Bank of Ireland comes to Ennis, Dec. 1873

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Bank of Ireland comes to Ennis, Dec. 1873

Post by Sduddy » Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:47 pm

Clare Freeman, Sat 13 Dec 1873,
A New Bank in Ennis. The Bank of Ireland are about to open a branch establishment in Ennis. The National, Munster, and Provincial Banks have established branches in this town, and it has been a matter of surprise to many that so prosperous and rich a body as the Bank of Ireland Company should not seek to establish a house in so thriving a business town as Ennis. They have, however, at last, taken up the matter, with characteristic promptitude. They have obviated the difficulty in the way of getting a convenient site for a suitable building, by purchasing for a very handsome sum, from Mr Powell, Mill-street, the site of Mr Stack’s temporary shop in O’Connell-square, for the purpose of erecting there a new bank building of suitable style and dimensions for their work. The new bank will have a frontage on O’Connell Square of 26 feet 8 inches, and a depth backwards of some 88 feet. This will give scope for a fine house, which in that prominent part of the town must tend to enhance considerably the improved appearance of the square. The erection of the new building will, it is stated, be commenced vigourously in January, and will it is estimated occupy about two years to complete. The Company have for the transaction of their business in the meantime, rented from Mr Powell, the new house adjoining, at present approaching completion.

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