Death from starvation and some other deaths, 1861

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Death from starvation and some other deaths, 1861

Post by Sduddy » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:11 am

Clare Journal, Mon 18 Nov 1861: Inquest. P. Cullinan, Esq., M.D., coroner, held an inquest on Tuesday on the body of a man unknown aged about 24, who was found dead on the road-side by the police, near Manus. The jury returned a verdict that the deceased died of the effects of exhaustion, starvation, and exposure to cold.

Clare Journal, Thur 3 Jan 1861: Deaths. On yesterday morning, at Ballymacoda, aged eight years, Bridget, youngest daughter of the late Michael Finucane, Esq.
On Thursday last, in Corofin, aged 34 years, Mr. Michael Kerin, Grocer, after a long and tedious illness. His remains were removed from his late residence on Saturday last to the family burial place, attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives.

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Jan 1861: Deaths. On Thursday morning, in the prime of life, to the great regret of his excellent family and repectable connexions, Mr. James Hickey, of Ballyvaughan.
In Crusheen, on Tuesday, Mrs. Carrig, relict of the late Mr. Hugh Carrig.

Clare Journal, Thur 10 Jan 1861: Deaths. On yesterday, at the Causeway, after a lingering illness borne with christian patience and resignation to the divine will, Elisa, youngest daughter of Mr. Francis Macnamara.
At Ardsollus, Quin, on Saturday, Mr. Thomas O'Hanlon, aged 11 years; also his sister, Honora, aged 20 years.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Jan 1861: Deaths. On Sunday morning last, at his father’s residence, in Kilrush, after a lingering illness, which he bore with christian fortitude, Mr. Newton Allen, aged 21 years.
On the 9th instant, at his residence, Kincora, Killaloe, in this county, Commander Frederick Lowe, R.N.

Clare Journal, Thur 17 Jan 1861: Deaths. On the 15th instant, at New Hall, in this county, the Hon. Augusta Louisa Jane O’Brien, fourth surviving daughter of the Right Hon. Lord Inchiquin, in the 13th year of her age.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Jan 1861: Deaths. On Monday last, at his seat, Buncraggy, in this county, James O'Gorman, Esq. He was universally esteemed and respected by all who knew him, and deservedly so, for he fulfilled the relative duties of husband, parent, and friend in a very eminent degree. His remains were deposited at the burial place of his family, at Kilfarboy, on yesterday morning, attended by a numerous crowd of sorrowing friends.
On Monday last, at his residence, at Spanish Point, Miltown Malbay, after a lingering illness, Francis Casey, Esq.
On the 18th Jan. at Thornbury, in the co. Clare, Mrs. Molesworth, relict of the late Hickman Molesworth, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 28 Jan 1861: Deaths. At Kilmanaheen Glebe, on Friday last, the 25th inst., Jane Mahetabel, the beloved wife of the Rev David L. Whitty, Ennistymon. We seldom have had to record the death of one more generally esteemed for her piety and exemplary benevolence. She is truly regretted by all who were in any wise acquainted with her. It is a consolation to a fond husband and sorrowing family to know she departed this life in a sure and certain hope of a blessed immortality. To her to live was Christ, to die was gain.

Clare Journal, Mon 4 Feb 1861: On Wednesday night, at Cahircon Killadysert, Mr. Patrick Deigan, aged 29 years. This gentleman, who was for some time connected with the Clare Journal and Limerick press, in the capacity of reporter – the duties of which he discharged with zeal, efficiency and much ability – has been taken away at a very early age, in the prime of youthful manhood, to the great regret of his relatives and a numerous circle of acquaintances, to whom his unassuming manners, gentle disposition and upright integrity of conduct had endeared him. Mr. Deigan was a young man of great promise, who would have risen to the highest rank of his profession, if life had been prolonged nearer to the allotted span of human existence. A correspondent, in recording his death says: Friday being the day appointed for the funeral, the road leading to his father’s residence was crowded to excess by a most respectable concourse of persons; and, at one o’clock, the cortege moved from the paternal homestead, and proceeded slowly to the family sepulchre, at Killadysert, when the mortal remains of this christian and exemplary young man were deposited, amid sorrow of hundreds, who thronged around to take farewell of the earthly remains of him whom they so dearly revered.
On Thursday morning, in Killadysert, in the 30th year of his age, Mr. Ml. Ginnane, draper. He was much esteemed and generally regretted.

