Edward Greene, at Sebastopol, and some other deaths, 1854

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Edward Greene, at Sebastopol, and some other deaths, 1854

Post by Sduddy » Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:01 am

Clare Journal, Mon 4 Dec 1854: Deaths. At Sebastopol shortly after the Battle of Alma, Edward Greene, 88th Regiment, second son of the late Edward Greene, Esq., Snugvill, County Clare.

Clare Journal, Thur 5 Jun 1854: Deaths. At Knockaderry, Mrs. O’Brien, mother of Rev. D. O’Brien, P.P.
At Killaloe, Anne, relict of Mr. Robert Thompson.

Clare Journal, Thur 12 Jan 1854: Deaths. At Cratloe, county Clare, Mr. James Burke, aged 72, father of the Rev. John Burke, P.P., Cratloe.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Jan 1854: Deaths. At Cheltenham, on the 13th instant, Thomas H. Morony, Esq., J.P., of Miltown House, Miltown Malbay.
With unqualified feelings of sincere regret we have to record the very sudden and unapprehended demise of Mrs. Healy, of Newmarket-on-Fergus, about one o’clock on Sunday. She breakfasted and apparently enjoyed excellent heath up to the very moment, when the Author of Being summoned her generous and beneficent soul from its fragile tenement by a sudden and frightful privation of life. Her kind and tender heart dispensed much, very much charity to the poor of Newmarket and the surrounding districts there; hospitality and benevolence also held a very prominent place in her mind, which was certainly stored by no ordinary qualities of strong sense, prudence, and engaging powers of conversation.
At Kilkee, Millicent Anne, relict of the late Richard Barclay, Esq., of Ballyartney, of this County.

Clare Journal, Mon 30 Jan 1854: Deaths. This morning, after a short illness, Thomas Sampson, Esq., of Brook Lodge.

Clare Journal, Thur 9 Feb 1854: Deaths. At Newmarket, Terence Meehan, formerly an extensive Merchant in this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 16 Feb 1854: Deaths. In Kilrush, the wife of Mr. Matt Corbett, emigration agent.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Feb 1854: Deaths. In Kilrush, on Tuesday, at an early age, Maria,second eldest daughter of the late Mr Michael Mescal, deservedly regretted.

Clare Journal, Thur 2 Mar 1854: Deaths. At New York, Eliza, widow of John Barton, Esq., of Millview, near Killaloe, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 16 Mar 1854: Deaths. At Tulla, in this county, Grace, wife of James O’Halloran, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 20 Mar 1854: Deaths. At Ballycunneen, in this county, Peter O’Halloran, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 23 Mar 1854: Deaths. In Market-street, on Monday, after a lingering illness, Mr. John Rynne, Ironmonger, deeply regretted by all who knew him.
At Kilrush, on Monday, after an illness of some duration, the Rev. P. Browne, P.P. of Killimer and Knockerra. He was dearly beloved by his parishioners, and truly esteemed by the people of Kilrush, among whom he will long be deeply regretted.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Mar 1854: Deaths. In Kilrush, Mr. Wm. Knight, better known as occupant of the half-way house between Brawn and Kilrush.

Clare Journal, Thur 30 Mar 1854: Deaths. On Tuesday last, at Crow Hill, to the inexpressible grief of her family and friends, Mrs. Daniel Powell, relict of the late Daniel Powell, Esq., as a wife, a mother, and a friend, she was seldom or ever excelled.
At Kilrush, James, the beloved child of Mr. John Walsh.

Clare Journal, Thur 13 Apr 1854: Deaths. On the 9th instant, at Ballyvorda, after a short illness, John Lysaght, Esq., at the advanced age of 74 years. He was justly and deservedly esteemed through life, and his memory will be revered and respected by all who enjoyed his friendship or partook of his hospitality. He was a fond and affectionate father, and his loss will be deeply regretted by an attached family, and a large and influential circle of friends and relatives.

Clare Journal, Mon 17 Apr 1854: Deaths. At Miltown House, in this county, Emily, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Morony, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 27 Apr 1854: Deaths. At “Fahy” in this county, at the advanced age of 87 years, Mr. J. Glynn, sincerely and deservedly regretted by all who knew him.
In Kilrush, Simon Rochford.

Clare Journal, Thur 4 May 1854: Deaths.At Kilkee, Luke, second son of the late Joseph Mullock, Esq., of Limerick.

Clare Journal, Mon 15 May 1854: Deaths. At Crusheen, Mr. John Booth, Petty Sessions Clerk.

Clare Journal, Thur 18 May 1854: Deaths. At Killaloe, Miss Anne Maria Hare.

Clare Journal, Thur 22 May 1854: Deaths. At Kilrush, Cappa, county Clare, Richard Harris Goold, Esq., son of the late Patrick Goold, Esq., of Curraghglass, county Cork.
Mary, wife of Mr. Matthew Donnellan, of Market Alley.
At Milltown Malbay, Mr. M. Hehir.

Clare Journal, Thur 1 Jun 1854: Deaths. At Caherline House, on the 29th inst., Ann, second daughter of the late Thomas Going, Esq., of Erina, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 5 Jun 1854: Deaths. At Drummeen, O’Brien’s Bridge, in this county, Mr. Charles Cullen.

Clare Journal, Thur 8 Jun 1854: Deaths. At Killaloe, on Monday, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr. John Elliott, mother of Mr. H. Elliot, of this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 15 Jun 1854: Deaths. At Killaloe, Mr. Thomas M. Lloyd.

