Some death notices, 1858

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Some death notices, 1858

Post by Sduddy » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:09 am

Clare Journal, Mon 19 Jan. 1858: Deaths. In Dublin, Geo. McGrath, Esq., of inflammation of the lungs, aged 58 years, son of the late Terence McGrath, of O’Callaghan’s Mills, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 21 Jan 1858: Deaths. On Friday last, at his residence at Springfield, near Sixmile-bridge, Francis Morrice, Esq., at the advanced age of 83 years. He filled the office of Secretary to the Grand Jury for nearly forty years, and during that time he had the confidence of all parties with whom his official duties brought him in contact. Few men departed this life more esteemed or respected.

Clare Journal, Mon 25 Jan 1858: Deaths. After a few hours’ illness, at Fermoy, county Cork, on Tuesday, the 19th inst., Bridget, wife of Mr. Michael Murray, late organist at Ennis church, and daughter of the late Mr. Patrick O’Donoghue, Clare Castle, leaving a disconsolate husband and a young and interesting family to mourn her premature demise.

Clare Journal, Mon 1 Feb 1858: Deaths. At Tralee, on the 26th ultimo, in the 21st year of his age, after a short and sudden illness, Mr. Michael Brew, schoolmaster of the Tralee workhouse. Mr. Brew was a native of the county Clare, and his superior attainments added to the respectability of his personal deportment, made a strong impression on the board of guardians resulting in his unanimous election. Even, during the short period of his connection with the board, his assiduity, kindliness of demeanour, and high principle most favourably impressed the officers of the establishment, and his premature death has produced a strong feeling of sympathy and regret. – Tralee Chronicle.

Clare Journal, Thur 18 Feb 1858: Deaths. In London, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends and relatives, Jane, wife of General McGregor, and grand-daughter of the late Harrison Rosslewin, Esq., of this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 25 Feb 1858: Deaths. At Willbrook, in this county, on the 22nd instant, aged 91 years, Isabella, widow of the late Augustine Moran, Esq., of Ballynahony.

Clare Journal, Mon 8 Mar 1858: Deaths. At Killaloe, in this county, Letitia, daughter of the late Samuel Cecil, Esq., of Killaloe.

Clare Journal, Thur 18 Mar 1858: Deaths. On Tuesday night, at the house of her sister, in Jail street, after a lingering illness, Miss Georgina Purdon, daughter of the late Simon Purdon, Esq., M.D., of Killaloe.
In London, Mary Elizabeth Jane, widow of the late Lucius O’Brien, Esq., formerly of the Royal Artillery, and of Cratloe House, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 25 Mar 1858: Deaths. On Wednesday evening, at Clonagown, near Crusheen, Mr. Joseph Mulcreevy, aged 70 years, who was for several years a respectable merchant of this town, and who, through a long life, maintained the reputation of being an obliging neighbour and an honest man.
At her residence, Killaloe, at the advanced age o 90, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Eliza Taylor, relict of the late Captain John Taylor, of the city of Limerick.

Clare Journal, Mon 29 Mar 1858: Deaths. On the 26th inst., at Ranahan, generally and sincerely regretted, Maria Catherine, the beloved wife of James Foster, Esq. This lady has been the great grand-daughter of the late Connor, Lord Maguire, of Fermanagh, and Early of Enniskillen.

Clare Journal, Thur 8 Apr 1858: Deaths. On Monday evening, in Market-street, at the early age of 11 years, Patrick, second son of Mr. Michael Coghlan.

Clare Journal, Mon 12 Apr 1858: Deaths. At the Glen, Kilrush, Mr. Grady, greatly regretted by his friends and neighbours.

Clare Journal, Thur 6 May 1858: Deaths. At Clare Castle, on yesterday, after a short illness, Mr. Daniel Kelly, third son of T. Kelly, Esq., merchant, leaving a young wife to mourn his premature demise, and deservedly regretted by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.

Clare Journal, Mon 10 May 1858: Deaths. Yesterday morning at Kilmanaheen Glebe, Ennistymon, at an advanced age, Mrs. Whitty, wife of the Very Rev. Archdeacon Whitty.

Clare Journal, Mon 24 May 1858: Deaths. At Kilbarron, in this county, on Thursday, the 20th inst., after a lingering illness, borne with truly Christian resignation, Hellen, the beloved wife of Edmund McGrath, Esq. Seldom has it been our duty to record the death of a lady more generally and deservedly regretted, particularly by the poor of her neighbourhood, to whom she was a constant benefactress.
At Killaloe, in the county, Dr. John Nihill, aged 61.

Clare Journal, Thur 27 May 1858: Deaths. On the 23rd inst., at the Enniskillen Hotel, Dublin, on his way from New Orleans to this county, for the benefit of his health, Mr. Bartholomew Kerin, aged 30 years, second son of the late Mr. John Kerin, Corofin, leaving a young wife and family to mourn his premature demise. His remains were conveyed from Dublin, for interment, to his family burial place at Corofin.
At Kilkee, in this county, Elizabeth, wife of Roger Keatinge Sheehy, Esq., J.P., late of Liskenet, county Limerick.

