John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by smcarberry » Mon May 08, 2023 9:15 am

The Local Studies Centre's Dunboyne Abstracts (online, Library site) seems to provide Fr. Fahy's forename, in his sister's death mention:

Limerick Chronicle 14 June 1845
"At Toonagh House, Quin, county Clare, Mary, wife of James O'Halloran, jun. Esq, sister to the late Rev. Charles Fahy, P.P. of Newmarket-on-Fergus, and niece to the late Right Rev. Dr. McMahon, of Killaloe."

In Google Books, a snippet view of p. 424 for The Diocese of Killaloe, 1800-1850 by Ignatius Murphy, repeats this Nenagh Guardian obituary (undated publication, due to the snippet ending too soon online):

"Deaths - In the 40th year of his age, on Sunday last, the very Revd Charles Fahy, parish priest of Newmarket on Fergus..."
Also see Charles Fahy on p. 400, in his listing in what looks like his parish (another snippet view).

In the Ignatius Murphy book sequel 1850-1894, at p. 394, this reference appears, in snippet view on Google Books:

"...Charles Fahy from Tulla as parish priest. Fahy died in January 1839 at the age of 40, and after his death Newmarket - on - Fergus once again became a mensal parish this time for an unbroken period of eighty years until 1919..."

By the way, Fahy/Fahey/Fahie in East Clare is an uncommon name in the 1800s. Compounding the families' perhaps low birth rate was a propensity to produce priests. In 1869, a New York City obituary (Irish American Weekly) for Daniel Fahy's widow (age 85) of Jasper's Pound, near Quin CLA, noted that the Roscrea PP was her son John Fahy.

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Sduddy » Tue May 09, 2023 9:48 am

Hi Sharon,
Regarding the name Fahy: I think Fahy was sometimes spelled as “Fay” in the U.S. Looking again at your posting, “News items on Mealy/O’Malley of Tulla Parish”: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6907, and, in particular, the attachment, “Malley of Tulla, 1882 conviction relief.pdf”, which gives list of contributors to that fund, I can see that one contributor is William Fay, Feakle, $2.00 ($2.00 was at the top of the scale of contributions) and that "Mr Wm Fay, of Brooklyn, formerly of Feakle, county Clare" was one of the collectors.

Hi Jimbo
It seems Marian O’Callaghan did not need to be a Catholic in order to be a witness. Regulations say that a baptized non-Catholic Christian may be a witness to a baptism, but only if the other sponsor is a Catholic: ... r-sponsors. Some years ago, I was told of this “loophole” in the regulations, by a religious who was familiar with Canon Law.
Marian O’Callaghan died aged only 32: 25 Mar 1871, Ballinahinch: Death of Marian OCallaghan, married, aged 32, Gentlewoman; informant: C. (?). OCallaghan, Ballinahinch: ... 286631.pdf. It seems that Charles George O’Callaghan did not marry again.

Jimbo, I was not aware that there was a Kilnoe parish register starting 1821. I hope that register has survived. When I posted my transcription of the Kilnoe parish baptisms on 27 Oct 2017 (i.e. transcription of the register made available by the National Library of Ireland), I noted that the register “has all the appearance of a transcription of the original register” – I hadn’t noted that it was a Fr. Guerin who had made the transcription: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6923. Although 20th century transcriptions are much easier to read, they are a bit a disappointment; they do not have the historical value of the original registers, e.g., the Miltown-Malbay register, which shows that the priest took “offerings” in the form of days of work, and the Rath-Kilnaoby register, which includes a couple of fulminations (in Latin) by the priest (probably Fr. Murphy), and the St. Senan’s register (Kilrush), which shows that marriages in the early part of the 19th century usually took place in the bride’s home. I’m inclined to suspect that transcriptions were made not just to preserve, which is so very laudable, but also to launder.

Thank you for the link to the witness statement made by Michael Gleeson in 1955. At one point, Michael Gleeson refers to James Hogan “a native of Galway and now a Professor in Cork University”. James’s brother, Patrick Hogan, later became Minister for Agriculture; they were both sons of Michael Hogan who was from Coolreagh More, Kilnoe (Bodyke). These Hogans belonged to a group called “strong” farmers for whom emigration was not a necessity (Jimbo, you have noted another such family, but I forget who, where, or when). Michael was a son of James Hogan and Ellen McNamara and his baptism was recorded in the Kilnoe parish register (14 Sep 1863). Michael married Bridget Glennon, Kilrickle, Co. Galway in 1889: ... 913737.pdf.
On page 21 of a thesis entitled “Patrick J Hogan TD, Minister for Agriculture, 1922-1932, : A Study of a Leading Member of the First Government of an Independent Ireland” , the author, Joan M Cullen, says, “Michael Hogan, Patrick’s father, a Clareman, ‘married in’ to the property in Kilricle where his wife’s family, the Glennons, had lived since the turn of the eighteenth century. However his family tree, which contains a significant number of professionals and religious of some standing, suggests that Bridget Glennon was not descending the social ladder with such an alliance - quite the opposite in fact. Patrick and his siblings maintained the high standards of previous generations two became solicitors, one a nun, one a professor of history and one an army colonel [Note 4. Paul Bew, Land and the National Question in Ireland (Dublin 1978), p 22, Hooker, Readjustments p 65]” (page 21).

Jimbo, I looked at the records for Anne Coffey, sister of Canon John McNamara of Bodyke and of Vicar General P. J. McNamara of New York. The record of Anne’s marriage to James Coffey on 8 Aug 1888 gives her address as Kilnasoolagh and her father as Matthew McNamara: ... 931311.pdf. Putting two sons through Maynooth College (for the priesthood) would have entailed great expense, so when I looked at Griffith’s Valuation of the townland of Kilnasoolagh in Kilnasoolagh parish, I was fully expecting to find that Matthew was leasing a large farm, but found a Matthew and a Patrick McNamara jointly leasing Lot 5 (8 acres) and Lot 6a (4 acres and a house valued at 10.0 shillings).
The marriage of Mathew McNamara to Catherine Coffey, on 4 Feb 1840, is recorded in the Newmarket-on-Fergus marriages 1828-1865: ... 9/mode/1up.
The baptisms of some of the children of Matt McNamara and Catherine Coffey are recorded in the Newmarket-on-Fergus parish baptisms, but the baptism of John is not there:
16 Jul 1842: Michael of M(?) McNamara and Catherine Coffy; sponsors: Pat McNamara, Margaret Meehan:
23 Jan 1844: Pat of M(?) McNamara and Catherine Coffey, Kilnasula; sponsors: Pat Mac, Eliza Lewis:
18 Sep 1845: Mat of Mat McNamara and Catherine Coffy, Kilnasoula; sponsors: Mat Corbet, Judy Coffy:
29 Mar 1852: Anne of Matt McNamara and Catherine Coffey, Carrig(?); sponsors: Michael McNamara, Honora Walsh:

28 Jul 1890, Kilnasoolagh: Death of Matthew McNamara, married, aged 84, Farmer; informant: Anne Coffey, daughter, Knocknagua(?): ... 739055.pdf

I think this must be the birth of the young Matthew McNamara, who was visiting Anne Coffey in 1901 ( ... e/1072097/):
12 Sep 1877, Kilnasoolagh: Birth of Matthew to Michael McNamara, Farmer, and Mary Anne McNamara: ... 093249.pdf


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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Jimbo » Wed May 10, 2023 5:40 am


We record with deep feelings of regret the lamented death of the Very. Rev. Charles Fahy, P.P., of Newmarket-on-Fergus, the Vicar General of the diocese of Killaloe. Mr. Fahy entered on the duties of his mission at the early age of 23, having long before then completed his course of theology with honour and distinction. He was soon after appointed to take charge of the parish of Tomgreany, and in a few years promoted to the parish of Tulla, made vicar-general of the diocese, and master of conference of that district by the then bishop, Dr. O'Shaughnessey. Doctor McMahon [his uncle] succeeded in that prelate [on 5 August 1828], and in 1836, finding his declining strength unequal to the arduous duties of his extensive diocese, that good and holy man held a convocation of his clergy to select a coadjutor and successor. The priests on that important occasion exhibited their feelings and regard for Mr. Fahy [Bishop McMahon's nephew], by placing his name on the list with that of their present respected bishops. After the death of Dr. McMahon [7 June 1836], Mr. Fahy was promoted to the parish of Newmarket, and departed this life on Sunday the 20th inst [20 January 1839], aged 40 years. To him we may truly apply the sentence of the book of wisdom [chapter 4], "That venerable old age is not that of long time, nor counted by the number of years; but the understanding of a man is grey hairs, and a spotless life is old age;" for "being made perfect in a short space, he fulfilled a long time." He has left a lasting monument of his zeal for religion in the beautiful church which he built in Tulla.

Dublin Weekly Register, Saturday, 2 February 1839
Thank you, Sharon, for your assorted clues which made it possible to track down the 1839 obituary of the Rev. Charles Fahy (≈1798 - 1839). My prior search of the newspaper archives was hampered by the numerous spellings of Fahy and Fahey etc, of Kilnoe, Tomgraney, and Bodyke parish, as well as various priestly titles, such as "Rev Mr", "Rev Dr", "Parish Priest", "P P" etc. From searching the newspaper archives, I was also made aware that there were several priests named Fahy. So given the School's Collection on the duchas website stating that "Fr Fahey" was parish priest of Bodyke between 1825 and 1832, I was hesitant to conclude that he was one and the same as the "Very Rev. Dr. Fahy", parish priest of Tulla, noted in the two newspaper articles starting 1828, transcribed below.
Parish of TULLA, county Clare—Churchwarden B. Tuohy—The Rent is collecting; the collectors, as yet, Very Rev. Dr. Fahy, P.P., and his Curate, Rev. Mr. Tracy; no turning out of the peasantry; no new reformation; no persecution of freeholders; no persecution of parents; there are two schools on the Kildare-place plan; the religion of the pupils is not interfered with, the teachers are Catholics; there is also a Catholic school under the patronage of the Very Rev. Dr. Fahy, which is a great advantage to the poor class.

