Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by kbarlow » Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:32 am

Sheila - you have provided another gem to those of us in the diaspora. The attachment to your last post (sale of landed estates) included 2 of my ancestors (Kierce). A number of the O'Hehir and Kierce families lived on the Kilnaboy Termon lands, which surrounded the old Kilnaboy church.

Thank you for your amazing work


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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by kbarlow » Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:15 am

PS Sheila - are you aware of any maps of these Termon lands? was there a map attached to that land sale notice of 1873? In 1855 Griffiths, the Linnanes and Kierces are adjoining neighbours, which makes the marriage of a Michael Kierce and Anna Lynane (about 1830) very possibly related to these same families. Indeed, the Patrick Kierce born to them in 1834 may be the one mentioned in the land sale of 1873.


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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by Sduddy » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:50 am

Hi Kerry

I would have sent you that document ages ago, but only came upon it when tidying and putting documents into files the other day. And it will not seem an important document once the Valuation Cancellation Books become available to view online. That’s been talked about for ages but progress seems to be slow – staff-cuts, probably, or staff redeployment.
The person who sent it died last year. I imagine he found it in the National Archives among the records for the Encumbered Estates. He did not include any map, and I suspect that there was none. When an estate came up for sale, there was an advertisement in the paper with a line at the bottom saying “apply to ---- for particulars” - hence this document. If a map was supplied, it was probably the Griffith’s map that you know like the back of your hand, I’m sure.

You are lucky (plus anyone else researching the Corofin area) because the Corofin Petty Sessions records have survived and if you are a member of, for instance, you will be able to find them. I used to look at them when I got a free weekend. The Petty Sessions were a bit like a local theatre in the 19th century and early 20th century. A great many people appear in them, mostly over minor things like goats trespassing (goats,especially, were given to trespassing). The court rulings were discussed and analyzed at length and gave great entertainment. This led to people staying after-hours in the bars and being brought up at the Petty Sessions by the local Constable. Then you had The Queen v whoever.

Hi Geoff

Just a note regarding the name “Kelly” (you mentioned that Bridget Kelly was the mother of Margaret Lahiff who married John Linnane sometime before 1858): Kelly and Quealy are the same name – Quealy probably being closer in pronunciation to the Irish. In going through the parish records, I’ve noticed both versions used for the same person – though Kelly is used more frequently. It’s just another thing to keep in mind when looking at 19th century records.


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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by kbarlow » Fri Jan 26, 2018 12:30 am

Thank you again Sheila, especially for the tip about the Petty Sessions records that survived. Keep these gems coming - I can see another visit to Ireland is on the cards - especially more time in the wonderful Clare library.


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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by murf » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:47 am

Kelly and Quealy are the same name – Quealy probably being closer in pronunciation to the Irish
Thanks Sheila for pointing that out - it's one variant I hadn't cottoned on to.
Now I know where to find those missing Kellys (or Qualys, etc)

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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by Sduddy » Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:28 pm

Geoff and Murf and anyone else I’ve led astray.

Scrap my last post. I’ve consulted MacLysaght*, whose authority I’m happy to bow to, and he treats both names as separate. Rather than divert any more from the subject-matter of this thread, I will start a new thread tomorrow and enlarge a little on names beginning with “Q”. I need to do some homework first.


*Edward MacLysaght’s ‘The Surnames of Ireland’ 6th edition (1985), published by Irish Academic Press.

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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by Sduddy » Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:21 pm

Hi Geoff

Just a small morsel: Thadeus Lahiff was baptised on Oct. 20, 1820; sponsors: Michael Lahiff, Maria Carcal. His parents were Joannes Lahiff and Honora McMahon, Leana, Kilnaboy. See page 12, right-hand side of Kilnaboy baptisms: ... f=1&t=6902
Another son, Terentius (Terence) was baptised on Aug. 22, 1830; sponsors: Daniel Rabit* and Alicia McMahon*. See page 30, right-hand side.
I thought Joannes (John) Lahiff might be recorded in Tithes, so I checked the transcription of the Tithe Applotment Books for the parish of Kilnaboy: ... oy_tab.htm and noticed that, while the name Lahiff does not appear, the name Flahy appears twice, reminding me that Flahy is a variant of Lahive. This time I checked MacLysaght, and he explains that Flahy is an earlier form of Lahiff. Anyway, there’s no John among the Flahys in Tithes, but I think John Lahiff (sen.) in Griffith’s Valuation must be the father of Timothy and also of John (jun.) – they all have a share in plot 3 and each has his own house, which suggests to me that John and Timothy were married by then. The map on shows their houses (rather than their share of land) marked with the letters h, i and j - right beside each other and right beside a little lake (probably a turlough which dried up in Summer):,527239,692938,11,7

*Daniel Rabit/Rabbitt/Cuneen (Irish for Rabbit) was an in-law of the Lahiffs – he appears in the transcriptions of the baptisms as the husband of a Bridget Lahiff/Flahy.
Alicia McMahon was probably a sister or a niece of Honor McMahon, Timothy Lahiff’s mother. She also appears as a sponsor at the baptism of Patricius Neylon, son of Daniel Neylon and Bridget McMahon in Apr. 1855 (see page 79, right, of baptisms 1837-1862)

All amounting to a small morsel for your family tree showing where John Linnane’s wife, Margaret Lahiff, (most likely) came from and some of her connections. Now if only we could find out where the Linnanes themselves came from. I think the best guess so far is Moyhill, in the parish of Rath (Murf’s guess).


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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by Sduddy » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:28 pm

Hi Geoff

I realized, after that last posting, that Thadeus/Thady/Timothy Lahiff, who was born in 1820, can hardly have had a daughter who was married by 1858. And am thinking now that we should go back to basics. All we know for sure is that Mary Linnane married a Patrick Mullins in Corofin. And that John Linnane married a Margaret Lahiff (somewhere).
About Michael Linnane and Bridget Nestor: can I ask if are you quite sure of these names? Are they mentioned in one record, or two? Or are they part of family oral history, which I don’t discount, of course.


Geoff Bates
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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by Geoff Bates » Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:14 am

Hi Sheila,

Sorry for my sudden absence from the forum way back in January last year. Hope you're all still active on the forum. The embarrassing part is that I thought you guys had gone cold - I thought all posts just continued down the page and therefore didn't realise (until now after getting another urge to research this topic) that there were posts on page 2 and assumed the posts had stopped. Hahahaha.

Regarding the names of Michael Linnane and Bridget Nestor, these have been taken from the death records from the Queensland BDM of their children John, Thomas, James, Mary (Mullins), and Bridget (O'Connell). All records spelt the parents names the same except James, which was spelt "Lennane" while Mary Mullins's maiden names was spelt "Lenehan".


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Re: Linnane family from Corofin, County Clare

Post by Sduddy » Wed Dec 11, 2019 3:45 pm

Hi Geoff

Good to hear from you and to have the names, Michael Linnane and Bridget Nestor, confirmed. I've been looking again but still can't find this couple. Murf's guess that they are from Rath, where Linnanes and Nestors lived close to each other, is the still best guess so far.


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