Death of William Mulready and some other deaths, 1863

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Death of William Mulready and some other deaths, 1863

Post by Sduddy » Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:57 am

All of the notices below are taken from the Clare Journal and Ennis Advertiser:

Clare Journal, Mon 13 Jul 1863:
Death of Mr Mulready. R.A.
We have to announce, with regret, the death of Mr. William Mulready, R.A., which occurred on Wednesday at his residence in Kensington. The deceased artist was born, as we learn from “Men of the Time,” in the year 1786, and had therefore attained the advance age of 77 years. His native place was Ennis, Clare. At the age of 14 he became a student of the Royal Academy, after he had attracted the attention of Bank, the sculptor, and earned the encouraging prophecy “that he would distinguish himself.” Classical and scriptural subjects, on a large scale, were among his earlier productions; but he soon left this school and devoted himself to “genre” painting. At first something of his mannerism in colour detracted from the merits of this great British painter. But his conscientious industry and the length of study which he gave to the maturing of a subject, enabled him to overcome all defects. At the age of twenty he had exhibited several pictures, which, comparatively unnoticed at the time, excited general admiration thirty years later. In 1815 he was elected an associate of the Royal Academy, and he became R. A. in the following year. It was subsequent to this rapid promotion that he gave to the world his happiest productions. No one who visited the Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition in 1857 will have forgotten his “Wolf and Lamb,” in which a combative schoolboy is about to pummel a time non-resistant. The picture, painted about in 1820, was purchased by George IV, and was lent to our exhibition by the Queen. Besides this, eight other works of this admirable painter were hung up on the walls of the saloons at Old Trafford. It has been said of Mulrady that as a painter his art was perfect for luminous splendour of colour and for delicacy and completion of drawing. In 1848 an exhibition of his works was opened at the Society of Arts, and since that time Mr. Mulready had exhibited very little. In the notices which appeared in our columns of the English school at the Art Treasures Exhibition, it was remarked: ‘Mr. Mulready is a painter to be held up to all younger artists as perhaps the best example our school affords of long and conscientious carefulness in all that he puts his hand to. Let them look at the reward of such labour, not in money, for such work will never make the painter’s fortune; but in fame and rank among the artists of England.”
I see that an article on William Mulready, “William Mulready – eminent Victorian,” by Pat Flynn, was published in The Other Clare, Vol. 6, 1982 (Alas, I don’t have that issue), and there is also a piece on him in “Clare People”: ... lready.htm

Clare Journal, Thur 1 Jan 1863: Deaths. On Christmas Day, at Portadown, County Armagh, Frances Grace, the beloved wife of Dr. Stanley, and grand-daughter of the late Rev. Olivar Grace, of Kilkeedy, in this County.

Clare Journal, Mon 5 Jan 1863: Deaths. On the 3rd inst, at his residence, at Ballinacurra House, of fever, James Hogan, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 15 Jan 1863: Deaths. On the 9th inst, suddenly, at her residence, New Quay, in the 70th year of her age, sincerely regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends, and by the poor of her neighbourhood to whom she was ever kind and charitable, Judith, relict of the late John Hynes, Esq. The sad intelligence of the sudden death of this excellent lady spread rapidly through the country, and thousands assembled on Sunday, to pay the last tribute of respect to her remains, which were interred in the family vault at Corcomroe Abbey.

Clare Journal, Thur 22 Jan 1863: Deaths. On the 17th instant, at Ballyvaughan, in the 32nd year of his age, Mr. Patrick Comyn, sincerely and deservedly regretted by all who had the pleasure of knowing him.

Clare Journal, Mon 26 Jan 1863: Deaths. On the 23rd instant, in Kilrush, in the 20th year of her age, Anne, the beloved daughter of John McNamara, Esq.
At Henrietta-street, Dublin, Matthew O’Donnell, Esq., son of the late John O’Donnell, Esq., of Newbridge House, Ennis.

Clare Journal, Thur 5 Feb 1863: Deaths. On yesterday, in Mill-street, at an advanced age, Mr. William Gregg, an old and respected inhabitant of this town.
Jan 13, after a long and painful illness, Patrick Murray, aged 33, a native of this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Feb 1863: Deaths. In Dublin, at an advanced age, William Channer, Esq, formerly of Kilrush.
At his residence, Hector-street, Kilrush, Mr. John McElligot.
On the 11th inst., at her residence, 14, William-street, Kilrush, Anna, relict of the late Edward Quinlivan, Esq, and mother of Alderman Laurence Quinlivan, J.P.

