Some Marriage Notices, 1859

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Some Marriage Notices, 1859

Post by Sduddy » Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:58 am

Clare Journal, Mon 24 Jan 1859: Marriages. On the 20th instant, at Clonlara Church, by the Right Hon. Lord Riversdale, Lord Bishop of Killaloe, assisted by the Rev. James Hastings Allen, rector of the parish, Alexander Crum Ewing, Esq., eldest son of Humphrey Ewing Crum Ewing, Esq., of Strathleven, Dumbarshire, M.P., to Jane, only daughter of Vice-Admiral Hayes O’Grady, of Erinagh House, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 31 Jan 1859: Marriages. On the 26th instant, by the Rev. M. Meehan, P.P., Carrigaholt, Mr. Wm. Kelly, Lisheen, in this county, to Honora, daughter of Mr. Thomas Liddane.

Clare Journal, Thur 10 Feb 1859: Marriages. On Thursday last, at Corofin Church, Margaret, second daughter of the late Henry Tynte Ross, Esq., of Castleview, in the co. Limerick, to Frederick M. Clarke, Esq., eldest son of Col. Clarke, late 66th Regt.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Feb 1859: Marriages. On the 10th inst., at St. Andrew’s Church, Westland-row, Dublin, Helenus White, Esq., Limerick, to Lissie, third daughter of the late John McMahon, of Firgrove, in this county, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 21 Feb 1859: Marriages. In Kilkee Church, by the Rev. G. Burkitt, Miss O’Donnell, Shannonview, to T. Cox, Esq., son of Thomas Lucas Cox, Esq., Mountpleasant.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Feb 1859: Marriages. On Monday, at Rath Chapel, by the Rev. Stephen Walsh, Mr. John Kerin, of Corofin, to Bedelia, eldest daughter of Mr. James Shannon, Roxton.
At Corofin, on yesterday, Mr. T. Hynes, to Miss E. Shannon, second daughter of Mr. Patt Shannon, of Corofin.

Clare Journal, Mon 28 Feb 1859: Marriages. At Kilkee Church, Thomas Morony Cox, second son of Thomas Lucas Cox, of Katevill, to Jane, only daughter of the late Lieut. Richard O’Donnell, Clare Militia, and Shannon View, county Clare.

Clare Journal, Thur 3 Mar 1859: Marriages. In Ballyea, by the Rev. Mr. O’Connor, Mr. Pat. Fahy, of Ballyglass, to Bridget, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Michael Nealon, of Killerk.

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Mar 1859: Marriages. At Corofin, on Wednesday last, by the Rev. Mr. Walsh, P.P., Mr. D. Curtin, of Mucknish, Ballyvaughan, to Miss Hogan, daughter of Mr. Hogan, Corofin.
On Thursday, at Doonaha Roman Catholic Church, by the Rev. M. Meehan, P.P., Eliza, third daughter of Randal Borough, Esq., to Michael Behen, Esq., Summer Lodge, Knock.

Clare Journal, Thur 10 Mar 1859: Marriages. On Sunday morning, at Labasheeda Roman Catholic Church, by the Rev. Mr. Furniss, P.P., John, second son of Daniel Molony, Esq., Bayview, to Fanny, second daughter of Wm. Molony, Esq., Hillpark.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Mar 1859: Marriages. In Coolmeen, on Tuesday, 8th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Walsh, P.P., Mr. James Connell, Moyne, to Susan, only daughter of Jeremiah Reidy, Esq., of Daghniev, Killadysert.
In Kilmihil, on Monday, 7th inst., Mr. Thomas Finucane, Clouneglessisane, to Margaret Collins, widow, of Shyan, in this county.
On Tuesday, at the Roman Catholic chapel, Carrigaholt, by the Rev. Michael Meehan, P.P., Mary Roughan, eldest daughter of Pat Roughan, Esq., Carrigaholt, to Patrick Healy, son of P. Healy, Esq., Moveen.
In Killadysert church, by the Rev. Mr. Roughan, P.P., John Casey, Esq., to Miss Anne Mulconrey, youngest daughter of Jeremiah Mulconrey, Esq., of Cahercon.

Clare Journal, Thur 17 Mar 1859: Marriages. John, only son of George Blackwell, of Ennistymon, draper, to Miss Blackwell, daughter of Dr. Blackwell, of Inagh Cottage, Co. Clare.
Mr. Joseph Arthur, of Ennistymon, to Miss Crowe, of Ballybreen, co. Clare.

Clare Journal, Mon 21 Mar 1859: Marriages. At the Roman Catholic Chapel of Kilnamona, Mr. John Keane, of Ballyashea, to Susan, youngest daughter of Mr. Patrick Lennane, of Shallee, in this county.
At the Roman Catholic Chapel of Kilnamona, Mr. Thade Roughan, of Fountain, to Bridget, eldest daughter of Mr. Richard Keane, of Caherbanna, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 28 Mar 1859: Marriages. On Thursday, by the Rev. H. Jones, at Adare Church, John O’Callaghan, Esq., of Maryfort, in this county, to Mary Johnston, daughter of John Westropp, of Attyflin, Limerick, Esq.
On the 24th inst., at Ballyvaughan Church, by the father of the bride, Richard Brew, Esq., Lieutenant H.M’s Ist West India Regiment, eldest son of the late Rev. Richard Brew, Rector of Tulla, to Rebecca Greene, youngest daughter of the Rev. Hugh Brady Huleatt, Rector of Rathbourney, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 4 Apr 1859: Marriages. At St. Michael’s Church, Limerick, Thomas Stannard MacAdam of Ballyglass, county Clare, Esq., to Mary Atkins, daughter of John Brown, Esq., J.P., St. Georg-street, Limerick.

