Mr John Healy dies aged 106, and some other deaths, 1856

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Mr John Healy dies aged 106, and some other deaths, 1856

Post by Sduddy » Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:53 am

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Jul 1856: Deaths. On Saturday, July 5, at Kilernane, Mr. John Healy, sen., at the advanced age of 106 years.

Clare Journal, Thur 10 Jan 1856: Deaths. On Sunday morning, Georgina, second daughter of the late George O’Callaghan, Esq. of Maryfort – a young lady sincerely esteemed by her numerous friends, and most deeply and deservedly regretted.
At Clonlara, after a short illness, the Rev. J. Meade, P.P., Doonass. The Rev. gentleman had only been in charge of the parish about a month, having been removed from Crusheen in this county were he had officiated for many years.
Clare road, near this town, Mr. Pat. Boland.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Jan 1856: Deaths. Found dead, in his room, this morning, Mr. William Singleton, for many years Master Tailor of this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 17 Jan 1856: Deaths. This morning, at Abbeyview Cottage, Clare-road, Ennis, after a brief illness, Lilly, the daughter of Mr. J. T. Burgess, at the tender age of three years. “The Lord gave, the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”
On Thursday last, at Rathlooba, in this County, aged 46, sincerely regretted, Hewitt Bridgeman, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 21 Jan 1856: Deaths. At Tulla, the Rev. Patrick Sheehy, P.P., much regretted by his parishioners and a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
In Kilrush, Miss Mary O’Halloran, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Stephen O’Halloran, of this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Jan 1856: Deaths. On the 22nd inst., 3 Church-st., Ennis, Charles James, the infant son of Mr. Thomas Day.
At Querin, co. Clare, Randal Borough, Esq., of Cappa Lodge, Kilrush.

Clare Journal, Mon 28 Jan 1856: Deaths. At Knockane-house, on the 17th instant, Jeremiah Tuohy, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 11 Feb 1856: Deaths. At Crusheen, Mr. Thomas Kennedy, sincerely and deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 10 Mar 1856: Deaths. At Clonroad House, on the 8th inst., to the deep affliction of a fond husband and a numerous circle of relatives, Lucy, the beloved wife of William Adams Brew, Esq., last surviving child of the late George Stacpoole, Esq. Cragbrien Castle.

Clare Journal, Thur 13 Mar 1856: Deaths. In Church-street, the son of Mr. A. Molony.
At Arranview, in this County, Marcella MacNamara, relict of the late Francis MacNamara, Esq., J.P., a lady sincerely and deservedly regretted.

Clare Journal, Mon 17 Mar 1856: Deaths. Of pulmonary consumption, at Cannongate-street, Glasgow, on the 3rd inst., in his 21st year, Mr. John Browne, late of the Scotch-house, Ennis.

Clare Journal, Thur 20 Mar 1856: Deaths. At Market-street, on Tuesday, of Consumption, the wife of Mr. W. L. Dobson, Compositor, aged 21 years.

Clare Journal, Mon 24 Mar 1856: Deaths. On Thursday, at the Causeway, Ennis, Mr. Thomas O’Brien, late Master of Ennis Workhouse, over which he had presided since its opening, until October last. His integrity and uprightness secured the respect of all who were brought into contact with him.
At Buncraggy, the seat of her son, James O’Gorman, Esq., on Friday morning last, at the advanced age of 92, Mrs. Ellen O’Gorman, after a lingering illness, to the great regret of her family and friends.
At Mount Bayly, county Clare, Henry Bayly, Esq., a gentleman highly esteemed.

Clare Journal, Mon 31 Mar 1856: Deaths. On Saturday morning, at Hermitage, near Ennis, Elizabeth Matilda, fourth daughter of Francis N. Keane, Esq., J.P. Her remains were this morning interred in the family vault at Kilmaley.
On Saturday, of a decline, Miss Mary O’Halloran, schoolmistress of Corofin workhouse.