Dublin Morning Register, Wednesday, 27 August 1828
On Thursday last, two young Ladies, Miss Gubbins and Miss Quirkie, were admitted to take the while veil at the Ursuline Convent, Lifford, near Ennis. The Right Rev. Dr. McMahon officiated, and the Rev. Mr. Fahy, P.P. of Tulla, preached an appropriate sermon. Mr. O'Connell attended the ceremony with his friend Mr. Steele, heard mass, confessed, and received the communion.

Dublin Evening Post, Tuesday, 4 August 1829
From the obituary of the Rev. Charley Fahey, the comment that after becoming parish priest of "Tomgraeney" he had "in a few years promoted to the parish of Tulla" was consistent with timing of the succession of his uncle, the coadjutor Bishop Patrick McMahon of Killaloe, on 5 August 1828, upon the death of Bishop James O'Shaughnessy on that date. The Rev. Patrick McMahon had been named coadjutor Bishop of Killaloe, with right of succession, on 8 August 1819 upon the poor health / incapacity of Bishop O'Shaughnessy (who would go on to live a further nine years).

At some point, according to Charles Fahy's obituary, he had become an auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Killaloe, also known as a "vicar general", with no right of succession. The Vatican's website on canon law provides details (article 3) on the coadjutor bishop versus auxiliary bishop: ... ml#Art._3.

Consistent with the Charles Fahy obituary, when Bishop Patrick McMahon's health deteriorated in 1834, Bishop McMahon started the process to nominate a Coadjutor:
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH—The Right Rev. Dr. McMahon anxious to appoint a Coadjutor for the Diocese of Killaloe, has sent circulars to all his Clergy, convening a meeting on the 15th inst. at Castleconnell, at which the Most Rev. Dr. Slattery, Primate of Munster, is to preside. The election will take place by scrutiny, and the candidates chiefly spoken of are the Rev. P. [Patrick] Kennedy, P.P. Birr; Rev. D. Vaughn, P.P., Killaloe; Rev. W. Byrne, P.P. Ballina , (Cashel); Rev. J. Kenny, P.P., Kilrush; Rev. J.O.B. Costelloe, P.P. Abington, (Emly); and the Rev. C. Lahy [Charles Fahy], P.P., Tulla. These gentlemen are priests of the first order of talent—celebrated preachers, and highly distinguished for many virtues. . . Tipperary Free Press.

Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier, Thursday, 4 December 1834
Not sure what "election by scrutiny" means and presumably the Pope's approval would be required since a coadjutor bishop had a right of succession. Anyways, the front-runner, the Rev. Patrick Kennedy of Birr, was appointed coadjutor bishop on 31 May 1835, and was appointed Bishop of Killaloe on 7 June 1836, upon the death of Bishop McMahon (see above wikipedia article link, Bishops of Killaloe).

Very soon after the death of the Rev. Charles Fahy, parish priest of Newmarket-on-Fergus, on 20 January 1836, Bishop Patrick Kennedy of Killaloe would move there.
The Right Rev. Dr. Kennedy, Bishop of Killaloe, has changed his residence from Castleconnell to Deerpark, Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Vindicator, Saturday, 15 February 1840
From the short snippet that Sharon quoted from "The Diocese of Killaloe, 1850-1894" by Ignatius Murphy: "after his '[Charles Fahy's] death, Newmarket-on-Fergus once again became a mensal parish this time for an unbroken period of eighty years until 1919." There are many long definitions of "mensal parish" on-line, but from the context, I thought that this meant that Newmarket-on-Fergus was the residence of a bishop for 80 years until 1919.

But upon further research, I am not sure of the definition of "mensal parish". The "Bishops of Killaloe" wikipedia article provides biographical links to the more recent bishops. For Bishop Michael Fogarty, bishop from 1904 to 1955, the wiki biography states "In 1919, Fogarty purchased Westbourne House on the western outskirts of Ennis, for use as a residence for him and his successor". ... cle-no-19/

However, Bishop Thomas J. McRedmond, bishop of Killaloe from 1894 to 1904, in the 1901 census was living at Cahercalla More townland in Ennis Rural. And in the 1911 census, Bishop Michael Fogarty, from 1904 to 1955, was also at Cahercalla More, prior to his move to Westbourne House in 1919. So no longer sure what was meant by Newmarket-on-Fergus being a "mensal parish" for eighty years? ... e/1069029/ ... re/352776/

The Killaloe Diocese website has an interesting article on Westbourne House, which was taken from the Clare Champion of 11 October 2010. To this day the Bishop of Killaloe continues to live at Westbourne since Bishop Fogarty's move in 1919. Sheila, if you scroll down to the bottom of the article, there is a group photo from 1922 including Bishop Fogarty, but also of Patrick Hogan whose family history you coincidentally just shared in your last posting. ... cle-no-19/

The Rev. Charles Fahy appears to have greatly benefited from having Patrick McMahon, coadjutor Bishop of Killaloe from 1819 to 1828, then Bishop of Killaloe from 1828 to 1835, as his uncle. The move from parish priest of Bodyke Parish to Tulla Parish appears to have been a step-up. He was also appointed a vicar general of the Killaloe diocese by his uncle. The move from Tulla Parish to Newmarket-on-Fergus Parish was described as a promotion. And he was also listed in 1835 as a contender for coadjutor Bishop, which would be considered an honor.

This research into the career path of Rev. Charles Fahy has now created a new mystery. Who was the parish priest of Kilnoe-Tomgraney (Bodyke) from about 1828 to 1831? Will the answer to this question provide any clues as to what happened to the missing Kilnoe-Tomgraney baptism and marriage registers which do not start until late 1832?

Where was the Rev. Charles Fahy from? The death notice provided by Sharon from the Limerick Chronicle of 14 June 1845 provided a hopeful clue:

"At Toonagh House, Quin, county Clare, Mary, wife of James O'Halloran, jun. Esq, sister to the late Rev. Charles Fahy, P.P. of Newmarket-on-Fergus, and niece to the late Right Rev. Dr. McMahon, of Killaloe."

Mrs. Mary O'Halloran of Toonagh House must have died in childbirth. On 30 June 1845, James O'Halloran, of Toonagh, was baptized per the Quin-Clooney baptism register of 1816-1815; father James O'Halloran; mother Mary Fahy; sponsors James O'Halloran, Grace O'Halloran.

There are no other baptisms for James O'Halloran and Mary Fahy reported in the Quin-Clooney baptism register. Were they newly married? The Quin-Clooney marriage register starts in 1833 and they were not married in that parish. Nor could I find their marriage in neighboring parishes. According to the clericus website, a database of Irish Catholic priests, Charles Fahy attended St. Patrick's College at Maynooth. Their internal records might have information where Charles Fahy was born.

Sheila, thanks for your feedback on the 1862 baptism of Marianne Callaghan in the Kilnoe baptism records. I thought the rules for Catholic baptisms were more strict. In my own family experience, only two Catholic godparents (sponsors) were ever used at baptisms of my relatives and never a witness. In my last posting, last paragraph, describing the 1862 baptism should have been as follows: "The Rev. John Gleeson along with Mrs. Captain C.G. O'Callaghan were the sponsor and witness, respectively, at the baptism of Marianne Callaghan, daughter of John Callaghan and Mary Callaghan of Ballinahinch on 11 August 1862". If Marion Josephine Kelly had been a Catholic when she married Charles George O'Callaghan in 1856 in a Church of England ceremony, than she would have been forbidden from even being a witness at the 1862 baptism, I think.

Possibly, a similar situation occurred in Scart in O'Callaghan Mills Parish with the family of James Connellan (early 1800's - 1887) and Margaret Fahey (≈1806 - 1893). Their fourth child, "Emily Conelon", was baptized on 5 June 1845, residence Scart; baptism sponsors Doctor Kenny and Miss Bevan of Scart per O'Callaghan Mills baptism register. Note: mother transcribed as "Mary Hanrahin" in a swapping error; Mary Hanrahin was the mother of a child baptized on 6 June 1845, and transcribed as "Margret Fahy".

Doctor Kenny and Miss Bevan of Scart House were discussed on page one of this thread as their house was attacked by moonlighters in 1846 and threatened with the same death as "Gloster and Carrick". Miss Emily Emma Bevan married six months later in a Church of England and Ireland ceremony. Either Doctor Kenny or Miss Bevan, or possibly both, had to have been a Catholic baptism sponsor in June 1845. If Miss Bevan was a Catholic, I believe after her 1846 marriage, she would no longer qualify under canon rules to be either a sponsor (godparent) or even a witness at a Catholic baptism. However, after being attacked by moonlighters prior to her marriage, and none of her Catholic neighbors provided any assistance in her time of need, this might not have been a top priority for her. It is also possible that canon rules from the Vatican were not so strictly followed in 1840's Ireland.

Edit 1: typos.
Last edited by Jimbo on Wed May 17, 2023 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Sduddy » Wed May 10, 2023 9:20 am

Hi Jimbo

Just a note on a minor matter: I think the Patrick Hogan in the photograph (1922) is the Patrick Hogan from Culleen, Kilmaley parish, who shortly afterwards became a Labour Party T.D.*. You will notice that he has a large nose, so I think he is the same Patrick Hogan who is on the right in this photo in the Clare Champion: ... -in-ennis/.

I included a few lines on Paddy Hogan in “Surnames in Irish in 1911”: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7311. See third posting on page 3: "Among the Clare people, who were living in Co. Cork in 1911 and who gave their names in Irish on the census form, is Pádraig Ó hÓgáin, aged 24, living in New Square, Mitchelstown DED; occupation: Oide sa Gaedhilge [Irish Teacher]; county of origin: Co an Chláir: ... re/439325/. He must be Patrick Hogan, who was aged 16 in 1901 and living at home in Culleen, Killaniv DED, Co. Clare. This entry in the Dictionary of Irish Biography is for Patrick:
There is more information on him in that biographical piece tells us, for instance, that the Clare Champion, writing on him at the time of his death, mentions that he walked from Kilmaley to Ennis in order to attend school; also, that it was from a next-door neighbour he learned the Irish language:".

The 1901 census shows that Patrick’s father, Patrick Hogan, aged 75, was an Army Pensioner, and was blind: ... n/1071084/. In the record of Patrick’s (senior) marriage to Bridget Connors in 1872, he gives his occupation as Labourer: ... 145696.pdf.

