Where is Islands, Inagh?

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Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by David_Lynch » Sat Sep 23, 2023 12:51 pm

I am trying to interpret the civil registration entry for the birth of Michael O'neal b 20 Mar 1865 (#02319698, Ennistymon Union).
The place of birth, which I think is Islands Inagh, appears three times in the entry. I can't find a townland, or anywhere else, in Inagh, called Islands, or beginning Inis, which I imagine might be the Irish form of the name.
Can anyone identify Islands Inagh, please?

David Lynch

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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by smcarberry » Sun Sep 24, 2023 1:12 am

David, I am trying to tread lightly here with this part of the county, which is not my family's area. However, the civil registration which you had for your target Michael, son of John O'Neal of "Inagh Islands" in its full form labels the father John as a "small farmer" and pensioner, indicating some maturity in years. The infant's mother is Mary with a fairly mangled last name. However, after finding a matching baptism, the mother's maiden name is supposed to be McCormack, and this couple had two prior children baptized in "Inagh Kilmamona" RC Parish which has been transcribed by Sheila Duddy, available on the County Clare Library website as " Donated Records" in the Genealogy section. The marriage would have occurred prior to the era of civil registrations, as also the couple's first two children. Only Michael's birth in 1865 has a civil registration. Quickly checking the same RC parish for a wedding prior to 1860 (birth year of this couple's first infant's baptism) did not show any entry for this couple.

Here is the baptism, with my expanded version of Sheila's exact copying out of the parish entry:
21 March 1865 Michael son to John O'Neil and Mary McCormack, sponsors: Thomas O'Neil, Susan Considine

Unfortunately, this parish register recorded no localities of parents. You can view the other two children of this couple by using the spreadsheet which downloads for the dates 1850-1865. Those are found easily by using the spreadsheet based on the father's name.
https://clarelibrary.ie/eolas/coclare/g ... 0-1880.htm

S. Carberry

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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Sduddy » Sun Sep 24, 2023 9:08 am

Hi David

Irishgenealogy.ie is not available today and so I can’t look at the civil record of the birth of Michael O’Neal. Hopefully, it will be up and running tomorrow. In the meantime, I am relying on the information given by Sharon and note that Michael’s father is John.

Sharon is right in saying that the baptism of Michael is included in the transcription made by me and donated to Clare Library, but I’m sorry to say that I did not include the address, which I can see now by looking at the original - the address is indeed “Island”: https://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls ... 8/mode/1up.

I think the place called "Island" lies in the townland of Ballyea, South, in the parish of Inagh. I looked at the information available on the civil parishes in “Research Support”: https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... rishes.htm. The information on Inagh includes Griffith’s Valuation and Tithe Applotment Books. In Griffith’s Valuation there is a Patrick McCormack leasing land in Ballyea, South. In the Tithe Applotment Books there is a Patt McCormack living in Rough Island. He is the only McCormack in the parish of Inagh and I think he is Mary McCormack’s father and the grandfather of baby Michael O’Neal born 1865. When Ireland was being mapped, many of the places (addresses) listed in Tithes were not deemed to be big enough to constitute a townland and were subsumed into other townlands. It looks like Rough Island was subsumed into Ballyea South. Tithe Applotments also shows a Patt Calahan living in Rough Island - probably the Patrick Callaghan in Ballyea South in Griffths's. This helps to confirm that Rough Island was subsumed by Ballyea South.
Although Rough Island was not an “official” townland, people continued to use the name. For instance, the address for Pat McCormick in Wynne’s Public Works 1848 is Rough Island: https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... 6_name.htm

I hope someone with local knowledge will help you to locate "Island".


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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by David_Lynch » Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:07 am


Thank you for your reply. I think it has answered my question.

I think the mother's name is indeed McCormack, because a descendant of her is a DNA match, and my great-grandmother is Susan McCormack b February 1819 in this area (I don't know exactly where).

I had found Michael's sister Margaret but not Mary. And I'd been relying on the image rather than Susan Duddy's excellent transcription, so didn't realise that Margaret's birthplace was Darrha.

There are two townlands in the barony of Islands, Darragh North and South. I think that the birth certificate is giving the barony rather than townland. Perhaps this is because Darragh appears to be in the Ennis, not the Ennistymon registration district, and in the parish of Killone, not Inagh. I don't know why all three siblings were baptised about ten miles from their home.

I had assumed that pensioner meant Kilmainham pensioner, but I have been unable to find a convincing pension record for him. There are no O'Neill's in Darragh in the Griffith's Valuation of 1855, so I assume he settled there between 1855 and 1860.