Clare Journal, Thur 7 Apr 1859: Marriages. On the 5th inst., by special license, by the Rev. Mr. Irwin, at the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Marlborough-street, Dublin, Edward Browne, of Cooloo, in the county of Galway, Esq., to Henrietta, eldest daughter of Pierse Creagh, of Mountjoy-square, and Mount Elos[Elva ?], co. Clare, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 26 May 1859: Marriages. In Sydney, Mr. Edward Blake, son of Mr. Robert Wiffen Blake, manufacturer, of Norwich, to Anne, daughter of Mr. Thomas Healy, builder of this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 30 Jun 1859: Marriages. On Tuesday, at Tulla Church, by Lord Riversdale, the Rev. F. Fitzgerald French, Rector of Templed[?]erry, to the daughter of James Molony, Esq., of Kiltannon, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 4 Jul 1859: Marriages. At Killenaboy, on Monday, by the Rev. Mr. Caher, cousin to the bride, Mr. Thomas Slattery, of Sand-field House, to Kate, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John Forde, of Dromoher, in the county.

Clare Journal, Thur 21 Jul 1859: Marriages. In Ennis Church, on the 15th instant, by the Rev. A. Tatton, Mr. Horatio Nelson Atkinson, to Henrietta Louisa, fifth daughter of the late Edward Greene Mahon, Esq., of Snugville House, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 4 Aug 1859: Marriages. At Whitegate, by the Rev. P. McMahon, P.P., Mr. James O’Connell, of Killadysert, in this county, to Miss Bridget Sheehy, second daughter of Mr. John Sheehy, Whitegate, co. Galway.

Clare Journal, Mon 8 Aug 1859: Marriages. On the 20th of July, in the Catholic Church, Kilrush, by the Very Rev. T. Kelly, P.P., Patrick J. O’Donoghoe, Esq, Newpark, Rynana, in this county, to Anne, youngest daughter of Mr. Mort. McMahon, Kilrush.

Clare Journal, Thur 11 Aug 1859: Marriages. On Tuesday, the 6th inst., at the Catholic Church, Ennis, by the Rev. Mortimer Hartney, uncle of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. J. McMahon, Michael Molony, Esq., Solicitor, Ennis, to Lucie, eldest daughter of Marcus Talbot, Esq., Strasburgh, Chairman of Ennis Town Commissioners.

Clare Journal, Mon 15 Aug 1859: Marriages. On this morning, at the Roman Catholic Church, by the Rev. James McMahon, C.C., Mr. Charles Nelson, to Mary, third daughter of the late Mr. Michael Daily, Merchant of this town.
Thursday morning, at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, William, youngest son of Thomas Peacocke, Esq., late of Kilmore, County of Clare, to Mary, only daughter of the late Mr. Mathew McNamara, of this city.

Clare Journal, Thur 22 Sep 1859: Marriages. Mr. Maurice O’Harrigan, to Miss Catherine Crowe, third daughter of Patrick Crowe, Wood House, Castlebank, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 6 Oct 1859: Marriages. On Sunday morning last, at the Roman Catholic Chapel of Bridgetown, Michael, second son of the late Mr. Wm. Crowe, of Mount Prospect, to Ellen, third daughter of Mr. Lot Moloney, of Ballynavin.

Clare Journal, Thur 20 Oct 1859: Marriages. At Tulla Church, the Rev. Wm. Woods, of the King’s County, to Letitia Jane, daughter of the late Francis Gore, Esq., of Tryeda Castle, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 3 Nov 1859: Marriages. Oct 29, at Thomas’s Church, John Butler Tydd, Esq., second son of the late John Tydd, Esq., of Hermitage, in this county, to Matilda Caroline, only daughter of Captain Butler, of Winterfield House, co. Galway.

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Nov 1859: Marriages. At the Parish Chapel of Ballyvaughan, on Saturday, the 29th ultimo, by the Very Rev. P. J. Ryder, Thomas O’Meara, Esq., C.E., to Anne, second daughter of Thomas Fitzgerald, Esq., C.E., of Newtown.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Nov 1859: Marriages. At Broadford Church, Johanna, daughter of Mr. Michael King, to Mr. Patrick Holland, Williamstown, co. Galway.

Clare Journal, Mon 21 Nov 1859: Marriages. At Coraclare Church, by the Rev. M. Quinlivan, P.P., Daniel Molony, jun., Esq., Bayview, to Bessie, daughter of Thomas Lillis, Esq, Churchtown.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Nov 1859: Marriages. On this morning, at the Roman Catholic Church of Clare, by the Very Rev. T. Kelly, P.P., Kilrush, assisted by the Rev. Mr. O’Connor, P.P., Miss Maria O’Gorman, eldest daughter of James O’Gorman, Esq., Buncraggy, to James Shannon, Esq., Solicitor, of Derry, Ennistymon.

Clare Journal, Mon 28 Nov 1859: Marriages. On Thursday morning, at the Parish Church of St. Michael’s, Joseph Stacpoole Carroll, Esq., of Kilkee, in this county, to Kate Maria, fourth daughter of the late Thomas Keogh, Esq., of Lappans House, County Tipperary.

Clare Journal, Mon 5 Dec 1859: Marriages. In the Catholic Church, Kilrush, Mr. Michael Hayes, Commercial Traveller, to Miss Margaret Quin, both of Kilrush.


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