Patrick Whelan killed by a blast, and some other deaths, 1857

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Patrick Whelan killed by a blast, and some other deaths, 1857

Post by Sduddy » Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:31 am

Clare Journal, Thur 10 Dec 1857: Melancholy Accident. A young man, named Patrick Whelan, was accidentally killed on the drainage works near Kells, yesterday, having incautiously approached too near a rock charged with powder and which, it was supposed, had exploded. This is the first accident that occurred since the commencement of the drainage in the year 1847, owing to the great caution observed under the strict injunctions of the Engineer, J. W. Kelly, Esq. In this case the young man killed was totally unacquainted with blasting, and outran the man whose duty it was to enquire into the cause of the failure.

Clare Journal, Thur 1 Jan 1857: Deaths. At Corkamore, Catherine, daughter of the late Mr. James Coghlan.

Clare Journal, Thur 8 Jan 1857: Deaths. Ellen, relict of the late Thomas Frost, Esq., of Derra, in this county.
At Clonsingle house, the infant daughter of Robert S. Young, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 15 Jan 1857: Deaths. Early this morning, at his residence, Causeway, after a short illness, Mr. H. Elliott, late a much respected shop-keeper in this town. He leaves a young family to deplore his loss.

Clare Journal, Mon 19 Jan 1857: Deaths. At Gort, on the 16th inst., in the 95th year of her age, Anne, relict of the late John Shannon, of Cahirduff, county Clare, and mother of the Very Rev. Timothy Shannon, V.G., and P.P., Kilmacduagh.

Clare Journal, Thur 22 Jan 1857: Deaths. At Loughvella, on the 10th inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. Jeremiah Keane, to the deep regret of number of friends and acquaintances.

Clare Journal, Mon 26 Jan 1857: Deaths. On the 20th inst., at his own residence, Donaha, Mr. Michael Kelly, father of Mr. Michael Kelly, Kilrush, and to Mr. Patrick Kelly, Limerick, after an illness of some weeks which he bore with a resignation truly edifying; fortified in grace he calmly resigned his soul into his Makers hands in the 73rd year of his age.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Feb 1857: Deaths. On Friday last at his residence at Spancilhill, after a short illness, Mr. Robert Malcome, aged 58. The deceased was one of the earliest Scotch Settlers in this County, and by his unassuming manners, kindness to the poor, and unswerving integrity gained for himself the respect of all classes of the Community.
At the residence of his son-in-law, Michael Dundon, Esq., Brookville, county Clare, Edward Maume, Esq., after a protracted illness. His death is generally and deservedly regretted.

Clare Journal, Thur 5 Feb 1857: Deaths. On Saturday last, aged 70, Mrs. Jane Killeen, of Molonsky, in this county.
At Corofin, aged 27, Michael Cahill, late Relieving Officer of Corofin Union. He was of unexceptional character, and deservedly loved by a numerous circle of friends who deplore his loss.

Clare Journal, Mon 9 Feb 1857: Deaths. In Dublin, Sarah, fourth daughter of the late Capt. Sarratt, Royal Navy, and granddaughter of the late Thomas Davenport Hunt, Esq., J.P., Kilrush, in this county.
At the West End, Kilkee, Miss Jane Shannon.

Clare Journal, Thur 12 Feb 1857: Deaths. At Toronto, Upper Canada, Henry Brown, Esq., solicitor, son of the late John Boown, Esq., of Clonboy, in this county.
At Cahertige, in this county, Margaret, the beloved wife of Mr. Denis Canny.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Feb 1857: Deaths. In Dublin, Joseph Miller, lieutenant in the 13th foot, son of the late Captain Miller, of the 25th regiment, who resided in this town for some years after leaving the army.