Also, there are no O'Neills in Darragh in the 1901 census. There is a plausible death for John O'Neill, pensioner, aged 70, in 1879 in Cronagort, with informant, wife Mary. Cronagort is about 20 miles from Durragh.

I have yet to find any further information about John's wife Mary or their daughters Mary and Margaret.

David Lynch

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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Sduddy » Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:44 am

Hi David

I think Darrha, the address given at the baptisms of Mary and Margaret O’Neal, must be in Inagh-Kilnamona Catholic parish. Priests usually baptised children who were living in their own parish. I think Darrha might be the townland often called Derry (townland no. 18 in the map of townlands in Inagh civil parish). I think it corresponds to Derragh in Tithes, but I don’t see any O’Neil/Neal person living there at the time of Tithes: https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... gh_tab.htm
When I click on the townland of Derry and click on Pelham’s map with townland markers, which gives the first four letters of the townlands – in this case “Derr”, I see what appears to me to be “O’Neil’s Court” and a symbol of a house, or castle. I think it is very close to the border between Inagh parish and Rath parish. “Drynagh Boghneal” is written directly above. These places may signify that there was an O’Neill/Neil/Neal presence in that general locality at some point. The only other reference to O’Neills, that I can find at the moment, is in In the Tracks of the West Clare Railway, by Eddie Lenihan, where, on page 107 (of the 2008 edition), he writes:
A mile to the south, in the parish of Inagh, is the much ruined Bohneill Castle, and a little way off Cloch an Airgid, under which treasure is reputed to be buried; hence the name. On the stone are scratched letters and numbers, including the date 1614, but far from being any kind of directions to the ‘treasure’, T.J. Westropp, eminent investigator of such matters, declared them to be no more than the scribblings of a member of the O’Neill family in the reign of James I.

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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Sduddy » Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:18 am

Hi David

I looked at the record of the death, in Cronagort [a townland in the civil parish of Killilagh], 1879, of John O’Neill, aged 70, Pensioner and I agree that it is very possible that he is “your” John. The informant is John’s wife Mary.
I looked for the record of Mary's death and think this one fits:
11 Jan 1893, Cronagurth: Death of Mary O’Neil, Pensioner’s Widow, aged 75; informant: Peter Griffy, Present at Death, Cronagurth: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 709690.pdf
I looked for records for Peter Griffy and found his birth:
8 Mar 1871, Ballyvara: Birth of Peter Griffey to Darby Griffey, Farmer, and Bridget MacCormack; informant Susan Kilmartin, present at birth, Ballyvara: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 217492.pdf. Ballyvara is townland no. 12 in Killilagh parish: https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... nlands.htm.
Darby Griffey, a farmer from Ballyvara, son of Patrick Griffey, Farmer, married Bridget McCormack from Tullaha, daughter of Peter McCormack, Farmer, in Kilfenora chapel on 30 Jan 1869; witness: John Moloney, Anne McCormick: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 191741.pdf.
I think Peter Griffy (born 1871) was called after his grandfather, Peter McCormack.
The 1901 census shows Darby and Bridget living in Ballyvara with some of their children, but not Peter. They are still living there in 1911, but the name is spelled “Griffin”. They state that they have been married for 42 years, had 14 children born to them, of whom 12 are alive (at that date).
The Lisdoonvarna Catholic parish marriage register shows Darby Griffy as witness at the marriage of Pat MacCormac and Bridget Griffy on 8 Feb 1870: https://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls ... 1/mode/1up. I failed to find a civil record of that marriage. Patrick and Bridget McCormack lived in the townland of Tullagh Upper in Kilfenora parish. The Kilfenora parish baptism register available online (the cut-off point online is 1880 for privacy reasons) shows the baptisms of their first three children:
21 Nov 1870: Baptism of Susan of Patrick McCormack and Bridget Griffin, Tullaha; witnesses: Murty Vaughan, Mary Griffin (priest’s note: Married to James Donnellan, Kilmoon, Lisdoonvarna, 24 Jul 1912).
17 Oct 1872: Baptism of Mary of Patrick McCormack and Bridget Griffin, Tullaha; sponsors: John Sweeny, Mary Sweeny.
4 Jan 1875: Baptism of Kate of Pat McCormack and Bridget Griffin, Tullaha; sponsors: Michael O’Brien, Mary Griffy.
The civil record of Susan’s birth gives 9 Dec 1870 as the date of her birth, but this was to avoid the fine levied for late reporting:
9 Dec 1870, Tullaha, Kilfenora: Birth of Susan to Patrick McCormack, Farmer, and Bridget Griffy: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 216031.pdf

The 1901 census shows the McCormack family living in Tullagh Upper: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... r/1067982/

The 1911 census shows that Patrick and Bridget have been married for 40 years.