It is interesting that Patrick (junior) wrote on the plight of the unmarried mother in Ireland, as this is also the subject of “An Trial” (= The Trial), by Mairéad Ní Ghráda, also from Kilmaley: ... ghrada.htm.

Here we get a glimpse of Paddy Hogan welcoming Pres. J. F. Kennedy (when the president addressed Dáil Éireann in 1963) and another glimpse at the end when he thanked the president: ... EuGsu_Y0YA

* Teachta Dála = Deputy to the Dáil, or Assembly Delegate:ála

Last edited by Sduddy on Wed May 10, 2023 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by smcarberry » Wed May 10, 2023 10:03 am

Jimbo, your exposition of pre-1840 diocesan matters at the highest level in East Clare is truly illuminating and well needed by me since my understanding is limited to what a mere parishioner could discern. One nitpicking observation: during your editing window of time, a reader of your posting will benefit after you change the second-written "from" in describing Fr. Fahy's move from Tulla Parish to Newmarket-on-Fergus.

Readers of these postings are getting an inside view of what it takes to deal with handwritten Irish records, as well as the usual rush-to-publish errors made in newspaper references to localities. Insights found in these postings are a whole level beyond what budding genealogists can glean from all the usual run of webinars and genealogy-conference lectures. All I can say is "Well done" and thanks for setting the scene for whatever I eventually produce on Fr. Patrick Quaid who in 1835 waded into the East Clare scene from rural Co. Limerick. Not a bad return for me, after a few minutes spent on Googling to reach a forename for Fr. Fahy.

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Sduddy » Sat May 13, 2023 9:57 am

Well, we are drifting away from Clogher, but, before we go, here is a link to a piece on Terryglass wood, which is yet another part of that townland. It is written by Terry Dunne and I think the information is very attractively presented : ... of-clogher
The author mentions Mathew Boland as one of the tenants on the Gore Estate and I feel sure he is the same Mathew Boland who is mentioned in John Harrison’s will made in 1856 with codicil added in 1858.
The witness statement by Michael Gleeson refers to the sawmills in Derrymore. It describes the mill as being owned by James Regan of Sixmilebridge. This is the same James Regan who is discussed in the topic “O’Regan sixmilebridge and or Labasheeda”: viewtopic.php?t=881

Here is the marriage of Michael Boland: 11 Mar 1862: At the Roman Catholic Chapel of Newport, Co. Tipperary, on 1 Mar, inst. Mr Michael Boland, son of Mr Matthew Bolland, Clare Mount, Clare, to Mary, daughter of the late Mr John Coffee, Freigh, County Tipperary (
Michael and Mary Boland lived in Kilavoy, Killuran parish (see O’Callaghan’s Mills parish baptisms), but the Bolands, or a branch of the Bolands, maybe, seem to have moved to the townland of Claremount: ... t/1086368/
Here is the entry for Mathew Boland in the Calendar of Wills: Mathew Boland, 1870: Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Mathew Boland late of Claremount County Clare, Farmer, deceased who died 12 March 1870 at the same place were granted at Limerick to Michael Boland of Killavoy (O’Callaghan’s Mills) in said County Farmer the son of the deceased: http://www.willcalendars.nationalarchiv ... _00027.pdf


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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by smcarberry » Sun May 14, 2023 4:55 pm

Sheila, I enjoyed reading the modern essays on some very old places in East Clare. The aspect of where and when wooded areas have been cultivated is an interesting take on the subject of land management there.

Since I already had to become familiar with the name Matthew Boland in East Clare (my DNA is related as a 4th cousin to an Illinois family having an Irish-born Miles Boland, but they are firm on their ancestor being non-Clare). Without pursuing the East Clare line in Jimbo-style, my notes show the area has been involved with this Boland family group since the very early 1800s and likely into the 1700s. Claremont and Killavoy are both in that very early mix. The name Matthew in the family group likewise goes back that far. As you may be aware, the yet-unattainable online version of a 1880 Tulla District death registration indicates that the involved Matthew Boland was born in 1798. The O'Callaghan's Mills Parish baptisms have both 1837 and 1839 baptisms for Boland men with different wives bringing a baby Matthew in for the sacrament. Throughout the century someone bearing the name Matthew Boland was serving as godparent in that parish. Using just parish registers it is difficult to nail which is the patriarch b.1700s, then the son named after him and the son's brothers likewise naming their sons Matthew every successive generation.

However, a newspaper 1858 wedding notice is more helpful, and I do think there is no error in it:
Clare Journal 2 Dec 1858
" Marriages. At Callaghan's Mills, by the Rev. Patrick Quaid, P.P., Mr. Michael Page, of Ohilley, co. Galway, to Bridget, third daughter of the late Mathew Boland, Clare Mount, in this county."

The 1901 census does have an elderly Page widow at the named Galway locality, along with two single daughters. That's as far as I took it, just enough to check out the news item a bit and to reflect on the OCM marriage register's use of Woodford as Michael Page's residence.

The other salient aspect of this Boland family group's history in East Clare, to mention here briefly is the attempted assassination of a Claremount adult Matthew by a trio of Michael McMahon, John McMahon, and Michael Shanahan, all of Claremount, to be done by a gun-toting man who on 20 Dec 1847 arrived at Michael McMahon's place to collect the offered 5-pound compensation but left when no money was forthcoming that day, apparently never to return. At Michael McMahon's trial, John Morony testified to knowing the involved Matthew Boland all his life and that as an adult, Boland was a farmer with "two or three farms" of which one had been leased to Morony's son-in-law Michael Hynes until turned out by Boland 3 years prior.

I have Boland of East Clare emigration notes involving several continents, including South Africa (arrival Jan 1861 of laborer Matthew Boland of "Killoran, O'Callaghan Mills, Co. Clare"). By 1901, this Boland family group in Ireland was whittled down to mostly women married into other families remaining in East Clare and nearby counties. Most descendants of the patriarch Matthew Boland of the 1700s were spread out globally.

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Jimbo » Wed May 17, 2023 6:08 am


The Limerick Chronicle of Wednesday last [30 March 1831], presents a frightful list of outrages committed during the last week in the counties of Limerick and Clare. The police and the army have been beaten and stoned by the mob. The land has been turned up in many places, and robbery of arms has taken place to an alarming extent.—The Rockite system is at full work in these counties.

Many thousands of acres of land in the county of Clare, bordering on Galway, have been turned up, a great part of which belongs to Wm. Butler, Esq., whose large stock of cattle are almost starving on a small piece of land adjoining his house. Notices have been served desiring that any land so turned up shall not be laid down; and it is even stated that Dr. McMahon, the Catholic Bishop of Killaloe, has been ordered by "Terry Alt" not again to exhort the people to desist from these practices. A sergeant of one of the regiments was reported to have been killed.

Our Galway correspondent . . .

Roscommon & Leitrim Gazette, Saturday, 2 April 1831
The Terry Alt violence of 1831 has been described in the History section of the Clare Library in several articles. "Agrarian Conflict in Clare: 1815 - 1831" by Michael MacMahon: ... _intro.htm

Also, "Disturbed Clare, 1831" has transcribed one article from the Belfast Telegraph of 15 April 1831: ... re1831.htm

Terry Alts have also been a topic of several postings on the Clare Past Forum:

viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7127&p=13531&hilit= ... lts#p13531

However, their focus has been on the violence at Ballycorrick Bridge and the Sergeant Robinson who was killed at Clondegad. The below article provides new information focused on Feakle, Scariff, and the large estates at Ayle and Ballinahinch. The Arthur Gloster of 1831, mentioned below, will be murdered in 1844 as noted on the first page. Major Rosslewin, or Ross Lewin, is very interesting and will discuss further at the end of this posting.
(From the Limerick Chronicle.)

Six hundred acres of land in Feakle, county Clare, the property of Francis Gore, Esq., are now occupied by cattle driven off different grounds by the Terry Alts.

At Rhinana, county Clare, the insurgents have demolished the gates and walls of Arthur Gloster, Esq., driving out to stray on the road without herd or keeper, 66 bullocks, and 97 sheep. Fifty-seven sheep of George Closter, Esq., were also turned off their pasturage.

Dr. Morris, of Scariff, county Clare, received a notice on Sunday night, to quit his house within a week, otherwise to prepare a coffin. The doctor is a resident there for three years, and of invaluable service to the poor.

On Thursday last, several black cattle grazing at Ballinahinch, county Clare, were driven off by the Terry Alts, who immediately sent in 200 cows, who remained there a few days, when, with a party of the 74th, under the Honourable Lieutenant Curzon, and a magistrate, drove them to the pound of Tulla, where they were discharged on the supposition that the villains would destroy Ballinahinch house.

The priest of a parish near Scariff, on Monday, received a notice of death to surrender a farm of 30 acres, which he lately leased from Counsellor Fitzgibbon Henchy, E.C.; he accordingly obeyed Terry Alt's injunction, and the land in now lying waste.

The Terry Alts have forcibly taken possession of a large quantity of ground at Knocklara, barony of Tulla, the property of Mat. Reddan, Esq., whose gates and piers have been maliciously knocked down. No man in that quarter of the county has evinced more anxiety to relieve the poor, but the mandates of the insurgents admit of no distinction.

The Terry Alts having turned up Mr. Goring's ground at Killura, county Clare, and having gained possession of it feloniously, are now tilling it.

A respectable farmer, named Salmon, near Mount Shannon, was visited by a party of insurgents on Sunday night, who place his head on a block for the purpose of severing it, because he presumed to send his fire arms to the police. One of the party interfered, but destruction is threatened to his habitation.

Wednesday, at an early hour, three men, two of whom had arms [weapons], came into a garden, near the race course of Ballycoree, a mile distant from Ennis, where Mr. Bernard Green had men at work. They beat the man who was ploughing very severely, and swore Mr. Green to give up the ground immediately.

A party of men went on Tuesday night to Ross hill, the residence of Major Rosslewin, late of the 32d. regiment, and demanded his fire arms. With apparent reluctance, Mr. R. handed out a pistol to one of the party, and when the fellow reached out his hand he discharged it at him, and it is supposed desperately wounded him, as blood was traced the following morning to a considerable distance from the house. Mr. Rosslewin with his son then beat off the party, repeatedly firing upon them. If we had a few gentlemen to make such spirited resistance as this, a check would speedily be put to the visits of those men who are disturbing the country.

