Roughans in and near Ennis, 1821 census

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Roughans in and near Ennis, 1821 census

Post by Sduddy » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:56 am

Philip Crossle (1875-1953) made notes of the 1821 census of Ennis and nearby townlands. The notes include about 1,074 names, with their locations. The notes do not reflect the entire census: Crossle has selected only some surnames. The Roughans living in, or near Ennis constitute about ten percent of the selected names. Michael O’Loghlen has kindly sent me his transcription of those Roughans:

Census, 1821.
29 pages of notes with about 1,074 names and about 201 residential houses.

Transcript, E&OE, of Crossle’s handwritten references to Roughan and associated people, Mick O’Loghlen, December 2023.

Census 1821 Barony of Islands … Part 1 (reference number)
Parish Dromcliffe. Town of Ennis.

3 Chronicle Alley.
3 storey house.
Pat Roughan, 29, glazier.
Susanna Roughan, his wife, 24.
Michael Burke, father.

1 Bow Lane.
Pat McDonnell, 53, Bell man.
Mary Roughan, 46, house servant.
Mary Anne Roughan, daughter, 14.
Honora Roughan, daughter, 12.

5 Bow Lane.
Mr ?Anthony Cahill, RC clergyman.
Ellen Roughan, 13, house servant.

181 Mill Street.
1 storey.
Charles Roughan, 40, …
Mary Roughan, his wife, 35.
Mary Roughan, daughter, 17.
Catherine Roughan, daughter, 15.
Pat Roughan, son, 13.
Michael Roughan, son, 9.

258 Mill Street.
1 storey.
Pat Roughan, 41, … maker.
Anne Roughan, his wife, 41.
Michael Roughan, son, 12.
Pat Roughan, son, 10.
Bridget Roughan, daughter, 2.

53 Jail Street.
Thomas Heaney, 38, ?tailor.
Michael Roughan, 30, lodger … … Wm Fitzgerald.
?Hannah, 25.
Cath …, sister.

168 Jail Street.
2 storey.
Michael Roughan, 40, livery stables.
Mary Roughan, his wife, 35.
Thomas, son, 18.
Bridget, daughter, 12.
Mary, daughter, 7.
Anne, daughter, 2.
Honora Toole, 20, house servant.
Michael McMahon, 11, house servant.

203 Jail Street.
3 storey house.
Thomas Roughan, 34, shoemaker.
Mary Roughan, his wife, 38.
Margaret, daughter, 6.
Cath, daughter, 3.
Eliza, daughter, 1.
(4 others in this house)

71 Market Street.
1 storey.
Thomas Roughan, 60, labourer.
Honora Roughan, his wife, 58.
James ?Channelhouse, 28, … lodger.
Mary ?Channelhouse, his wife, 22.

94 Market Street.
1 storey.
…. Roughan, 60, labourer.
Eliza Roughan, his wife, 55.

12 Clonroad to Ennis.
1 storey.
Patrick Roughan, 36, labourer.
Bridget, his wife, 38.
Mary, daughter, 13.
Stephen, son, 11.
Margaret, daughter, 10.

18 Clonroad to Ennis.
1 storey.
John Roughan, 56, labourer, a half acre.
Margaret Roughan, his wife, 53.
Eliza, niece, 19.

42 Clonroad to Ennis.
1 storey.
Michael Roughan, 50, farmer and labourer, 3 acres.
Mary Roughan, his wife, 57.
Mary Roughan, daughter, 22.
Anne Roughan, daughter, 13.

14 Lifford … … Ennis.
1 storey.
Rev James Kenny, 70.
James Roughan, 21, house servant.

21 Cahercalla.
1 storey.
John Roughan, 46, farmer (no acres).
Honora Roughan, his wife, 39.
Pat, son, 17.
Michael, son, 14.
James, son, 4.
Mary, daughter, 1.
Mary ?Garner, 14, house servant.

26 Cahercalla.
2 storey.
Joseph Roughan, 38, gentleman & farms 8 acres.
Mrs Maria Roughan, his wife, 30.
Anne, daughter, 9.
Daniel, son, 4.
George, son, 1.
Peter Roughan, 14, house servant.
James Darcy, 23, labourer.
Bridget Donnelly, 24, house servant.
Mary Murphy, 27, children’s maid.

