Updated Library database, Clare-born U.S. Civil War soldiers

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Updated Library database, Clare-born U.S. Civil War soldiers

Post by smcarberry » Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:05 pm

A long time since the last update (due to my own scheduling matters), I submitted to the Clare County Library the latest new group of 10 soldiers now added to the Donated Materials section of the Library's website, under "Military...Records." That database has this direct link:
https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... il_war.htm

Each soldier has been included after I learned of reliable sources stating (a) Co. Clare as the man's birth and (b) the soldier's military unit(s) during the U.S. Civil War. In some (very few) cases, a listed soldier also served prior to that war or afterward in the U.S. Army during its operations elsewhere in North America. This database can be a springboard to start research along those lines or to continue on to doing his family's genealogy.

I have to predict that this update is likely the last that will be done, because many state-run websites for such soldiers have been absorbed into the holdings of a genealogy business under an arrangement with a state by which the business has exclusive rights to the content. Not only must a member of the public subscribe to that genealogy service, but also organization of the content is changed so that simple, straightforward searches are no longer available. Searches I used to do on state-run website based on the fantastic Samuel Bates' books, are now instead returning far too many results from the commercial business's search engine run a man's name. i wave the white flag and shall stop fighting the trend.

It's been a pleasure to make available these listings, which serve to honor the soldier's service as well as help descendants make progress on their life stories. Thanks again to all who have contributed material to aid this process.

Sharon Carberry

Claremen who served in the American Civil War, 1861-1865
now including detailed listings, for which the below show just name and state served during the war:

CONNERS (Connors), Daniel NY

DONOVAN, Patrick MA & IL

GARVEY, Patrick CT

GLYNN, Dennis CT

HORGAN, James PA (Penn.)

MALLEY (Maley), William CT

MALONEY (Moloney), Owen NJ

MCNAMARA, Patrick OH (courtesy of Forum member Jimbo)

MORONY (Moroney), John MI

MURPHY, Michael PA

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Re: Updated Library database, Clare-born U.S. Civil War soldiers

Post by Sduddy » Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:35 am

Thank you, Sharon, for all the work you have done on Claremen who served in the American Civil War.

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