Clare Journal, Thur 7 Feb 1861: Deaths. On Tuesday last, at Clare Castle, Mr. John Roughan, jun., after a very protracted illness, which he bore with unflinching christian fortitude to the last. He was a man highly esteemed by all who knew him, and by none more so than by his late kind employers and patrons, Wlliam Spaight, Esq., and Captain Patterson, who attended his remains to their last resting place. To them the soundness of his judgment, and his deep sense of moral obligations was well known and highly appreciated. They knelt and wept over that grave which was for ever to cover their humble, yet affectionate friend’s remains. One hundred and fifty of the Young Mens’ Society, with hat bands, accompanied the melancholy cortege – endeared he was to all by his amiable and purely charitable dispositions.

Clare Journal, Mon 11 Feb 1861: Deaths. On the 7th instant, Mrs. Honoria Lysaght, Matron of the Scarriff union workhouse.

Clare Journal, Mon 25 Feb 1861: Deaths. At Kilmurry Ibrickane, on the 21st inst., aged 76, Mr Francis Corry, sincerely and deservedly regretted by his friends.

Clare Journal, Thur 28 Feb 1861: Deaths. On yesterday morning, at his house in Jail-street, in the 27th year of his age, Mr. John Curtin. The youth and premature demise of the deceased have cast a deep sorrow over his friends and acquaintances, as he was a young man of integrity and enterprising disposition.
At Kilrush, Mr. P. Hunt, timber merchant and grocer.
At Kilrush, Mr William Simmons.

Clare Journal, Mon 11 Mar 1861: Deaths. March 8th, at Corbally, in this county, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Spaight, Esq., J.P., aged 15 years.
In Mill-street, in this town, on Thursday, the 7th inst., in the 17th year of his age, John, third son of Mr. Thady Sullivan, deeply regretted by his numerous friends and acquaintances, to whom he had endeared himself by his engaging manners.

Clare Journal, Mon 18 Mar 1861: Deaths. At Kinsale, on the 14th instant, at an advanced age, Isabella, eldest daughter of the late Dortor J. H. Miller, of Six-mile-bridge, in this county.
In Kilkee, on Thursday, Miss Ellen O’Donoghue, stay-maker, of Limerick, aged 80 years.

Clare Journal, Thur 21 Mar 1861: Deaths. On the 14th instant, at Bawnacurra Cottage, Kilmealy, after a short illness, Mrs. James McNamara.
On the 14th instant, after a short illness, Bridget the wife of Mr. James McNamara of Sortville [Fortville?], in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 25 Mar 1861: Deaths. On the 21st instant, Theobald Fitzgerald, the beloved son of the Rev. Theobald Butler, to the great affliction of his family and friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 1 Apr 1861: Deaths. This day, at 12 o’clock, after a few days’ illness, Mrs. Singleton, wife of John Singleton, Esq., of Quinville Abbey. The poor of the neighbourhood will find the loss of this charitable lady.
On the 30th ult., at Cregg, to the deep affliction of her family, Anne, relict of John P. Molony, Esq., J.P., of Clare.

Clare Journal, Mon 8 Apr 1861: Deaths. On Thursday night, in Mill-street, in this town, Mrs. Coffey, relict of the late Mr. T. Coffey, much and deservedly regretted.
In Mill-street, the infant daughter of the late Mr. T. Miniter.

Clare Journal, Mon 15 Apr 1861: Deaths. At Kilkee, on Thursday morning, aged 18 years, Denis, son of Mr. Martin Mahony, of Kilrush.

Clare Journal, Mon 22 Apr 1861: Sudden Death. A man named George Brew, living at Tullycrine, near Kilrush, died on Wednesday last, after his return home from work. Five minutes before his death he was in apparent good health.

