Mr J. O’Brien, released Fenian, among visitors to Lahinch, 1878

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Mr J. O’Brien, released Fenian, among visitors to Lahinch, 1878

Post by Sduddy » Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:08 am

Clare Freeman, Wed 14 Aug 1878:
The Sea side – the released Fenian prisoner O’Brien.
The number of visitors to the Lahinch watering place has increased considerably within the past few weeks. On Wednesday evening, of the the ex-political prisoners, Mr J O’Brien arrived at the Victoria Hotel. Soon the rumours went abroad that there was such an arrival, and crowds gathered in front of the hotel. An Ennis townsman, Mr J Ahern, introduced the gentleman to the assemblage, prefacing the ceremony with a short introductory speech relevant to the occasion. When the gentleman appeared at the window he was cheered to the echo, but, in the short address which he delivered, he carefully abstained from touching on political matters. In a very appropriate and true manner he returned the people and visitors of Lahinch thanks for the very warm reception they unexpectedly had accorded him, and concluded with a national phrase “God Save Ireland.”

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