Clare Journal, Thur 26 Feb 1857: Deaths. Just as we went to press on Monday, we received intelligence of the death of Lieut John C. O’Brien, the eldest son of our esteemed County Representative, Cornelius O’Brien, Esq., M.P., of Birchfield. The melancholy event occurred at Secunderabad, in the East Indies, were he was doing duty with the 49th Madras N.I., while awaiting the arrival of his own regiment. The immediate cause of his death was a coup de soleil received while attending a military funeral and terminated his existence after a few day’s illness. Lieut. O’Brien was a general favourite and much esteemed by his acquaintance for his affability and good nature, and is equally regretted by his family and a large circle of friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 9 Mar 1867: Deaths. At Rosemount, in this county, on the 4th instant, Thomas RossLewin, Esq., Lieut., h.p., 32nd Regiment, a kind-hearted and gallant soldier of the old army. He saw much service under Wellington, as a light-company officer; was wounded in the affair at Sarrozin, in Spain, and again at Waterloo, and had a medal with eight clasps.
On Saturday, at his residence, Granaghan Castle, near Newmarket-on-Fergus, Thomas Hewitt, Esq., at the age of 62. The deceased gentleman was a Lieutenant in the Clare Militia in 1812, and was much esteemed by all who had the honour of his acquaintance, for the sincerity of his manners and the integrity of his dealings. His death took place unexpectedly, has cast a gloom even beyond the immediate circle of his friends.

Clare Journal, Thur 12 Mar 1857: Deaths. At No. 6, Grand Canal-street, Dublin, after a lingering illness, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. D. O’Driscoll, late of this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Mar 1857: Deaths. At Gower Hall, on the 17th inst., after a severe illness borne with christian resignation, Christopher M. Keane, Esq., eldest surviving son of Francis N. Keane, Hermitage, Esq. During his collegiate course, this young gentleman greatly distinguished himself, and, had he been spared, a distinguished career would, in all probability, have been before him, as he possessed talents of a high order.

Clare Journal, Mon 23 Mar 1857: Deaths. Friday, Marcella, youngest daughter of John Singleton, Esq., of Quinville Abbey, in this county.
At Fomerla, in this county, aged 74, Catherine, relict of the late George Perry, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 26 Mar 1857: Deaths. Mrs. Scott, relict of John Scott, Esq., Cahercon house, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 2 Apr 1857: Deaths. At Lisiniskey, near Knockaderry, John Langford, Esq.
At Killadysert, on Sunday, March 29th, of scarlatina, after two days illness, James M. Lean, aged five years, eldest and only son of Mr. Michael Kenedy, Master of the Union Workhouse.

Clare Journal, Mon 13 Apr 1857: Deaths. Suddenly, on Friday last, at his house in Jail-street, Mr. James Mullins, Sewed Muslin agent.

Clare Journal, Mon 20 Apr 1857: Deaths. On the 17th inst., after a few day’s illness, Mr. John Ford, of Dromoher, leaving a large family to lament his loss.
On Sunday, the 12th instant, at Clonderlaw House, George Studdert, Esq., J.P. Mrs Studdert was for many years Chairman of the Killadysert union. Estimable in every relation of life, he will be long deplored as a good Landlord, sincere friend, and an impartial magistrate.
At Carruduff, the wife of Mr. John Charles Doherty, of consumption, aged 46 years. The premature death of so good a wife and a parent has been the source of great unhappiness among her numerous friends and neighbours; she was the comfort of the afflicted and often the source of great relief in the time of famine and destitution.