Clare Journal, Thur 25 Apr 1861: Deaths. Suddenly, at Knock, Mr. Butler.

Clare Journal, Mon 29 Apr 1861: Deaths. On Thursday, after a short illness, Mr. Frederick Nash, son of the late Carroll Nash, Esq., aged seventeen years.

Clare Journal, Mon 6 May 1861: Death of Mr. W. G. Trousdell. It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we announce, today, the decease of Mr. W. G. Trousdell, medical student, son of the late John Trousdell, Esq., solicitor, which took place at his mother’s residence, Jail Street, Ennis. The death of Mr. Trousdell will be regretted by his numerous circle of friends, to whom he was endeared by his amiability, his gentleness and his Christian consistency, and his school associates will mourn over the event, as his winning manner had made him a general faourite amongst them. We sympathise with his widowed mother in this sad and melancholy visitation, but we hope that she will be comforted in the thought, that, by his triumphant death, and his firm confidence in the Savious, she shall meet him again in that happy place where all tears shall be wiped away, and peace shall for ever reign.

Clare Journal, Thur 2 May 1861: Deaths. At Dublin, on the 24th ult., to the deep regret of his family and friends, Thomas Morony Cox, Esq., of Shannon View, second son of Thomas Lucas Cox, Esq., of Kateville, co. Clare.
On the 26th inst. at Mount-st., Crescent, Dublin, the residence of her son-in-law, M.B. Smyth, Henrietta, the beloved wife of George Vincent, Esq., of Erinagh, in the county Clare, in her 63rd year.

Clare Journal, Thur 9 May 1861: Deaths. On the 2nd instant, at an advanced age, Miss Hickman, of Kilmore House, in this County.
On Monday, at Rathlooba, John Bridgeman, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 20 May 1861: Deaths. At Carhuekeale, in this county, on Thursday last, the 16th inst., deeply regretted by his family and numerous friends, Thomas Lysaght, Esq., whose funeral car was accompanied to the Cathedral grave yard of Kilfenora, by the parishioners of Kilshanny, and numbers of the inhabitants of adjacent parishes, by whom he was highly esteemed through life, as a good neighbour, and a kind and generous friend.
On Saturday morning, Mr. John McDonnell, native of Scotland, and for many years in the employment of Messrs. Bannatyne, and for a short time proprietor of Kildimo Eill, Miltown Malbay.

Clare Journal, Thur 23 May 1861: Deaths. On Tuesday morning, the 21st inst., at Clonagowen, near Crusheen, Miss Eliza Mulcreevy, aged 28 years. She was truly pious and sincerely regretted by her friends and neighbours.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 May 1861: Deaths. At Ennistymon, James Madders, a member of the revenue police, before their disembodiment.

Clare Journal, Mon 3 Jun 1861: Deaths. At Ballyvoe House, near this town, on Friday morning, in the 90th year of her age, Bridget, the beloved wife of Thomas Gibson, Esq., and last surviving sister of the late Rev. Patrick O’Kelly, P.P., of Kilmichael and Kilmacduane. As kind-hearted, generous and charitable a woman as ever the grave closed over. He death is sincerely regretted by her numerous and respectable friends and relatives.
With sincere regret, we observe reported the death of Connor J. O’Brien, Esq., of Barbadoes, son of Mrs. O’Brien, of Kells, and brother of Myles O’Brien, Esq., Tiernea, in this County. He leaves an afflicted widow and two children, to mourn his premature dissolution. In every relation of life, as husband, father, son and friend, he was beloved and respected.

Clare Journal, Mon 3 Jun 1861: Death of Mrs. Butler of Ballyline. It is with feeling of the deepest regret, that we have to record the demise of Mrs. Butler, wife of Captain Augustine Butler, of Ballyline, daughter of the late Andrew Stacpoole, Esq., Ballyally and sister to Capt. W. Stacpoole, M.P. of Ballyally, which took place in Dublin. This melancholy event spread a gloom over the town, when it became known on Saturday. The deceased was a fondly attached wife, and a kind, loving mother; and her death will be deeply lamented by her family. This sad bereavement has plunged a husband, and a large circle of connections and friends into heart-felt grief. The deceased was generous to the poor, whose appeal she never disregarded, but at once relieved. The remains of the lamented lady will arrive at the terminus of the Ennis Railway at eleven o’clock on Wednesday next.