Clare Journal, Mon 19 Jun 1854: Deaths. In Tulla, Mrs. Greene, the relict of the late Michael Greene, Esq. She departed this life in a very happy frame of mind, induced by the heartfelt piety of her life.

Clare Journal, Mon 26 Jun 1854: Deaths. At Bath, Major H. O’Brien, fifth son of the late Sir Lucius O’Brien, Bart of Dromoland, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 6 Jul 1854: Deaths. At Granahan, Mrs. Hewitt, wife of Thomas Hewitt, Esq., [Clare Militia] after a protracted illness, which she bore with christian patience.

Clare Journal, Mon 24 Jul 1854: Deaths. At Kilrush, Bidelia, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Andrew Kells, and grand-daughter of B. Glynn, Esq., Merchant, deeply and deservedly regretted.

Clare Journal, Mon 31 Jul 1854: Deaths. At Deerahiney, county Galway, the seat of her son, Cuthbert, Fetherstonhaugh, Esq. deeply and deservedly regretted, Anne, relict of the late William Fethersonhaugh, Esq and youngest daughter of the late Andrew Welsh, Esq. of Newtown, in the County.

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Aug 1854: Deaths. John, eldest son of Mr. Thomas McNamara, Ballyvaughan, in this County.

Clare Journal, Thur 10 Aug 1854: Deaths. At Kilrush, Maria, sister of Mr. Thomas Considine[?], woollen draper.

Clare Journal, Mon 21 Aut 1854: Deaths. At Montreal[?], Bridget Collins, wife of Mr. Patrick Collins, of this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Aug 1854: Deaths. Yesterday morning, of consumption, on the Mill Road, in this town, Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. T. Keane, stone cutter, much regretted by all who knew her.

Clare Journal, Thur 31 Aug 1854: Deaths. At Newmarket-on-Fergus, Mr. Richard Lewis, shop-keeper.

Clare Journal, Mon 4 Sep 1854: Deaths. At Duckstown, co. Limerick, Mr. Wm. Quade, brother of the late Rev. P. Quad, P.P., Callaghan’s Mills.

Clare Journal, Thur 14 Sep 1854: Deaths. At Bunker’s Hill, in this county, Mrs. Frost.

Clare Journal, Mon 18 Sep 1854: Deaths. At Ballycanane, in this county, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Gloster, the beloved wife of James Gloster, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 21 Sep 1854: Deaths. At Rhineanna, in this county, to the sincere regret of his friends and acquaintances, Mr. James O’Donoghue.
On the 18th inst., at Crouvrahan, in this county, Mr. James O’Donnell, much regretted. A large concourse of mourning friends attended his funeral yesterday.

Clare Journal, Mon 9 Oct 1854: Deaths. Sudden Death. On Saturday morning, in Mill-street, Mr. Anthony O’Brien, Corn Merchant of this town, was found dead on the floor of his bed-room. He was quite well on retiring to rest.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Oct 1854: Deaths. At Doon Deer Park, near Broadford, Simon, son of the late John Bentley, Esq., of Killaderry, in this County.

Clare Journal, Thur 26 Oct 1854: Deaths. At Holles-street, Dublin, in his 66th year, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Synge, of Mount Callan, county Clare.

Clare Journal, Mon 30 Oct 1854: At Limerick, Mr. William Halpin.

Clare Journal, Thur 9 Nov 1854: Deaths. We regret to announce the death of the Countess of Kenmare which took place on Thursday, at Farrance’s Upper Belgrave-street, London. Her Ladyship was the daughter of the late Edmond O’Callaghan, Esq., of Kilgory, in this county, and of the late venerable Mrs. Payler, of Limerick. She was mother of Viscount Castlerosse, M.P. for Kerry.

Clare Journal, Mon 13 Nov 1854: Deaths. At Brighton Terrace, Monkstown, on the 8th inst., universally loved and respected. George Studdert, Esq., late Divisional Magistrate of Police, Dublin, aged 71. He was brother of Thomas Studdert, Esq., D.L., Bunratty Castle, and of Admiral B. F. Studdert, Pella.
At Ennis Workhouse, James Hehir, formerly auctioneer in this town, and lately porter at Lifford auxiliary workhouse.

Clare Journal, Thur 16 Nov 1854: Deaths. In Limerick, the Rev. Michael Comyn, P.P., of KIlkee, much lamented by his sorrowing parishioners and friends.
At her lodgings in Mary-street, Ellen, relict of the late Mr. Wm. Goggin, and daughter of the late Rev. W. Fitzwilliam Miller, of Six=mile-bridge, in this county, and chaplain to the late Duke of Kent.

Clare Journal, Mon 20 Nov 1854: Deaths. The Rev D[aniel?] Curry[?], superannuated[?] clergyman for many years, R.C. Curate of Kilkee.

Clare Journal, Thur 7 Dec 1854: Deaths. On Sunday last, at Sandymount, Miltown Malbay, Mary, the beloved wife of Matt. Kenny, Esq., deeply regretted by all her friends and relatives, aged 68.

Clare Journal, Mon 11 Dec 1854: Deaths. At Ennistymon, on the 3rd instant, of small pox, Simon, aged 10 years, only son of the late Dr. Creagh, of this County, and nephew to Pierce Creagh, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. He was a promising child, possessed of clever intellect, with a prepossessing appearance, and a sweet disposition, which endeared him to all who knew him.

Clare Journal, Mon 18 Dec 1854: On Saturday last, at Mill-road, after a short illness, Mrs. Connellan, relict of the late Mr. Michael Connellan of this town, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.


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