Clare Journal, Thur 23 Apr 157: Deaths. At Clare Castle, on yesterday morning, after a lingering illness, Jane, wife of Mr. James Smith, Relieving Officer, deservedly regretted by all her friends and acquaintances.
Near Gort, the Rev. Michael O’Shaughnessy, P.P., formerly of Shanaughlish.
In the Rectoy, Tulla, aged 66, Henrietta, last surviving daughter of John Dwyer, Esq., Marefield, county Dublin.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Apr 1857: Deaths. On Wednesday, at the Causeway, Ennis, the infant son of Mr. J. T. Burgess.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Apr 1857: Death of Eugene Curry, Jun. It is with no ordinary feelings of concern tht we announce the death, at age 23, of Eugene Curry, second son of the eminent Irish scholar and antiquarian, Mr. Eugene Curry, M.R.I.A., Professor of Archaeology to the Catholic University. This young man, who was thus early, and all but suddenly, taken off by the hand of death from an affectionate family circle, was a youth of much promise, and possessed, in an eminent degree of those indescribable qualities of head and heart which render all who are happily gifted wth them to those who possess their intimacy or acquaintance. He had just entered upon the study of those interesting literary pursuits, in the cultivation and illustration of which his father has so eminently distinguished himself, and, in his connexion with the Catholic University, he gave the most encouraging promise of proving a zealous an efficient labourer in the field of Irish literature and antiquities. His death has caused a void in a most important branch of Irish Archaeology, which is the more to be regretted that the chances of its being filled up are exceedingly remote, unless some other member of his gifted family be found qualified – as we hope sincerely may be the case – to supply his place. His death took place, after a short illness, at half-past two, a.m., on 22nd instant, at the residence of his father, No. 2, Portland street, North, Dublin.

Clare Journal, Thur 30 Apr 1857: Deaths. In Kilrush, Brew Cox Donovan, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 4 May 1857: Deaths. On Friday last, Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Richard J. Stacpoole, Esq., Edenvale. The death of this truly amiable young lady is a cause of deep grief to her afflicted parents and a numerous circle of sorrowing friends, by whom she was much beloved; she bore a lingering illness with Christian patience and resignation; her end was “perfect peace.”
On the 27th ultimo, at Henry-street, Kilrush, after a protracted and painful illness, borne wit Christian patience, Mary Margaret, second daughter of Mrs. Mary Brew, sincerely and deservedly regretted by her numerous friends and relations, and was much esteemed and loved by all who knew her.

Clare Journal, Thur 14 May 1857: Deaths. With regret we have to announce the death, on yesterday, at Shamrock Cottage, near Corofin, after a few hours illness, of Laurence Foley, Esq. He was liked and respected by all who knew him, for his strict integrity, and upright and honourable conduct through life.
In Dublin, after a lingering illness, to the great regret of her family, Mrs. Harley, relict of the late John Harley, Esq., of Clonroad House, near this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 21 May 1857: At Killadysert, aged 14, of disease of the heart, Anna Maria, daughter of Mr. Thomas Guinane.

Clare Journal, Thur 28 May 1857: Deaths. On Tuesday night, in Jail-street, of Scarlatina, William Anthony, third son of Patrick Quinlan, Esq., District Inspector of National Schools.

Clare Journal, Thur 2 Jul 1857: Deaths. On Yesterday morning, in Jail-street, after a lingering illness, Mr. James Cusack, Painter.

Clare Journal, Mon 6 Jul 1857: Deaths. At Gort, on Sunday, the 5th inst., Mr. M. Gorman, Baker, son-in-law to Mr. P. Gardiner of this town.
At Coolbane, co. Clare, Mary, wife of Mr. James Coffey, niece of the late Rev. Jeremiah Tuohy, P.P., of Clonlea and Killuran, and sister of Dr. Tuohy, Limerick.

Clare Journal, Thur 16 Jul 1857: Deaths. On Monday, Harmony Row, Mr. James Corbett.

Clare Journal, Thur 23 Jul 1857: Deaths. In the fifth year of his age, at the house of his grandfather, Mr. John Meehan, John, the beloved child of Mr. E. Stack, of this town, a most interesting and promising youth. His engaging and amiable disposition endeared him to the affection of a numerous circle of friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Jul 1857: Deaths. On the 22nd instant, at his residence in Corrorague, Mr. John Ryan, aged 80 years, greatly and deservedly regretted.
On Thursday afternoon, at Kilkee, George Byfield, Esq, principal of the Medical Hall, Georges-street, Limerick.

Clare Journal, Thur 30 Jul 1857: Deaths. At his residence, Clonmore, on Saturday, 25th inst., Hugh O’Keeffe, Esq., at an advanced age, and deservedly regretted.

