Michael Russell drowned while gathering seaweed, 1876

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Michael Russell drowned while gathering seaweed, 1876

Post by Sduddy » Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:20 am

Clare Freeman, Sat 22 Apr 1876:
Fatal Boad Accident on the Shannon. On Thursday, the 20th inst., the town of Kilrush was thrown into a state of great excitement by an accident which occurred on the Shannon, convenient to Kilrush. It appears that at an early hour on Thursday morning and old man named Russell proceeded in a canoe to cut seaweed, accompanied by a woman named Mrs Griffin and her two sons, aged respectively 10 and 12 years. It also appears when leaving the shore they found the canoe to be in a leaky condition, but considering the crevice was of no consequence, they set out to take in their cargo of seaweed, which they did, and again put to sea for home. When between Hogg Island and Scough Point they found that the canoe was rapidly sinking, and commenced teaming her out. The boat being now heavily laden with seaweed, the pressure of which caused the water to enter much faster than they could team. To the horror of the poor people, the boat was now rapidly sinking. Their heartrending screams attracted a party of coast guards, who, seeing the perilous position of the poor people, at once proceeded to the rescue; but before they arrived the canoe turned over, leaving them all struggling in the sea. The two little boys succeeded in getting on top of the now capsized canoe, and, catching hold of their mother, held her over water until all three were rescued by the coast guards. Russell came once to the surface of the water, but before he could be rescued he again sank to rise no more. He was a man of about 80 years of age. The woman Griffin was conveyed to shore, with her two sons, by the coast guards, whose exertions were most praiseworthy. All seemed very much exhausted; but, we are glad to say, are now entirely out of danger. Though every means available have been tried to recover the body of the man Russell, they have not as yet succeeded.
The civil record of the death of Michael Russell, on the 13 Apr 1870, in the River Shannon off Leadmore, describes him as a widower aged 75; occupation: Fisherman; informant: Kate Griffin, Pound St., Kilrush, present at death:
https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 221694.pdf


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