Tuohy family emigrates to Transvaal, 1879

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Tuohy family emigrates to Transvaal, 1879

Post by Sduddy » Tue May 04, 2021 9:51 am

Clare Freeman, Wed 18 Jun 1879:
Mr Patrick Touhy, of Ballycoree, whose farms are advertised for sale in our columns, is disposing of his interest in the valuable property he holds in this county being about to emigrate with his family to Transvantall, South Africa, where he has purchased an estate of 3000 acres, upon which a wider field of agricultural enterprise will be open to him with the large capital he will take out.
Clare Freeman, Wed 18 Jun 1879: Advertisement.
Sale of Fee Simple Estates, with Landed Estates Court title, to be sold by Public Auction at Mr Pearson’s Sales Room in the town of Ennis on Saturday, 12th July, 1879, at the hour of 2 o’clock, p.m.
In Four Lots. By direction of Mr Patrick Tuohy, the owner, the following valuable Estates, Viz: Lot 1. Part of the lands of Cragreigh, called Gurtcurrane, containing seven acres or thereabouts, statute measure, all in meadow, situate in the parish of Rath, and barony of Inchiquin.
Lot 2. Part of the Lands of Liscullone, called “The House Division,” containing 49 acres, 1 r.[rood] or thereabouts, statute measure, together with the dwelling house and offices thereon, situate in the same parish and barony.
Lot 3. The remainer of said lands of Liscullane, called the “The Dairy Division,’ with the offices thereon, containing 39 acres or thereabouts, statute measure, situate in the same parish and barony.
Lot 4. Part of the lands of Ranahan, with the dwelling house and offices thereon, containing 132 acres or thereabouts, statute measure, lately in the possession of John Liston, situate in the parish of Ruan and barony of Inchiquin. [further particulars given here]
Clare Freeman, Sat 5 July 1879: Advertisement:
To Be Sold by Public Auction, on Thursday, the 10th July, 1879, At Ballycoree Race Course, by directions of Mr Patrick Tuohy, the owner, the following stock and effects, viz – 15 milch cows, newly calved, 4 strippers, 14 yearlings, 14 calves, 41 1-year old ewes and wethers, best quality, 4 horses. One excellent mowing machine in perfect order, by Samuelson, rake and tosser, jaunting car, gig, common cars, tackling, rolling stone, ploughs, harrows, drays, blasting tools, sledges, hammers, crow bars, &c.
Five per cent to be paid in addition to the bidding. R Parson, Auctioneer. Ennis, 13th June, 1879.
Clare Freeman, Sat 27 Sep 1879 [from the Irish Times]:
Emigration to the Transvaal. On Tuesday evening a large party of land settlers in the Transvaal, British South Africa, left the North Wall by steamship Isabella en route for London and Southampton, where they embarked for Natal. Among the passengers was the family of Mr Patrick Tuohy (numbering fifteen) from Corofin, County Clare, this gentleman being the purchaser of an estate of 3,000 acres in our accession in South Africa from Mr Donnelly, College –green. The remaining emigrants, or settlers, had farms contiguous to that of Mr Tuohy, and scene at the vessel’s side was quite an affecting one as the Isabella steamed away. Irish Times.

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