Clare Journal, Mon 3 Aug 1857: Deaths. At Clare Castle, on Saturday, Mr. Crawford, of the Inland Revenue.

Clare Journal, Mon 10 Aug 1857: Deaths. At Lower Leeson-street, Dublin, James Butler, Esq., of Castlecrine, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 13 Aug 1857: Deaths. In Kilkee, Margaret, second daughter of John Sidley, Esq., of Limerick.

Clare Journal, Mon 17 Aug 1857: Deaths. In Dublin, at an advanced age, to the sincere regret of a large circle of friends, Elizabeth, relict of Pierse Carrick, Esq., formerly Justice of the Peace for this County.

Clare Journal, Thur 20 Aug 1857: Deaths. On the 17th, at Kilkee, in this county, where he had been staying for the benefit of his health, the Rev. Irwin Turner, Curate of Cappamore, diocese of Emly.

Clare Journal, Mon 24 Aug 1857: Deaths. With much regret we have to announce the death of our fellow townsman, John Bunton Esq., Solicitor, who died at Lisdoonvarna on the 21st inst. after a lingering illness, which he endured with true Christian resignation. As Chairman of the Town Commissioners for the year 1855 Mr. Bunton rendered himself justly popular by his anxious attention to our local interests. As an instance, we may mention, that the Public Library was commenced during his year of office, and owes its present prosperous condition principally to his exertions. Talented, warm-hearted, and generous, his early death brings sorrow to a numerous and attached family. May He who in his wisdom dispenses our joys and sorrows console them in their affliction.

Clare Journal, Thur 27 Aug 1857: Deaths. On Friday last, rather suddenly, after partaking of dinner, the lady of Dr. Going, of Six-mile-bridge. The deceased lady had been only three weeks married.

Clare Journal, Mon 31 Aug 1857: Deaths. At Kilkee, Miss Wilson, of Caherconlish House, county Limerick.

Clare Journal, Thur 3 Sep 1857: Deaths. On the morning of the 21st ultimo, at Rock Cottage, Sixmile-bridge, after a few hours’ illness, of inflammation, Charlotte, the dearly beloved wife of Marcus Going, Esq., M.D. She died rejoicing in the Lord her Saviour, who supported and comforted her in the hour of trial, and enabled her to leave those so dear to her upon earth without a murmur.
William, son of Mr. John Griott, of Cratloe.

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Sep 1857: Deaths. In Kilrush, to the inexpressible regret of a large circle of friends, after a protracted illness, which he bore with true christian fortitude and piety, Mr. John McMahon, brother to the Rev. J. McMahon of this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 17 Sep 1857: Deaths. In Kingstown, Frances Somerset, daughter of the Rev. T. Brady, Tomgrany Rectory.

Clare Journal, Mon 21 Sep 1857: Deaths. On yesterday, at Tulla, after a short illness, which he bore with Christian resignation, John O’Brien, Esq., R.M., leaving an amiable family to deplore his loss. Mr. O’Brien, for his well-known efficiency, was appointed in 1846 to the Tulla District, which was then, and for some time after, in a very distressed state. His untiring and successful exertions during the prevalence of crime are still fresh in the recollection of all, and the criminal records of this county will show how ably he assisted in restoring order in his district. By his death the magistrates’ bench has lost a worthy and upright member and in him the poor have lost a friend.
Yesterday, after a few hours illness, a the residence of her father, the Very Rev. J. Whitty, Archdeacon of Kilfenora, Miss Mary Whitty, to the great regret of all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.

Clare Journal, Mon 5 Oct 1857: Deaths. On the 29th ult., At Lahinch, Miss Mary Josephine Cogan, of Limerick.

Clare Journal, Thur 8 Oct 1857: Deaths. On Tuesday evening, aged 7 years and 8 months, Jane Mary, eldest daughter of Marcus Keane, Esq., Beechpark.

