Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria, 1850

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Lyn Coyne
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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by Lyn Coyne » Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:03 am

Sorry Thomas -I should have been more specific. Your post of 3/12/15 mentions that Francis Page, born in Oghilly in the early 1800's, brother of your great, great grandfather, married Ann Broderick. It's their son (David) who emigrated here in 1860 and married Bridget Greelish.

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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by tomasmacgiolla » Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:25 pm

Oh I see now . I should have seen that. Thank you.

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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by smcarberry » Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:42 pm

There are a few things from the Parish of O'Callaghan's Mills in the 1850s that flesh out the context of your Eliza Page's emigration, although I don't have anything to assist with the family in the 1820s. Since I am currently transcribing parish records and that's where my attention is, this may be disjointed from the most current discussion in this thread. I am adding it for whatever it may be worth. I have more saved bits and pieces on Wall, Boland, and Clarke in terms of emigration to North America.

This is the 1858 marriage of Michael Page of Woodford, Galway, to Bridget Boland of Claremount, a rural location in northeast Clare in the direction of Scariff and Mount Shannon:
24 November
Michael Page, Woodford, to Bridget Boland, Claremount
witnesses: John Lynch, Loughrea
Elizabeth Murphy, Ballaugh Castle
amount: £20

Although there is a local townland called Loughea, witness John Lynch's Loughrea home is likely the Galway village. (See Clarke, Wall, Page baptisms http://www.celticcousins.net/ireland/loughrea.htm ) I have no clue about Ballaugh Castle, the other witness's residence, except that it is not in East Clare. Such distant residences are rare in this marriage registry, as is the amount of the donation (right hand side of the record), which is more than three times the usual high-end amount in these records. I assume that the reason the wedding took place in this humble parish was due to its being the bride's home.

The newspaper report of this marriage (on the Ireland Old News website) provides a clue why this marriage is significant for your research, as it refers to the bride as a daughter of Mathew Boland:

2 Dec 1858 Clare Journal
At Callaghan's Mills, by the Rev. Patrick Quaid., P.P., Mr. Michael Page, of Ohilley, co. Galway, to Bridget, third daughter of the late Mr. Mathew Boland, Clare Mount, in this county.

From my other research, I have saved a Driscoll's testimony in 1848 talking about Mat Boland in the Claremount area, indicating his economic status as higher and thus he became a target. I also have snippet on a Mat Boland (a son ?) in 1861, from a book on emigration to South Africa.

Bridget is shown as Bedilia in the civil registrations for the Michael Page family. Those records indicate that the family lived in Portumna, Galway, but Michael's executor in 1881 was John Boland of O'Callaghan's Mills, who could be the Killuran grocer of 1901, followed by his 1911 census record with married daughter Agnes Gleason (her son Patrick died about year 2000 at age 106, a well known fellow).

Births, fa: Michael Page, mo: Bedilia Boland
24 Nov 1864 Portumna, Galway: Margaret
24 Dec 1865 Galway: Bedilia
28 June 1867 Galway: Catherine Elizabeth
17 Apr 1869 Galway: Elizabeth Anne
13 July 1870 Galway: Michael Peter, d. Portumna 1870
11 Nov 1872 Galway: Michael Stanislaus

1901 Galway, Drummin, Ohilly
Bedilea 70 RC
Kathleen 30 dau
Lillie 28 dau [Lizzie ?]

posted by Sharon Carberry USA
Driscoll 1848 testimonty, McMahon trial.jpg
Driscoll 1848 testimonty, McMahon trial.jpg (46.45 KiB) Viewed 40832 times
Page probate 1881, John Boland, exr.jpg
Page probate 1881, John Boland, exr.jpg (11.44 KiB) Viewed 40829 times
Mat Boland 1861 to S.jpg
Mat Boland 1861 to S.jpg (26.84 KiB) Viewed 40832 times

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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by tomasmacgiolla » Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:23 pm

Thank you Sharon for that info which adds to my family tree. I had the names of Bedia Boland and Michael Page but I didn't know her name was Bridgit and that she came from Claremount. Michael was my great grandfather's first cousin. That testimony you included is very interesting and gives a fascinating glimpse into the period.According to Griffiths Valuation Matt Boland seems to have had several large holdings and herds houses which suggests that he was a substantial cattle farmer.I'm assuming it's the same Matthew Boland in the parishes of Killuran and Kilnoe.This might go some way to explain the marriage between Michael Page and Bridgit Boland as at that time the Ohilly Pages were also substantial farmers -there's nothing like land and cattle to induce romance!!!!!
Thomas Page