I looked at the special census of Kilfenora parish made in 1866. https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... #kilfenora This confirmed that the father of Pat and Bridget McCormick was Peter McCormick (Peter’s wife is Kate Shannon). Peter McCormick died in Cronagurth on 15 Nov 1892, a widower, aged 80; informant: Darby Griffy, present at death, Cronagurth: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 712663.pdf

The only record we have of a link between the McCormack and Griffey families and John O’Neill is Peter Griffy being named as the person who reported Mary O’Neill’s death. If John O’Neill, who died in 1893, is the same John who was married to Mary McCormack (and I think he is), I haven’t been able to figure out how Mary is related to Peter in Tullaha/Tullagh Upper. Are they both children of Patrick in Rough Island?


P.S. "Pensioner" usually means the person was in the British army for some years.

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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by David_Lynch » Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:22 am


Thank you for your reply, which crossed with my previous post.

I think your explanation is better than mine. You have all three children baptised in the correct parish, with only the birth certificate abode of "Islands, Inagh" unexplained.

I have now found a death of Mary O'Neill (nee McCormack) in Cronagort, Inagh, in 1893: she fits into a plausible place in my tree, if the informant, Peter Griffey, is a cousin.

I can't find anything about John O'Neill in the military records.

David Lynch

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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Jimbo » Wed Sep 27, 2023 8:41 am

Comprising Lots No. 94 to 185 Inclusive, to be sold on the 9th of December 1857

. . . [94 through 171] . . .
172 Drumcullane, cr Drumilane: 347 acres
173 Ballyea, West: 307 acres
174 Ballyea, East: 409 acres
175 Ballyea, Middle: 234 acres
176 Ballyea South, called Rough Island: 157 acres
177 Knockogonneil, called Upper Corrig, Ditto, called Lower Corrig: 193 acres
178 Knockogonneil, part of: 59 acres
179 Knockogoneil, called Lettersura: 111 acres
180 Cloonenaha, part of: 240 acres


Clare Journal, and Ennis Advertiser, 22 October 1857
David, the above relates to an "encumbered estate sale" and confirms Sheila's research that "Rough Island" was known as Ballyea South.

With regards to your open issue "with only the birth certificate abode of 'Islands, Inagh' unexplained", that being the civil registration entry for the birth of Michael O'neal, born 20 Mar 1865, it is helpful to see who else uses the term "Island" in the same parish.

Open Sheila's Excel file for the transcriptions for the Inagh Kilnamona Baptism register of 1865-1880. Scroll through 1,750 rows of data or else do an Excel search (the "Find" command in Excel) for "Island"

The results include several "Islandgarve", but only one "Island" (many residences are blank).

David Neylan, of Island, was baptized on 30 December 1866, parents David Neylan and Margaret Daly.

The corresponding civil birth registration was reported in the first quarter of 1867, Ennistymon registration:

https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 283870.pdf

David Neylan, the father is from "Derra, Inagh". Thus "Island, Inagh" and "Derra, Inagh" appear to be equivalent? The place of birth, and residence of mother, were both reported as "Drumduff" which I have no idea regarding (typically they would be the same as the father).

Separately, another David Neylan of Derha married Honor Callinan on 18 February 1871 (civil registration). In 1901, the widow Hanoria Neylon was living at House 1 in Derry, Ballyea.

https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 160933.pdf
http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... y/1072373/

Rough Island = Ballyea South in Ballyea (1901 census)
Island = Derra/Derha/Derrha/Derhy/Darha = Derry in Ballyea (1901 census)

In the 1901 census, I'm not sure why "Derry" and "Ballyea South" are separate townlands under "Ballyea". It is confusing since "Rough Island" is Ballyea South townland according to the 1857 encumbered estate article; and "Island" appears to be Derry townland according to later baptism / marriage records. If the family of the pensioner John O'Neil had remained in 1901, would they be living in Ballyea South townland or Derry townland?