Clare Journal, Thur 13 Jun 1861: Deaths. Yesterday morning, at 1, Tontine Buildings, aged five years, Maurice Windham Fitzmaurice, only son of the late Oliver FitzMaurice, Esq. of Duagh House, co. Kerry.
At Killaloe, Miss Vaughan, sister of the Right Rev. Dr. Vaughan, in the 75 year of her age.

Clare Journal, Mon 24 Jun 1861: Deaths. June 23rd, at Shannonview, Tomgreany, to the affliction of his family, Robert Bridgeman, son of the late Captain Bridgeman, Rathluba, County Clare, aged 38 years.

Clare Journal, Thur 4 Jul 1861: Deaths. At Carhueduff, on the 30th ult., Mr. John Chas. Doherty, sincerely and deservedly regretted by a large circle of friends. He was a friend to the poor, and one of the oldest Guardians of the Ennistymon Union.

Clare Journal, Mon 8 Jul 1861: Deaths. At Kilrush, the infant daughter of M. Glynn, Esq.
On Saturday last, in Mill-street, Ellen, daughter of Mr. Wm. Rickards, aged 14, sincerely and deservedly regretted by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.

Clare Journal,Mon 15 Jul 1861: Deaths. This morning, in Jail-street, Miss Margaret O’Regan.
On the 10th inst., at Ennistymon, John Faithful Fortescue, Esq., late Sub-Inspector of Constabulary, son of Captain Fortesque, late of the Constabulary, and her Majesty’s 55th Regiment, and of Dundrum, co. Dublin.

Clare Journal, Thur 25 Jul 1861: Deaths. On the 2Oth inst., at Billow Ville, Miltown Malbay, very deeply regretted, Ellen Geraldine, daughter of the late Ralph Morony, Esq.

Clare Journal, Mon 29 Jul 1861: Deaths. On the 25th inst., at Mount Pellier Cottage, Constance, relict of the late Captain Browne, of Clonboy, Co. Clare, and daughter of the late Col. O’Dell, M.P. for the county Limerick.

Clare Journal,Thur 1 Aug 1861: Deaths. On Thursday last, the 25th instant, after a long and tedious suffering, Bidelia, wife of Mr. Owen McGan, and second daughter of the late John Fitzgerald Esq., of Ballyshanny, aged 47 years.
On Friday, the 26th instant, at his residence, Ballyerra, near Kilrush, John McDonnell, Esq., deeply regretted by a large circle of friends and relatives. Mr. McDonnell was for many years engaged in the emigration trade at Cork, and was much esteemed and respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.

Clare Journal,Thur 8 Aug 1861: Deaths. In Mill-street, on yesterday, at an advanced age Mr. John O’Kearney, sincerely and deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends

Clare Journal, Mon 19 Aug 1861: Deaths. In Cork, in the 24th year of his age, Mr. Joseph Nelson, of this town. His remains were conveyed by train to this town, on Wednesday, for interment by Michael McNamara, Esq., timber merchant, who has discharged all the duties of a patron, protector, and friend towards every member of the orphan family to which the deceased belonged. They received at his hands in conjunction with his late father, professions of respectability, and even in death, Mr. McNamara did not forget the voluntary stewardship disinterestedly assumed by his family.
After a few days’ illness, at Kilkee, on the 27th inst., Wm. George youngest son of Richard Russell, Esq., aged 6 years.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Sep 1861:Deaths. In Moore-street, Kilrush, on Tuesday, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with truly Christian fortitude, Mrs. Morony, relict of the late Mr. Michael Morony, of this town.

