Honor Hehir, Kilmaley, dies aged 101, and some other deaths,1860

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Honor Hehir, Kilmaley, dies aged 101, and some other deaths,1860

Post by Sduddy » Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:56 am

Clare Journal, Mon 15 Oct 1860: Deaths. In Kilmaly parish, Honor Hehir, aged 101 years. She retained her faculties to the last moment.

Clare Journal, Mon 9 Jan 1860: Deaths. On Tuesday night, rather suddenly, the Rev. Edward Barry, P.P., of Kilmurry (Ibrickan). The Rev. Gentleman was much esteemed for his amiable manners by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and his sudden demise is sincerely regretted by his parishioners, who in crowds followed his remains to their last resting place on last Wednesday.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Jan 1860: Death of Miss Kathleen Frances Cullinan, youngest daughter of Michael Cullina, Esq., Solicitor, of Ennis. It is with no ordinary feelings of regret that we have to announce the sudden and unexpected demise, from scarlatina, of the above highly-educated and accomplished young lady, in the very morning of life, being only in her sixteenth year, and which melancholy event took place at the Convent of the Sacra Coeur, in Armagh, on Thursday evening last. Of an amiable disposition [more].

Clare Journal, Mon 23 Jan 1860: Deaths. At Killaloe, aged 45 years, Mr. Patrick Kelly, for many years petty sessions clerk of that district.

Clare Journal, Mon 30 Jan 1860: Deaths. January 25th, at Gurthard, near Galway, of fever, Maria Augusta, the beloved wife of William Bindon Blood, Esq., of Cranaher, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 2 Feb 1860: Deaths. At Moyadda, near Kilrush, on Tuesday morning, John, only son of Thomas Lillis, Esq., Churchtown, dearly beloved by his friends and acquaintances as an upright and truly honest young man. He bore his sickness, though tedious, with Christian fortitude. His remains were followed to its last resting place by a very large circle of friends and relatives, who wept for the loss of so young a friend and relative.
At Glenfield, Jame Ievers, Esq.
On Saturday, Mr. Thomas Byrne, (late of Cratloe and Caherelly), son of Mr. John Byrne, of 35, Upper Cecil-street, Limerick.

Clare Journal, Mon 6 Feb 1860: Deaths. On Wednesday morning, at Caherush, near Miltown Malbay, after a long and tedious illness, Mr. Michael McGannon, dearly beloved by his friends and acquaintances, as an upright and truly honest young man.

Clare Journal, Thur 16 Feb 1860: Deaths. After a short illness, the Rev. Thomas Mahony, P.P., of Crusheen. The Rev. gentleman was for some years Curate of this town, and was greatly beloved by the parishioners.

Clare Journal, Mon 20 Feb 1860: Deaths. On the 13th inst., at Ballynacally, age 17, Patrick, the third son of Mr. Alexander McMahon, an amiable and an interesting youth, who by his kind dispositon and good qualities, endeared himself to every person with whom he came in contact.
It becomes our painful and melancholy duty this day, to record the death of Michael Keane, Esq., which melancholy event took place suddenly at his residence at Gort, on Friday last of disease of the heart. He faithfully discharged the duties of husband, father, and landlord – and died universally regretted by all, as was fully evinced by the large concourse of persons who attended his remains to their last resting-place at Kilmacduagh, on Sunday last.
On Sunday, the 19th inst., Mr. Richard O’Grady, aged 80 years, of Garrynagry, parish of Kilmaly.
On Tuesday, at the advanced age of 73 years, Mr. Pat. Crowe, Woodhouse, Castlebank, in this county, much regretted.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Feb 1860: Deaths. At his father’s house, at Lahinch, in this county, Walter Davis, Esq., eldest son of George Davis, Esq.
At Lahinch, on Wednesday, after a short illness, at an advanced age, the Rev. Patrick Quinlivan, formerly P.P., of Inagh. From the beginning of his sickness, which he dreaded would prove fatal, He was constantly attended by one of the Ennistymon Curates. Though comparatively a stranger, and apparently friendless – he experienced much kindness and attention from both the parochial clergy, and the people.