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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Sduddy » Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:02 am

Hi Jimbo,

I had composed a reply to David’s last post before I saw yours. Thanks for helping to confirm that Rough Island is in Ballyea South, especially by showing the encumbered estates record. The possibility that there was a place called Derrha in Ballyea South is interesting, and Ballyea South is such a large townland I think it must encompass at least a couple of places known locally by other names*. But the record of the baptism of David Neylon on 30 Dec 1866 has “Illigitimate” written after his name, so the parents would have had different addresses: https://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls ... 2/mode/1up.
* I will see if I can find where Drumduff was situated.

Hi David, here are some more McCormack records:

I found the record of the death Patrick McCormack from Ballyea [South]:
6 Sept 1892, Ballyea: Death of Patrick McCormac, widower, aged 90, Farmer; informant: Ellen Green, daughter of deceased, Ballyea: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 712650.pdf

31 Jan 1926, Ballyea: Dearh of Ellen Greene, widow, aged 81; informant: James Greene, son, Ballyea: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 363932.pdf

1901 census, Ballyea South: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... h/1072313/

The record of the birth of Ellen’s son, James, in 1873, gives her maiden name as McCormack: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 166368.pdf

The Inagh-Kilnamona parish marriage register shows the marriage of Ellen McCormick to James Green on 23 Oct 1860; witnesses: John Cotter, Thady Greene: https://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls ... 7/mode/1up

The Inagh-Kilnamona parish marriage register also shows the marriage of Cate McCormack to James Barry; witnesses: Pat McCormack, Pat Barry: https://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls ... 2/mode/1up
(note: the facing page has cures for Dysentry and Pleurisy)

1901 census, Ballyea: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... h/1072314/

Unfortunately those records for Patrick McCormack’s daughters, Ellen and Cate, do not provide any evidence of a link to Mary and John O’Neill. I looked at the sponsors at the baptisms of the Greene children (up to 1880) and at the sponsors at the baptisms of the Barry children, but found no mention of Mary or John O’Neil. One thing of interest that I did find is that the address given at the baptism of Elizabeth Greene on 3 Jan 1870 is Islandgarve, Ballyaye. “Islandgarve” translates as “Rough Island” (garbh = rough): https://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls ... 9/mode/1up. That might be as close as we get to a link, and, even then, it is a tenuous one, depending very much on the address (Island) given at the birth of Michael O’Neal in 1865.

So far, we are finding records for the McCormacks, but none for the O’Neills. It would be good to find some information on the military career of John, but my know-how is limited and doesn’t stretch that far.


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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Sduddy » Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:27 am

Hi Jimbo and David

I am having second thoughts about the location of Island. The record of the birth of David Neylon in Drumduff in Dec 1866 (registered in 1867) gives the address of the father as Derra and the address of the mother as Drumduff (a townland adjacent to the townland of Derry): https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 283870.pdf. However, the record of the baptism gives the address as Island: https://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls ... 2/mode/1up. If this Island was Rough Island, it was some way away from both Derry and Drumduff. I looked again at Tithes and saw that there was a place simply called “Island”. The only persons liable for tithes there were Lord Thomond and Pat Barry. The sequence of placenames in Tithes often gives a clue as to the location of a place. If that holds true in the case of Inagh parish, then Island lies between Drumanure and Derragh: http://titheapplotmentbooks.nationalarc ... _00368.pdf. Drumanure is townland no. 20 in the map of Inagh civil parish (https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... nlands.htm) and is also (along with Drumduff) adjacent to Derry. Drumanure in Inagh civil parish, by the way, is not to be confused with Drumanure in Kilmaley civil parish. Drumanure townland in Inagh contains a small lake called Drumanure Lough. However, I have found no reference to an island there and the lake doesn’t lie near the border with either Drumduff or Derry: https://mapcarta.com/W24541425/Map. I’ve not finished exploring just yet. Sometimes an island was not surrounded by water, but was a piece of dry land surrounded by marsh. For instance, crannogs are usually described as lake dwellings, so one does not expect to find one where there is no lake, but Luke McInerney’s article on “Lettermoylan of Clann Bhruaideadha” says “The author visited the Knockanalban crannog in September 2011 and notes that a levelled stone structure can still be discerned in the surrounding marshy land and wooded thicket”: https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... deadha.pdf
I’m just wondering if we should move away from Patrick McCormack of Rough Island and his daughters Ellen and Cate, and instead focus on the link between Mary and John O’Neil and the McCormacks in Kilfenora. That is sound, I think, because of their deaths in Cronagort, Killilagh parish.