Clare Journal, Mon 9 Sep 1861: Deaths. On the 7th inst., at his residence, Ballykeile, Henry Commerford, Esq., J.P.
Of consumption, Saturday 31st ult. at O’Gonnelloe, aged 25 years, Mrs. Eliza Willis, second daughter of J. O’Dwyer, Esq., Kilrush, deeply regretted.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Sep 1861: Deaths. This morning, at his residence, Mill-street, Mr. John Molony, sawyer. Deceased was much respected by his many friends in this town, and the mention of his death will cause pain and regret amongst those to whom he was so deeply endeared by his consistency, courteousness, and affability.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Sep 1861: Deaths. On the 13th inst., of croup, suddenly, Eliza, the interesting and youngest daughter of Mr. John Kerin, Abbey, Burren.

Clare Journal, Mon 30 Sep 1861: Deaths. At Kilmurry Glebe, on Wednesday night, the Rev. William Maunsell, for many years rector of the parish, where he was beloved and respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was a pious clergyman, of endearing manners, and his death is deeply regretted by his family and friends.

Clare Journal Mon 7 Oct 1861: Deaths. On Tuesday, at Lahinch, Mrs. J. Vaughan, deservedly regretted.
Last week, at Spanish Point, Miltown Malbay, Mr. J. Clancy.

Clare Journal Mon 14 Oct 1861: Deaths. At Kingstown, Charlotte, daughter of the late Thomas Arthur, Esq., of Glenomera, county Clare.

Clare Journal, Thur 17 Oct 1861: Deaths. At Aungier-street, Dublin, James Roughan, Esq., of Cahernagoul House, county Clare.

Clare Journal, Mon 28 Oct 1861: The melancholy duty devolves on us this week of recording the death of our much esteemed fellow-townsman, Michael Grady, Esq., who departed this life at his residence, Moore-street, Kilrush, on Wednesday, 24th inst., to the sincere regret of an affectionate family and a large circle of attached relatives and friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 11 Nov 1861: Deaths. This morning, at Jail-street, Alfred William, the beloved child of William Molony, Esq.
At Kilfarboy House, near Miltownmalbay, aged forty years, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. Michael Sexton, and second daughter of Mr. Francis Corry, of Carhunagry, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 14 Nov 1861: Deaths. Death of John Blood, Esq., of Ballykelty. At Ballykelty, John Blood, Esq., to the great affliction of his family. He was a gentleman universally beloved by every one who knew him.
At Granahan, the seat of his brother, Captain Robert Hewitt, a Waterloo Officer, aged 72, esteemed and respected.
On the 11th instant, at Tomgreany Rectory, in this county, Minnie, wife of the Rev.. Andrew Belcher, aged 30 years.

Clare Journal, Mon 18 Nov 1861: Deaths. On the 14th instant, at the residence of her son-in-law, Michael McGrath, Esq., Frances-street, Kilrush, Mrs. Molony, the beloved wife of Michael Molony, Esq., of Ballina, near Labasheeda.
On the 9th instant, at Moore-street, Kilrush, the wife of Mr. Denis Culligan.

Clare Journal, Mon 25 Nov 1861: Sudden Death of a lunatic named Edmond Lahiff, who had recently been removed from the Corofin Workhouse to the Ennis Jail, died suddenly on yesterday in the latter institution. Dr. Cullinan, coroner, held an inquest this morning on the body, when a verdict of “Died from general debility and exhaustion,” was returned.