Clare Journal, Thur 1 Mar 1860: Deaths. At Kiltannon, on the 27th ult., in the 31st year of his age, the Rev. Francis Wheeler Molony, M.A., Sub-Vicar of Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire. He was second son of James Molony, Esq., of Kiltannon, and has left a widow and young son to deplore his early removal from the world.

Clare Journal, Mon 5 Mar 1860: Deaths. In Church-street, Miss Margaret Griffin, at the advanced age of 85 years. Through a long and well spent life, she retained the love and respect of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

Clare Journal, Thur 8 Mar 1860: Deaths. At Tologhboy, on the 29th February, Mr.Terence Haren, at the advanced age of 85 years, deeply regretted by his numerous friends. He went through life respected by all classes.

Clare Journal, Mon 12 Mar 1860: Deaths. On Friday last, at her house in Jail-street, Miss Mary O’Regan, sister of John O’Regan, Esq., late of this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 15 Mar 1860: Deaths. At Kilmihill, of rheumatism, on Saturday last, much regretted, Eliza, the beloved wife of Mr. John Honan, and daughter of the late Dr. Hickey, of Shian.

Clare Journal, Mon 19 Mar 1860: Deaths. At Cappa, on Friday, aged 70 years, at the house of her son-in-law, Charles Bingham, Esq., Margaret Trenwith, relict of the late Peter Keane, Esq., of Klmally, in this County.
On Tuesday, at Cappa, Mr. T. Power, late Post-master.
Case of Longevity. Martin Macdonagh, a native of this town, was interred yesterday after having attained the extraordinary age of 108 years. The deceased enjoyed excellent health, up to a short time previous to his death, and always resided in his native place near the Jail road. His funeral was attended by several respectable persons.

Clare Journal, Thur 29 Mar 1860: Deaths. On the 24th March, at Drumlish, co. Longford, Mr. John Fitzmaurice, formerly of Corofin, co. Clare.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Apr 1860: Deaths. At Killaloe, Michael Martin, Esq., J.P.

Clare Journal, Thur 12 Apr 1860: Deaths. At Dromoland, on the 10th instant, the Hon. Ellen Geraldine O’Brien, aged 16, fourth daughter of the Right Hon. Lord Inchiquin.
On Good Friday, at Ryncanna, in this county, Bridget, wife of Thomas O’Donoghue, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Apr 1860: Deaths. On Tuesday, the 10th inst., in Kilrush, at an advanced age, James McMahon, Esq., Cloth Merchant, greatly respected throughout life – distinguished for his patriotism and devotion to his faith, and esteemed and respected as an upright true-hearted and honest man. He was the parent of a family that did him honour, and was the father of two Catholic Clergymen, one of whom is the senior curate of this town, and the other curate of Carrigaholt. The deceased was a type of independent and unswerving men of Clare, who acquired for that county its early Catholic renown.
On yesterday, in this town, Mrs. Curtis, wife of Mr. Thomas Curtis, of Crossard, near Corofin, to the great affliction of her sorrowing husband and friends.
Sergeant Eagan, one of the staff of the Clare Regiment, a man much respected by his officers and fellow soldiers.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Apr 1860: Deaths. At his seat at Bushy Park, in the prime of life, Thomas Cullinan, Esq., to the great regret of a sorrowing widow and family. His remains were interred on yesterday, at the family vault at Drumcliffe, and attended by a vast concourse of friends and relative by whom he was much respected.

Clare Journal, Mon 23 Apr 1860: Awfully Sudden Death. On Saturday evening as an old man, a pensioner, named Shoebottom, was entering the chapel, he fell down suddenly and died.

