Was there a regiment from Clare at the Crimea (1854-1856)?

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Was there a regiment from Clare at the Crimea (1854-1856)?

Post by Sduddy » Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:15 am

The Clare Journal reports, on a few occasions, on the homecoming of officers (who belong to gentry families, e.g. Singleton, Vandeleur, Crowe, etc.) from the Crimea, and, on one occasion, on the homecoming of two nameless heroes, who may have been just regular* soldiers: Clare Journal, Thur 5 Apr 1855:
Crimean Heroes. – Two of the wounded soldiers from the East who are natives of this neighbourhood, arrived in Ennis on Tuesday. They excited a great deal of attention among the townspeople
but the Clare Journal never mentions a regiment. If ever there was going to a mention of a regiment from Clare, surely it was going to be on the occasion of the installation of the Crimean gun in 1858, but there is none. Why?

Clare Journal, Mon 5 Jul 1858:
The Inauguration of the Crimean Trophy, Presented by Her Majesty’s Government to the Town of Ennis:
We have all heard of “the Great Gun of Athlone,” and our town may now boast of a similar “trophy of warfare,” in the shape of a splendid piece of ordnance, which once guarded the hitherto invincible ramparts of the Malakoff tower of Sebastopol.
This day the inauguration took place in the presence of the Town Commissioners, and a great number of ladies and gentlemen, and a vast assemblage of people, who had assembled on the spacious esplanade in front of our magnificent Court-house. Among those present we noticed J. Singleton, Esq., and family; F. N. Keane, Esq., J.P.; Sir Edward Fitzgerald, Bart.; Rev A Tatton, Rev. Charles Ward, Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, O.S.F.; Terence Healy, Esq., and lady; Drs Healy and Greene, Capt. W. Stacpoole, J. P.; W. Mahon, Esq., J. P.; H. O’Loghlen, Esq., J. P., &c.
The gun, which is of immense caliber, carries a ball 56 lbs., is mounted on an iron carriage, with an inscription, “Emiko Kappohan, 1837,” its length is seven feet, and its weight is 47 cwt. 3 qrs.
The staff of the Clare Militia and a party of the Constabulary having formed a square around the gun, Major Boothby, R. A., addressed the assembly as follows: - On the present occasion, and on the part of Her Majesty’s Government, I am come here today in order to present to you this piece of ordnance. It is a trophy of the late campaign – a campaign, be it remembered, in which the courage, determination, and valour of the British soldier was never more conspicuously displayed (hear, hear). The Crimean war was a subject on which he could speak experimentally, as he was himself a partaker in them (hear, hear.) If the British soldier thus endures and fights, he was cheered by the recollection that his services were appreciated at home, that they won for him the applause of his countrymen and countrywomen, (hear, hear.) In conclusion, he begged leave to express the gratification and pleasure he felt on the present occasion, and concluded by presenting, on the part of Her Majesty’s Government, the Town Commissioners of Ennis with this trophy of the Crimean campaign.

Michael Kerin, Esq., Chairman of the Town Commissioners, replied as follows: - He came forward, on the part of the Town Commissioners, to return their grateful acknowledgments to Her Majesty’s Government for the splendid trophy, which they had presented to the town of Ennis, and also to the gentleman (Major Boothby) who had undertaken the charge of its presentation. This gun was the trophy of a glorious war – a great war. England plunged into it from the noblest motives – to arrest the march of the aggressor and tyrant – to defend the weak against the strong, and he as an Irishman felt proud to look back on the Crimean campaign, from the deeds of the men of Clare, who had borne the part, and distinguished themselves in that glorious warfare – On the part of the Town Commissioners he again returned thanks, and on their part accepted it with gratitude from H. M. Government. And in conclusion would observe, that it should be their duty to erect a handsome pedestal for its reception (hear, hear).
After the inauguration, the band struck up the National Anthem, and the assembled ladies and gentlemen adjourned to the splendid Grand Jury Room, when about one hundred and fifty guests sat down to a magnificent collation which was provided for them by the Town Commissioners.
The Chair was taken by Michael Kerin, Esq. (Chairman of Town Commissioners), who proposed “The Queen and Royal Family,” which was drunk with great enthusiasm.
The next toast was “The Army and Navy,” which was introduced by the Chairman in glowing terms, and eulogized in graceful style the services of that gallant army and navy, which had from time immemorial covered itself with glory. He referred in eulogistic terms to the services of Major Boothby, who had passed through the Crimean campaigns with distinguished honour, and bore on his breast those honourable decorations conferred on him by his Sovereign and his country.
Major Boothby returned thanks in an appropriate speech.
The health of “Our Representative, the Right Hon. J. D. Fitzgerald,” was then passed from the Chair, and drunk amidst loud cheering.
Dr. Cullinan returned thanks.
“Prosperity to the Town of Ennis” was then proposed by the Chairman and responded to by Mr. Talbot, who observed that they were surrounded by artillery – they had the formidable piece in front, - and he had only to look around him and he beheld the artillery of the bright and captivating eyes of the ladies, who had graced the inauguration by their presence. He referred to the improvements lately effected in the town – and they had no complaint of want of prosperity, he looked forward to their laying aside all political differences, and merge them in one common effort for the benefit of their country.
The “Health of the Ladies” was then proposed, and responded to by Michael Molony, Esq.
The “Health of the Chairman” was then proposed by J. Singleton, Esq., amid great cheering. The Chairman returned thanks.
Mr. Crowe, Esq., proposed the health of the “Clare Militia,” which was responded to by Capt. Stacpoole, and drunk amid enthusiastic cheering.
The weather was remarkably fine, and the whole proceeding passed off in a manner most creditable to the town of Ennis, but we regret that time will not allow us to give a more circumstantial account of the proceedings on this interesting occasion.
I am about as clear as mud on the subject of the army and was reminded of that sad fact when I was looking at this short report in the Clare Freeman of Sat 9 May 1874. It suggests to me that soldiers stationed at Clare Castle belonged to Limerick – am I getting warm?:
Military Movement in Clare. The companies of the 64th infantry regiment stationed at Clare Castle left Clare Castle on Tuesday evening, to join the remainder of the regiment in Limerick, and the whole regiment left Limerick on Thursday for Glasgow. A portion of the regiment of 3rd Buffs has replaced the 64th at Clare Castle.
* Ordinary soldiers were not mentioned in The Clare Journal, and I suspect that this man was mentioned simply because of his connection to Mr Hugh O’Loghlen: Clare Journal, Mon 8 May 1865:
Sudden Death. An elderly man, named Michael Keating, formerly a groom to Mr H O’Loghlen, governor of the County Jail, was found dead in his bed this morning, at Drumbiggle. Deceased was a well-conducted sober man, and was a pensioner from the 5th Hussars, having shared the fortunes of that gallant regiment in the Crimea, and during the Indian Mutiny.

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Re: Was there a regiment from Clare at the Crimea (1854-1856)?

Post by Sduddy » Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:52 pm

This John O’Dwyer might be one of the nameless heroes referred to at the beginning of the above posting:

Clare Freeman, Sat 28 Aug 1875:
On Thursday last the remains of Staff Sergeant John O’Dwyer were intered with military honours at the Drumcliffe cemetery. The deceased, who died rather suddenly, was much respected, and was an efficient soldier. He had served with Sergeant Barton in the 3rd Buffs, and in that regiment during the Crimean war performed an act of daring by which he rescued Colonel Maude from a perilous situation in the trenches before Redan.
Civil record: 25 Aug 1875: John Dwyer, married, aged 47, Staff Sergeant of Militia; informant: W. Barton, Militia Barrack: https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/ ... 231573.pdf


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