Clare Journal, Thur 15 Oct 1857: Deaths. On Tuesday evening, at the Wood, near Quin, Richard Wm. Smith, Esq., after a short illness, to the great affliction of a fond wife and young family.
In Charles-street, Limerick, Maryanne O’Shaughnessy, relict of the late Michael O’Shaughnessy, Esq., of Killadysert, and mother of the Rev. Edward O’Shaughnessy, C.C., Callaghan’s Mills, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 19 Oct 1857: Deaths. On the 10th instant, at Fenloe, in this county, Anne Vandeleur Creagh, eldest daughter of the late Captain James Creagh, Caherbane, most sincerely and deservedly regretted.
In Dublin, on the 10th instant, John, second son of Mr. John O’Loughlin, of Ennistimon, grocer, aged 16 years, after a brief but painful illness. His remains were brought to Ennistymon on Tuesday following, and a large concourse of surrounding friends accompanied his remains to the grave.

Clare Journal, Thur 22 Oct 1857: Deaths. At Haddington-road, Ellen, relict of the late Rev. Richard Fitzgerald, of Toureen, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 26 Oct 1857: Deaths. On the 23rd inst., after a short but painful illness, Maria, aged 7 years, the endearing daughter of Mr. T. Jennings, Killadysert.

Clare Journal, Thur 29 Oct 1857: Deaths. In Bristol, Mrs. Anne Trousdell, widow of the late Mr. William Trousdell, of this town.
On the 24th instant, at her father’s residence, Meelick, in this county, of consumption, aged 23 years, after a long and tedious illness, which she bore with Christian resignation, Adelaide, wife of Mr. Harrison, L [?], jun., of Limerick.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Nov 1857: Deaths. In Maryborough, Elias, son of the late Mr. Wm. Henry Talbot of this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 12 Nov 1857: Deaths. Last night, at his house, at Killerk, Mr. Michael Neylan, to the severe loss of his family.

Clare Journal, Mon 23 Nov 1857: Deaths. On Friday evening, at Ballyroughan, in this county, at the advanced age of 70 years, Mr. James Quinlivan, a substantial and respectable farmer. For kindness of heart, honest simplicity of manner, unbending integrity, and unpretending worth, the deceased was through life ever remarkable, and his demise is deeply regretted by a large circle of friends, to whom his virtues had endeared him.

Clare Journal, Thur 26 Nov 1857: Deaths. At Newmarket-on-Fergus, Mr. Patrick Tierney, father of the Rev. Mr. Tierney, C.C., Quin.
On Sunday, 22nd, at Glenarra House, Eliza, the beloved wife of the Rev. Hugh Brady Huleatt. She was a faithful loving wife, a devoted mother, and a sincere friend. Her death leaves all who knew her in deep affliction, but for her there is the fullness of joy – she died rejoicing in her Saviour’s love.
On Wednesday last, of consumption, at her father’s residence, Kilrush, Margaret, the eldest daughter of Mr. John McNamara. The deceased, who led a life of unexampled piety, had devoted herself from her childhood to a conventual life, and with that view entered her novitiate this year at Castlebar. Before six months had elapsed she was called to her Heavenly Father, to enjoy the rich reward promised all those who love and fear His holy name on earth.

Clare Journal, Mon 30 Nov 1857: Deaths. In Kilrush, David, son of Mathew Kelly, Esq., Manager of the National Bank there.

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Dec 1857: Deaths. At Finivara, on the 5th inst., after a protracted illness, Alfred, the beloved son of W. J. Skerrett, Esq., aged 11 years.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Dec 1857: Deaths. At Winsdale Rectory, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, aged 75 years, Mrs. Lucia O’Brien, third daughter of the late Sir Lucius O’Brien, Bart., of Dromoland.

Clare Journal, Thur 17 Dec 1857: Deaths. At Futtehpore, on October 21st., Colonel Charles O’Brien, second son of the late Dr. O’Brien, of this town, 3rd Bengal Native Infantry.
At Corofin, on the 10th inst., Belinda, daughter of the late Connor O’Brien, Esq., formerly of Poplar, in this county.


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