Bridget McDonnell, Tarmon, dies aged 100, 1875

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Bridget McDonnell, Tarmon, dies aged 100, 1875

Post by Sduddy » Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:00 pm

Clare Freeman, Wed 28 Jul 1875:
A woman who was a remarkable instance of longevity expired the other day at Knocknena. It is stated that she had completed her 107th year, and yet enjoyed such vigour up to the last, as to be able a few days before her death to walk to the Kilrush butter market, a distance of about 5 miles.
I think this nameless woman must be Bridget McDonnell who died on 19 July 1875: Bridget McDonnell, Tarmon, Farmer’s widow, aged 100 years; informant, Michael McDonnell, Tarmon: ... 231649.pdf


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