Clare Journal, Mon 31 May 1858: Deaths. On yesterday morning in Market-street, after a lingering and painful illness, Mr. Martin Connelly, aged 23 years; deservedly regretted by his friends and acquaintances.
On Monday last, at Inchiquin, Peter John Owen, Esq., aged 48, after a long and lingering illness, which he bore with christian resignation. His death is sincerely regretted by all his acquaintances, and by none more than the poor, for whose rights and interests he was, for many years, the zealous untiring advocate.
At Ballyenacraggy, Newmarket-on-Fergus, aged 17, to the great affliction of her parents, Eliza, third daughter of Mr. John McMahon.
At the Glebe, Killaloe, in this county, in his 79th year, the Rev. Richard Martin, 40 years perpetual curate of Killaloe, and 35 years registrar of the diocese of Killaloe and Kilfenora.

Clare Journal, Mon 21 Jun 1858: Deaths. On the 17th inst., Julia the beloved wife of James Roughan, Esq., Carhurragoul, in this county, deeply and universally regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Jun 1858: Deaths. On the 18th inst., at Cragroe, in this county, Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. Michael Brodie, in the 21st year of her age.

Clare Journal, Mon 28 Jun 1858: Deaths. On Saturday evening, at the house of her father, in Jail-street, Miss Eliza Crowe, daughter of Mr. George Crowe, for many years Postmaster of this town. Her premature dissolution is much regretted by all who knew her. She was for some years assistant to her father, and her close attention to the harassing duties devolving upon her made such an inroad upon her constitution as deprived her of life at an early age.
At Kilrush, of fever, on the 24th instant, Mr. Patrick Hogan, aged 25 years, sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends. His amiable disposition and gentlemanly manners endeared him to all his acquaintances. His remains were conveyed to Limerick for interment. He leaves a widowed mother to mourn the loss of a good kind son.
In London, on the 18th instant, Mrs. Kenny, widow of the late Michael William Kenny, Esq., Staff Surgeon, of Scarth House, in this county. By her demise £50 a year fall into the crown, as the widow of a Staff Surgeon.

Clare Journal, Thur 1 Jul 1858: Deaths. On Tuesday last in Mill-street, at an advanced age, Mr. Martin Considine, Bookbinder.
At Spancilhill, near this town, on Saturday last, Mr. Thomas McNamara.

Clare Journal, Mon 12 Jul 1858: Deaths. On yesterday, in Market-street, at the advanced age of 84, Mr. P. Molony, and old and respected inhabitant.
On the 8th inst., at Moymore, in this county, John Macnamara, J.P. His remains were interred at Doolen burial ground yesterday morning.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Aug 1858: Deaths. On Satuday last, in Mill-street, after a lingering and painful illness, which he bore with Christian resignation, Mr. John Morrissy, at the advanced aged of 73 years, an old and respectable inhabitant.
At Lisdoonvarna, on Sunday, Henry Goold De Courcy, Esq., of Doncaher lodge, co. Kerry.

Clare Journal, Mon 9 Aug 1858: Deaths. At his residence, in Moy, Lahinch, on yesterday, the 8th inst., after a short illness, Mr. James O’Dwyer, farmer, aged 33 years.
At Cassenagh Cottage, Knock, on Friday last, aged 60 years, after a short illness of only five days, Mrs. Slattery, the beloved wife of Mr. P. Slattery.
At Kilkee after a short illness Mr. James Ryan, of Solohead near Oola.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Aug 1858: Deaths. It is with unfeigned regret we announce the death of Mrs. Shannon, wife of Mr. Michael Shannon, of Newmarket-on-Fergus, of acute bronchitis. This melancholy event took place on Friday morning last, to the inexpressible sorrow of a fond husband and a young family.
At his residence, Kilmurry, county Clare, on the 11th inst., much regretted, Wm. Hore, Esq., late of Oak Lawn, King’s county.
Thur 9 Sep 1858: Deaths. At Tulla, on Sunday, after a lingering illness which she bore with truly Christian fortitude, Mary, relict of the late Mr. Patrick Ready, Iron Merchant, and sister of the Rev. Mortimer Hartney, C.C., Corofin.

Clare Journal, Mon 13 Sep 1858: Deaths. On the 8th inst., at his residence, Ballybreen, Kilfenora, Mr. John O’Brien, aged 41 years. The vast multitude that accompanied his remains to the grave, and the grief evinced on the sad occasion, show in what estimation he was held by all who knew him.
On the Causeway, after a long illness, Mr. Michael Haly.

