Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

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Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by murf » Tue Nov 08, 2016 12:01 am

Transcription of the Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptism Register is now complete (4,374 entries). Due to the current moratorium on Donated Materials I am making the spreadsheet files available on this forum. There are two files in MS Excel format. The first is the raw transcriptions by date (ie as they appear in the register). An interesting feature of the register, especially in latter years, is the considerable number of marriage records attached to baptisees (don't know if that's in the dictionary - just made it up). Some of these marriages took place in the U.S.A., so may be valuable info for some of the U.S. diaspora.

The second file is a family-indexed version of the register. Using the powerful custom sort routine of Excel, the entries were sorted first by family name, then by father's first name, then by mother's maiden name then by year.To enhance the sorting process, all abbreviations of the father's first name were eliminated, ie Tom and Thos were replaced by Thomas, Michl and Ml became Michael and so on. This operation has the effect of gathering together members of the same family. However some fracturing of family groups remains due to spelling variations. Each priest had his own view on how a particular name should be spelt. An example is the name Hehir, which variously presents as Heher, Hehir, Hehor or Heiher. In this case the variants are adjacent to one another in the alphabetical listing, so a quick perusal either way picks up any stragglers. Other name variants are less obvious and/or largely displaced in the index, eg Carrane vs Kerrane, Kirrane. In such cases, signposts are inserted in the Notes column, such as... ">>> see also Kerrane, Kirrane."

It is hoped that this form of index will take some of the legwork out of tracking down members of particular family groups.

PLEASE NOTE: These files were updated 21 Jul 2017 to include 32 missing entries from June to October 1868. These baptism records comprising one double page of the register were overlooked in the microfilm process, and were subsequently retrieved from the original register in the Parish Office.
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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by kbarlow » Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:24 pm

This is painstaking work, thank you so much for doing it and posting it - a shame about the moratorium on new donated materials. Let's hope the library is given the support it needs to replace those lost staff members.


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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by smcarberry » Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:03 am

Congratulations on a solid work that will add so much to Clare genealogy. The sorting aspect enhances its usefulness exponentially, as I found with the Parish of O'Callaghans Mills database that I did. So glad I put the time into that before Maureen and Anthony left. Now I have a small addition to make to the American Civil War database already online, so I think I will post it here as a temporary measure. This uncertainty about the future of sufficient IT resources at the Library for our donated databases worries me much more that the result of the U.S. election this week (my adult children disagree).

Sharon Carberry

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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by Sduddy » Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:37 am

Thank you very much for setting about the task of transcribing that register and for your generous donation. You have saved us all much tedious work.


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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by murf » Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:00 pm

Thankyou Kerry, Sharon and Sheila for your comments. There comes reward in seeing others benefit from your work.

Kurt in S.A.
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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by Kurt in S.A. » Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:00 am

I wonder if I might ask a question about some names in the Clondagad listing...I have an interest here where I believe (still to be proven), my relatives Brown/Browne may have originated. I've looked through the family index and would like to hear more about one particular entry.

It's for the entry Andrew Browne and Mary Cleary for a son Nicholas. It shows Michael and Bridget Browne with a residence of Lanna. From a completely different piece of information I obtained in Salt Lake City (unfortunately I don't have it at my fingertips), I ran across this same listing. Michael and Bridget are two of my oldest relatives (brother and sister) from Ireland, supposedly coming to the US in late 1849 or 1850. It is also my understanding that Michael didn't marry until he got to the US....same with Bridget.

My question is why doesn't Michael Browne as a single person show elsewhere in this listing? What of Bridget? How would single women have been handled in these types of listings at the time?

A little further down the page is another entry for a Michael and Bridget as sponsors for the couple John Browne and Anne Moloney. This is for 1851 which appears to be after my relative had already left for the US, so I suspect this is just a coincedental listing of these common names. It also shows Michael and Bridget from Mount.

But I'd appreciate some ideas for why Michael and Bridget from Lanna don't appear anywhere else but as sponsors in this one spot.


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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by murf » Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:45 am

Hi Kurt
Keep in mind that the Clondagad Baptism Register only commenced in Oct 1846. If your Michael & Bridget emigrated in 1849 or 1850 then there is only a small window for them to appear in the register, and presumably their own baptisms were prior to 1846. Have you exhausted all avenues in the U.S. records?
Your wording suggests a deal of uncertainty regarding emigration, marriage dates etc. If you could pick up a small clue from a shipping manifest or death certificate etc it may help to progress your search in Clare.
Cheers, murf

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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by Kurt in S.A. » Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:47 pm

Murf -

I'm as certain as I can be about things...I have done extensive searches on the US side and am confident of the information...of course, there's always room for errors. The fuzziest part of my research is the Ireland part...I mostly have family lore that my relatives came from the Clare region of Ireland, specifically Cappanegaargh. I do have a few US listings where Michael and Bridget list Clair and/or Clare as there Irish homes. But I have so little to go on. My research hinges on one obituary listing in the US. It was for the mother of Michael and Bridget who emigrated to the US in 1850. When her husband George died in 1850, Ellen packed up the remaining kids and came to the US. I have yet to find any death listings for George. I only have guesses at Ellen's ship manifests...part of the problem is that I only know the names of 8 maybe 9 of the 12 children they I can't be certain for some of the manifests I've found.

My original question was about the listings of Michael and Bridget as sponsors without being listed elsewhere in the family index. Of course they were children (mid 20s in age) and the index only lists mothers and fathers. If my George lived to 1850, he's not shown in this listing of Clondegad. It leaves me wondering if I'm on the right track.


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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by murf » Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:25 pm

I think it likely that your George Browne is the one who appears in the Tithe Applotment Books as one of about 10 occupiers of the townland of Knockboy & Innishilane. Beside him is John Molony. By the time that Griffith's Valuation came around my gg grandfather Edmond Murphy was the sole occupier of Innishilane(Innishaellaun).
I also feel it's highly likely that George was buried in the Clondagad graveyard - there are lots of Brownes in that place. My memory of it suggests there are a lot of old gravestones on which the inscription has long since weathered away. George's last resting place could be one such case.
But anyway keep trying, little clues show up every now and again.

Kurt in S.A.
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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by Kurt in S.A. » Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:42 am

murf -

I think I've seen the entry for George you mention. But those townlands/parishes don't resonate with anything that I've ever heard about the family. I've been trying to focus on Cappanegaargh and Ann Field Park. So, it's hard to put any credence in it. I have so little to go on.

But thanks for your ideas.


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Re: Clondagad/Kilchreest Baptisms - Family Index

Post by murf » Wed Feb 28, 2018 2:34 am

We have seen evidence of Brown(e)s living in Cappanageerah, Lanna, Ballycloghesy, Ballycorick, Lavalla, Mount and Knockboy/Inishilane.
If you look at these on a map of Clondagad Parish you find that they all lie in a tight cluster of little more than one kilometre radius.
It is tempting to suppose that they are probably all related.

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