Arrival of Judiciary to Clare Summer Assizes 1874

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Arrival of Judiciary to Clare Summer Assizes 1874

Post by Sduddy » Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:04 pm

Clare Freeman, Sat 11 Jul 1874:
Opening of the Commission. Mr Justice Lawson, and Baron Deasy arrived in Ennis on Monday evening from Dublin via Limerick, to open the Clare Summer Assizes. Their lordships were received at the Ennis Terminus by the High Sheriff, Capt R Studdert, R. M., and the Sub-Sheriff, T. O’Gorman, Esq. The retinue and escort provided by the High Sheriff, presented a tasteful and imposing appearance. The Sheriff’s men, including 12 halberdiers, were arrayed in a picturesque livery. They wore coats of white cloth, with sky-blue facings, and waistcoats, and breeches of sky-blue plush, with a broad silver band arount the hat. There were two carriages, drawn by six splendid looking bays, Capt. Studdert having at the last assizes provided six magnificent greys for a similar occasion. The first carriage drawn by four bays bore the two judges with the High Sheriff; and the second carriage drawn by two bays was occupied by the Sub-Sheriff and the judges’ registrar. After a few minutes’ delay at their lodgings in Bindon-street, whither they proceeded directly from the railway station, their lordships proceeded to the court-house, where about half-past five o’clock, p.m., Her Majesty’s Commission was opened by the Crown Court by Baron Deasy.
His Lordship, in addressing the Grand Jury, referred with pleasure to the satisfactory state of the peace of the county on his present visit as compared with the condition he found it in when he last visited 12 months ago. There were only five criminal cases in all, none of which presented any very serious or aggravated features. Two cases of perjury, two of assault, and one of petty larceny constituted the criminal calendar; and that was a most creditable state of things for so populous a county as Clare.
His Lordship, while the Grand Jury were fiating bills in the cases sent up to them, proceeded with the fiating of the presentments.

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