Clare Journal, Mon 2 Mar 1863: Deaths. On the 25th ult., at Abbeyview, Quin, Agnes the beloved daughter of Thomas Corbett, Esq.

Clare Journal, Thur 26 Mar 1863: Deaths. On the 23rd inst., at Caher, Upper Feakle, after a long and happy life, spent in the faithful discharge of every duty incumbent on the Christian and philanthropist, Mrs. Honan, mother of the Rev. Timothy Honan, P.P.

Clare Journal, Mon 13 Apr 1863: Deaths. On the 8th instant, at the Causeway, at an advanced age, Miss Mary O’Connor, daughter of the late Maurice O’Connor, and old and respectable inhabitant of this town.
On the 11th instant, Miss England, daughter of the late John England, Esq., deservedly esteemed and respected by her numerous acquaintances.
At her residence, Cappa, Kilrush, Mrs. Honan relict of the late Mr. J. Honan.
On the 9th inst, in Kilrush, Mr. P. McEligot of Ballylongford.

Clare Journal, Mon 20 Apr 1863: Deaths. At Cappa, Mr. Michael Behan, at an advanced age.
At Kilrush, Mr. Enright, Classical Teacher.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Apr 1863: Deaths. On the 24th inst, at Castlefergus, the residence of her father, Miss Maryanne Power, second daughter of Mr. Ambrose Power, at Castlefergus.

Clare Journal, Mon 4 May 1863: Death of Ralph Cullinan, Esq. – it is with feelings of considerable regret we have to announce the death, after a lengthened illness, of Ralph Cullinan, Esq, of Magowna, a gentleman who was highly esteemed and respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. As soon as the intelligence of his death on the 1st inst. reached Ennis the respectable shopkeepers of the town testified how deeply they regretted his loss by putting on their shutters and continuing in that mode of evincing their sorrow until his interment. The remains of the deceased gentleman were deposited in the family burying ground of Dromcliffe followed to the grave by a numerous and respectable assemblage of persons of the different religious denominations in this community.

Clare Journal, Mon 11 May 1863: Deaths. May 8, at 2, Camden-place, Dublin, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. Peter O’Brien.

Clare Journal, Mon 8 Jun 1863: Deaths. At Cloneybrien House, near Killaloe, Elizabeth second daughter of William Headech, Esq.
Sudden death. We regret to record the sudden death of Miss Dorah Bridgeman, of this town, on Thursday night last. An inquest was held on the body on Friday, before M. Canny, Esq. Coroner. It appeared from the evidence of some of the inmates of the house where the deceased lady lodged, and of Dr. Greene that she usually complained of headache, and palpitation of the of the heart. On return from her usual walk on Thursday evening, she retired to her bedroom, lay down in her clothes, and was found dead next morning. The verdict of the jury was that the deceased had died of a fit of apoplexy.

Clare Journal, Mon 15 Jun 1863: Deaths: on the 20th inst, Susan, daughter of the late Richard Brew, Esq, J.P., of Richmond, County Clare, and sister to the late Rev. Richard Brew, Rector of Tulla.
On the 13th inst., in Mill-street, after a short and painful illness, which she bore with christian fortitude and resignation, Kate, the beloved daughter of Mr. H. Molony, deeply and sincerely regretted by all who knew her.
On the 10th inst, at Cascade co., Clare, of dyptheria, Charles Colville, Esq.
Sudden Death. A man named John Melican, a nailor, who lived on the Mall, took suddenly ill on Friday night last, and died in a few hours after. An inquest was held on the body on Saturday by Mr. John Cullinan, and a verdict of died from natural causes was returned.

Clare Journal, Mon 29 Jun 1863: Deaths. On the 23rd instant, at his residence, Deer-park, Cooreclare, James P. O’Kelly, Esq., second son of the late John O’Kelly, Esq, of Clonina, sincerely and deservedly regretted by all his acquainances. His straightforward, honourable, and exemplary course, though he died at the early age of 26, made him an especial favourite with his numerous and respectable friends.