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Apr 1856: Deaths. At Garrnaboy, in this county, Mr. John Scanlan, father of the Rev. Michael Scanlan, P.P., Cloughjordan.

Clare Journal, Thur 10 Apr 1856: Deaths. At Victoria Terrace, the infant son of Mr. J. Lavertine.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Apr 1856: Deaths. At Kilmorane, during the past week, Maria, aged 5 years, William 3, Vesy 1, the children of Geo. Davoren, Esq., all of hooping cough.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Apr 1856: Deaths. At Kilmorane, aged 8 years, Kate, daughter of George Davoren, Esq. This is the fourth child in his family within the present month, who has died of inflammation during hooping cough.
On the 18th instant, at Ferrybank, Liscannor, aged 7 years, John, the son of Thomas Finucane, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 6 May 1856: Deaths. At Tulla, James O’Holloran, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 19 May 1856: Deaths. At Sion Hill Convent, Dublin, after three days illness, Maria, only daughter of James O’Donoghue, Esq., of Carnelly.

Clare Journal, Thur 22 May 1856: Deaths. On the 8th instant, at Kilrush, Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, saddler.

Clare Journal, Thur 29 May 1856: Deaths. At Kilrush, on the 19th instant, Francis Cunningham, Esq., of Ayleroe, in this county, sincerely and deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.

Clare Journal, Thur 12 Jun 1856: Deaths. We have to announce the decease of Burton Bindon, Esq., of Movina Lodge, in this County, and of D’Olier-street, Dublin. This Gentleman was well known as the Proprietor of the Red Bank Burren Oysters. His death took place rather suddenly, in the 79th years of his age.
At Garranboy, in this County, Judith, mother of the Rev. Mr. Scanlan, P.P., Cloughjordan.
At O’Brien’s Bridge, in this County, Mrs. Jane Ryan.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Jun 1856: Deaths. At Glebe Lodge, Killard, the Rev. Joseph McKee.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Jun 1856: Deaths. In Kilrush, Mary, daughter of Mr. Matt Connell, Emigration Agent.

Clare Journal, Mon 23 Jun 1856: Deaths. In Dublin, on Wednesday, aged 60 years, the Very Rev. John Armstrong, Dean of Kilfenora. The Rev. gentleman was greatly beloved in this locality, where he resided, and his death has cast a gloom over all classes in Kilfenora. The most cordial good feeling existed between him and his Roman Catholic neighbours, and fromed a striking contrast to the unhappy discord existing in other places.
On Thursday last, at Newmarket, Coleman John, the beloved child of Dr. J. O’Grady, aged 7 years.
At Tullydonoga, in this county, after a protracted illness, Miss Margaret Sheehan, aged 25 years, youngest daughter of the late John Sheehan, Esq., of Creagh Castle.

Clare Journal, Thur 26 Jun 1856: Deaths. On Monday last, at Corofin, Mr. John Macnamara, after an illness of about two months, to the affliction of his family and friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 30 Jun 1856: Deaths. At Kilkee, the wife of John C. Palmer, Esq., Superintendent of the Monster establishment of Arnott and Co., George-street, Limerick.
At Shepperton, in this county, Anne, relict of the late Philip Smith, of Cherrymount, co. Meath, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Jul 1856: Deaths. At Lisdoonvarna, after a lingering illness, to the great affliction of his family and friends, Mr. Patrick Lynch, of Lissane. He was one of the most extensive farmers in this county, and, in the true sense of the word, an honest man.
Mon 21 Jul 1856: Deaths. At Shanaway, Mrs. Cullinan, at an advanced age, much regretted.
At the early age of 7 years, Thaddeus, the son of Mr. Dillon, Chapel-lane, Ennis.