On Monday, two men dressed in female attire, and well armed, calling themselves Mrs. Alts and Lady Clare, came at mid day, to where a number of men were working for Andrew Stackpoole, Esq., at Ballyalla, near Ennis, and warned them at their peril not to work for less than one shilling a day.

Yesterday, Major Ryan, 50th regiment, was riding in from Clare, when he saw a number of fellows turning up ground near Cratloe-cross. He rode up to them at once, said he was a magistrate, and ordered them to disperse. After some parley they retired, and Major Ryan learned the names of some of those persons.

Tuesday last, seven fellows, all armed, attacked the house of James McNamara, of Ayle, Esq., for arms. Mr. M'Namara was at home, and succeeded in repulsing the assailants.

The houses of Messrs. Brew, O'Donnell, Shannon, Cunningham, Keane and Crowley, in the West of County Clare, have been visited and deprived of arms . . . [ten or so more incidents] . . .

London Packet and New Lloyd's Evening Post, Wednesday, 27 April 1831 (as well as many other British newspapers; all copied from Limerick Chronicle).
LIMERICK, MAY 12. [1831]—As we were going to press, a party of Lancers, with a Commanding Officer and Mr. VOKES at their head, proceeded to Mr. GLOSTER's house outside the North Liberties, to encounter some Terry Alts, who have assembled there for illegal purposes.

Dr. M'MAHON, Catholic Bishop of Killaloe, has gone to reside at Ennis, owing to the threatening notices he has received. A King's ship is daily expected in this river to prevent any intercourse between the insurgents of Clare and the peasantry of this county [Limerick].

In the gaol of Ennis there is, at present, the enormous number of 196 prisoners ! One hundred and forty-three of these are charged with being concerned in the late outrages of the Terry Alts; the remainder are charged with minor offences. Of the entire 196 but one is charged with murder. Fifty-three persons are committed to Ennis gaol for the murder of Sergeant Robinson. Of this number several are fully identified. We have heard that a corporal of the 5th died on Tuesday, at Ennis, of the wounds received at Clondegad.

Much confusion prevailed at the fair at Clonroad on Monday, by the adverse electioneering parties of Mr. O'GORMAN MAHON and Mr. M O'CONNELL.

Morning Post, Dublin, Wednesday 18 May 1831
Results of the Special Commission in Clare (by Judge Jebb):
. . . My Lords, but eight days have elapsed since the Commission was opened, and we now can tell what the event has been. The law has triumphed, and the sound-thinking part of the community are inspired with a confidence that peace and tranquility will follow. My lords, on reviewing the events of the past week, in a summary way, I would first revert to the principle on which these prosecutions have been conducted. That principle has been, to spare human life, where we could. And now let me announce what has been the result of the proceedings. Two persons have been capitally convicted, and sentenced to death. Fourteen have pleaded guilty to a capital punishment, and sentence of death has been recorded against them *. Fifty have either pleaded guilty to, or are convicted for transportation offences; and twenty-two, convicted of misdemeanors, have been sentenced to imprisonment [12 months, per other accounts]. Only three have been acquitted. . . .

Freeman's Journal, Monday, 13 June 1831
* While these fourteen men had a "sentence of death recorded against them", in pleading guilty at the persuasion of their attorney, Daniel O'Connell, I'm fairly certain they would be transported to Australia for life. Judge Moore stated during their trial, "You have severally pleaded guilty to a crime which forfeits your lives and you submitted to the law. We don't pronounce sentence of death upon you, but we record it, leaving your fate to the clemency of the crown" (London Evening Standard, 14 June 1831). These men can be found on the convict shipping records, they were not executed. This is a different interpretation than I had formed in reading "Agrarian Conflict in Clare", linked above, which stated that 14 men were "to be hanged". I believe only two men, and none of the fourteen who pled guilty, were actually executed.

The summary of the Special Commission totals 91 individuals. While only three were acquitted at the Special Commission, clearly many of the 143 prisoners noted to have been at Ennis gaol "with being concerned in the late outrages of the Terry Alts", per the Morning Post of the 18th of May, were released prior to the Special Commission in Ennis.
One of the largest vessels ever seen in the harbour of Cove, arrived there on the 3d instant, to take out all the convicts at present in the hulks, as well as the produce of the Special Commission in Ennis.

The Cork Reporter of Saturday, states, that the 14 men sentenced to transportation [most likely, those that pled guilty to a capital offense, to avoid execution], at Ennis, were that day put on board the convict ship at Cove.

Mayo Constitution, Monday, 13 June 1831
We feel great pleasure in being able to mention that no outrage has been reported to us since our impression of Thursday. That a calm has been effected by the Commission, there is no doubt; we sincerely hope it may be permanent.—The Right Rev. Dr. McMahon returned to his house on Saturday—a pretty good proof that the fears he entertained of his flock have been dissipated.

Cork Constitution, Thursday, 16 June 1831
It was surprising to me that the Right Rev. Dr. Patrick McMahon felt threatened enough to move from his "country home" to Ennis during the Terry Alt violence of 1831. I failed to discover where the Bishop of Killaloe (diocese) was living at the time (I don't believe it was Killaloe Parish). Would also be interested to know the name of the priest in the Parish of Scariff, who after being threatened by Terry Alts, gave up his 30 acres of land. Clearly there was not much trust between the Catholic clergy and those involved in Terry Alt violence. Most of the Terry Alts who were convicted were of the laborer class (from the convict ship records), and not of the farming class. In 1831, there would be few records of this laborer class other than the Catholic baptism and marriage records. Given the apparent distrust and dislike of the Terry Alt movement of the Catholic clergy, I could see why the Terry Alts would be anxious that a listing of names in a mysterious book kept by the parish priest, might one day fall into the hands of the authorities. Perhaps it is not too surprising that many of these early parish records, such as Kilnoe (Bodyke) Parish which starts in late 1832, and Feakle Parish which starts in 1860, have not survived.

John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, was born in February 1833 per the 1900 census, only two years after the Terry Alt violence of 1831. When he returned in 1892 to County Clare, what would remain of his old childhood home?


In 1831, the Major Rosslewin, noted in the above 27th of April news article to have bravely fought back against the Terry Alts, was a veteran of the Peninsula and Waterloo campaigns. He died in Clare over a decade later:
Major Henry Rosslewin died on the 27th ult., at his seat, Rosshall [Rosshill], county Clare. This distinguished officer was present at eleven actions and sieges, and was wounded in the last and decisive attack on Clausel's position at the battle of Salamanca. He was a magistrate of the county Clare.

Freeman's Journal, Wednesday, 3 May 1843
A decade earlier, and even possibly at the time of the 1831 Terry Alt attacks, Major Rosslewin was working on a book:
NAVAL AND MILITARY AUTHORS.— We cannot call to our recollection any season when so many productions of officers in both services have issued from the press, in almost every branch of literature, whether as regards history, geography, voyages, and travels, or works of fiction. It is indeed delightful, in these "piping times of peace," to find our gallant soldiers and sailors emulating each other in presenting their countrymen with the details of their past services. . . . [two or three authors] . . . "The Life of Soldier" is evidently the production of a veteran who has participated in many a well-fought field, and who is familiar with everything pertaining to the "pride, pomp, and circumstances of glorious war." His duties have called him into active service in nearly every part of the world, and real scenes and actual adventures have an interest peculiarly their own. It has been whispered to us that this book is the production of Major Ross Lewin, one of the heroes of the Peninsula and Waterloo. . . [more authors] . . .

Norwich Mercury, Saturday, 4 October 1834
The first of the three-volume "The Life of a Soldier" is available for free on google books: ... frontcover

Major Ross Lewin's original three-volume set has been edited down to one volume, "With the Thirty-Second in the Peninsular and Other Campaigns", published in 2010 and is available on amazon, abebooks etc: ... B06XGPP332

The updated version's book cover states "The Experiences of a British Infantry Officer Throughout the Napoleonic Wars" below the book title. Major Henry Ross Lewin was not British, but Anglo-Irish, but I suppose he was an officer in the British infantry. The book description on amazon clarifies his family background, "Like Wellington himself, Ross-Lewin came from a family of Anglo-Irish aristocrats". I was not aware that the Duke of Wellington was born in Ireland (there are no Irish postage stamps commemorating Wellington). ... Wellington

Today, very coincidentally, the British Post Office will issue 12 stamps to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Blackadder, including one with "Big-nose Wellington": ... blackadder ... d-29958666

Sheila, thank you for pointing out the different men named Patrick Hogan, both prominent in Clare politics — one a Minister of Agriculture and the other, a Labour Party member. You stated that the Patrick Hogan in the 1922 photograph was the same fellow in the 1970's photograph based upon his "large nose". I trust your judgment on this identification, but I would never in a million years been able to come to that conclusion since the photos were five decades apart. Plus, it appears to me that all the Irishmen in both photographs, similar to the Irish-born Duke of Wellington, have big noses:

1922: ... cle-no-19/
1970's: ... -in-ennis/

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Sduddy » Wed May 17, 2023 11:37 am

Hi Jimbo

Thank you for that interesting posting on agrarian disturbances in Clare in the 1830s, and thank you for the links to postings to this forum on that subject. A couple of others spring to my mind: one by Paddy Waldron, in Apr. 2018, “O’Kelly family of Cascade Lodge, Lissyneillan”: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6997. Also one by Paddy Casey, in Apr 2008, “Murderers of William Blood in Corofin executed (1832)”: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=204. There are probably others, but your posting is the first regarding the North East of Clare that I can recall seeing on this forum, or anywhere else (I still haven’t read Feakle, by Kieran Sheedy, 1990).

Jimbo, I would be surprised if there was a stamp for the Duke of Wellington. He is supposed to have said “Being born in a stable does not make one a horse”, but I see now that it was Daniel O’Connell who made that remark: ... ellington/. Nevertheless it is generally accepted that Wellington was averse to being called an Irishman. But, apart from his Irishness, or lack of, we know for certain that he called his soldiers “the scum of the earth”: ... the-earth/. It is enough, I think, that the Wellington obelisk still towers over the city of Dublin. It took several decades (from 1817 to 1861) to get enough money together to complete it, even though Wellington was alive most of that time.

