Garvey & Healy, Clare-born soldiers, 9th Regt, CT Inf. 1860s

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Garvey & Healy, Clare-born soldiers, 9th Regt, CT Inf. 1860s

Post by smcarberry » Mon May 11, 2009 9:26 pm

History of the Ninth Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, "The Irish Regiment,” in the War of The Rebellion, 1861 – 65 (New Haven, Ct.,: 1908)
by Thomas Hamilton Murray
p. 334
GARVEY, CAPT. PATRICK, a native of the County Clare, Ireland, born in 1824. He came to the United States in 1828, resided in Clinton County, New York, about two years and removed to New Haven, Ct., in 1830, where he remained until 1854, when he settled in Meriden, Ct. Under date of Dec. 27, 1852, he was commissioned captain of Company D, Second regiment, by Governor Seymour of Connecticut. This company was known as the "Jackson Guards," of New Haven, and was one of the companies disbanded by the Know Nothing administration in 1855. Capt. Garvey had resigned his commission in 1854. He enlisted in the Ninth regiment, C. V., Aug. 22, 1861, was mustered as captain of Company B, Oct. 31, that year, and served until honorably discharged, Oct. 26, 1864.

p. 337
HEALY, CAPT. THOMAS F., born at Fern Hill, County Clare, Ireland ; came to America in 1848; settled in Derby, Ct., where he married, Mary Monaghan, a native of the County Cavan, Ireland, and successfully engaged in the grocery business until 1857. He then went to California, and spent three years in the gold fields, meeting much success. He returned to Derby, and soon after the war broke out. He enlisted into the Ninth regiment, Sept. 5, 1861, being mustered, the same month, He was first sergeant of Company E, and was promoted to be first lieutenant of Company K, March 7, 1862. He was promoted to be captain of the latter company, Sept. 5, 1862. He served until the expiration, in Oct., 1864, of his term of service. He then returned to Derby, again engaged in the grocery business and so continued until his death. Capt. and Mrs. Healy had five children, viz: Mrs. John T. Holian, of Springfield, Mass.; Margaret (who died in infancy); Mary (who died at the age of three years), James T. of Derby, Conn., and Dr. Thomas F., of Bridgeport, Conn.

posted by Sharon Carberry (not related)

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