A letter from T. B. McManus in the Clare Journal, 1857

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A letter from T. B. McManus in the Clare Journal, 1857

Post by Sduddy » Fri Apr 02, 2021 10:13 am

I was surprised to see that The Clare Journal, of Thur 10 Dec 1857, published this letter from Terence Bellew McManus:
Letter from Terence Bellew McManus. The Cork Examiner contains the following letter from Terence Bellew McManus, addressed to John Francis Maguire, Esq., M.P.:-
“San Francisco, California, October 19th, 1857.
My Dear Sir – From the general tone of the Irish press, and from other sources, I perceive that a movement is on foot for the purpose of inducing the British government to extend to us (“Three of the Irish Traitors to British rule in Ireland”) a pardon – viz., Mitchel, Meagher, and myself.
As far as I am concerned, I beg to be excluded from any participation in that movement. I do so for two reasons – First, I desire to place myself under no obligation, either acknowledged or implied, to a government that I believe to be Foreign to the spirit, the genius, and the liberty of my native land.
Secondly, I am now a citizen of the United States, and feel the proud confidence, that every citizen of this republic feels, that wherever her flag floats, he is sure of protection. In pursuance of this feeling, I shall, at any time it suits my convenience, visit either England, Ireland, France, Germany, or Australia, and in the ordinary and lawful pursuits of life feel myself perfectly secure under the protection of the flag to which I have sworn allegiance. I take the liberty, Sir, of addressing this to you, knowing and feeling the warm and manly sympathy you have on all occasions evinced towards us, even in the darkest hour of our adversity, and at the same time believing you to be one of the truest and most fearless of Ireland’s representatives in that place called the British (not Irish) Parliament. Assuring you, my dear Sir, of my warmest esteem and friendship, I subscribe myself, very faithfully your’s, T. B. McManus."

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