Clare Journal, Thur 9 Jul 1863: Death of the Rev. S. Walsh. We regret to announce the death of the Rev. Stephen Walsh at 12, Beresford Place, Waterford. The deceased gentleman was parish priest of Kilnaboy for the last thirty years, and was greatly esteemed and respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was for a long time Administrator of Rath and Kilnaboy and at his death he left a considerable sum of money to be expended in building a chapel in Rath and relieving the distress of the poor of the parish. The Rev. gentleman had reached an advanced period of life.

Clare Journal, Mon 13 Jul 1863: Deaths. July 9th Ernest, youngest child of J. H. Milward, Esq., National Bank, Ennis, aged 20 months.
On 11th inst., at Kildysart House, Harvey Manners, the infant son of Felix J. MacCarthy, Esq, J.P., aged nine months.

Clare Journal, Mon 3 Aug 1863: Death of James Mahon, Esq. – We regret to record the death of James Mahon, Esq., which melancholy event took place at his residence, Northampton House, Kinvarra, on Friday last, after a short illiness. In all the relations of life he possessed rare and good qualities. He was a fond husband, and affectionate father, and a sincere and good friend, and is deeply and sincerely regretted by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. The lamented gentleman’s remains were this day placed in the family vault at Kilmacduagh amid the unaffected sorrow of those who assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to his remains.

Clare Journal, Mon 24 Aug 1863: At Lifford House, on 19th of August, Robert Kerr D’Esterre, Esq., Rosmanaher, county Clare.
At Bird Hill, on the 17th inst., Margaret, relict of Arthur Ormsby, Esq., of Bird Hill, county Tipperary, and Brookdale, county Clare.

Clare Journal, Mon 14 Sep 1863: Deaths. At Kilkee, on the 10th inst., unexpectedly, of bronchitis, the beloved wife of the Rev. T. Westropp, of Artkanny.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Sep 1863: Deaths. At Great Malvern, Worcestershire, on the 20th inst, Rachel, only daughter of P. M. Cullinan, Esq., M.D. and J.P., of Harmony House, Ennis.

Clare Journal, Thur 8 Oct 1863: In Dublin, Eliza, the beloved wife of Robt. Sparrow Esq., late of Derryluskan.

Clare Journal, Mon 12 Oct 1863: Deaths. At 45, Gloucester-terrace, John Butler Tydd, Esq., second surviving son of the late John Tydd, Esq, of Hermitage, County Clare.

Clare Journal, Thur 22 Oct 1863: Deaths. In the 70th year of her age, at Ballybeg, in this town, Hanna, relict of the late Mr. John Morrissey.

Clare Journal, Mon 19 Oct 1863: Deaths. At Edinburgh, Carew Louis O’Grady, Esq., Captain Royal Engineers, youngest son of Admiral O’Grady, Erinagh House, County Limerick.

Clare Journal, Thur 5 Nov 1863: On the 2nd inst., at Ennis, Mrs. Anne Tymons, relict of the late John Tymons, Esq., of Riverston, County Clare, aged 88 years.

Clare Journal, Mon 9 Nov 1863: Deaths. On Sunday, of diphteria, Emily, the infant daughter of Michael Brew, Esq., Toler-street, Kilrush.

Clare Journal, Thur 19 Nov 1863: Deaths. On his passage from Bombay, on board the steamship Delta, Francis F. Cahill, Esq., son of the late Superintending Surgeon T. S. Cahill, M.D. Bombay Army.

Clare Journal, Thur 26 Nov 1863: Deaths. On the 9th inst., at Ennistymon, in the 33rd year of his age, Mr. James Joseph Blackwell, of the order of the Christian Brothers, and son of John Blackwell, Esq., Toureen Cottage, Kilshanny. Deceased was during the past five years engaged in the pious labours of rhe brotherhood in Dublin, Drogheda, Thurles and Cork.

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Dec 1863: Deaths. On Thursday, in the 23rd year of her age, Susan, daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Mungovan, Beechpark. Deceased was amiable in all the relations of life, and departed this life deeply regretted by her sorrowing relatives and friends.

Clare Journal, Thur 10 Dec 1863: In Jail-street, John Joseph, aged 3 years, son of Mr. William Cahill.