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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Sduddy » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:31 am

I looked at Kilfenora parish baptisms 1854 - 1876 and found the baptisms of some children of Mary McCormack and John O'Neill. Only once is an address given: Doon:
4 Jul 1857: John O'Neill; sponsors: Peter McCormack, Bridget McMahon; residence: Doon.
10 Oct 1858: Bridget O'Neill; sponsors: Peter McCormack, Bridget McCormack.
25 May 1855: Peter O'Neill; sponsors: Pat McCormack, Kate Donohue.


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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by David_Lynch » Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:03 pm

Thank you all very much for your informative replies. I am trying to merge them with DNA evidence that I have linking families you mention.

David Lynch

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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Sduddy » Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:52 am

Hi David

Yes, you probably have enough now to be going on with.
But I am still intrigued as to where “Island” might be situated. I’ve noticed that Island is the address given at four baptisms in Kilfenora-Kiltoraght Catholic parish:
1 Dec. 1866: baptism of Michael Burke, son of Michael Burke and Bridget Neylon, Island.
Civil record of the birth of Michcal gives the place of birth as Lahinch, but also gives Kiltonarty (a version of Kiltoraght) as the address or the parents: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 288363.pdf

6 May 1869: baptism of Michael Daly, son of Michael Daly and Kate Lahiff, Island.
Civil record of the birth of Michael gives the address as Clogher: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 243503.pdf

14 Apr. 1875: baptism of Anne, daughter of Pat Hegarty and Bridget Torpey, Island.
Civil record of birth of Anne gives the address as Clogher, Kiltoraght: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 135779.pdf

24 Dec 1878: baptism of Pat Hegarty son of Pat Hegarty and Bridget Torpey, Island.
Civil record of birth of Pat gives the address as Clogher, Kiltoraght: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 076466.pdf

Then I looked at the information on Kiltoraght parish (https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... oraght.htm), and at the Tithe Applotment Books. This showed that there was a place in Kiltoraght called Islands:
https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... ht_tab.htm
The special census made in 1866 shows that Kiltoraght Island as the address for some families: https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... wnland.htm

The civil parish of Kiltoraght is part of the Catholic parish of Kilfenora and Kiltoraght. Most of the civil parish of Kilfenora is in Ennistymon Union, but the civil parish of Kiltoraght lies in Corofin Union. Some townlands in the east of Kilfenora parish also lie in Corofin Union. The townland of Clogher, which is in Kilfenora parish, is also in Corofin Union - also the townland of Tullagh Upper where the McCormacks lived. Tullagh Upper is adjacent to Clogher townland. Looking at the townland of Clogher on townlands.ie I can see a place called Island Hill: https://www.townlands.ie/clare/corcomro ... t/clogher/, and looking at the townland of Tullagh Upper I can see how closeby Island Hill is situated: https://www.townlands.ie/clare/corcomro ... agh-upper/
All of this is making me think that, although this Island is not in Inagh parish, John O’Neill might have given it to the priest as his address. All a bit too far-fetched and convoluted maybe.
But worth noting is that the 1901 census shows a Henry O’Neill and family living in the townland of Commonage in Kilfenora parish: https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... e49_10.htm. In the special 1866 census the family are living in Caherminnaun East/West, which is very close to the places I've mentioned: https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... #kilfenora


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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Sduddy » Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:33 am

Hi David

Still nothing definite as to the location of Island, alas, but of interest to you may be this book, Doolin: History and Memories, by Kevin M. Griffin, Kevin A. Griffin and Brendan J. Griffin: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/cgi/viewconte ... schhmtbook. At the end of page 85 there is this sentence, which shows that these Griffins are related to the McCormacks:
We were doubly related to the McCormacks. My grandmother Bridget McCormack and her brother Patrick of Tullagha, married Griffin siblings – Bridget, and her brother Darby Mór my grandfather.

P.S. Doolin is a village in the parish of Killilagh.

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Re: Where is Islands, Inagh?

Post by Sduddy » Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:50 pm

At last I found the record of the marriage of Patt McCormack to Bridget Griffin (I had been looking for “Griffy”): 26 Feb 1870: Marriage of Patt McCormack, aged 25, Farmer, Tullough, son of Peter McCormack, Farmer, to Bridget Griffin, aged 20, Ballyvara, daughter of Patk. Griffy, Farmer, in Killilagh chapel; witnesses: Patrick Griffey, Darby Griffey: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 176459.pdf

In a post above I mentioned a Henry O’Neill who is living in Commonage, Kilfenora, in 1901. My feeling is that Henry’s father, Harry O’Neil (1789 – 1885), is related to the John O’Neill who married Mary McCormack. John O’Neill (1809 – 1879) is 20 years younger than Harry, but families often ranged in ages from 0 to 20, so it is just possible that John is a younger brother of Harry. Both Harry and John are Pensioners [Army]. I suspect that Harry was a Farrier in the British army as his son, John, worked as a Farrier in Kilshanny – see below.
At any rate, the following account of the descendants of Harry O’Neill may be of interest to somebody, sometime.