32 Cahercalla.
1 storey.
Michael Roughan, 40, labourer, 1 acre.
Honora Roughan, his wife, 40.
Patt Roughan, son, 10.
Thomas Roughan, son, 10. (Twins)
Bridget Roughan, daughter, 8.
Mary Roughan, daughter, 6.
Anne Roughan, daughter, 5.
Michael Roughan, son, 2.
Margaret Roughan, daughter, 1.
Johanna Roughan, cousin, 50.

39 Cahercalla.
1 storey.
Stephen Roughan, 36, labourer, a half acre.
Cath Roughan, his wife, 34.
Patt Roughan, son, 12.
Margaret Roughan, daughter, 10 (or 16).
Michael Roughan, son, 6.
?Matthew Roughan, son, 3.
Thomas Molony, 22, labourer.
Margaret ?Linnane, niece, 17.

2 Dromduff.
1 storey.
John Roughan, 61 (or 63), farmer, 9 acres.
Mary Roughan, his wife, 45.
Michael Roughan, son, 14.
…. Roughan, son, 8.
James Roughan, son, 6.
Bridget Roughan, daughter, 12.
Mary Roughan, daughter, 5.

Parish of Inch, part of parish Drumcliffe:-

_14 Knockkennan ?dis.
1 storey.
John Roughan, 34, farmer, 3 and a half acres.
Bridget Roughan, his wife, 26.
Michael Roughan, son, 1.
Cath Clary, 10, house servant.

20 ditto,
1 storey.
Margaret Roughan, 56.
Eliza Roughan, grand daughter, 7.

Census 1821. … … Part II (reference number).
No person named Roughan.

Parish Killone:-

3 Tiermaclane.
1 storey.
Martin Daly, 28, farmer, 5 acres.
Honora Daly, his wife, 52. (as I read it)
Mary Roughan, 12, house servant.

14 Tiermaclane.
Pat Reedy, 60, farmer, 28 (or 25) acres.
Michael Roughan, 50, house servant.

15 Tiermaclane.
Nathaniel ?Bruton, 34, 38 (or 35) acres.
Cath Roughan, 20, house servant,

27 Tiermaclane.
1 storey.
Michael McInerheny, 27, farmer, 75 acres.
Mary McInerheny, sister, 39.
?Lula Roughan, … under 78 (or 75).
(3 others)

9 Kilmurranebeg.
1 storey.
Mr Michael Roughan, 31, RC clergyman.
James Roughan, brother, 26.
Denis McNamara, 21, house servant.
Margaret ?Carlin, 25, house servant.

11 Dromenanuclagh.
1 storey.
Michael Roughan, 40, herdsman.
Sally Roughan, his wife, 36.
Bridget, daughter, 2.

Parish of Clare Abbey:-

2 Carrownelly.
4 storey.
Garrett ??Parkinson, 35, MP, 50 acres.
John Roughan, 20, steward.

12 ?Knocknagimand.
1 storey.
John Roughan, 25, labourer.
Anne Roughan, his wife, 30.
Pat Roughan, son, 5 and a half.
Michael Roughan, son, 2 and a half.
Mary Roughan, daughter, under 1.
Thady Sullivan, brother in law, 29, labourer.
Michael Sullivan, brother in law, labourer.
Johanna Sullivan, mother in law, 55.

70 Clare Commons.
1 storey.
?Bat Hicky, 44, sawyer.
Ann Hicky, his wife, 40.
Denis Hicky, son, 18, ?sawyer.
Michael Roughan, son in law, 22, labourer.
Ann Roughan, daughter (? in law), 19.
Pat Hicky, grandson, 4.

15 Buncraggy, subdivision Cragg.
1 storey.
Thomas McMahon, 48, farms 3 and the half acres.
Margaret McMahon, his wife, 47.
Patt McMahon, son, 16, labourer.
John McMahon, son, 13.
Thomas McMahon, son, 4.
Anne McMahon, daughter, 8.
Mary Roughan, daughter in law, 21.
Michael Roughan, son in law, 25, labourer.