The person associated with the Peninsular War best remembered in Ireland, I think, must be Sir John Moore. This was because the poem, The Burial of Sir John Moore After Corunna, was included in the schoolbooks used in Ireland in the early part of the 20th century, and it was long afterwards recited at social gatherings by people who had learned it by heart: ... er-corunna. (It was recited better than any of the versions I can find on youtube). But Sir John Moore will probably be soon forgotten too.


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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by smcarberry » Wed May 17, 2023 11:50 am

It was surprising to me that the Right Rev. Dr. Patrick McMahon felt threatened enough to move from his "country home" to Ennis during the Terry Alt violence of 1831. I failed to discover where the Bishop of Killaloe (diocese) was living at the time (I don't believe it was Killaloe Parish).
A candidate locality for the McMahon land holding in 1831 is the Tithe Applotment entry for Right Rev. Bishop McMahon at Ballyhickey, Clooney: ... ey_tab.htm

My notes failed to yield anything directly on the bishop, but this marriage notice might be useful for learning more by way of his family circle:

New York Herald 30 May 1860
"On Wednesday, Feb. 29, by the Rev. Brinneman, pastor of St. James' church, New York, Mr. D. Farrell, of Dublin City, to Miss Kate Healey, daughter of T. and Jane Healey, and neice [sic] of the late Archbishop Mcmahon [sic], of Clare, and to Rev. C. Healey, and to Rev. M. Healey, and to Rev. C. Fahy, P.P., and the Rev. D. Corbett, P.P., county Clare, Ireland."

At least one more notation of the named clerics being deceased (i.e., Fr. Charles Fahy) should have been done in the notice, but the cramming of all the bride's notables was sufficiently long for the space.

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Jimbo » Thu May 18, 2023 12:11 am

Sharon and Sheila, thanks for the interesting feedback. I should have pointed out that not all the 1831 agrarian violence in my last posting was from East Clare. Major Ross Lewin was from Kildysart. As noted in several of the articles at the Clare Library website, after the Special Commission ended, the remainder of the year was for "clean-up" operations.
On Saturday, Timothy Slattery, suspected of being the person who was wounded by Major Ross-Lewin in the attack on his house, on the 20th of April, was taken up by the very active police stationed at Kildysart. Major Ross-Lewin sent him to Ennis, on the same day.

Dublin Evening Mail, Monday, 1 August 1831
Have doubts whether the Timothy Slattery arrested in 1831 was actually convicted as can find no such record. Plus, two or three fathers in the Kildysart baptism records in the late 1830's and 1840's were named "Timothy Slattery".

The New York marriage newspaper clipping of 1860 noting that Kate Healey was the niece, likely grand-niece, of the late Bishop McMahon of Killaloe, as well as niece to four other priests, including (the late) Rev. Charles Fahy, the Rev. Daniel Corbett, and two Healey priests was informative. Sharon, a search of "Corbett" on this forum led to another of your postings, which noted that
Recently at Abbew View, Thomas CORBETT, brother of Rev. Daniel Corbett, Quin, and nephew of the late Doctor MACMAHON, Bishop of Killaloe, aged 80 years.
Irish World and American Industrial Liberator (New York) 2 Aug 1890
Thomas Corbett and Ellen Molony, had ten children baptized between 1843 and 1860 in Quin-Clooney baptism registers, with a residence of Abbey View. The Rev. Dan Corbett appears as a baptism sponsor for their first born son, Patt Corbett.

The informant on the 1890 civil death record of Thomas Corbett was his son, Daniel Corbett, present at death at Abbey View (Tulla registration, classified as Galway). In the 1901 census, the widow, Ellen Molony Corbett, was living at Creevaghmore townland in Quin: ... 739203.pdf ... e/1086996/

The Rev. Daniel Corbett, late of Well Park, Quin, died on 5 April 1893 at the age of 86 years old. So both Daniel and his brother Thomas, would have been born prior to the 1816 start of the Quin baptism register. Presumably, to be nephews of the Bishop McMahon, their mother must have been a McMahon. ... 707011.pdf
http://www.willcalendars.nationalarchiv ... _00082.pdf

The mother of the Rev. Charles Fahy must also have been a McMahon. Rev. Charles Fahy was a marriage witness in 1823 at two marriages in Door Kilraghtis Parish, adjacent to Clooney-Quin Parish (where the Rev. Fahy was a priest until he left there in April 1825).

1) Patrick Molony, of Ennis, married Betty Power, of Ballyhannon, Doora, in February 1823 (possibly, 16 November 1823) officiated by Bishop M Maxxxx (blurry, but Bishop McMahon); witnesses Rev. Charles Fahy, and Rev. David Kenny, per Doora-Kilraghtis marriage register of 1823-1880.

There are no baptisms for the children of Patrick Molony and Betty Power in the Doora-Kilraghtis baptism register which starts in 1821. Patrick Molony was from Ennis and this is likely where the family lived. The Drumcliff (Ennis) baptism register does not start until March 1841. Having a bishop officiate and two priests as witnesses, would indicate that Patrick Molony of Ennis was of prominence. He likely appears in the newspaper archives and business directories or other records for Ennis.

2) Denis Lynch, of Quin, married Elizabeth Hurley, of Temple (?), in February 1823; witnesses Rev. C. Fahy and (?) McDonagh, per Doora-Kilraghtis marriage register of 1823-1880.

Denis Lynch and Elizabeth Hurley would reside in Quin Parish, where they were the parents of nine children baptized between 1824 and 1844, all with the residence of "Quin", except their first born daughter with a residence of "Crevagh, Quin", per Quin-Clooney baptism register of 1816-1855.

In the Tithe Applotments for Clooney (Bunratty) Parish and Quin Parish, both dated May 1825, there is no Denis Lynch reported as a lessor.

Their son Daniel, born in 1828, must be the 70-year old Daniel Lynch, living in Crevaghbeg in the 1901 census. In the 1911 census, Daniel Lynch was an 82-year old widow, so born about 1828. ... g/1086993/ ... eg/370116/

I reckon we've already come across this Denis Lynch on this thread. In 1843, when Charles George O'Callaghan of Ballinahinch, offered several parcels of his lands up for lease, these included the lands at Carhugar, "late in the possession of Denis Lynch":
Also that part of the said lands of BALLINAHINCH last in the possession of JOHN SCANLAN, and that part of the lands at CARHUGAR, in the Barony of Bunratty, late in the possession of DENIS LYNCH.

* See complete advertisement on page two.

Clare Journal, and Ennis Advertiser, Monday, 20 March 1843
In 1850, Charles George O'Callaghan again advertised to let several of his properties, "from the 25th of March next", but was more descriptive on their location. Both the demesne of Carhugar (129+ acres) and Cragataska (128 + acres) were described as "within 1 mile of the Post Town of Quin" (Clare Journal, and Ennis Advertiser, Thursday, 21 February 1850).

Note: "Carhugar" sounds like a unique name, but there were at least three locations called "Carhugar" in county Clare: in Lahinch, in Quin, and in O'Gonnelloe. An 1855 advertisement to sell the lands of Carhugar gave its location as "situate on the Mail Coach Road, between Lahinch and Miltown Malbay, and within One Mile of the former rising village [Miltown Malbay]" per Clare Journal, and Ennis Advertiser, 9 August 1855.

The Denis Lynch, married to Elizabeth Hurley, and perhaps of some prominence given that the Rev. Charles Fahy was a witness at his marriage, possibly lived at Carhugar, but gave "Quin" as their residence since it was only one mile away. Or, more likely, the Lynch family lived in Quin village, and had possession of the lands at Carhugar. In the 1855 Griffith Valuation, a Denis Lynch was the lessor of Quingardens, Quin Village, plot 9, house 26, house and yard, £1, 5 shillings. The lessor was James Hurley, possibly related to his wife, Elizabeth Hurley.

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Sduddy » Sat May 20, 2023 8:58 am

Hi Jimbo,

Looking at the Doora-Kilraghtis baptisms (1821-1862, 1862-1881), I notice that Charles is a name beloved by the Fahys. I feel sure that Rev. Charles Fahy belongs to this (extended) family.
Griffith’s Valuation lists a Charles Fahy who is leasing land in the townland of Monanoe (from William Armstrong); land with herd’s house in the townland of Knockhogan (from Duchess De Rovigo); land in the townland of Cloonmore (from William Armstrong); house, land, offices, cornmill and kiln (Lot 4a) in the townland of Deerpark (from William Armstrong) – and he is sub-leasing to two tenants there. I think he is the same Charles Fahy as the Charles Fahy who is leasing land in Ballyvonnavaun in Clareabbey parish where a John Fahy is also leasing land (from William Armstrong). There is also a Charles Fahy leasing land (124 acres) jointly with Morgan McInerney, in the townland of Kilmaley, Kilmaley parish. As there is no house on that land, I suspect that this is the same Charles Fahy as the Charles who lived in Deerpark. And I think Charles must be a cousin of Rev. Charles Fahy.

The mention of Betty Power reminded me of Mary Power who married Patrick Lynch, editor of the Irish American (newspaper). Mary died in New York in December 1856, but there was a month’s mind for her in Quin parish chapel in January 1857 which was attended by 22 priests – see “Maiden name of Mrs. Lynch, wife of P. Lynch, Editor”: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7139. Mary Power was a widow when she married Patrick Lynch. Her first husband was Patrick Meehan, as the Doora-Kilraghtis parish marriages show. My transcription mistakenly puts the marriage in 1823, but it was on 24 Feb 1824, as the original shows: ... 8/mode/1up. Their first child, Bridget Meehan, was baptised in Doora-Kilraghtis parish on ? April, 1825; the sponsors were Ambrose Bowels and Ellena Bowles, names that will remind you of your research into the Bowles family : ... 2/mode/1up.


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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Jimbo » Wed May 24, 2023 7:06 am

Hi Sheila,

Yes, I agree that the Rev. Charles Fahy has a very good chance of being from Doora-Kilraghtis parish or at least had extended family living there. Also, Sharon provided an important clue with regards to his uncle, with the discovery of the Right Rev. Bishop McMahon having a land holding at Ballyhickey, Clooney, in the Tithe Applotment book, dated 1 May 1825.