The Kilfenora-Kiltoraght parish baptisms 1836-1854 show the baptisms of two of the children of Henry O’Neil and Kate Corbet: Honor was baptised 19 Dec 1847, and John was baptised 11 Dec 1849. Another child, Henry, was born about 1854, but his baptism is not recorded.

Kilfenora special census 1866 shows Harry O’Neill and his wife, Kate Corbet, living in Caherminnaun [townland] and three children: (1) Honor, (2) John and (3) Henry (aged 12 in 1866). https://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/cocla ... #kilfenora. I’ve failed to find records of the births of any more children of Harry and Kate.

18 Jun 1885, Caherminane: Death of Catherine O’Neill, married, aged 56, wife of Army Pensioner; informant: Henry O’Neill, son of deceased, Caherminane: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 797751.pdf

6 Aug 1885, Caherminane: Death of Henry O’Neill, widower, aged 96, Army Pensioner; informant: Henry O’Neill, son, Caherminane: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 797751.pdf

(1) Honor O’Neill
30 Oct 1874, Caherminane, Kilfenora: Death of Honorah O’Neill, aged 25, School Teacher; informant: Henry O’Neill, Caherminane, Kilfenora: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 241587.pdf

(2) John O’Neill
17 Jan 1874: Marriage of John O’Neil, aged 22, Blacksmith, Caherminane [Kilfenora], son of Henry O’Neil, living, Pensioner, to Eliza Kerin, aged 18, Servant, Ballykerin, daughter of Patrick Kerin, living, Farmer, in Kilfenora chapel; witnesses: John Garden, Anne Shalloe: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 117627.pdf

8 Oct 1876, Kilshanny: Birth of Henry to John O’Neill, Farrier, and Eliza Kerin: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 110486.pdf

Several more children were born to John O’Neill and Eliza Kerin as the 1901 and 1911 censuses show:
1901 census, Caherlooskaun, Kilshanny DED: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... n/1075207/
1911 census, Caherlooskaun, Kilshanny DED: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... un/358884/

21 Oct 1906: Marriage of Henry O’Neill, Kilshanny, Blacksmith, son of John O’Neill, Blacksmith, to Catherine Madigan, Lisddoonvarna, daughter of Thomas Madigan, Mason, in Toovahera chapel; witnesses: Patrick Keighery, Jane Canny: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 667874.pdf (Farriers were often called Blacksmiths).

1911 census, Rooska, Lisdoonvarna DED: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... ka/351018/

9 May 1945, Lisdoonvarna: Death of Henry O’Neill, married, aged 69, Blacksmith; informant: Gerald O’Neill, son, Lisdoonvarna: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 226438.pdf

In 1942, Gerald O’Neill married Susan Kilmartin, from Cronagort : https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 181856.pdf. I reckon Susan (aged 3 in 1911) was the granddaughter of John Kilmartin and Susan Scales who were living in Cronagort according to the Lisdoonvarna parish baptisms. Susan had died by 1911, but was still alive in 1901: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... t/1075072/. I think it was this Susan Kilmartin who reported the birth of Peter Griffy in 1871: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 217492.pdf

(3) Henry O’Neil
7 Jul 1885: Marriage of Henry O’Neil, Herdsman, Caherminane, son of Harry O’Neil, Pensioner, to Ellen Gardiner, Widow, Kilfenora, Servant, daughter of Pat McInerney, Weaver, in Kilfenora chapel; witnesses: John Boulster, Margaret Brody.
Henry and Ellen had seven children. The records of their births give Ellen’s name as Ellen McInerney. The 1911 census shows that of the 7 children born to them, only 4 were still living: Henry, Ellie, Martin and Nora. I failed to find further records for Ellie, Martin and Nora.
1901 Census, Commonage, Kilfenora DED: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... e/1073115/

1911 Census, Caherminnaun West, Kiltoraght DED: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/p ... st/351745/

Henry (junior) died in Caherminnane on 10 Apr 1932, aged 46; informant: Mary O’Neill, widow: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 310723.pdf. Henry had married Mary Keane from Kinvarra (Co. Galway) on 16 Jul 1924; witnesses: Thomas O’Neill, Annie Keane: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 315593.pdf


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