Clare Journal, Thur 3 May 1860: Deaths. At the Punchbowl, in this county, Mr. James Frost. The deceased, who was 55 years of age, was a respectable farmer, and an honest, upright man, who carried with him to the grave the respect of all who knew him.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 May 1860: Deaths. In Kilrush, on the 6th, Margaret, the beloved daughter of the late Captain Borough, R.N., Querin.
In Kilkee, on Friday, aged 37 years, Margaret, daughter of Frederick Carey, Esq., R.N. and Coast Guard Service – grand-daughter of the late James O’Gorman, Esq., of Kilrush.

Clare Journal, Thur 17 May 1860: Deaths. On the 16th instant, at Albert-place, in the 19th year of his age, Thomas Browne, second son of the late Rev. Thomas Browne Brady, Rector and Prebend of Tomgranie, in this county.
At Tyreda, near Tulla, in this county, Mr. Peter Lynch, late Student of Maynooth College.

Clare Journal, Mon 21 May 1860: Deaths. In Kilkee, Margaret, daughter of Frederick Carey, Esq., R.N.

Clare Journal, Mon 28 May 1860: Deaths. At Ballycorben, Scariff, on the 20th instant, Mr John Crotty, jun., aged 25 years.

Clare Journal, Mon 4 Jun 1860: Deaths. On Thursday morning, at Stamer-park, the seat of John N. Bonynge, Esq., deeply regretted, Miss Mary Creagh, eldest daughter of the late Major Charles Creagh, of Carrigerry in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 7 Jun 1860: Deaths. On yesterday, in the prime of life, after a short illness, Mr. James Leyden, Woollen Draper, of Church-street, Ennis.
June 2, at the Fair Green Cottage, Ardee, the residence of her son-in-law, M. O’Bryan, Esq., S.I., in the 74th year of her age, of bronchitis, Sarah, relict of Francis Butler, Esq., of Cregg, county of Galway.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Jul 1860: Deaths. This morning, in Jail-street, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Greene, Jane, relict of the late Surgeon H. Waiblinger, of the late Brunswick Hussars.
At Mill-street, on Friday last, Mr. John Hassett, aged 50 years, Mineral Water Manufacturer, sincerely and deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends.

Clare Journal, Thur 5 Jul 1860: Deaths. Suddenly, at Craganock, county Clare, Mr. J. Shannon, jun.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Jul 1860: Deaths. At Altavilla, on the 10th inst., Richard Dickson Daxon, Esq., late of Caradota, in the county Clare.

Clare Journal, Mon 23 Jul 1860: Deaths. This morning, in Market-street, after a lingering illness, at the early age of 26, Mr. Michael Molony, of this town, who for the past 5 years filled an official office under A. C. Adair, Esq., County Surveyor. Deceased was a young man possessed of many estimable qualities, which rendered him much respected and esteemed amongst his friends and acquaintances, who will long regret his premature demise.

Clare Journal, Mon 10 Sep 1860: Deaths. At Corofin, on this morning, aged 30 years, Mr. John McGann, National Teacher.

Clare Journal, Thur 13 Sep 1860: Deaths. At Killaloe, Mr. A. Warren.

Clare Journal, Thur 13 Sep 1860: Drowned, on yesterday evening in the lake of Inchiquin, where he had been fishing, Mr. Thomas Egan, of Corofin, aged 35 years, late Constable of Constabulary at Crusheen, in this county, sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, by whom he was held in the highest esteem. He has left a wife and four young children to deplore his sudden death.

Clare Journal, Thur 13 Sep 1860: On Friday, a man named Cosgrave, a native of Trough, in this county, died suddenly at O’Brien’s Bridge. He had been at a fair which was held at that village, apparently in good health, and went into a house with a friend to partake of some refreshment. The person who was with him left the house, but finding that Cosgrave did not follow him he returned, and found him lying back in the chair dead.

Clare Journal, Thur 27 Sep 1860: Deaths. At Lifford, after a long and protrated illness borne with christian fortitude and resignation, Anastacia, the beloved wife of Mr. Henry Molony. She was universally esteemed and beloved by all who knew her, and leaves a large family to deplore her loss.

