Transcription correction, RC Parish of O’Callaghan’s Mills

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Transcription correction, RC Parish of O’Callaghan’s Mills

Post by smcarberry » Wed Feb 23, 2022 1:19 pm

The Clare County Library has had online my transcription of over 6,000 baptisms for the RC Parish of O’Callaghan’s Mills 1835-1880. Last week I received the first alert that a correction is needed, found by descendant Nick Reddan.

The online database is being corrected, but here are the children involved in the botched entries, all in August 1838:

Reddan, Patrick line 748 Aug 15
McCormick, Francis line 749 Aug 15
Fleming, Mary line 750 Aug 17
Riedy, Michael line 751 Aug 19

Two new entries will appear, summarized here – they were entirely omitted:
Aug 19, Mary Naughten, child of William & Mary nee Molony, Derrynaveigh
Aug 24, Mary Minouge, child of James & Phoebe nee Allen, Ballinabrone

Thankfully, so far as I know, the transcription thereafter is accurate, starting with my family’s baptism of Michael Hehir on 25 Aug 1838. Human error is involved, as my eyes needed a break and I must have come back to typing when doing that Hehir entry. Very sorry for any confusion caused. This is exactly why we always urge researchers to double-check transcriptions against the register images.

Sharon Carberry

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