Patrick Lysaght, arrested for deserting, 1876

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Patrick Lysaght, arrested for deserting, 1876

Post by Sduddy » Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:21 am

Clare Freeman, Wed 13 Dec 1876:
An escort of the 40th Regt. from the depot at Devenport yesterday conveyed from Ennis jail, Patrick Lysaght of this town, arrested as a deserter from that corps by sub Constable Dempsey.
I don't know what punishment Patrick would have received for desertion, but he would not have been branded:
Clare Journal, Thur 11 May 1871:
Branding in the Army. The new Mutiny Act contains one important alteration – section 26 is wholly omitted. This section provided for branding of deserters with the letter D, and of soldiers discharged with ignominy with the letters B C, (bad character). Classes 117 of the Articles of War also deprives courtmartial of the power of marking men. Thus branding is abolished, and every officer and soldier will be glad of it.

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