The Rev. Charles Fahy, when parish priest of Tulla Parish, got a brief mention for his efforts to try to resolve the 1831 Terry Alt conflict in North East Clare.
Seven officers and 100 men of the 74th are stationed at Moynoe house, near Scariff, which is converted into a barrack.
Dublin Evening Post, Thursday, 14 April 1831
SURRENDER OF ARMS.—On Thursday night, two guns and a bayonet, taken a short time since from the military stationed in Scariff, were delivered to the Rev. Mr. Fahy, P.P., as a peace-offering on the part of the people of that district. The reverend gentleman had them immediately delivered to Captain Manning, the officer commanding at Maynoe [Moynoe] barracks.
Freeman's Journal, Thursday, 5 May 1831
Still unresolved:
This research into the career path of Rev. Charles Fahy has now created a new mystery. Who was the parish priest of Kilnoe-Tomgraney (Bodyke) from about 1828 to 1831? Will the answer to this question provide any clues as to what happened to the missing Kilnoe-Tomgraney baptism and marriage registers which do not start until late 1832?
In 1828, the Rev. Patrick Tracy was reported as the curate of the Rev. Charles Fahy, the parish priest of Tulla Parish. The Schools' Collection on the duchas website stated that the Rev. Tracy became parish priest of Kilnoe-Tomgraney parish in 1832. I searched the newspaper archives for the promotion of the Rev. Tracy to parish priest, in the hope that it would name the priest who he was succeeding. Even with a wide range of years (1828 to 1836), and using Tracy / Treacy / Tracey, I was unsuccessful.

However, a search of "Kilnoe" in the same period brought success and the discovery of a mysterious Rev. J. F. McNamara:

. . . [many names listed] . . .

Per Richard Scott, Esq. Secretary, from Mr. Thos Ryan, churchwarden of Kildysart, county Clare, including the subscription of Daniel O'Grady, Esq. £10.

Per ditto, from Rev. J.F. Macnamara, C. Rector of Tomgrany and Kilnoe, county Clare, including £1 each from the Rev. gentleman, Matthew Reddan, James Caulfied, James Hogan, Richard Power, and Michael O'Brien. £30, 14 shillings, 4 pence.

Dublin Morning Register, Saturday, 22 November 1828

WE, the undersigned Clergy, Magistrates, and Inhabitants of the COUNTY of CLARE, request a MEETING of the Friends of Civil and Religious Liberty, at the COURT-HOUSE, in ENNIS, on SATURDAY, the 9th day of MAY, inst. at Two O'Clock in the Afternoon, to consider the most effectual proceedings to be taken, to forward the collection of the National Tribute to our esteemed and patriotic representative, Daniel O'Connell, Esq. Ennis, 2d May, 1829

. . . [long list of names, including] . . .

J. O'Shaughnessy, RCB (Roman Catholic Bishop)
P. M'Mahon, RCB
T. O'Shaughnessy, RCD
Rev. J. Murphy, PP
Rev. A. Bowells, PP
Rev. C. Fahey, PP
Rev. M. Ready, PP
Rev. M. M'Namara, PP
Rev. J. F. M'Namara, PP
Rev. Daniel Vaughn, PP etc

Dublin Morning Register, Thursday, 7 May 1829
Who was the Rev. J. F. McNamara? A search of the newspaper archives, revealed a Rev. Justin Foley McNamara in County Cork who often made the news. He was very popular in the Parish of Kinsale and known as a "patriotic priest". His widowed sister joined the Sisters of Mercy, and a convent was founded in Kinsale at the request of the Rev. Justin F. McNamara. ... ry-school/ ... tory-1.pdf

However, he was in Cork at the same time as the Rev. J. F. McNamara of Kilnoe Parish, so there were definitely two different McNamara priests with the initials "J. F.". "Justin" does not appear to have been a very popular name for the McNamara's of County Clare, so I reckoned that the "J" stood for either "John" or "James". A search of the newspaper archives of "James F McNamara", with its variants "M'Namara" and "MacNamara", was successful:
County of Clare.
Royal Exchange Assurance Company of London,
James Butler, Esq., commonly called Lord Dunboyne.

PURSUANT to an Order made in this Cause, hearing date the 9th day of Feb. inst., I will, on Monday, the 12th day of March next, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, at my Chambers, on the Inns Quay, Dublin, set up and let, to the highest and best bidder or bidders, for three years pending this Cause, from the 25th day of March next, all that and those . . .
  • . . .

    and also all that part of the Lands of Ballyvannon, called the House Division, containing 51A. 1R. 8P now in the possession of the Rev. James F. Macnamara; . . . Lands of Tullyhara . . .; also that part of the Lands of Ballyvannon, containing 32A. 8P. now in the possession of John Crotty; also, . . .; All which said Lands and Premises are situate near the Town of Scariff, and county of Clare, and in said Order mentioned.

    Dated this 17th day of February, 1832.
    For further particulars application is to be made to Michael Murphy, Esq, the Receiver in this Cause, No. 5, College-green, Dublin. . . [other Dublin attorneys] . . .

    Limerick Chronicle, Wednesday, 7 March 1832
Ballyvannan townland, while "near the Town of Scariff" is located in the civil parish of Tomgraney and the Catholic parish of Kilnoe-Tomgraney. I suspect that the "House Division" of Ballyvannon, was a reference to "Ballyvannon House" which on the old map associated with Griffith Valuation plot numbers was Plot 3. At 1855 Griffith Valuation, Plot 3 was held by James Crotty; lessor "Lord Dunboyne (in Chancery); and had a house rental of £3 (the nicest in the townland befitting a parish priest in 1832); and and land value of £72; total over 84 acres (51 Irish acres per 1832 advertisement x 1.62).

At Griffith Valuation, Plot 4 in Ballyvannan townland was also held by James Crotty, with lessor "Lord Dunboyne (in Chancery)"; Herd's house, office, & land. The GV 52 acres of Plot 4 reconciles to the 32 Irish acres advertised in 1832 multiplied by 1.62.

Ten years later, the ten various properties of James Butler had been let, except only for the lands of the Rev. James F. MacNamara:
County of Clare.
Charles Mulville, Plaintiff,
James Butler, commonly called Lord Dunboyne, Defendant

PURSUANT to the Order made in this Cause, bearing date the 23d day of November, 1841 . . .[similar wording to above] . . . that part of the Lands of BALLYVANNON, as now in the possession and lately held by the Rev. JS. F. MACNAMARA, containing Fifty Acres Irish Plantation Measure, subject to survey, being the Premises in said Order referred to, situate in the barony of Tulla, and County of Clare.—Dated this 2nd day of February, 1842

For further particulars apply to PIERCE CARRICK, Esq. the Receiver in this Cause, Ennis, or to . . .

Clare Journal, and Ennis Advertiser, Thursday, 24 February 1842
Once again, we come across the name of Pierce Carrick, who was murdered in 1846, as noted previously on page one of this thread. While the motive for this murder is fairly clear, the person or people responsible is still a mystery.

"Lately held by the Rev. JS. F. MACNAMARA" in the 1842 advertisement, I believe, meant ten years ago. The Rev. James F. MacNamara was not included in the Catholic Priests of Ireland directory of 1836: ... ndex-1836/

Why for ten years, from 1832 to 1842, were the plaintiffs unsuccessful in letting the 50 Irish acres at Ballyvannon townland held at one time by the Rev. James F. MacNamara?

The property at Ballyvannon in the 1832 advertisement was described as "near the Town of Scariff", but was in Tomgraney civil parish, and in Kilnoe-Tomgraney (Bodyke) Catholic Parish, where we know the Rev. James F. MacNamara was parish priest in 1828 and 1829. And I highly suspect that the Rev. James F. MacNamara was also being referred to in this Terry Alt attack in 1831, as noted in a prior posting:
The priest of a parish near Scariff, on Monday, received a notice of death to surrender a farm of 30 acres, which he lately leased from Counsellor Fitzgibbon Henchy, E.C.; he accordingly obeyed Terry Alt's injunction, and the land in now lying waste.

London Packet and New Lloyd's Evening Post, Wednesday, 27 April 1831
Was the 30 acres, noted above, Irish acres or the statutory acres used at Griffith Valuation? At the time of Griffith Valuation, Plot 5, land only, 30 acres, £21 valuation, was leased by James Crotty, lessor "Lord Dunboyne (in Chancery)", it was part of the combined Plots 3/4/5, with a valuation of £119. Was Plot 5 of Ballyvannon townland in Tomgraney Parish, the farm referred to in the above 1831 news article as having been "lately leased from Counsellor Fitzgibbon Henchy"?

This would only makes sense if there was some connection between "Counsellor Fitzgibbon Henchy" mentioned in the 1831 Terry Alt attacks, and "James Butler, commonly called Lord Dunboyne" mentioned in the 1832 and 1842 advertisements to let the land to the highest bidder.

Searching the British Newspaper Archives revealed that Peter Fitzgibbon Henchy was a famous barrister in Clare, and digging deeper had a connection, or possibly a legal conflict, with Lord Dunboyne:
On Monday the 12th inst at Abergele, by the Rev. Richard Jackson, the Right Hon. Viscount Frankfort de Montmoreney, to Georgiana Frederica, third daughter of Peter Fitzgibbon Henchy, Esq., of Movneu [Moynoe], county of Clare.

Sheffield Independent, Saturday, 31 January 1835
The Dowager Lady Ventry died at her lodgings last evening. The demise of this unfortunate lady will, we hope, enable a respectable citizen and a barrister of great standing and practice to resume his station in society, and entitle him again to take his place in his profession—Mr. Fitzgibbon Henchy. This gentleman's marriage with Lady Ventry, which made him liable for engagements of hers to an enormous amount—and of which he had not the slightest previous conception—eventually rendered it necessary that he should leave his home and country.—Dublin Mail.

Morning Post, Saturday, 21 January 1837
QUERIOT.—We believe Peter Fitzgibbon Henchy, and the far famed Irish barrister who made Ventryloquial love to a voluptuous Irish widdy of rank and vulgarity, is now living in Calais, in snug seclusion. His chief visitors are his daughter, Lady Frankfort, and a military officer. Apropos with his seclusion, "Peter," though not yet quite the hermit, "has suffered his beard to grow to a length that would enrapture Sibthorpe. On dit the hissute addition to his countenance, has forwarded his suite with the maiden sister of a wealthy stockbroker deceased, and that Peter will lead a third spouse soon to the altar. Mr. Henchy, has, we are happy to hear, reclaimed his large estates in the county of Clare, which the results of some unfavourable law-suits jeopardised when he left Dublin.