Clare Journal, Thur 28 Jul 1856: Deaths. At Glenfarm, Co. Leitrim, the residence of his father, Rev. Charles McLoughlin, O.S.F., nephew of the Rev. F. McLoughlin, Guardian of the Franciscan Convent, Willowbank, at the early age of 26 years. He was for some time stationed in this town, where he was much liked and generally respected.
On Friday, Mary, the daughter of Mr. E. Molony, Market-street, in this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 31 Jul 1856: Deaths. On Sunday last, at Ballyvaughan, Mr. Patrick Hickey.

Clare Journal, Mon 11 Aug 1856: Deaths. On the 8th instant, at Kiltrellig, in this county, of scarlatina, Susan Pilkington, eldest daughter of Robert Griffin, Esq., Barrister-at-law, aged two years and two months.
At Lisdoonvarna, county Clare, James Nowlan, Esq., of Clonegall.

Clare Journal, Thur 14 Aug 1856: Deaths. On yesterday, at Lahinch, after a lingering illness, and to the deep affliction of his family, Thomas Lingard, Esq., of Cooga, in this County, aged 67 years.
On yesterday, at his residence, Jail Road, Ennis, John Tydd, Esq., for many years Sub-sheriff of this County, during which time he gained the confidence and esteem of all who were brought in connection with him.

Clare Journal, Mon 18 Aug 1856: Deaths. On Tuesday morning, in Thomas-street, on her return from Lisdoonvarna, wither she had been ordered for change of air, Margaret, youngest daughter of the late P. Molony, Esq., Tullabracca Cottage, county Limerick.

Clare Journal, Mon 1 Sep 1856: Deaths. At Clonkery, in this county, of scarlatina, aged six years, Lizzie, eldest child of John Whitestone, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 8 Sep 1856: Deaths. On Tuesday night, at Clonkerry, to the great affliction of his parents, in this county, of scarlatina, aged three years, Henry Lloyd, the only son of John Whitestone, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 2 Oct 1856: Deaths. At Crow Hill, near Newmarket-on-Fergus, William, youngest son of the late John Coffee, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 23 Oct 1856: Deaths. At Manus House, Miss Healy, the sister of Thomas Healy, Esq., much regretted by a large circle of friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Oct 1856. Melancholy Occurrence. Two Lives Lost. An accident of painful nature took place about a mile-and-a-half from this town, on Thursday evening last.
As Mr. Sinon Breen, of Kiltumper, Kilmilhill, and his wife were returning from market after disposing of some corn, (about 8 o’clock in the evening), the care was upset, and both were killed on the spot. It is supposed that the care came in contact with one of the large piles of stones which contractors are in the habit of leaving on the road side. The attention of some parties being attracted to the place by the barking of a dog, the car was removed from over the bodies, when a heart-rending spectacle presented itself. The Rev. Mr. Moran and Dr. Foley, having received intimation of the sad catastrophe, were speedily on the spot, but life was extinct for some time previous. The deceased parties were much beloved and respected in the locality in which they resided. They leave two young boys to mourn their untimely fate. An inquest was held on Saturday on the bodies at Kilmihil by Francis O’Donnell, Esq., coroner, when a verdict of “accidental death” was returned. A Kilrush Correspondent.

Clare Journal, Thur 30 Oct 1856: Deaths. On Friday last, after a tedious and distressing illness, which he bore with Christian resignation, Benjamin Finch White, in his 18th year, the beloved son of Finch White, Esq., of Fort-Henry, Killaloe. The demise of this young gentleman is a source of poignant affliction to his sorrowing parents and relatives, and is generally regretted by a very large circle of friends and acquaintances.
At Tulla, Mrs. O’Mara.

Clare Journal, Mon 3 Nov 1856: Deaths. On Saturday evening, at his Cottage, Beechpark, Mr. James Guthrie, one of the most respectable inhabitants of Ennis. Mr. Guthrie was in the enjoyment of his usual health on Thursday, when inflammation of the lungs set in, which ended in his death. Mr. Guthrie was fortunate in securing the good will of every person who was acquainted with him, by his unassuming demeanour, integrity, and uprightness. His death is greatly regretted by a large circle of friends.
At Shepperton, Newmarket-on=Fergus, Wm. J. Owen, Esq., late Captain 90th Light Infantry.
Timothy Buffett, son of Sylvester Barrett, of Dairy-hill, Killoan, died on the 2nd November inst., at the early age of one year and seven months.

