Troops dispatched to Ireland comforted by Maj. Gen. Pakenham,1880

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Troops dispatched to Ireland comforted by Maj. Gen. Pakenham,1880

Post by Sduddy » Fri May 07, 2021 10:14 am

Clare Freeman, Wed 11 Aug 1880:
The Despatch of Troops to Ireland. At Plymouth, on Monday, Major General Pakenham, commanding the western district, in an address to the Royal Marine Battalion, who embarked for Ireland, after complimenting the Marines on their standing, said – You must not be disappointed because you have not been selected for a more congenial style of active service. The duty that lies before you is not less important. I am sure you will do your duty to your Queen and country wherever you are called upon to do it, or whatever may be the painful duty your officers call upon you to do. So fine a body of men it gives me great pleasure to inspect, and will give your colonel great courage and confidence to command.

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