Satirist; or, the Censor of the Times, London, Sunday, 7 November 1847
Peter Fitzgibbon Henchy, the famed Irish barrister, has returned to his old residence, from Paris, with his family and his daughters, Lady Frankfort and Mrs. Colonel Brooks. Mr. Henchy, after many years of absenteeism from Ireland, is preparing to return to his fine estates in the county of Clare, which have so long been under the careful agency of James Blake Butler, Esq., in whom Mr. Henchy means to continue the management. Mr. Henchy is taking measures to pay off all his obligations, and will, probably, return to the bar in Dublin.

Satirist; or, the Censor of the Times, London, Sunday, 20 February 1848
Jan. 11, at St. Pierre les Calais, Calais, France, at an advanced age, Peter FitzGibbon Henchy, Esq., Q.C. and LL.D., formerly of Merrion-square, Dublin.

Saint James's Chronicle, Tuesday, 16 January 1849
The Landed Estates website has information of the Henchy family of Moynoe, including Peter Fitzgibbon Henchy. Moynoe House was noted above as having been turned into a military barrack for the 74th Regiment during the 1831 Terry Alt conflict for seven officers and 100 men.

With the Satirist newspaper as a source, it is difficult to know what was the truth in the above news articles:

Peter Fitzgibbon Henchy appeared to have been involved in some lawsuits over his estates in Clare. And the above comment "careful agency of James Blake Butler, Esq." appears to show a connection, although this might have been satirical if the two were involved in a lawsuit. When James Blake Butler, commonly called Lord Dunboyne, "succeeded his father he found himself heir to an encumbered estate" according to The Butlers of County Clare by Sir Henry Blackall at the Clare Library website. ... allagh.htm

And at the time of Griffith Valuation, the primary lessor of Ballyvannan townland, was "Lord Dunboyne (in Chancery)". "In Chancery" defined below (source: findmypast, GV definition of terms):
Lands were considered to be 'In Chancery' when they were under the control of the Law Courts and subject to their judgement. This might happen if the lands were in contention between two parties, or if the immediate lessor had died intestate, or there were other reasons for any of the courts to take control of the land.
Although uncertain of the nature of the lawsuit between Peter Fitzgibbon Henchy and Lord Dunboyne, I can come to the conclusion that the Rev. James F. MacNamara was the Catholic priest who, "near Scariff", was threatened with death by the Terry Alts in 1831. And also later in the advertisements to let this land to the highest bidder, as the Rev. James F. MacNamara of Ballyvannon townland, near Scariff, and reported "now in possession" in March 1832 and "lately held" in February 1842.

Since the Rev. James F. MacNamara, parish priest of Kilnoe, was threatened with death by the Terry Alts, I can see why he would not remain in the parish. His likely rapid removal would also explain why the Kilnoe-Tomgraney (Bodyke) parish baptism and marriage records start in late 1832.

Kilnoe-Tomgraney (Bodyke) Parish Priest Timeline (third draft):

1) Rev. Daniel O'Brien (1821 - 1825, his death at age 70). Buried Tuamgraney Churchyard.
2) Rev. Charles Fahey (1825 - 1828, his transfer to Tulla Parish). Buried in Newmarket on Fergus in 1839.
3) Rev. James F. MacNamara (1828 - 1831, until Terry Alt conflict). Later whereabouts unknown.
4) Rev. Patrick Tracy (≈1832 - until his death in 1848). Buried inside Bodyke Church.
5) Rev. John Gleeson (1848 - 1878, his death at age 76). Buried inside Bodyke Church.
6) Rev. Peter Murphy (1878 - 1893, his transfer to Quin Parish). Buried Quin Church.
7) Rev. John Canon McNamara (1893 - 1923, his death at age 76). Bodyke Church Yard.
8 ) Rev. John P. O'Gorman (1923 - 1930, his death at age 68). Bodyke Church Yard.
9) Very Rev. Michael Canon Dinan (1930 - 1949, his death at age ?). Bodyke Church Yard.
10) Rev. Denis Flannery (1949 - 1972, his death at age ≈71). Bodyke Church Yard.

The listing of parish priests on the Schools' Collection on the duchas website doesn't mention the Rev. James F. MacNamara as a parish priest at Kilnoe. They skip from "Father Fahey, P.P. 1827 - 1832" to "Father Tracy", P.P. 1832 - 1848": ... ID=5177626

Was this just a simple mistake? Mistakes are understandable since the Schools' Collection submissions were written in the 1930's, over a hundred years after the 1831 Terry Alt attacks. For example, Father Fahey was parish priest in Kilnoe starting in 1825 (at the death of his predecessor, the Rev. Daniel O'Brien), and not 1827.

Sheila, you previously commented upon the fact that the Kilnoe-Tomgraney parish records are a transcription of the original document, and you "suspect that transcriptions were made not just to preserve, which is so very laudable, but also to launder". So, I also have to wonder if the removal of the Rev. James F. MacNamara from the listing of parish priests from 1821 to 1938 was an effort to "whitewash" their local history. By removing the Rev. James F. MacNamara from their local history, they are also removing the ugly incident of their parish priest having been threatened during the Terry Alt conflict, presumably by his own parishioners, with death over his recent taking of land at Ballyvannon.

And who was the Rev. James F. McNamara, parish priest of Kilnoe between 1828 and 1831 / 1832? He does not appear on the 1836 Catholic directory of Irish priests, so he doesn't appear to have transferred to another parish. His 50 Irish acres, house and land, at Ballyvannon (84 statutory GV acres) was valued at £75 in 1855, so he was a very wealthy man. But he appears to have completely disappeared from the records. Unlike the Bishop Patrick McMahon and the Rev. Charles Fahy, no cousins or nephews or nieces lay claim to the Rev. James F. MacNamara (he is not referenced in later marriage notices or obituaries etc).

Who was the Rev. James F. MacNamara, the missing parish priest of Kilnoe? Speculation, of course, but I have to wonder if he had any family connections to Michael McNamara (≈1810 - 1876) of Derrymore; or to Margaret McNamara Walsh Whelan (≈1800 - 1887) of Ballinahinch; or to Catherine McNamara Walsh (≈1792 - 1881) of Kilnoe/Ballinahinch?

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by smcarberry » Wed May 24, 2023 4:46 pm

,,,who was the Rev. James F. McNamara, parish priest of Kilnoe between 1828 and 1831 / 1832? He does not appear on the 1836 Catholic directory of Irish priests, so he doesn't appear to have transferred to another parish.
Jimbo, FWIW going over my extensive McNamara notes, I also am unable to find a non-Clare location for a priest of that name in that era. However, I also am not finding quickly enough the background on a James McNamara laid to rest 1838 at Quin Abbey. At, in the "Mc" section, this appears: James McNamarra - 17/11/1838 [17 Nov 1828] Ayle, Co. Clare "aged 53, buried at the Abbey of Quin" That's purely speculative as to relevance.

More on point, there is ample documentary evidence that the well-off McNamara family of Ayle had property transactions with Butlers of the lineage that includes those titled Lord Dunboyne in Clare. See two deed transcripts (on the Nick Reddan site) of the late 1700s (with further reference to an untranscribed 1772 deed) in the name of Thady McNamara, at the locations there noted as Ayle and "Style." The 1795 deed refers to townlands: (1) Bunnahow transcribed as Bunnahous, (2) Doon, and (3) Knockatoreen transcribed as Knockatow. Those locations are not contiguous, but the wealthy classes of the 1600s-1700s engaged in land speculation and were not very interested in keeping their land holdings all at one location. It is entirely possible that their successive generations who did stay in one parish or nearby, were dogged by the specter of the earlier, money-driven generations,with even priests not excluded from that difficulty.

Not meaning to indicate this next bit as directly involving Fr. J.F. McNamara, but note that a locally-enforced "hands-off" policy may have factored into the dismal 1851 result of a sale of McNamara land at Ayle:
Boston Pilot 7 June 1851
"The estate of James D. McNamara, of Ayle, county Clare, was put up for sale yesterday, in the Encumbered Court, and only two lots out of eight were sold, the purchaser being W. H. M'Grath, Esq., for [pound sign] 350 and [pound sign] 490..."

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Re: John McNamara, of Barberton, Ohio, returns to County Clare in 1892

Post by Jimbo » Sat May 27, 2023 2:58 am

On Friday, at Ayle, county Clare, the seat of her son, at an advanced age, Mrs. M'Namara, relect of the late James M'Namara, Esq.

Dublin Morning Register, Friday, 2 December 1825
Yesterday, at his residence at Ayle, county Clare, James M'Namara, Esq., aged 53 years. He died full of those joyful hopes which alone can deprive death of its spiritual sting, and the grave of its accustomed victory. His remains will leave Ayle at eight o'clock on Monday morning for interment in the ancient family vault in the Abbey of Quin. He then descends to the tomb of a long line of venerable ancestors, accompanied by the affectionate regret of a numerous acquaintance, to whom a life of benevolence and urbanity had endeared him, by an attachment as lasting and sincere as that usually produced by kindred's closest ties.

Limerick Chronicle, Saturday, 17 November 1838
James McNamara of Ayle (≈1785 - 1838) died without any descendants, so the Ayle estate was passed to James Dillon McNamara (a descendant of the deceased's uncle, Denis McNamara):
At Ayle, county Clare, James M'Namara, Esq. He is succeeded in the ancient and extensive family estates in the county of Clare, by James M'Namara, Esq., second son of the late Dillon M'Namara, Esq., of York-street, Dublin.

Waterford Mail, Saturday, 1 December 1838
Hi Sharon, thanks for searching for James F. McNamara, the missing parish priest of Kilnoe. He is no longer missing! A week ago, I purchased from an on-line seller the three-volume set "Diocese of Killaloe" by Ignatius Murphy. I found it at a very good price, and most importantly from a domestic seller as the books weigh a ton and would have cost a fortune if shipped internationally. The books arrived yesterday; two of the three are in mint condition with original dust jackets; very pleased with my purchase. Checking the index of the 1800-1850 volume, led to the discovery of "Fr. James Finucane McNamara", page 274-5, and to a very fascinating story.