Lyn Coyne
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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by Lyn Coyne » Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:23 pm

Thank you Sharon for providing this information which does flesh out the context of Eliza Page's emigration to South Africa, even if she went 11 years earlier when information appears to be scant. The Boland's were obviously an influential family and they have done well in Port Elizabeth. I also found a couple of postings on the Rootsweb South African Eastern Cape Archives Listing, including the following snippet:

Permit: R1000/P923
Name: BOLAND, Fanny, 45, Dairymaid
BOLAND, Michael, 20, Agricultural Labourer
BOLAND, Patrick, 18, Agricultural Labourer
To: Matthew BOLAND, Labourer, Port Elizabeth
From: Killoran, County Clare, O'Callaghan Mills
To: Bride II
Date: January 1861

Lyn Coyne

Lyn Coyne
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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by Lyn Coyne » Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:40 am

Hi Thomas,

I have been spending more time on the Clonrush Parish Registers and seem to find more entries which might have some relevance each time I revisit.

Are you aware of an ancestor on your tree called Caesar?! In 1847, a Cezar Page married Martha Geohagan and the witnesses were Bryan Geohagan and Tom Page. The spelling is as recorded on the Register.

In 1846, John Carey married Mary Hartnedy and the witnesses were Nat Turner and Laurence Taylor. This must surely be the man who married your Elizabeth Page because it is the only Taylor reference I found on the Clonrush Register and, as we know, the Taylor family arrived in Melbourne in 1853.

I have been concentrating on the Wall surname and there is an interesting family that a branch of them (headed by Martin Wall) has married into and that is the Woolhouse’s. It is certainly not an Irish surname.

Incidentally, the 1847 reference to my Wall family that you noticed, when Peter son of John Wall and Mary Doogan was baptised, and the sponsors were Pat Wall and Eliza Page, requires a correction. Looking more closely, I now believe it is Norry Doogan which ties in with later entries for children born to John Wall and Honora Doogan.

In 1849, Mary daughter of John Wall and Honora Doogan is baptised and in 1850 Mary daughter of John Wall and Honora Duggan is baptised. Both children must have died because, in 1851, Mary daughter of John Wall and Honora Doogan is baptised. Then, in 1852, Thomas son of John Wall and Honora Dugan is baptised and the male sponsor is Daniel Sheehan.

In 1847, James son of Martin Wall and Bridget Madden is baptised. This Martin Wall and Bridget Madden are the parents of Mary Wall who I found on the Galway Emigrants’ List. She came out here on the “Gloriana” in 1855, aged 19, and her parents were recorded as Martin Wall and Bridget X, still living in Clonrush. Mary has for some years been my candidate for being Eliza Page’s witness at her wedding in 1858, even if she has signed the register as Marianne Wall.

However, I have only found two references in the Clonrush Parish Registers, and they might be tenuous, to link Martin Wall and Bridget Madden to John Wall and Honora Doogan. In 1852, a child whose name I can’t read is baptised and the parents are ? Fahy and Matilda Doogan. The male witness is Darby Madden. Then fast forward to 1872 when Michael son of Michael Mugarvan and Cecilia Woolhouse is baptised and the female sponsor is Honora Wall.

The only reference I have ever found to Marianne Wall in Australia is as Eliza Page’s witness. I wonder if she may have gone back to Clonrush because there is the baptism in 1870 of Bridget Mary daughter of Cornelius Meagher and Mary Anne Wall.

It has been really interesting for me to go through the Clonrush Parish Registers and link the names that keep cropping up with the wonderful pre-famine map of Clonrush and Whitegate that I found on Rootsweb a couple of years ago. I can actually see a hand-drawn picture of Martin Wall’s house which brings it all so vividly to life.

Yesterday I found a family tree site which lists the family of Patrick Wall and Catherine Beston who emigrated from Mountshannon to Queensland in 1879. I have made contact with the submitters. It would be great if this Patrick Wall was Eliza Page’s fellow sponsor at the baptism of Peter Wall in 1847. Rather incredibly, I also came across two other Patrick Wall’s who have married Beston women so it’s all very confusing.

Finally, I found some interesting information on the Eagle Stone of Inishparran on the website of an artist resident in Mountshannon. I was rather intrigued by the reference to a domestic animal graveyard on the island.