Clare Journal, Thur 6 Nov 1856: Deaths. At Doonbeg, co. Clare, Honora Sullivan.

Clare Journal, Mon 10 Nov 1856: Deaths. At Kilrush, Richard Hungerford Donovan, Esq., J.P., Vice-Chairman of the Board of Guardians.
At Church-street, Mr. George O’Keeffe.
At Barnaboy, Sarah, wife of Thomas Studdert, Quin, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 17 Nov 1856: Deaths. On the 10th inst., in the 70th year of his age, to the inexpressible grief of his afflicted family and a large circle of friends, by whom he was universally regretted, George Crowe Hodges, of Williamsfort, in this county. His remains were interred in the family vault at Shanagolden.
At Corofin, on Thursday morning, aged 13 years, of a protracted illness, Jane Agness, youngest daughter of Mr. P. Foley, mast of the Workhouse.

Clare Journal, Mon 24 Nov 1856: Deaths. On Friday, 21st November, after a short illness, John, the only son of Mrs. E. Brennan, to the deep affliction of his family, and the sincere regret of his very numerous friends and acquaintances.

Clare Journal, Mon 8 Dec 1856: Deaths. In Church-street, on Friday, Mr. Michael Considine, butcher, aged 29 years. His unswerving honesty and integrity of character secured him the respect of all who knew him.
Yesterday morning, Mrs. Keeshan, the widow of the late Mr. Thady Keeshan, car-owner.


Edited 15 Jul 2021 to add these 2 deaths, which I had omitted:
Clare Journal, Thur 10 Jul 1856: Deaths. Yesterday evening in Jail-street, George William, eldest son of William Mr. Cahill, to the great affliction of his parents.
This morning at Kilmaley School-house, after a lingering illness, Mr. Wm. Cudmore, aged 60, deeply regretted by his family and friends.
Last edited by Sduddy on Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mr John Healy dies aged 106, and some other deaths, 1856

Post by smcarberry » Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:26 am

"At Mount Bayly, county Clare, Henry Bayly, Esq., a gentleman highly esteemed."

Thanks for this, Sheila. Now I know that Henry Thomas Baylee, who died 1850, likely had a son Henry, and it could have been the son Henry who found that his father had expired, as reported 1850 by newspapers. That son Henry would have been the brother of John Baylee who married 1867 Margaret Donnellan of Clashduff, near Kilkishen. I am slowly piecing together that Baylee family, who were fairly new to the area, of a lineage very well known in Co. Limerick. They were gentry but not high enough on the social ladder to merit a published pedigree. The newspapers followed them to some degree. These few words have significance.

Sharon Carberry

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Re: Mr John Healy dies aged 106, and some other deaths, 1856

Post by Sduddy » Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:44 am

Hi Sharon

Glad the few words are useful for your research. I notice that the 1836 list of Cess-payers, published in the Clare Journal in Spring 1836, includes Henry T. Baily, Mount Baily, Lower Tulla.
And - though you are probably already well aware of it - the landed estates site gives some information: ... sp?id=2026


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Re: Mr John Healy dies aged 106, and some other deaths, 1856

Post by Sduddy » Sun Aug 01, 2021 10:09 am

Hi Sharon,
I came upon this mention of Frederick Baylee. You may have it already:
28 May 1882: Marriage of Patrick Donnellan, aged 35, Farmer, Clashduff, son of Timothy Donnellan, dead, Farmer, to Eliza McNamara, Enagh, daughter of Michael McNamara, Farmer, in O’Callaghan’s Mills chapel; witnesses: Frederick Baylee, Maria McNamara: ... 010099.pdf


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