3 Cragan’s hollo now called Hill of Clare.
1 storey.
William Roughan, 52, herdsman and steward.
Winifred Roughan, his wife, 48.
Pat Roughan, son, 22, labourer.
James Roughan, son, 16.
Peter Roughan, son, 10.
Margaret O’Dea, 24, house servant.

End of Transcription

Posts: 1845
Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:07 am

Re: Roughans in and near Ennis, 1821 census

Post by Sduddy » Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:51 am

This entry was mistakenly omitted from the above transcription:

22 Church Street.
3 storey.
Daniel Lysaght, 30, grocer and spirit merchant.
Daniel Lysaght, 20, shopman.
Michael Ahern, 18, apprentice.
Mrs Deborah Roughan, 70, widow, lodger.
Eliza Roughan, daughter, 25.
Cath Roughan, daughter, 29.
Mary Sheehan, daughter, 30, widow.
Anthony Sheehan, grandson, 13.
Michael Roughan, grandson, 8.
Cath Crowe, 70, housekeeper.
Bridget Griffy, 18, servant

Posts: 1845
Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:07 am

Re: Roughans in and near Ennis, 1821 census

Post by Sduddy » Mon Dec 11, 2023 12:48 pm

More Roughans, who were mistakenly omitted from the first list:

105 Drombiggil …
1 story.
Charles Roughan, 59, weaver.
Bridget Roughan, his wife, 60.
Mary Roughan, daughter, 24.
Timothy Roughan, son, 17, weaver.
Mary Meere, granddaughter, 8.

Posts: 1845
Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:07 am

Re: Roughans in and near Ennis, 1821 census

Post by Sduddy » Fri Feb 09, 2024 11:31 am

I have received some biographical notes for three of the above Roughan families, the results of some further research by Michael O’Loghlen:

(1) Re the Roughan family who lived at House 258 Mill Street:
Anne Roughan.
Death:- At Church Street, the wife of Mr Patrick Roughan, boot and shoe maker: Clare Journal, 18 April 1870.

(2) Re the Roughan family who lived at House 26 Cahircalla:
Joseph Roughan.
Maria Bodkin, his wife.
Marriage:- Married on Saturday … at the house of G Stapleton, Mountjoy Place, Dublin, Joseph Roughan of co Clare to Maria, daughter of Nicholas Bodkin of co Galway: Ennis Chronicle, 2 March 1814.
Death:- At Berry Lodge, Miltown Malbay, Maria, wife of Joseph Roughan and daughter of the late Nicholas Bodkin of Galway: Limerick Chronicle, 21 May 1853.
Death:- At the residence of his son, Geo F Roughan, MD, Dublin, Joseph Roughan late of Green hill, Ennis, Clare: Limerick Chronicle, 17 February 1866.

George Roughan.
Born 1820, he qualified as a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, 20 May 1842: Clare Journal, 23 May 1842.
Marriage. George Frank Roughan of Ballinrobe, MD, son of the late Joseph Roughan of Ballinakee, Clare to Teresa, daughter of the late Francis Burke, barrister at law: Limerick Chronicle, 14 February 1855.
Death. 1884, Dublin, leaving his widow surviving him- Teresa M Roughan who died 1912, Dublin.

(3) Re the Roughan family who lived at House 9 Kilmurranebeg:
Rev Michael Roughan, Parish priest of Killadysert.
The Limerick Reporter, 7 February 1840, reports the Rev Mr Roughan at Kildysert as parish priest and president of the local Temperance Society.
Death. On Tuesday, at his residence, Killadysert, in the 85th year in his age, the Rev Mr Roughan, P.P.. This Reverend and venerable clergyman was for a long period of time the pastor of a people who well knew how to appreciate his labours in the ministry: Clare Journal, 10 August 1868.
Brother, James, b. 1795.
One of his brothers had a daughter, Johanna Roughan of Bridge Park, Knock, Clare. The Rev Roughan’s niece, she administered his estate, upon his death.


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