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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by tomasmacgiolla » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:19 pm

Hello Lyn,
You are really getting full value from the Clonrush records.Making connections can be difficult especially with names being repeated so much. I have some memory of the name Caesar in the page family-it really stands out.But I don’t remember where I heard it before. The marriage of Martha Geoghegan and Caesar Page makes a much earlier connection between the Page and Geoghegan family. My great grandfather married Mary Geoghegan in 1875 as recorded in the Clonrush records. It is possible that the witness Tom Page was his father –my great great grandfather and Caesar could have been his brother.That Tom Page was one of supposedly 14 children born to Michael Page and Letty Lyons.I only have the names of 9 of these and so Ceasar could be one of these. He must have emigrated as there is no other record of him in Ireland as far as I know.
You are discovering some things about my home place that I am unaware of. The hand drawn map of Whitegate is fantastic. And the Eagle stone of Inishparren-it’s strangely coincidental that the recently reintroduced white tailed eagles has been nesting in the islands near Inishparren.
I came across an interesting site called CastleGarden.org. It’s an American site which lists arrivals in New York from 1820 to 1892,before Ellis Island was opened.Potentially it could offer a lot of info on arrivals as there are a large number of questions asked but most sections are blank or unknown.It lists over 900 people with Page surname from Britain and Ireland. There is one interesting one I found after a very quick glance.In October 4 Pages arrived in New York and gave their home county as Clare-Catherine 12,Eliza 16,James 25 and Mary 20.I know that the Clonrush /Mountshannon area was in Galway then but as we saw previously there were Pages just over the border in the Scarriff area. There are no Pages in Clare in the tithe Applotments-(except for a William in Ogonnello-which is just south of Scarriff) I also found the ships list for The Western World but it only gives the same info .Perhaps there is no connection but the Page name and the first names got my interest.
Thomas Page

Lyn Coyne
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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by Lyn Coyne » Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:49 am

Hello Thomas,

I almost hesitate to tell you this, but I know you will be sitting down when you read it so I won't be the cause of your untimely demise.

I did a search on Ancestry for Caesar Page and came up with Caesar Augustus Page married to Mithilda Garhagan on 30 April 1847 in Clare, Ireland.

This couple had the following children: William, Elizabeth, John, David, Matilda, Maggie, Mary, Anna and Francis.

Caesar died at the age of 100 in Worthington, Dubuque, Iowa, USA in 1914.

I did a double check on the Clonrush Marriage Register, and Caesar Page did indeed marry Martha Geoghegan on 30 April 1847, so perhaps her second name was Matilda.

By the way, Caesar's father is Michael Page (no dates given) but the mother is given as Margaret Archer,born 1812 which can't be right given that Caesar was born in 1812.

Once again, this highlights the importance of looking in both Galway and Clare.

Lyn Coyne

Lyn Coyne
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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by Lyn Coyne » Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:51 am

Hello again Thomas,

I have tried to trace the Clare Page's you found on the CastleGarden.org site through the US censuses but no luck.

I have been going through my Wall references and am now inclining towards the townland of Sellernaun as linking my Patrick Wall and Daniel Sheehan, and the other Sheehan's we've mentioned, along with with the McNamaras as well.

In 1879, when Thomas son of David Page and Catherine McNamara is baptised, the Register records Sellernane. In 1878, James son of ?Solon and Margaret Sheehan is baptised and Patrick son of John Conroy and Cath Curtis is baptised and the register records Sellernane for both parties.

When James Page married Margaret Conroy in 1853, the witnesses were Stephen Conroy and Bridget Mullin. No location is given but Patrick Conroy and John Mullen are in the GV for 1855 for Sellernaun. I found no later references to this couple and nothing in US censuses.

And, when Thomas son of John Wall and Honora Dugan is baptised in 1852, the male sponsor is Daniel Sheehan.

All of this is entirely circumstantial, of course, but it makes me lean towards the Patrick Wall who was Eliza Page's co-sponsor at the baptism of Peter Wall in 1847 as coming from Sellernaun. But I have no idea who the Patrick Wall of Clonrush was who married Anne Beston at Scariff in 1855 and found no marriage in the Clonrush register for Patrick Wall and Maria Beston, but their daughter Brigid is baptised in 1862. I found no subsequent references to either couple.

I have now heard back from the submitter of the family tree of Patrick Wall of Sellernaun and Catherine Beston, who emigrated from Mountshannon in 1879. In light of my investigations, I can only speculate that Catherine Wall (Eliza Page's mother) is more likely to have been related to the Sellernane Wall's rather than her having a Clonrush connection. I wish I could be more confident.

Finally, this posting of David Hutcheson might be of interest. Professor Bruce Elliott alluded to it but I hadn't seen the list of names before. About 11 of these surnames do turn up in the RC Clonrush Registers.


