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Gen. publications catalogued by Nova Scotia group

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:45 pm
by smcarberry
This is the link to a long item in pdf format, an official publication of the
holdings (I think) as of 1984 of the Genealogical Association of the
Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, listing publications on the
genealogies of Nova Scotia families. Using the document's internal
search engine, one article on Clare was retrieved, for which the entire
listing is:
414. Mott, G.F. "Finucane of County Clare", The Irish Ancestor 1(1):
1-11, 1969.

Also of interest for some, entry No. 505:
Smiley, M.S. "History of the Redden Family...1795 - 1969." 1969, 213 p.