A further search of the British Newspaper Archive revealed that the newspapers often reported McNamara's full name, instead of by initials only. Father Murphy used the Clare Journal as his newspaper source, but the Dublin Evening Post, transcribed below, appears to have the same content (so as not to over-quote a copyrighted book). The aftermath of "the incident" I quote directly from "The Diocese of Killaloe" as his sources include the Killaloe Diocese Archives and Vatican sources.
Application for a Criminal Information against a Roman Catholic Clergyman.

Mr. Bennet K.C., applied for liberty to file a Criminal Information against the Rev. James Finucane Macnamara, a Roman Catholic Clergyman. The application was made on the part of Ben. Annesley Watson, Esq. The affidavit on which the Learned Gentleman moved, stated a variety of circumstances, some few of which he would mention to the Court:—On the 13th of September last Mr. Watson's uncle died, and as it was supposed, had died in the Roman Catholic persuasion. On the 14th Mr. Watson sent to Mr. Macnamara, to say that the family wished him to celebrate mass over the body of the deceased and a messenger was dispatched for that purpose. Mr. Watson was very much surprised to receive this answer from Mr. Macnamara, through a person of the name of Hinchy. "That if he (Mr. Watson), interfered in the removal of the body, he (Mr. Macnamara) would horsewhip him, and that he would attend in the morning, at six o'clock, to celebrate mass." Mr. Watson, although greatly surprised at the message, waited till long after six o'clock, but Mr. Macnamara did not attend. He then departed. Shortly afterwards Mr. Macnamara attended, and said mass, and when the ceremony was over, he also departed. On his way home he was met by Mr. Watson who asked him to breakfast. Mr. Macnamara replied in a cold tone that he did not like to breakfast so early. Mr. Watson said he was much afraid that he had give some offence, but that if an offence had been give it was unintentional. —Mr. Macnamara said that he had some questions to put, and he hoped that they would be answered. He then put some questions which contained some very insulting language, and Mr. Watson refused to answer, and the parties separated. In the evening, Mr. Watson went to dine at the house of a friend, and while there, he received a letter, which was sworn to be in the handwriting of Mr. Macnamara. Mr. Bennet here read the following letter:—
"Sir,—I have been considering the propriety of treating you as a gentleman ought to be treated, and have come to the determination of affording you an opportunity of proving which of the two qualities, of coward or ruffian, you excel in. I will for your plenary chastisement, be with my friend in the Holy Island, at seven o'clock, A.M. on to-morrow, and have the honor to be.

"To Benjamin Annesley Watson, Esq."
That letter was sworn to be in the hand-writing of Mr. Macnamara, and it was also sworn that it was sent to Mr. Watson for the purpose of inducing him to fight a duel.

Court—Take a conditional rule.

Dublin Evening Post, Tuesday, 23 November 1830
The Rev. James Finucane M'Namara, of the County of Clare, against whom a Conditional Order is granted by the Court of King's Bench, at the suit of Mr. Benjamin Annesley Watson, has been placed under suspension by the Bishop.

Cork Constitution, Tuesday, 14 December 1830
"The reason for the challenge was unclear" wrote Fr. Ignatius Murphy, as "Watson's conduct on the occasion appears to have been impeccably correct".
Watson dropped his civil court action but the bishop's suspension remained in force. McNamara wrote a long rambling letter to Propaganda in August 1831 in which he claimed that the challenge to a duel had been a joke that misfired. But he did admit that he had compounded his troubles by telling Bishop MacMahon that he had not written the challenge received by Watson. Propaganda then wrote to Bishop MacMahon giving him authority to lift the suspension on McNamara. The bishop, for his part, decided not to exercise this option and allowed the suspension to remain in place. Although he was only in his mid thirties McNamara probably died within a few years. Dermot F. Gleeson [see below footnote 62] has recorded a local tradition about a parish priest in penal times who was alleged to have been suspended for challenging a local magistrate to a duel. Although the dating is inaccurate this was certainly McNamara. According to the tradition this priest was buried at dead of night in the chapel by a group of parishioners who defied the new parish priest [Rev. Patrick Tracy]—a strange funeral but an attempt to give priestly burial to a 'silenced' priest. When the new church in Tuamgraney was opened in 1893 McNamara's body was exhumed and reinterred without any monument in the south corner of the new church grounds. (62)

footnote 62 sources included: Clare Journal; Ennis Chronicle; Archives of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide (Rome), both "Irlanda" and "Lettere" subsections; Dermot F. Gleeson, "Tuamgraney Parish" in Molua 1954, 60; Killaloe Diocesan Archive, Bodyke Parish Notes.

The Diocese of Killaloe, 1800-1850, by Ignatius Murphy, Four Courts Press, 1992
Ignatius Murphy describes that when an Irish bishop wished to express his displeasure in a priest's conduct, he would typically have him moved to a poorer and less desirable parish. But the most severe sanction was 'suspensio a divinis', which prohibited the exercise of the priestly ministry, as was the case with the Rev. James Finucane McNamara of Kilnoe Parish. ... l_penalty)

Per Murphy, "deprived of any regular income, life could be extremely difficult unless they had independent means". The Rev. James Finucane MacNamara may have had independent means. In early 1832, as noted in my last posting, the Rev. James F. MacNamara was in possession of "part of the Lands of Ballyvannon, called the House Division, containing 51A. 1R. 8P". I am fairly certain that these 51 Irish acres were the 84 Griffith Valuation acres of Plot 3 in Ballyvannan townland, house and land valued at £75.

I also still believe that during the Terry Alt conflict of 1831, the unnamed priest, "near Scariff", who had taken lands of an evicted farmer, and was threatened with death, was the Rev. James Finucane MacNamara. The fact that MacNamara was a suspended priest, may have alleviated any qualms of the Terry Alts about threatening a priest.

The Kilnoe parish listing at the School's Collection at the duchas website skipped over the Rev. James Finucane MacNamara, as noted previously. Also, newly discovered "Bodyke in History" by John S. Kelly, M.A., a publication of the East Clare Heritage Center, mentions "Father Patrick Treacy the then Parish Priest (1830-1848)". By beginning his term in 1830, it also skips over the dueling Catholic priest. ... istory.pdf ... tions.html

The new church, referenced in the above article, built in 1844 by the Rev. Patrick Tracy, was in Bodyke, and not the old church in Tomgraney built in 1812, where the Rev. James Finucane McNamara was secretly buried, and then moved in 1893 to the new church in Tomgraney. "The Diocese of Killaloe, 1800-1850" includes "Appendix 1: Chapels and Churches built between 1800 and 1850" with lots of details which is helpful to sort out the various churches, often more than one in a parish.

"Appendix 4: Baptism and Marriage Register" provides for each parish the beginning date for both baptisms and marriages. "The information in this appendix was supplied by parish priests of the various parishes in response to a questionnaire sent out in November 1991". Bodyke (Kilnoe-Tomgraney) starts in November 1832 for both baptisms and marriages. I suspect that the disappearance of any pre-1832 registers has more to do with the suspension of the Rev. James Finucane McNamara in 1830/1831 than with the Terry Alt conflict of 1831 (my prior theory).

While the Rev. James Finucane McNamara was unceremoniously buried inside old Tomgraney church, than re-buried in the new Tomgraney church, sadly without even a marker, and in the 20th century appears to be frequently passed over in local parish histories, Father Ignatius Murphy in "The Diocese of Killaloe" appears to delight in the story of Rev. James Finucane McNamara's suspension. He includes the story, pretty much verbatim, both in the 1800-1850, and 1850-1904 volumes. The Rev. Charles Fahey also gets a mention as the nephew of Bishop Patrick McMahon.

Highly recommend the three-volume set of "The Diocese of Killaloe" by Father Ignatius Murphy. As in the case of the Rev. James Finucane McNamara, he doesn't appear to hold back with what might be considered embarrassing incidents in the diocese. His subsequent discussion of three priests suspended due to "solicitation in confession" was shocking (and hopefully will encourage a visit to the library or the purchase of his book). I've also read his chapters on the selecting of adjutor bishops which invariably were very political and full of controversy with claims of nepotism etc.
Who was the Rev. James F. MacNamara, the missing parish priest of Kilnoe? Speculation, of course, but I have to wonder if he had any family connections to Michael McNamara (≈1810 - 1876) of Derrymore; or to Margaret McNamara Walsh Whelan (≈1800 - 1887 of Ballinahinch; or to Catherine McNamara Walsh (≈1792 - 1881) of Kilnoe/Ballinahinch?
The Rev. James Finucane MacNamara (born ≈1800, died ≈1835, give or take a few years) is unlikely to have any connection to the McNamara's of Derrymore or Ballinahinch or Kilnoe townlands. In the Clare Past forum, the poster "Jim" back in September 2016 wonders if the Rev. James Finucane, Parish Priest of Kilmurry Ibrickane 1788-1809, had any connection to the dueling priest. I reckon this would be more likely.


The Benjamin Annesley Walker, a Protestant landlord who innocently enough tried to arrange a Catholic priest at the funeral of his Catholic uncle, and in so doing received the wrath of the Rev. James Finucane McNamara, appears to be the ancestor discussed in the Roots Chat forum "Trying to Trace the Watson Family" by his Australian descendants. There is a brief mention of the 1830 duel. ... c=777090.0

One forum commentator provided that Thomas Watson, son of Benjamin Watson of Ballyvannon, married Honora Halloran, at Feakle Church on 26 February 1849 (a pre-1864 Protestant marriage). ... 396531.pdf

Thomas Watson at 1855 Griffith Valuation held Plot 1 in Ballyvannan townland; lessor "Lord Dunboyne (in Chancery)", 140 acres, valued at £84. His father, Benjamin Annesley Watson, and the Rev. James Finucane McNamara, must have been neighbors in 1830 when McNamara tried to induce Watson into a duel on Holy Island. The reason why the Rev. James Finucane McNamara wanted to challenge Benjamin Annesley Watson to a duel remains a mystery, but also why did he choose Holy Island in Lough Derg as the location?

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