Some Marriage Notices, 1863

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Some Marriage Notices, 1863

Post by Sduddy » Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:08 am

Clare Journal, Mon 12 Jan 1863: Marriages. In the Chapel of Cratloe, in this county, George W. Wallace, Esq., Castletown, to Kate, oldest daughter of J Punch, Esq., Cratloe Castle.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Feb 1863: Marriages. On the 28th ult, at the Roman Catholic Church, Sixmilebridge, John Dundon, Esq., of Ballencalla Cottage, to Anne, daughter of Robert Frost, Esq., Cappa South, Rosmanaher.

Clare Journal, Thur 12 Feb 1863: Marriages. On the 9th inst., at Kilmacduane, by the Rev. Mr. Quinlivan, P.P., Pat, fifth son of Pat Breen, Esq., Fairy Lodge, Assistant County Surveyor, and nephew of the Rev. T. Breen, P.P., Kilkee, to Anne, fifth daughter of Thomas Lillis, Esq., Churchtown, Kilrush. The company partook of a dejeuner at the bride’s father’s residence.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Feb 1863: Marriages. On the 3rd inst, at the Catholic Church, Ballybricken, Denis McGrath, Esq, to Ellen, youngest daughter of Timothy O’Meara, Esq., Cahirelly, County Limerick.
The wedding a Cooraclare, has been already published.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Feb 1863: Marriages. On the 16th inst., at the Catholic Church, Gort, by the Very Rev. Mr. Shannon, P.P., V.G., assisted by the clergy of the town, John Gallery O’Dwyer, Esq, of this town, to Jane Mary, only daughter of the late Richard Molony, Esq. After the bridal party partaking of a dejeuner at the bride’s residence, the happy pair left for Dublin.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Mar 1863: Marriages. On the 15th ult., in the Roman Catholic Church Ennis, Mr. John Molony, H.M.I.R., to Anne Maria, second daughter of Mr. J. Ryan, the Mall, Ennis.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Mar 1863: Marriages. On the 18th inst, at St. Michael’s Church, by the Rev. John Westropp Brady, A.M., cousin to the bride, Venon Francis Beere, Royal Engineer Civil Staff, son of the Rev. Gerald Beere, Rector and Prebendary of Ballycahane, County Limerick, to Thomasina, fourth daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Browne Brady, A.M., of Raheens Manor, Rector and Prebendary of Tomgrany, County Clare.

Clare Journal, Mon 20 Apr 1863: Marriages. On 12 Jan, at Christ Church, by the Bishop of Nelson, Hiram William Harris, Nelson, to Julia Ann, eldest daughter of the late George Rutland, Esq, County Inspector of Constabulary, County Clare, Ireland.

Clare Journal, Thur 21 May 1863: Marriages. At the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas, Galway, on Tuesday, the 19th instant, by the Rev. John Treanor, and afterwards by special licence at the residence of her father, Prospect Hill, by the Rev John Goode, C.C., John Gill, Esq, Surveyor of Income Tax, to Bessy, daughter of Benjamin Jackson, Esq, County Inspector of Constabulary, Galway West.

Clare Journal, Thur 18 Jun 1863: Marriages. June 11, at Leckhampton, Glocestershire, Crofton Vandeleur Fitzgerald, Esq, brother to the late Lieut. General Sir Augustine Fitzgerald, of Carrigoran, county Clare, to Francis Emma, daughter of the late Colonel Grey, of the Scotch Greys.

Clare Journal, Thur 25 Jun 1863: Marriages. In St. James’s, Piccadilly, London, Major G. W. Stacpoole, of Eden Vale, Ennis, to the Lady Rossmore.

Clare Journal, Mon 29 Jun 1863: Marriages. At St. Mark’s Regent’s Park, London, Richard Garnett, Esq, of the British Museum, to Oliva Narney, daughter of Edward Singleton, Esq, of this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 2 Jul 1863: Marriages. June 17, at Chester, the Rev. Andrew Belcher, Rector of Tomgraney, in this county, to Anny Emma, widow of Edward Kitt, Esq, lat of Cromwell Lodge, Stockwell, and second daughter of the late Robert Whitfield, Esq, of Horsham.

Clare Journal, Thur 6 Aug 1863: Marriages. On the 4th instant at St. Andrews, Westland-row, by the Rev. Theobald Mathew, brother of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. Michael Cuffe, Chaplain to the Forces, Captain John James Mathew, son of the late Francis Mathew Esq., of Rockview, County Tipperary, to Delia, daughter of John Foster, Esq., of Rinroe, Co. Clare, and Normangrove, Count Galway.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Sep 1863: Marriages. On the 8th inst., at Loughill Church, County Limerick, Edward Wm. O’Brien, Esq., of Cahermoyle, eldest son of William Smith O’Brien, Esq., to Mary, second daughter of the Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Spring Rice.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Sep 1863: Marriages. Sept 17, at Modreeny Church, Randal Borough, Esq., of Querin Cottage, Kilrush, youngest son of the late Randal Borough, Esq., of Cappa House, in this county, to Jane, youngest daughter of Thomas Ely, Esq., of Elysium, county Tipperary.

Clare Journal, Thur 1 Oct 1863: Marriages. Sept. 26th , at St. Anne’s Church, Dublin, Henry Bently, of Shannon View, O’Brien’s Bridge, in this county, Esq., M.D., youngest son of the late William Bently, Esq., of Hurleston, in this county, to Mary, second daughter of Joshua W. Seward, of Dromaan House, County Galway, Esq., J.P.

Clare Journal, Mon 19 Oct 1863: Marriages. On the 11th instant, in the Catholic Church, Kilrush, Miss Margaret Howard, Market-square, Kilrush, to Mr. John Russell, Limerick.
On the 14th instant, at St. Michael’s Church, in Limerick, Mr. Theobald Taffe Taylor, Kilrush, to Rachel, youngest daughter of the late Mr. William Simmons, Ballymacurtane, both of this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 29 Oct 1863: Marriages. At Rathmines Catholic Church, Dublin, Michael Egan, Esq., Patrick-street, Limerick, to Anna Frances, only daughter of Michael Ryan, Esq., Clare Cottage, Athlunkard.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Nov 1863: Marriages. On the 28th ult., at Westland-row Church, Dublin, by the Very Rev. Dr. O’Carroll, T. O’Brien, Esq., of Putland Villa, near Manchester, to Anna Mary, eldest daughter of Robert MacGrath, Esq., Church-street, Ennis.

Clare Journal, Thur 12 Nov 1863: Marriages. This morning, at Ennis, by the Very Rev. Dean Kenny, P.P., V.G., Laurence Quinlivan, Esq., J.P. of Limerick, to Margrette, daughter of Michael Cullinan, Esq., of Ennis, solicitor.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Nov 1863: Marriages. On the 17th instant, at Hiedelberg, Bryan O’Loghlen, Barrister-at-law, second son of the late Sir Michael O’Loghlen, Bart., Master of the Rolls, Drumconora, in this county, to Ella, third daughter of James M. Seward, Esq., of Somerset Park, Preston. Melbourne Victorian.
On the 16th instant, Mr. Benjamin O’Donovan, grocer and spirit merchant, Broad-street, Limerick, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. T. Clune, of Quin, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 21 Dec 1863: Marriages. At Charleville, Edward Picton Philips, Esq., of Haverfardwest, Pembrokeshire, to Elizabeth Augusta, daughter of Colonel Giles Vandeleur Creagh, of Cahirbane, in this county.
In London, the Hon. John Butler, son of the late Lord Dunboyne, to Anne, widow of Robert George Parnther, late of the Rifle Brigade.


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