Clare Journal, Thur 23 Sep 1858: Deaths. On the 19th instant, at Ennis, of erysipelas in the head, Esther Elizabeth Phebe Heard, the beloved wife of A. N. H. Heard, Esq., Sub-Inspector of Constabulary, and second daughter of the late Eustace Stawell, Esq., of Coolmain Castle, county Cork, leaving an afflicted husband and seven sons to deplore her loss.
On Tuesday morning, of croup, Louisa Mary, aged three years and two months, the beloved daughter of George Lysaght, Esq., of Cappa House, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Sep 1858: Deaths. On Monday, the 27th instant, in the prime of life, at his house, Market-street, Mr. John Mullins, deeply regretted by his family and a numerous circle of friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 4 Oct 1858: Deaths. On Saturday morning, deservedly regretted by her numerous friends and acquaintances, Mrs. O’Donnell, widow of the late James O’Donnell of Crouvahan, Esq.
On Wednesday last, the 29th, at his residence, Killeenagh, Ennistymon, of fever, after a short illness, Mr. John Shannon, farmer, late of Moy, near Lahinch, much regretted by all who knew him.
At Six-mile-bridge House, after a few days illness, Ann, the widow of the late Wm. Ievers, Esq., of Mount-Ievers, county Clare – a lady deeply regretted by a larged circle of relatives and friends.

Clare Journal, Thur 7 Oct 1858: Deaths. On Sunday night last, to the profound grief of an affectionate husband and young family, after a protracted illness which she bore with Christian fortitude, at Caruckeal, in this county, Mrs. Lysaght, wife of Thomas Lysaght, Esq. Her remains were consigned on Tuesday to the family burying place of her husband, in the Cathedral Church-yard of Kilfenora.

Clare Journal, Mon 11 Oct 1858: Deaths. On the 10th inst., at the house of her son, Mr. John McMahon, Ballinacraggy, near Newmarket-on-Fergus, Mrs. McMahon, relict of the late Mr. Michael McMahon, of Knocknagun, at the advanced age of 82.

Clare Journal, Thur 14 Oct 1858: Deaths. In Francis-street, Kilkee, in this county, the wife of George Brew, Esq., whose demise is sincerely regretted.

Clare Journal, Henry Blake, Esq., of Ballina House, brother to Martin Joseph Blake, Esq., formerly M.P. for the borough of Galway.

Clare Journal, Thur 28 Oct 1858: Deaths. On Monday, Mr. Timothy Mulcahy, of Glanloun, in this county, sincerely regretted by his family and friends.

Clare Journal, Thur 4 Nov 1858: Deaths. On Sunday, at her residence, Market-street, Ennis, Mrs. McNamara, relict of the late Michael McNamara, Esq., timber merchant.

Clare Journal, Thur 11 Nov 1858: Deaths. Yesterday evening, after a short but severe illness, Charles Robert, second son of Marcus Keane, Esq., Beechpark, aged 7 years.
On the 5th instant, at Hugh’s Royal Hotel, Boulogne S. M., of bronchitis, after seven week’s illness, to the inexpressible regret of his afflicted mother, Hubert Butler Bateman, in his 11th year, fifth son of the late Captain Creagh, R.N., of Cahirbane, J.P., in this county. The child’s remains have been interred in the family vault at Quin Abbey.

Clare Journal, Thur 18 Nov 1858: Deaths. At Cappa Lodge, Kilrush, Mr. Samuel Lemas, formerly proprietor of the Vandeleur Arms Hotel.

Clare Journal, Mon 22 Nov 1858: Deaths. On Saturday, the 20th instant, at Castlefergus, Eleanor, wife of Mr. John Power, aged 95 years.

Clare Journal, Thur 15 Nov 1858: Deaths. At Cratloe, Mr. John Browne, farmer.

Clare Journal, Mon 13 Dec 1858: Deaths. Suddenly, on Saturday last, the Rev. Mr. Foley, P.P., of Doora, aged 60 years. The reverend gentleman was, during the day, hearing confessions in the Chapel of Bearfield, and had walked out for a few minutes’ recreation, when he was seized with a fit of apoplexy and fell to the ground. When discovered, life was totally extinct.
On the 10th inst., after a painful illness, Maria Ellen, aged 10 years, eldest daughter of George Lysaght, Esq., of Cappa House, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 16 Dec 1858: Deaths. On Monday morning, the Rev. Edmond Tallent, P.P., of Kilmurry McMahon.
In London, on the 9th inst., John Wright, Esq., only son of the late John Waldron, Esq., of Cumberland-terrace, London, and son-in-law of the late lamented Rev. Thomas Browne Brady, Rector of Tomgrany, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 20 Dec 1858: Deaths. This morning, at Rathluba, near Sixmile-bridge, William Winter Bridgeman, Esq., aged 44 years, late Sub-Inspector in the Revenue Police, and son of Captain Henry Bridgeman, of Rathluba. He is very generally lamented by all who knew him for his kindliness of disposition; his anxiety to better the condition of the men under his command made him beloved by them.


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