Theories re the increase in insanity and idiocy in Ireland

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Theories re the increase in insanity and idiocy in Ireland

Post by Sduddy » Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:04 pm

Clare Freeman, Sat 13 Dec 1873:
The Irish Census. The second part of the census Commissioners. It shows a marked decrease in the deaf mutes, and of blind persons in Ireland as compared with 1861. On the other hand it exhibits an alarming increase in the percentage of insane and idiotic persons. In 1851, the latter class numbered 9,981; in 1861 the number had risen to 14,098, and the latest accounts to 16,505, while it must be remembered that the population has been all this time decreasing. While the advocates of temperance attribute this unfortunate state of things to diseases engendered by the use of strong drinks, the Mail states the theory that it is to some extent owing to a restless spirit of agitation, and what it describes as the disturbance of the popular mind by the delusive schemes of political demagogues.

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