Clare Journal, Mon 25 Nov 1861: Deaths. At his residence, Ennistymon, in the prime of life, Charles Finucane, Esq., M.D., and Surgeon, sincerely and deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.
On the 19th inst., at Newtown, Clarina, Mrs. Deborah Massy, relict of Fergus Mussy, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 28 Nov 1861: Deaths. On the 23rd inst., at 117, Lower Gardiner-street, Dublin, Miss Ellen O’Brien, daughter of the late James O’Brien, Esq., of Quinpoole, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 5 Dec 1861: Deaths. On Monday evening, after a few hours illness, Mrs. Mahon, wife of James Mahon, Esq. The death of this estimable lady has caused deep regret to a large circle of friends and acquaintances, by whom she was deservedly esteemed and respected.
At Laghloone, Liscannor, Catherine, the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas O’Connor. The deceased was endeared to all her many friends by an amiability and gentleness of manner which renders her decease a matter of profound regret. As a wife, she was everything that could be desired; and in the family circle she was mild, kind and affectionate.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Dec 1861: Death of the Lord Bishop of Killaloe. With sincere regret we have to announce the death of the Right Hon. and Right Rev. Ludlow Tonson, D.D. (Baron Riversdale of Rathcormac), Lord Bishop of Killaloe, Kilfenora, Clonfert, and Kilmadduagh, which sad event took place on Saturday morning at 3 o’clock, at his Lordship’s residence, Clarisford-house, Killaloe, at the age of 77 years. A more amiable Prelate never adorned the Irish Episcopal Bench, nor did there live a more truly charitable dignitary. His death has caused universal regret throughout the diocese, and his loss is deeply deplored by clergy and laity. The deceased was a representative Peer, and was consecrated Bishop in the year 1839. His Lordship’s remains will be interred in the family burial ground, Cork, next week, but the day is not yet fixed.

Clare Journal, Mon 23 Dec 1861: Deaths. Yesterday evening, after an illness of a few days, Mr. Martin Dillon. He is deservedly regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
On the 17th instant, at Tiernaclohane, Mrs. Mary Breen, mother of Rev. T. Breen, P.P., Kilkee.
On Tuesday, at his residence, in Kilrush, Mr. Maurice Connell, of the 18th Royal Irish. Deceased was one of the first men who entered the Redan at Sebastapol, where he got wounded.

Clare Journal, Thur 30 Dec 1861: Deaths. On Thursday, in Henry-street, Kilrush, at an advanced age, Mr. Charles Blackall.
On Christmas Day, Mr. John Parkinson, and old inhabitant of Kilrush.

Edited, 21 Jun, to add in some more notices.

Edited 3 Jul 2021, to add on the following notices:

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Jan 1861: Deaths. Yesterday morning, at his seat, Rathlooba, in the 85th year of his age, Henry Bridgeman, Esq., formerly Captain in the Clare Regt., of Militia.

Clare Journal, Mon 4 Feb 1861: Deaths. On Saturday morning, in Killaloe, after a short illness which he bore with christian resignation, Dr. Daniel Nihill, son of the late Dr. Nihill, universally and deservedly regretted.

Clare Journal, Thur 4 Apr 1861: Deaths. In Dublin, Jane, relict of the late Thomas Powell, Esq., Latoon, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 11 Apr 1861: Deaths. At Killaloe, on Saturday last, of consumption, Paul Nihill, Esq., M.D., and brother of the late Daniel Nihill, Esq., M.D. Seldom has the hand of death taken from amongst us one so universally and deservedly regretted.

Clare Journal, Thur 6 Jun 1861: Deaths. June 3, at Kilkee, William, son of the Rev. T. Westropp, of Arcanny Rectory, co. Limerick.

Clare Journal, Mon 17 Jun 1861: Deaths. On Thursday, in Moore-street, Kilrush, the infant daughter of T. Keating, Esq.
On Saturday 8th inst. the beloved wife of Mr. Roe O’Donnell, of Dunmore, near Baltard, in this county.

Clare Journal, Thur 11 Jul 1861: Deaths. On the 6th inst., at New Ross, Osborne B. Harley, Esq., second son of the late John Harley, Esq., of this town. He was a young gentleman much esteemed by all those who knew him, and is deeply regretted by his many friends.

Clare Journal, Thur 29 Aug 1861: Deaths. After a few days’ illness, at Kilkee, on the 27th inst., Wm. George, youngest son of Richard Russell, Esq., aged 6 years.

Clare Journal, Thur 3 Oct 1861: Deaths. In Kilkee, on Sunday last, Anne, the beloved wife of James Seward, Esq., formerly of George’s-street, Limerick.
In Killaloe, on Saturday, Miss Anne Moore, daughter of the late Mr. Samuel Moore, of Limerick.

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