Clare Journal, Mon 1 Oct 1860: Deaths. On Thursday, 27th inst., at Glanduff Castle, co. Limerick, Eyre Ievers, Esq., J.P. for the counties of Limerick and Clare – a gentleman deeply and sincerely regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
At Doonass, in this county, at an advanced aged, Rev. A. Walsh, for many years rector of that parish.

Clare Journal, Mon 15 Oct 1860: Deaths. At his house, Riverview, Mrs. Molony, wife of William Molony, Esq., to the great affliction of her family and friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 22 Oct 1860: Deaths. At Kilkee very much and deservedly regretted by relatives and friends, Mr. Francis Hynes, after a short illness.

Clare Journal, Thur 25 Oct 1860: Deaths. 20th October, suddenly, at Vesey Place, Kingstown, Mrs. Armstrong, aged 70, widow of the late William Henry Armstrong, Esq., of Mount Heston, King’s County, and only surviving daughter of Colonel Charles MacDonnell, of New Hall, in this countly.

Clare Journal, Mon 29 Oct 1860: Deaths. October 22 – at Bonnie Doon, Kilrush, Amelia Campbell, the beloved daughter of Irwin W. Patterson, Esq., universally esteemed and regretted.

Clare Journal, Thur 1 Nov 1860: Deaths. At her residence, this morning, in Church-street, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Maria McGrath, relict of the late Dr. Edmond McGrath, of this town, a lady most generally regretted, and one, who through life, was distinguished for her charity and benevolence.
On Monday night, shortly after her return from Limerick, where she had spent the day in apparent good health, Mrs. Boyce, the beloved wife of J. Boyce, Esq., solicitor, of Woodlands, co. Clare, deeply and sincerely regretted, aged 60 years.

Clare Journal, Mon 12 Nov 1860: Deaths. At Meelick, the residence of her father, J. Frost, Esq., Miss Sarah Frost, a young lady esteemed and beloved by all who knew her.

Clare Journal, Thur 15 Nov 1860: Deaths. On Sunday morning, to the inexpressible regret of its parents, the infant daughter of John Mahon, Esq., C.E., of this town.

Clare Journal, Thur 22 Nov 1860: Deaths. At Clonakilla House, on the 20th instant, Anne, the beloved wife of John Ryan, Esq., M.D., after a few days illness, which she bore with the utmost patience and resignation to the divine will. She was truly excellent and amiable in all the relations of life, and her premature death is deeply deplored by the poor, to whom she was always kind and charitable, and by a large circle of sorrowing friends.
On yesterday morning, at his seat, Ballymacooda, Michael Finucane, Esq.
At his lodgings, in Cecil-street, Limerick, Mr. Henry Nugent MacMahon, aged 17 years, second son of Wm. MacMahon, Esq., J.P., Kilmurry, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 3 Dec 1860: Deaths. On Monday last, in Jail-street, aged 14, Mr. John Ryan, brother of Dr. P. A. Ryan, universally regretted by all who had the pleasure of his acqaintance.

Clare Journal, Mon 10 Dec 1860: Deaths. On Friday morning, in Mill-street, aged 27, Mr. Michael Miniter, Grocer, much regretted by his family and friends.
At Lisdeen, near Kilkee, Mr. John Hickey.

Clare Journal, Thur 13 Dec 1860: Deaths. On Tuesday morning, at Ballyvoe, after a short illness, Mr. James Gibson, to the great affliction of his sorrowing family and friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 17 Dec 1860: Deaths. At Kingstown, Emilia, last surviving daughter of the late Crofton Vandeleur, Esq., of Kilrush House, in this county, and sister of the late Right Hon. John Ormsby Vandeleur, aged 85 yars.
On Friday morning, after a lingering illness, born with Christian patience and resignation, E. W. Burton, Esq., of Clifden House, Corofin.

Clare Journal, Thur 20 Dec 1860: Deaths. On Sunday, at Loo Cottage, Miltown Malbay, Blanche, wife of F. Morony, Esq.


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