Clare Journal, Thur 17 Dec 1863: Deaths. At his residence in Brewery-lane, on the 16th instant, after a lingering illness, Mr. John Tamplin, tailor, in the 75th year of his age, very much regretted, by his friends and a large circle of acquaintances.

Clare Journal, Monday 21 Dec 1863: Deaths. On the 16th instant, after a few hours illness, Frances Maria, the beloved daughter of Edward Morony, Esq., Doonaha House, Kilkee.
On Monday last at Fortanemore, near Tulla, Mrs. James Ryan.

Clare Journal, Thur 24 Dec 1863: Deaths. At Chipfield, on the 15th instant, at the advanced age of 77 years, the wife of Mr. James Arthur, sen. Through life she was esteemed for her many excellent qualities and charitable disposition, and her demise is deservedly regretted by a large circle of friends and relatives.


Edited on 30 June 2021 to add on some more deaths:

Clare Journal, Mon Mar 1863: Deaths. On the 10th instant, at Tulla, in the 21st year of her age, after a painful illness, which she bore with the most perfect resignation, Annie, the beloved and only daughter of Mr. Michael Halvey, grocer. Her remains were followed to the grave by a numerous and sorrowing circle of friends and acquaintances, by whom her memory will be long and deservedly cherished.

Thur 28 May 1863: Deaths. At Scariff recently, Dr John O’Brien, Dispensary Medical Officer.

Clare Journal, Thur 4 Jun 1863: Deaths. On the 3rd inst., after a few days illness, at Westbourne, Ennis, the residence of Alexander Bannatyne, Esq., in the 57th year of her age, Bedelia, relict of the late William Nicholas Persse, Esq., of H.M. 77th Regiment, and Meelick, County Galway, sincerely and deeply regretted by her sorrowing friends.
At Kilkee, Sarah, daughter of the late Captain Johnson, of Limerick.

Clare Journal, Thur 18 Jun 1863: Deaths. On Monday last in Jail-street, James the beloved son of Mr. John Blackburne, aged 2 years and three months.

Clare Journal, Mon 6 Jul 1863: Deaths. On 14th June, at 29, Park-place, Cheltenham, at the advanced age of 82 years, Mrs. Anne Westropp, relict of the late Thomas Westropp, Esq., J.P., of Rose House, County Clare.

Clare Journal, Thur 23 Jul 1863: Deaths. On Wednesday the 22nd instant, at Freagh Castle, Miltown-Malbay, at the advanced age of 93 Matt Kenny, Esq., deeply and deservedly regretted by his family and numerous circle of friends.

Clare Journal, Mon 27 Jul 1863: Deaths. At Kilnamona Cottage, on the 26th inst., at the advanced age of 92 years, Mr. Quin, father of the Rev. T. Quin, the respected parish priest of Inagh and Kilnamona.
On the 21st inst., at Montenotte, Cork, Mary Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Samuel Read Prossor, National Bank, Ennis, third daughter of Henry B. Beamish, Esq., J.P. Muckruss, Clonakilty, aged 23.

Clare Journal, Mon 10 Aug 1863: Deaths. At Cragbrien, John Kelly, Esq., aged 34 years, eldest son of Mathew Kelly, Esq., Manager of National Bank, Kilrush. His remains will be removed for interment in Kilrush burying ground, on Wednesday, the 12th inst., at eight o’clock, a.m.
On the 29th ult., Mr. Michael Hickey, clerk in Mr. Forrest’s Lace Factory, just on his return from Lisdoonvarna.

Clare Journal, Mon 16 Nov 1863: Deaths. On the 11th inst., at 22, Waterloo-road, Dublin, Maria, youngest daughter of the late Bindon Blood, Esq., of Cranaher, in this county.

Clare Journal, Mon 23 Nov 1863: Deaths. On the 20th instant, at Bindon-street, Lizzie, third daughter of John Cullinan, Esq.
On Friday evening last, in this town, at an advanced age, Mrs. Lysaght, wife of Mr. Nicholas Lysaght, deputy governor Ennis jail.
In Corofin, on Wednesday, Mrs. Eliza Quinn, at the advanced age of 76 years.

Clare Journal, Thur 3 Dec 1863: Deaths. On December 1st, at Clareen House, Ennis, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Major Campbell, Staff Officer.

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