and "two." Perhaps you were expecting a reference to "two quarters."

However, maybe you are actually indicating another part of the writing, because this particular writer was using abbreviations for "Revd" and Frederick in which the first few characters were as we would write them in our modern script, followed by a superscript for the final character/letter of the intended word. If that is indeed the difficulty, just point me to the actual word you are seeking to have clarified.

Hope that helps,
Sharon C.

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Re: Inchicronan Tithes - help needed with one word

Post by Sduddy » Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:56 am

Hi Sharon

Yes, "thirds" is the word I could not make out. Thank you for that help.

I thought that I would find some mention of Kiltoola in the Tithes for Tomgraney, but found none.
One of the statements by the commissioners (Tomgraney) is difficult to read - maybe you can help me with it: http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarc ... _00293.pdf
This is as much as I can make out:
" We have applotted and subdivided the foregoing townlands in the Parish of Toomgrany by the order and direction of Rev(?) Gregg(?) Esq and of the Lord Lieutenant Secretary having applotted them in the gross(?) in our former applotment of said Parish, according to the best of our judgement. The T(?)under(?) townlands in the parish (?) was applotted in gross(?) being settled(?) by the Landholders among themselves with the incumbent. Sept. 13th 1826. John OCallaghan, Matt Reddan, Commissioners".

The other statement (at the end of a computation) is short and easy enough to read:
http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarc ... _00319.pdf
"We do hereby certify that the foregoing applotment contains a just and fair survey, valuation and applotment of the several farms in the Parish of Toomgrany, Barony of Tulla, Co. Clare, according to the best of our judgement. Dated this ninth day of August 1825.
John OCallaghan, Matt Reddan, Commissioners"


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Re: Inchicronan Tithes - help needed with one word

Post by Sduddy » Sun Mar 24, 2024 10:16 am

Hi Sharon, again

I think I will abandon my hope of understanding why two thirds of Kiltoola tithes were due to the prebendary of Tomgraney. I’m beginning to see that I would first need some basic knowledge regarding prebendaries, unions, vicarages etc. Looking at Lewis’s Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 1837, for the parish of Dysert, or Dysart, I see that a portion of the tithes was payable to the prebend of Tomgraney: ... rt1837.htm. So maybe the prebend was due tithes from all over the place.


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Re: Inchicronan Tithes - help needed with one word

Post by smcarberry » Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:44 pm

Well, I will go ahead anyway (since Sheila is saying she needs to divert off to study of tithe system for its administrative structure) because the name that stumped Sheila is actually one in a topic I brought up in 2007 when I reported finding at a U.S. university some Irish governmental records of the British governance era: ... f786#p2934

To that I can add this more definitive online source of Undersecretary William Gregory's governmental roles over the span of his life until death in 1840:

So, with that background, I offer this version of the text just transcribed by Sheila (but with omission of parts not questioned since typing tires me):
We have Re-applotted and subdivided the order & direction of Wm. Gregory Esqr. [Esquire] one of the Lord Lieut's Secretary [end of word up against page edge], [apparent comma may be a squeezed-in final "s" on Secretary] having applotted these [or "them"] in the Gross in our former applotment of said Parish...The remainder townlands in the parish that were applotted in the gross being settled by the Landholders among themselves with the Incumbent. [signatures]
For anyone reading to this point: Sheila's managing to read "subdivided" in this text is top-notch transcribing of this handwriting. However, I do believe that the weird "Re" is in there, twice, despite no other place in the displayed text to confirm what this writer uses for an upper-case R. The other twist in reading these pre-modern texts is that capitalization of words in inner positions in a sentence is according to the individual writer's sense of propriety, which we in modern times no longer have. Mentioning all that with parenthetical comments in a transcription is to risk losing the actual sense of the sentence for us modern readers.

Sharon C.

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Re: Inchicronan Tithes - help needed with one word

Post by Sduddy » Tue Mar 26, 2024 11:55 am

Hi Sharon, thank you for that help. Since I wrote I've become preoccupied by a health matter (not me) and won't be able to contribute for a while. But still interested of course.


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Re: Inchicronan Tithes - help needed with one word

Post by smcarberry » Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:08 pm

Absolutely, Sheila, attend to what you need to do in real life, which I am sure you will do with your usual great attention and effort. I hope all goes well, and then in due course you will feel able to return to a more active mode here. In the meantime, enjoy whatever light we may shine on the olde days gone by. This Forum endures...

Sharon C.

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Re: Inchicronan Tithes - help needed with one word

Post by Sduddy » Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:52 pm

Thank you for those kind words. Hoping to be back soon. Sheila

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