Matthias Sullivan home from Buffalo, visits Ennis 1871

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Matthias Sullivan home from Buffalo, visits Ennis 1871

Post by Sduddy » Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:28 pm

Clare Journal, Mon 7 Aug 1871:
Presentation to a Clare Man. We transfer the following to our columns from the “Buffalo Daily Courier” of 20th ult:
“A very pleasant affair occurred last evening at the store of Mr Michael Ryan, corner of Carolina and Sixth streets. Matthias Sullivan, on special service at the police court, who has just been granted three months’ leave of absence on account of his health, and who will spend the time visiting Ireland, was summoned to the place mentioned and found quite a party of friends assembled. Squire James Ryan occupied the chair and Henry Bisgood acted as secretary. As spokesman of the Company, Charles Darcy, Esq., in a very happy speech, presented to Mr Sullivan a handsome ebony cane with a heavy gold head; on it was engraved “Presented to Matthias Sullivan by his friends, July 19th, 1871.” The recipient was taken by surprise, but returned his thanks gracefully. He has won many encomiums in the discharge of his duties, and all who know him wish him a pleasant journey. [Mr Sullivan has arrived on a visit to his friends in Ennis.]

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