Lyn Coyne

Lyn Coyne
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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by Lyn Coyne » Thu Feb 04, 2016 2:59 pm

Hi Thomas,

I have just found out today that the father of Patrick Wall is recorded on his death certificate as Peter and I would therefore have to conclude that Peter Wall of Sellernaune in the Tithe Applotment Books is Eliza Page's maternal grandfather and my great great great grandfather. This is exciting as it takes us back another generation, possibly to around 1780.

Lyn Coyne

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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by tomasmacgiolla » Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:35 pm

Hello Lyn,
I can understand your excitement at finding your great great great grandfather Peter Wall. It took great detective work to figure it out. Those parish records really contain a lot of hidden information behind the surface of what can look like scribbles. As you’ve proven it’s the witnesses at marriages and sponsors at baptisms that can reveal the most interesting information. You must make certain assumptions about these people as they were generally close family relations-often brothers and sisters of the wedding couple/child’s parents. The connection of Page family members to the Sellernaune area of Mountshannon is interesting . Catherine McNamera who married my great grandfather’s brother David in 1878 was born in Edinburgh. Her father Daniel had emigrated to Scotland around 1855 and Catherine was visiting her father’s home place in Mountshannon when she met David Page from Coose. They married and rented a small farm in Sellernaune in the mountains above Mountshannon where two children were born -Thomas and Daniel. Catherine got very homesick and the rented farm was small and so they decided to go to Scotland. Thus the Coose /Edinburgh was started.
If we haven’t established a direct connection between your Clare Pages and the Oghilly/Coose Pages they are moving closer geographically-The Walls and Galway Pages were neighbours at least!
Your discovery of Caesar Page’s details is amazing. He wasn’t just Caesar but Caesar Augustus-one Roman emperor wasn’t enough!!! It follows a pattern of the Oghilly Pages of the double barrel Christian name which often was not just a second name given at baptism and largely forgotten but was the common name they were called by.My theory that he was my great great grandfather’s brother seems to be correct as his witness was Thomas, his brother, and his father was Michael but his mother as Margaret Archer doesn’t match up. Of course there is a possibility that Michael married twice as my records give his wife as Letty Lyons . Michael had 14 children and so the possibility that there were two mothers could make sense. By the way he lived to be 105 according to his grandson Thomas P Page in that memoir he wrote which I mentioned in earlier post. Caesar lived to be 100!-that means great long life genes but I’m a bit sceptical of these age figures –I think after 80 they gave up counting !!!!
Thank you for the info you have uncovered and good luck in search.
Thomas Page

Lyn Coyne
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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by Lyn Coyne » Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:26 pm

Hello Thomas,

Yes, the Wall family in Sellernaune and your David Page and Catherine McNamara would have been neighbours, so to speak, until they emigrated out here in 1879.

One detail I need to amend re Caesar is that the wife's surname as given is Acher, not Archer. I agree with you that there may well have been a second marriage.

By the way, if you can make time to get onto Ancestry at the public library, there is an absolutely wonderful photograph of Caesar attached to the family tree. There is a photograph of both of them as well but the one of Caesar on his own is exceptional.

Lyn Coyne

Lyn Coyne
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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by Lyn Coyne » Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:29 pm

Correction to the above. Acher is given as Caesar's mother's surname.

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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by tomasmacgiolla » Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:55 pm

Hello Lyn,
Yes that surname Acher is very unusual. There is no record of that name in the tithes applotments,Griffiths Valuation or Census 1901. However when I searched Family Search ,the Mormon site, there are a few records of the name in Co Galway in the mid 1800’s-mainly involving court cases!! A Martin Acher is recorded in Gort petty sessions in 1858-Gort is 25-30kms from Woodford in south Galway.
That photo of Caesar Page sounds amazing. I got the reference to him on the ancestry site. Obviously you only get access to details like photographs on the site with a subscription. I plan to get a month or so at some stage but one would need free time to delve into the site and get full value. I presume your public library has free access-I’m not sure what the story is here.Thanks again for introducing me to Caesar.He sounds interesting.
Thomas Page

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Re: Eliza Page:Inisparran, Clare, to Warrnambool, Victoria,

Post by Sduddy » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:11 am

Hi Lyn
Among the "Donated Material" to clarelibrary see "Court Reports and Legal Records (including Evictions)".
The 'Ejectment Books of County Clare 1816-1835' donated by Nicola Jennings is a good source of information and lists many people who are not recorded anywhere else. It shows that Barnaby Meally served notice of eviction on some Pages living in Ballybrohan in Ogonneloe in 1833. This does not mean that they were actually evicted.


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